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Page 6 April 29, 2010
Arnold elected
as distr00 st chair
Arnold. an obstetri-
cian/gynecologist at Medcenter
One Dickinson Clinic, has been
elected chairman of District VI of
the American Congress of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
The women's healthcare organi-
zation has more than 47,000 mem-
bers in the western hemisphere.
District VI is one of 11 districts in
the congress and represents seven
Midwest and Northern Plains states
and two Canadian provinces. The
district includes about 4.000 physi-
Arnold is a fellow of the
American Congress of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists
and the American College of
Surgeons. His three-year tenn as
Dr. Thomas Arnold
district chairman begins this fall.
Arnold jfined Medcenter One
Dickinson Clinic in 1988.
The Montana/Dakotas Bureau of
Land Management is seeking pub-
lic nominations for five open posi-
tions on its Dakotas Resource
Advisory Council. which advises
the BLM on public land issues.
The deadline for nom]nations is
May 10. The BLM's Resource
Advisory Councils (RACsL com-
posed of mtizens chosen for their
expertise in natural resource ]ssues.
help the Bureau carry out nts stew-
ardship of 253 million acres of pub-
lic lands. The Bureau has 24 RACs
across the West. where most BLM-
managed land is located. Each
RAC consists of 12 to 15 members
with an interest in public land man-
Individuals may nominate them-
selves or others to serve on an advi-
sory council. Nominees. who must
be residents of tt'te state or states
where the RAC has jurisdiction.
will be evaluated on the basis of
their training, education, and
knowledge of the council's geo-
graphical area. Nominees should
also demonstrate a commitment to
consensus buiMing and collabora-
tive decision making. All nomina-
tions must be accompanied by let-
ters of reference 'from any repre-
sented interests or organizations, a
comp]e,tec, background information
nomirtion lbrm. and an) other
information that speaks to the nOm-
inee's qualifications.
seeks nominations for council
The five RAC posmons open in
the Dakotas are n the following
Category One: Public land
ranchers and representatives of
organizations associated with ener-
gy and mineral development, the
timber industry, mmsportation or
rights-of-way, off-highway vehicle
use and commercial recreation.
- Category Two: Representatives
of nationally or regionally recog-
nized environmental organizations.
archaeological and historical organ-
izations, dispersed recreation activ-
ities, and wild horse and burro
-Category Three:
Representatives of state, county, or
local elected oflice: representatives
and employees of a state agency
responsible for the management of
natural resources: representatives
of Indian tribes within or adjacent
to the area ff)r which the RAC is
organized: representatives and
employees of academic institutions
who are involved m natural sci-
ences: and the public-at-hu'ge. •
A term on a RAC is for three
years. The Dakotas RAC has two
openings in Category One. one
opening m Category Two. and two
openings in Category Three.
Nominat!qps s,13.(mlfj, be sent to
Mark Jacobsen, l[l. Garryowen
Road. Miles City. Mi"''9301. {406
Plans made f)r
Dakota Bull E ession
The 21st annual Dakota Bull
Session XXI, a reunion of former
military veterans, will be held May
7 and 8 at the KC Hall in Devils
The event begins with a Navy
bean feed and registration Friday
afternoon on May 7.
Saturday at 6 p.m., the keynote
address will be delivered by North
Dakota native, Commander Phil
Ringstrom, USN (NC).
The Devils Lake Elks
Community Band will be in concert
followed by a memorial service at 8
p.m. Saturday evening.
For information please call (701
662-7031 or (701) 662-2761.
\\;t4 A'T KI4@
209 Gibson, Glendive, MT
Call 406-377-6963
Gloria Ueckert
(701) 872-4263
IAgri Insurance
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• Universal Life Insurance (70) 872-3075 (home)
Fixed Annuities • Index Annuities 110 Central Ave. South, Beach, ND
(Across from Bank of the West)
IRAs • Long-Term Care Ins.
Rental Assistance Available Immediately
$100 in Beach Bucks with move in/
Paper makers
Michael Brannum, left, and Jake Streitz make paper dur-
ing activities for the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April
22 at the Medora Community Center, The kids were shown
how shredded paper and water that had been mixed in a
blender could once again become a new sheet of paper.
(Photo by Richard Volesky)
Dorgan says VA issue
is being reviewed
U.S. Sen. Byron Dorgan. D-
N.I).. say that Department of
Veterans Affaii's Secretary Eric
Shinseki has assured him that he is
personally monitoring efforts to
find a long-term solution for VA
outpatient medical care in south-
western North Dakota.
Dorgan recently briefed Shinseki':
about the stuation caused by the?
impending closure of the communi-
ty-based outpatient clinic in
Dickinson on May 1.
"q'here are many military veter-
ans in the southwestern part of
North Dakota who depend on the
convenience and proximity of a
community-based outpatient VA
clinic in Dickinson.'" Dorgan said:
"'That's why I briefed the secretary
and asked for his personal attention
to this issue. Dependable health
care lbr our veterans is a top priori-
ty, and I'm very grateful for the sec=
retary's personal attention to the
matter and his willingness to help
find a solution ""
The closure is due to Great
Plains Clinic's decision not to
renew a contract with the VA. The
clinic serves more than 800 veter-
ans in the southwestern part of the
state with medical care.
As an mteri{n measure, the VA
has informed local veterans that they
can request an authorization to
receive pnnmry care services at a pri-
vate sector provider of choice, within
the Dickinson area. or choose to be
reassigned temporarily to another VA
clinic in Bismarck or elsewhere.
Dorgan and thf VA are working
to ensure a contract is in place as
soon as possible between the VA
and another health care manage-
ment group. The VA has posted
solicitations tot new bids and is
expecting several.
Our shed burned to the ground
Our shed burned to the ground and we lost all the
antiques we had. We are now looking for more
antiques. A fair price will be paid for the items we
find. We are looking for old cupboards, dressers,
bookcases, or just about anything oak. It does not
matter what condition they are in as we can restore
them. Please call 1-701-872-1616 or 701-690-1207
or 701-690-8969. Ask for non Lila, or Rachel.
St. John the Baptist Catholic i
Rev. David Richter
Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m.
and 10:30 a.m., Sunday
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
Rev.Scott Hojnacki '
Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m.
Sunday School - 11 : 15 a.m.
First Lutheran Church - ELCA
Sunday School - 8:10 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m.
Beach Evangelical Church
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.
Worship Sunday- 10:45 a.m.
Prayer Service - 6:30 p.m.
United Communi Church
Pastor Wan'en Maxted
Sunday Worship- 9 a.m.
St. Bernard's Catholic Church
hey. Shannon G. Lucht
Saturday Mass: 4 p.m.
Confessiotas: 3:15-3:45 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Confessions: 7:45-8:15 a.m.
St. John's Ukrainian Catholic
Rev. Tetras Miles
Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on first, third
and filth Sundays,
10 a.m. on second and fourth
St. Peter's Lutheran - LCMS
Rev. Scott Hoinacki
Worship Service: Sunday 8 a.m.
Belt]eld Lutheran - ELCA
Rev. Roger Dietetic
Sunday School (,all ages): 9 a.ln.
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.
Daglum Lutheran Church -
Rev. Roger Dieterle
(Located25 miles southeast of
Sunday Worship - 11:45 a.m. on
first and third Sunday
of each month
Belfield Baptist Church
Rev. Robert Hlibichuk
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study: 10 a.m.
Silvernale-Silha Funeral Homes
221 N. Meade Ave. 204 South Wibaux St. 53 1st Avenue S.E.
Glendive, MT 59330 Wibaux, MT 59353 Beach, N.D. 58621
406-377-2622 or 406-796-2421 or 701-872-3232 or
1-800-368-2690 1-800-892 -6424
l'rofessionally managed by Call Sandy
Prairie Homes Management 872-4248
TTY- 1-800-366-6888
Schweitzer, Dorgan ask
for drug pnlcpt program
Following the passage of the drugs from Canada is safe and
comprehensive health reform bill, effective.
Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., and
Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer are
"requesting that the secretary of
health and human services approve a
pilot project allowing North Dakota
and Montana to import lower-priced
prescription drags from Canada.
Dorgan and Schweitzer have
been long-time supporters of allow-
ing Americans to import lower-cost
FDA-approved drugs sold for a
fraction of the price in foreign
The two leaders are proposing a
pilot program for Montana and
North Dakota. which would allow
purchase of medication from
Canadian pharmacies. They say
this could lower prescription drug
costs for consumers by as nmch as
35 to 50 percent
Dorgan and Schweitzer point to
the authority in existing law that
would allow the secretary of health
and human services (HHS) to
develop a pilot program in Montana
and North Dakota to lead the way
for safe drug importation for the
entire country.
The senator and governor made
their proposal to HHS Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius in a letter asking
her to certify that the importation of
New in Belfield!l
New Construction!
303 5th Street NW
(Makaruk Addition)
3 bedroom, 2 bathroom
single-level home
1 ,,396 square feet of living
space plus 766 square feet
of attached garage
For more information, contact
Terry Johnson, 575-8282, Andy
Prociw, 260-2435, Nita Northrop,
290-9595 or any Belfield
Housing Authority member.
"'Canada has a virtually identi-
cal drug safety system 1i)] their pre-
scription drugs, "Dorgan said.
"Therefore, allowing the importa-
tion of FDA-approved medicines
from Canada by registered pharma-
cists, registered wholesalers, or
individuals would allow for a safe.
limited demonstration program
that, if successful, could be expand-
ed to provide relief to millions of
Americans that are currently paying
the highest prices in the world for
prescription drug prices."
relating to Pharmaceutical
Compounding Standards;
Pharmacy technician reinstate-
ment and Identification
, Required for Controlled
North Dakota
State Board of
will hold a public hearing to
address proposed N.D. Admin. Code
Article 61; Chapter 61-02 amended
sections 61-02-01-03 Pharmaceutical
Compounding Standards and new
section 61-02-07.1-13 Pharmacy tech-
nician reinstatement and new section
61-13-01 Identification Required for
Controlled Substances plus tramadol
and carisoprodol.
Candlewood Suites
1831 NDSU Research Park Drive
Fargo, ND
Thurs., May 20, 2010
11:00 a.m. CT
The proposed rules may be reviewed at the
office of the ND State Board of Pharmacy,
1906 E. Broadway, Bismarck. ND 58501 or
Board website
A copy of the proposed rules and/or a regu-
latory analysis may be requested by writing
PO Box 1354, Bismarck,
ND 58502-1354: emailing or calling
701-328-9535. Written or oral comments
on the proposed rules sent to the above
address or telephone number and received
by June 18th, 2010 will be fully consid-
ered. If you plan to attend the public hear-
ing and will need special facilities or assis-
tance relating to a disability, please con-
tact the ND State Board of Pharmacy at the
above telephone number or address at least
two weeks (14 days) prior to the public hear-
Dated this 15th day of April 2010.
Howard C. Anderson, Jr., R.Ph.
Executive Director
Now Open:
Glendive Greenhouse
Hours of operation:
Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Mondays - Closed
Belfieid Church of God
781 Milissa Ave.
Pastors Harold & Marge Sundgren
Thursday, 7 p.m.
St. Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic
Rev. Taras Miles
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m: on
second and fourth
Sundays, and 10 a.m. on first, third
and fifth Sundays
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Rev. David Richter
Mass: 8 a.m., Sunday
Medora Lutheran - ELCA
Rev. Roger Dieterle
Sunday Worship - 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School: 3:30 p.m.,
Union Congregational Church
June, July and August only
Sunday worship - 10:30 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Saturdays 4:00 p.m.
May 3 - end of Oct.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Sunday Worship - 8 a.m.
Trotters Church
1 st and 3rd Sunday of each month
United Methodist Church
Pastor Ruth McKenzie
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Calvary Temple, Assembly of God
Pastor Andy Lain
Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 am.
Trinity Lutheran Church -
Sunday Worship - 11 : 15 a.m.
Christian Fundamental Church
Pastor Jeremy Stradley
Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship-- 11 a.m.
Licensed In North Dakota and Montana
41 Central Ave. South
P.O. Box 970
Beach, North Dakota 58621
Buckboard Inn
Beach ND • 701-872-4794