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April 29, 2010     Golden Valley News
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April 29, 2010
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Page 2 April 29, 2010 Loan program can be . , accessed for storm losses James "Jim" Kramer WIBAUX, Mont. - James "Jim" Krarner; 85; of Wibaux, Mont., passed away, surrounded by his daughters,' grandchildren and great- grandchildren, on Monday, April 19, 2010, at the Eastern Montana Veterans Home in Glendive, Mont. Visitation was held from 2-5 p.m. on Friday, April 23, in the 'Chapel of the Silvernale-Silha Funeral Home in Wibaux and 6-8 p.m. at St. Peter's Catholic Church. A Vigil Service was held at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 23, at St. Peter's 'Catholic' Church in Wibaux. Mass of Christian Burial was held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 24, at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Wibaux with the Rev. Jolly Pathiyamoola offidating. Rite of Committal with military honors took place in the Wibaux Cemetery. Silvernal&Silha Funeral Home of Wibaux was entrusted with the arrangements. Jim was b m'n on Feb. 10, 1925, at the family honie, in Wibaux, the son of Peter and Mary (Spevachik) Kramer. He'atterided grades 1-3 and grades 6-8, at the Been Country School in Wibaux. He attended the Abbey in Richardton for grades 4 and 5 and graduated from Wibaux High School with the class of 1944. He was a star athlete in track, foot- ball and basketball and held a Montana-,state tFack record until the 70s. " :; Jim entered the United States Army in 194'4. He was stationed in the Philippines during World War I1. After 'hi honorable discharge from the military in 1946, he returned to the ranch. Jim married Shirley Mae Bixby in 1948 in South Dakota. The cou- ple had their man')age blessed one year-tater at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Wibaux. Jim again, entered: the United • States Army in 1950, where he served in Koreai: In 1951, after his second daughter was born, Jim was honorably discharged from military service. Jim returned to the ranch and worked his entire life there, never fully retiring. Jim enjoyed visiting with every- one; youngan d old, and always had " fi'disfi'whshr fgll of empty coffee cups. "He' loed to play cards, host : whistlyariies arid truly enjoyed life. 'iNo one was evea stranger to Jim; ,'he "treated everyone equally. His daughters often joked that he ran the first homeless shelter. Jim enjoyed going to auctions aud brag- ging about his bargain of the day. He always paid for everything, but never, quite got around 1o picking • .them all up. He liked reading news- • , ,,  • . " Area death BELFIELD - Funeral services for Duane Arnold Urban, 65, of Taylor, formerly of Belfield, were held on Wednesday, April 21,2010, at the Belfield Lutheran Church. Burial was scheduled at the North Dakota , Veterans Cemetery, Mandan. Duane passed away on April 15 in Richardton. One of the Largest Contiguous Farms on the Plains of Montana. Stevenson Funeral Home Put Your_aMoney I Where• Your House Is loca/ independent . A, strengthen or Jr yoor best v&e _.[' an o.r economy papers, health magazines and watching the news (HLN. CNNL He always staved current with world events and held strong politi- cal views. Jim often proclaimed about being a millionaire eight times over, referring to his eight daughters. He cherished the time that he spent with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They especially enjoyed picking berries together. He loved traveling with his family. Jim was preceded in death by his parents, his wile Shirley. son-in-law Joe Stewart, and one great-grand- daughter, ,Mariah Kn o11. Survivors include his eight daughters: Mary Jo (Jeff) Allen of Miles City, Mont.: Linda (Chuck) Lucero of Great Falls. Mont.; Wendy Billing of Wibaux:Rita (Larry.) Barthel of Billings, Mont.: Judy (Rob) .Bushman of Wibaux: Susan (Ty) Hinek of GroverBeach. Calif.: Tammy Stewart of Little Rock, Ark.: and Joy (Mark) Burman of Glendive; one brother. Donald Kramer of Bismarck: 23 grandchil- dren, Tara, Kylie. Jacie. Cole, Brady, Brett, Jodi. Jam). Waylon. Justin, Chelsey, Mandy Mae. Lane. Robin, Shara Lee. Krista Joy, Jacklyn, Tanner. Tylee. Shelby Jo, Kramer James. Ashlee Mae and Nick Kramer: 14 great-grandchil- dren, Mackenzie. Chase. Cade. Harlow, Bailee. Rylee. Quinn, Ryne, Brand), Brook. Lauryn, Jace, Gabrielle and Bo Marie. sons-in- law: Ron Smith and Bucky Billing, special family friends: Florence Ross and Jim Zinda. A local mefnorial will b select- ed by;the family at.a later dal,. , l Rdmeinbl-ance*s and cdndolences may be shared with the family at: www.silvernale-silhafuneral- home.cona. II  WestchesterAuctions = [ 3% Buyer's Premium (:all For Auction Brochure • 800-607-6888 William P. "Bill" Teeters WIBAUX, Mont. - William P. "Bill" Teeters, 75, of Wibaux, Mont., passed away on Sunday, April 18, 2010, at St. Alex)us Medical Center in Bismarck. Visitation was held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 1-5 p.m., and 6-8 p.m., Thursday, April 22, at the Chapel of the Silvernale-Sitha Funeral Home in Wibaux. A prayer service was held at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 22, at the Chapel of the Silvernale-Silha Funeral Home in Wibaux. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m., Friday, April 23, at the United Methodist Church in Wibaux with the Rev. Ruth McKenzie " officiating. Interment followed in the Wibaux Cemetery. Silvernale-Silha Funeral Home of Wibaux was entrusted with arrangements. Bill was born July 18. 1934. at the Wagner Hospital in Wibaux. the son of Frank Haves and Louise (Galster) Teeters. He was raised on the family homestead north of Wibaux and received his education through the Wibaux public school system. Bill lived his entire life in Wibaux County. On Aug. 31, 1971. he married Karin Marsh in Yakima. Wash. Bill took great pride in working in the oil fields in the early years and during several later oil booms. Beginning at the young age of 6 years, he helped his father farm with tractors• During World War II, Bill received an award for his work farming for the war effort. Bill was a member of the United Methodist Church. He enjoyed woodworking and restoring family STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ] • t J I 218 Airport Road Bismarck, ND Thurs;, May 13, 2010 11:00 a.m. For a complete  Jft"of vlaicles check out our web site at: or call (701) 328-1434 (Hoffman Auction Service - Lie. #1 ) • Excellent Cash Rent & ClIP Income • Great Access for Grain Transportation • 30 Miles Northwest of Miles City • Frontage on Highway 59 866-483- 7900 or 701-483- 7900 23,234* Deeded Acres 1,280+ State Lease,czm Locally Oumed and Family Operated Serving Southwestern North Dakota and Southeastern Montana Funeral Directors Jon Stevenson Nic Stevenson Scott Huffman L.B. Price Tom Muclde "OPEN FOR MOTHER'S DAY " Thursday, May 6 thru the lweekend i .......... 2 THINK SPRING - THINK FLOWERS Hanging baskets, planters or a gift certificate After Mother's Day will be open l" ......... Wednesday-Sunday,10 a.m. to 7 p.m. • ; : potting Parties will be held May 15 & 16. Granny's Bloomers • ' Ardyth Barbour 171 Yates Rd. E. Wibaux, MT 59353 '- 406-796-2330 antiques. His idea of a vacation was a trip to the far side of the pasture. watching as new life was born. He ' truly enjoyed being out on the farm and participating in everything that went on there. In later years. Bill enjoyed scoot- er rides through downtown Wibaux. He accepted the realities of the lim- itations his aging years brought, and he adjusted his life accordingly. Bill is rvived by his wife of 38 years. Karin Teeters of Wibaux: his son, William Frank "Billy" Teeters Farlners in Golden Valley and Billings counties who suffered physical and production losses because of a severe winter storm that occurred Jan. 20 through Jan. 25, 2010, may now apply for Farnl Service Agency emergency loans, farm Loan Manager Wanda J. Hoherz says'. The time allowed to file loan applications is eight months. For farmers in the two counties, this means the deadline for applications to be filed is Oct. 26, 2010. Although the authority fi)r emer- gency loan processing has been given, all potential emergency loan applicants must be aware that they will be unable to complete an appli- cation for loan processing until after all information for their farm opera- tion pertaining to actual physical losses and production losses, disas- ter paylnents, to crop insurance benefits, and any other Cl"Op produc- tion compensation, is available and can be documented. Hotlerz said farmers who suf- fered a qualifying production loss of at least 30 percent froln normal and are unable to get credit else- where may apply for reduced inter- est loans to cover up to 100 percent of their losses. The loans carry a 3.75-percent interest rate. To quali- fy for physical losses, there does not have to be a qualifying loss amount. Farmers who think they are eli- gible may apply for assistance at the FSA County Office at 2493 4th Ave. West. Room A. Dickinson. N.D. Oilseed Council elects representatives Sunflower district elections were held in District VI1. electing Art Ridl of Dickinson to his second three-year term on the North Dakota Oilseed Council Board. of Wibaux: his daughter. Mary "'Ridl will also serve as a board Helen Urlacher and her husband Gregg of Regent; his grandchildren. Shelbie Teeters, Stetson Urlachcn'. Bailey Urlacher. and Jayce Jurgens: and his sister. Marjorie Begger of Chandler, Ariz. Remembrances and condolences may be shared with the family at www.silvernale-silha funeral- home .com. member on the National Sunflower Association Board. The Oilseed Council administers the North Dakota farmer check-off for sunflower, crambe, canola and flax. The council contracts with the National Sunflower Association to implement promotion and research programs. District VII includes the counties of McKenzie, Dunn. Mercer, Olive. Stark/Billings, Golden Valley. Slope, Hettinger Bowman. Adams. Grant• Sioux and Morton. Elected or appointed as sun- flower representatives in the follow- mg counties were: Art Ridl. Dickinson (Stark); L)nn Selle. Hall)day IDunnl: Gary Knell. Hazen (Mercer): Bill Kessel. Dickinson (Billings): Eileen Good)john. Beach (Golden Valley); Miles Hansen. Bowman (Slope): Kevin Hilton. Bowman (Bowman): Steve Wegner, Reeder (Adams); Mike Volk. Selfridge (Sioux): and Ross Schroeder. New Salem (Morton). II • . [ Farmers Union Oil Co. 701-872-4471 Interstate Cenex 701-872-3590 i t" , . " . \\;lllr/ . .... . HOTSI'Uffl Hot Stuff Pizza P I Z Z  8 • 701- 72-3190 )n tim 2600y North i That's a ei'ecte t seven times." lic across reads them. I've been - Dr. Wayne Sanstead Thursday T-storms 55/37 Friday T-storms Saturday Sunday Monday Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Tuesday Partly Cloudy Wednesday Partly Cloudy 52/35 52/36 51/39 55/40 54/38 58/41 Precip Chance: 40% Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 20% Precip Clmnce: 10% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 10% What is brontophobia? ? ........................ L., f i t 1 I