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April 29, 2010
Drug trafficking arrests increase
The North Dakota Highway
Patrol (NDHP) says it's experienc-
ing a substantial increase in the
amount of drug trafficking arrests
made by state troopers during
recent months.
Troopers have a history of suc-
cess with detecting and arresting
personal use narcotics violators,
according to the NDHP. But detect-
ing larger quantities of drugs and
drug currency moving across state
highways is a greater challenge,
according to the agency.
Drug trafficking refers to the sale
and distribution of illegal drugs.
During the past 19 months, state
troopers discovered approximately
20 pounds of marijuana, V2 pound of
methamphetamine and seized over
$5,000 of drug-related money dur-
ing the 12-month-time period of
September 2008 through August
2009. From August 2009 through
March 2010, they have seized over
216 pounds of marijuana, 7 pounds
of methamphetamine, and over
$50,000 of drug money.
Arrests for drug possession with
intent to deliver are also on the
increase. State troopers have made
49 arrests for intent to deliver viola-
tions since September 2008. Over
half of these 49 delivery charges
were made during the past six
Much of the agency's drug .inter-
diction stems from specialized
training that the troopers have been
receiving. This training is com-
bined with cooperative efforts
between law enforcement agencies.
"The troopers are getting zeroed
in and are starting to hit their inter-
diction stride," said NDHP
Lieutenant Jody Skogen. "Subtle
clues that were overlooked in the
past are now setting off warning
bells, and those warning bells often
signal the end of the road for drug
users and traffickers alike."
State troopers are not doing any-
thing different than what they have
always done, according to the
NDHP. While traffic enforcement
has proven to be one of the most
effective means of increasing traffic
safety, it also serves as an effective
means of both deterring crime and
detecting criminal activity.
"These drug and currency
seizures are being made by troopers
who are performing their primary
functions of traffic enforcement and
commumtY policing," said NDHP
Colonel James Prochniak. "Traffic
safety will continue to be the pri-
mary mission of the Highway
Patrol. We will remain vigilant and
do our part to keep North Dakota
roadways and communities safe."
The NDHP has a K-9 (trained
dog) program that further enhances
the agency's drug interdiction abili-
ties. The program consists of nine
K-9 teams across North Dakota.
Last year these teams logged 159
narcotic searches, 32 school search-
es, 29 safety talks, five tracks for
missing or fleeing subjects and two
evidence searches. The K-9 teams
accounted for 83 misdemeanor
arrests and 27 felony arrests during
It's officially spring - tractors and
various farming equipment needed for
spring planting are visible in the fields
- a great sight after the winter season!
Welcome home, Levi Nistler!
Everyone rejoices that you are home
and hope you are enjoying the warm
temps we're having.
Doris Berger, who has been in
Dallas, Texas, with her daughter and
family, flew to Bismarck, and her sis-
ter, Kay Ann Finneman, brought her
back to Golva.
The Bemice Kreitinger family was
in Jamestown last weekend when
Rose Kreitinger was inducted into the
Softball Hall of Fame.
Gerald Hardy, Gary Hardy's uncle,
passed away in California this last
Josie Maus has been visiting her
mother, Sarah Maus of Beach, and her
sister Anna and Andy Moe.
Rick Stoveland was the holder of
the winning raffle ticket for the Polaris
4-wheeler given away at the pancake
supper held last Saturday at the Fire
Hall in Golva. Some of the other win-
ners were Mark Howard, winning the
rifle, and Susan Sarsland, who won
the $1,000 savings bond,.
The rummage sale at the Golva
church was a success and much was
Bob and Beth Nistler of Golva, and
Ed and Marilyn Nistler of Beach
attended the baptism of the baby
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Nistler, held in Bismarck last Sunday.
Chris is the son of Ed and Marilyn.
Please call 872-3633 if you have
news. This column will be longer if
you do.
Overnight success comes after
many days of hard work.
April 28, 1960:
Tescher was guest of honor
Mrs. M. C. Tescher of Sentinel
Butte was a guest of honor at the
N.D. Mother of the Year banquet,
held at the Municipal Country Club
in Bismarck last Saturday, April 23.
Tescher was one of the candi-
dates for this honor, representing
Golden Valley County. Attending
the dinner with her were daughters,
Mrs. A1 Lang of Bismarck, and Mrs.
District nurses meet at Beach
Fourteen registered nurses from
Dickinson and Beach attended the
Badlands District Nurses
Association meeting at Beach last
Sunday afternoon at Dr. Bush's
lodge. The prografia was given by
Mrs. Richard Savoye, who was a
flight nurse during the past war in
Europe. She showed colored slides
of scenic spots on the continent.
Sister Friedagard, mother superi-
or at St. Joseph's Hospital,
Dickinson, gave a report of a meet-
ing she attended in Jamestown,
which was a mass disaster Civil
Defense School, and dealt with
teaching nurses how to handle situa-
tions in case of aft emergency.
April 21, 1960:
Short asks for resolution
Rep. Don L. Short said recently
he has introduced a concuffent reso-
lution asking President Eisenhower
to proclaim 1961 as the year of the
Dakota Territory Centennial.
In a wire from Washington, Short
said, "Establishment of a territorial
government for this area in 1861
was one of the milestones in
America's history and symbolized
the growing strength of the pio-
neer's westward travels."
Short said a proclamation by the
president will fittingly commemo-
rate the early day history of the ter-
ritory. He said there was little doubt
the resolution will be approved
Woody's Feed & Grain
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Equipment in N.D. tracks quakes worldwide
By Richard Volesky
FAIRFIELD - Minutes after
earthquakes hit elsewhere in the
world, they are picked up by a seis-
mic station in the Fairfield area.
Such was the case with the mag-
nitude 8.8 quake that hit Chile in
February. The Fairfield station reg-
istered the Chile quake 13 minutes
after it happened. January's 7.0
quake in Haiti was recorded in
North Dakota about 7 minutes later.
The Fairfield station is one of 30
broadband seismic stations located
in underground vaults in the state.
They are located approximately in
every other county, with other sta-
tions in southwestern North Dakota
being located in the Manning,
Amidon and Regent areas.
The stations are part of a project
known as the EarthScope
Transportable Seismic Array that cov-
ers the continental U.S., according to
Fred Anderson, a geologist with the
North Dakota Geological Survey.
The array is designed to increase
the knowledge and understanding
of local, regional and worldwide
seismology, and information about
earthquake occurrence and proba-
bilities in seismically quiet conti-
nental interiors, said Anderson.
Typically, the distant earthquakes
that can be recorded in the state will
be those that have a magnitude 5.0
or greater.
"The amount of data (collected)
will keep scientists busy for years to
come," said Anderson.
The earthquakes in other coun-
tries are too distant to be felt by
people in North Dakota, but pro-
duce enough energy to be can be
detected by the array. The energy
moves out from an earthquake's
epicenter in a manner similar to the
result of dropping a pebble in a
pond, explained Anderson.
Most of the monitoring stations
in North Dakota were installed in
2009, and will be removed in 2011.
Monitoring during this two-year
timeframe will be all that's needed,
said Anderson. Data collected is to
be analyzed at data management
centers in California and
Washington D.C.
The monitoring equipment is
transportable and will likely be
moved to Minnesota and
One monitoring station - in the
Maddock area - will be left in place
as a part of a reference network. The
Maddock station is located in a good
area geographically, said Anderson.
During previous years, there have
been 16 earthquakes that originated
or were felt in North Dakota, five of
which have been actually verified.
Huff Hills, south of Bismarck, expe-
rienced a magnitude 4.4 in 1968.
As a means of studying North
Dakota tremors further, the North
Dakota Geological Survey wel-
comes calls from residents when
they believe they have felt an earth-
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Answering Your Equipment Needs
We have enjoyed walking out-
side. We are looking forward to the
spring flowers.
Thursday began with Mass in the
chapel at 9 a.m. We did our muscle
strengthening and weight-liffing exer-
cises, then Steve took us downtown
for our shopping and appointments.
During our activity time we made
invitations for our tea. Our hair was
done by Gloria Hendry, Marlene
Muruato, and Lois Ferebee - our
faithful ladies. Our hair and laundry
room is progressing and in a couple of
weeks it will look brand new.
We enjoyed coffee in the afternoon
and had devotions in the evening led
by members of First Lutheran Church.
Eileen Buchholz led our exercises on
Saturday morning. Shirley Lamont's
funeral was held in the chapel in the
afternoon. Loretta Tescher brought
crocuses several times for us and visit-
ed Lorraine. Frances Kress came for
Shirley Lamont's service and visited
Marie HoUar.
Sunday morning, Word and
Communion was held in the
chapel. The Bell Ringers from First
Lutheran Church came and enter-
tained us for the afternoon. Gwen
Lorenz, Jan Johnson from sentinel
Butte, Arlys KLrkpatrick and Gene
and Arlene Schmeling came to lis-
ten to the ringers. Bill Johnson had
Mr. and Mrs. Brockmeyer and
Wilma Hayden as dinner quests.
Monday morning, Resident
Council was held in the activity
room. The Catholic church ladies
came to play bingo with us.
Tuesday morning, we did our
exercises, followed by Adoration.
At 2 p.m., Linda Cook came with
the bus for a trip to Sentinel Butte.
Our first stop was to Doubloons for
ice cream before we headed down
the highway. We enjoyed picking
crocuses on Indian Hill. The weath-
er was wonderful, and we enjoyed
being outside. Later, Pastor
Hojnacki led devotions, and Gloria
Ueckert was the pianist.
Wednesday morning from 9 a.m.
to noon, the county health nurse
came to see us. In the afternoon we
made gifts for the tea event. Eileen
Buchholz's guests from Antelope,
Mont., were Rose, Keith and Bertha
Our last meeting was held April 15, meeting at the Back in Beach, we held a short meeting to fill in
ambulance building and carpooling to the greenhouses vacancies for all our summer projects, as well as plan-
of Ardyth Barbour near Wibaux. Seeing all her hard ning for the upcoming plant sale.
work turning into beautiful, growing plants really gave A delicious lunch was served by Janie Rathbun, Pat
us the "itch" to get our hands dirty in the gardens! Thompson and Loft Koppinger.
who died last June in a car accident.
"That was the deal that he had with
his mom," Ron Finneman said, refer-
ring to his son's plan to donate his hair
to the Locks of Love program.
Matthew's waist-length hair was
so long because it was the first time
he had it cut.
(Continued from Page 1)
"Matthew had never wanted to
cut his hair because our dad had
long hair," said Jesseaca Finneman,
who is Matthew's sister.
"Throughout Matthew's life our
mom and Matthew had always
talked about if he were to cut his
hair that he would donate it to Locks
of Love. Unfortunately our mother
passed away before she was ever
able to see it done. We are very
proud of Matthew ..."
For making the donation,
Matthew was recognized with a cit-
izenship award certificate from his
elementary school.
Don and Rella Abernethy trav-
eled to Fargo on Friday and attend-
ed the birthday party of a great-
Jim and Marj Wyckoff drove to
Dickinson on Friday and visited
with their son and :family, Tom,
Lynn and Kaitlynn Wyckoff.
Mary Cook, and her daughter,
Judy Mollendor, drove to Dickinson
Saturday, where they picked up
Judy's daughter and son, Marsha
and Hunter Davison, then journeyed
to Bismarck to do some shopping.
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Jane Cook attended an annual
training session at the Chateau de
Mores State Historic Site in Medora
on Saturday.
Marsha and Ron Davison, and
son Hunter from Dickinson, David
and Linda Cook from Beach, Judy
and Terry Mollendor, and Mary
Cook were supper guests at the
home of Jane Cook on Saturday
Don and Rella Abernethy attend-
ed the 20th wedding anniversary of
Rella's sister and brother-in-law,
Marlyn and Gordon Langerud, in
Hawley, Minn., on Sunday.
Jane and Mary Cook traveled to
Dickinson on business Wednesday.
That evening, Jane attended the last
session of "Why Catholic" at the
home of Frances Dietz.
Thought for the week: Work for
the Lord. The pay isn't much, but the
retirement plan is out of this worM.
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