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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 27, 1944     Golden Valley News
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April 27, 1944
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/, PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ~ursday, April 27, Don't Mi Beach Senior Class Play, Apr. 2 "His Ozark Cousin" at 8 P. M. Presented Again by Request. Auditorium. Adm. 40 & LOCAL NEWS Items o~ Interest picked up here and there by ouJ~ News reporters. We are always glad to get your news items. PHONE 89 k Dale Hess of Sentinel Butte was a Beach shoppe~r on Monday. Rev. D. J. MacTavish was a Dickinson caller on Wednesday. Miss Delores Bellinont was a weekend caller in Glendive. Roy Ha!stead states that the city ~rport is now officially open. ~, Miss Katherine Uetz has been on the sick 1L~t for the past week. Mrs. Rozina Fasching and daugh- ~r Sally were Dickinson callers on J Monday. t ,Amy and LoL~ Storkel of WibauxI ~ere Beach shoppers on Mondayt of this week. I Mr. ~md Mrs. Bud Jason of 6outh Heart, Beach business callers on Monday of this week. Victor Renstrom of the south country was a Beach business caller on Monday. E. J, Higgirm of Golva was a Beach visitor on Monday of this week. Miss Ethel Kippley returned Sun- day morning from Billings, Mont., where she has spent the past week. M. J. Ristuben of Beach left i Wednesday for Fargo, where he Will spend a few days on business. Mrs. Breneese and Edna Shrine of Wibaux were Beach callers on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. John Schilct °of Glendive was a Beach visitor on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Kremers of Golva were Beach callers Thursday of last week. Mrs. Dason and daughter Arlene of Miles City were Beach callers on Thursday of last week. Rev. Dissen returned Thursday evening from Bismarck, where hei attended a state conference of the German Lutheran churches. Glendive visitors in Beach on Thursday of last week w~ere Mrs. C. W. Baker and daughter Jean, and Mrs. ~chumacher. Mr. and Mrs. Vint Wallace of Glendive arrived Friday to spend a few days with Mrs. W. Wallace and Mrs. Stoddard. Mrs. Gerry Samso~ of Belfield was a Beach caller on Friday, re- ceiving medical attention. Mrs. Pierce of Glendive is spend- ing a few days at the Olaf Rishovd home. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce of Glendive are spending a few days in Beach visiting. Henry Allen of Sentinel ButteI was a Beach caller on Friday of last week. ! Mrs. Herman Storkel of Carlyle was a Beach caller on Friday of last week. The 'Misses Shirley Kukowski, Mercene Carlson and JoJo Wallace were Dickinson callers on Saturday. Mrs. Marvel NeLson was a Glen- dive caller on Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorna Stamen of Dickinson were Beach callers on Friday and Saturday.. Mrs. John Hinkle of Medora wa.~ a Sunday caller m Beach receiv- ing medical attention. Judge James Donaldson left Sun- day for Bismarck, where he will spend a few days on business. Mrs. John Moody and' grand- daughter of Glendive were Beach shoppers on Tuesday. Mrs. Calvin Dempsey of Sentinel Butte was a Beach shopper on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Frank Jelinski and daugh- ter of St. Philip were Beach shop- pers on Tuesday of this week. Miss Mabel Early left for James- town Tuesday, where she, will at- tend a telephone conference. Mrs. William Burns of Wibaux was a Beach shopper Wednesday. Mrs. John Tschida of Golva was a Beach caller on Wednesday. Pfe. Gerald T. Gilman arrived Wednesday from Camp Hale, Colo. to spend a 15-day furlough with his wife and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Fasching of the south country were Beach business callers on Monday of this week. A seven lb. baby daughter was born to Lieut. and Mrs. Lawrence Kukowski April 13 at the N. P. Hosplta~ in Glendive. Mrs. Sophia Kremers returned Thursday to her home in Fargo after spending a week visiting her :son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kremers. Cpl. Alexander C. Allen was re- cently promoted to that rating, "Somewhere in England." Alexan- der is with the 19aratroopers and hhs been in England for over a month. E INEV'S 4Z.. '"' in Non-Rotioned SHOES ~OUR PLAYMATES THIS SUMMEK 2.98 Porous tabrie uppers] with wear-resistant la, l minated soles! Colors~ and styles galore you 11t) lo~,e to wear! Beautifully Styled' FOR DRESS WEAR!, 3"49 Handsome fabric up. pers with wear-worthy laminated soles. Stun- ning pumps with phia or sling backs, pert trimming, too! A t:lghf/n CMnc There's a good, old baseball maxim That i~ true of life, al well; -., And it ought to be adopted By the folks who try to tell Whether fortune will be better In the days that lie ahead, Or be full of disappointments And unhappiness, instead. It's a mighty helpful doctrine For a man to contemplate ~-~--'-"-" When he's facing loss or failure, Whether trivial or great; It will give him hope and courage; It will show him at a glance ~That you never are defeated ~:7 While you have a fighting chance. Any baseball star will tell you That he plays to get the breaks-- Bearing down just so much harder -~ In the face of bad mistakes; And he wins a lot of ball games, For he knows beyond a doubt That "a game is never ended Till the final man is outl" / x. J Mrs. Zeno Farr returned Tuesday from Portland, Ore. to spend a few weeks in Beach visiting friends and relatives. The Social Hour Club will meet with Mrs. Lewis Odland, Jr. Tues- day May 2. Roll call will be cur- rent events. Mrs. Imogene Adams left Wed- nesday for her home in Fargo after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Zeno Farr. Mrs. John Kalkman left l~'lday for Jamestown, where she will spend a few days visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wicka arrived the latter part of the week from Seattle, Wash. to visit at their par- ental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zinda and daughter Frances of St. Philips we~e Beach callers Friday of last week. Mrs. Eunice Rodgers left Friday for her home in Billings after spending a few days with her son Charles Slocomb, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Halstead, Gor- don Olson, James Doerner and William Shenko were Dickinson callers on Saturday. : Mrs. Ed Stull returned Tuesday from Glendive, after submitting to an operation at the N. P. Hospital. "Mrs. L. B. Heath of Forsythe, Mont. has spent the past week in Beach visiting at the Ed Stull home. Mrs. H. B. Conley of Forsythe, Mont. was a Beach caller on Mon- day and Tuesday receiving medical attention. Mrs. Olive Nutter returned last week from Midvale, Utah, where she has spent some time visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Marie Conway stopped in Beach Sunday to visit Mrs. H. W. Blair before returning to Yakima, Wash., where she is employed'in a selective service office. Mrs. Fay Corkran of Sidney spent a few days with her brother ant sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Marman, returning to her home on Monday evening. Pfc. and Mrs. Keith McConnell and daughter Mary Ann spent a day with C. J. Matecjek of Beach before returning to Dyersburg, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Niece of Beach are the Proud parents of a baby boy, born to them at the John- stone Memorial Hospital Sunday, April 23. Mrs. Niece is the former Dolly Theisen. Sgt. Albert Gilman returned to his camp at San Bernadino, Calif. Friday after spending a ten day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gilman. Mrs. Albert Gil- man returned to her home in Dickinson. The grip of bureaucracy is tight- ening on the farm. A subsidy which most independent farmers do not want, is forced on them. Some "farmers feel that the farm 'subsidy is a political expediment to hold the price of food below its production costs, at the expense of the taxpayer, at a time when the consumer is best able to pay the Itrue cost of food. As the subsidy program increases its hold on the farmer, he becomes less and less a free man, and the government grows in its position to overlord him. This Is indeed a "new order" for the United States. RATION CALENDAR Sugar--Stamps No. 30 and 30 (Book IV) good for 5 pounds in- definitely. Stamp No. 40 (Book IV) good for 5 pounds canning sugar through February 28, 1945. A maxi- mum of 20 pounds additional can- ning sugar per person may be had by application to your local War Price and Rationing Board. Me~ts and Fats---Red Stamps 8A through 8M (Book IV) valid in- definitely. Red Stamps 8N, 8P and 8Q (Book IV) valid April 23 for an indefinite period. Processed Foods---Blue Stamps 8A through 8K (Book IV) valid in- definitely. Five more stamps will become valid May 1. Shoes---Stamp No. 18 (Book I) expires April 30. Airplane Stamp No. 1 (Book III) good for one pair of shoes indefinitely. Airplane Stamp No. 2 (Book III) valid May 1 for an indefinite period. Fuel Oil--Period Four and Five coupons good for ten gallons per unit through August 31. Stoves---Applications for purchase certificates on all gas, oil or coal heating and cooking stoves must be made to local War Price and Rationing Beards. Gasoline---A-11 coupons good for 3 gallons each through June 21. B~ and B3, and C2 and C3 supple- mental ration coupons good for five gallons each. For your pro- tection against the black market, the rationing rules now require every car owner to write his lice~e number and state immediately on all gasoline coupons in his pos- session. Tire Inspections---Truck Inspec- tions must be made every 6 months or five thousand miles, whichever occurs first. V Hospital Notes Hospitalized during the past week at the Johnstone Memorial Hos- pital were: Mrs. R. L. Johnston, Alpha, and Joe Johnstone, Beach, April 18-20, and Victor Jablonski, Beach, April 18-19. Bert "Mogle, Beach, and Sofus Holthe, also Beach, were hospitaliz- ed April 19, and left April 22 and 23, respectively. Richard Allen, Beach, was hospitalized April 20, and went home the next day. Bert Palmer, Beach, came in April 21 and left April 24. On April 22, Lee Wyckoff, Wi- baux, John Berg, Jr. Sentinel Butte, and George Flecher, Sentinel Butte, came into the hospital. Mr. Berg left the next day. Miss Ednm Kono, Beach, was hos- pitalized April 23. April 24, Albert Schrom, and Mrs. B. J. Majerus, Golva, and Mrs, Lizzie Ruts, Beach, came into the hospital. Tonsillectomies were performed April 23 on "Mrs. Ed Meyer, and Larry Turnbull, Beach. April 23: a 7 lb. 5 oz. girl wa,, born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Morrison, Ollie; a 6 lb. 14½ oz. boy to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, Beach; and a 6 lb. 5½ oz. boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kreit- inger, Golva, April 25. One of the easiest and best ways to Obtain more potatoes per acre is through the use of sound, healthy seed potatoes. Mr. and Mrs. Vint Wallace left Sunday for their home in Glendive after spending a few days visiting at the homes of Mrs. Stoddard and Mrs. W. Wallace. Mrs. George Richmond recently submitted to an operation at the N. P. Hospital in Glendive and is reported as doing as nicely as can be expected. Mrs. Anna Harp of Wibaux was .~la Beach visitor on Thursday of llast week. While in town she also I renewed her subscription to the Golden Valley News. Mrs Charles Potter formerly % Dorotiw Hollenbeck, arrived Thurs- day mormng from Ketchikan, Alaska to spend a week at her par- ental home m Sentinel Butte. WAR BONDS will back up mvn who are backing you up! Mrs. P. J. Edkins left evening for Boise, Idaho, where will spend a week visiting with 11~ son, Lieut. William Edkins of tl~ Army Air Corps, who is stationed at Gowlen Field, Idaho. Alton Shipman of Towner arrW* ed in Beach Thursday evening visit his father, Fred Shipman, his brother, Staff Sergeant Shipman. He returned morning, expecting to report atFt Snelling for induction into tl~ armed services June lst.. V CARD OF- THANKS I wish to thank the many ! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlson ar- neighbors and friends who ',rived on Thursday of last week willingly helped me last Wedn~' from St. Paul, Minn., where Re- day night when my barn bur~01 bert has been stationed. They plan down. £~ was only through to make their home in Beach. i help that the sheep shed Mrs. Carlson is the former Ruby chicken coop were saved. Hathaway. i C O Carlson, CRISP-JUI~ WASHINGTON WINESAPS ~ PEAS -:~:~ 1 lb. 15¢ CARROTS 2 bchs. 1 ~¢ ASPARAGUS | lb. 19¢ NEW POTATOES 3 Ibs. ~¢ fi!ilm ii i e0 . Iii i !!ii ~iiiiiiiiii!iU!@t ! ASK FOR CANNING SUOAR APPLICATION FORM WE HAVE THEM! SUGAR GOODY GOODY IT'S NATIONAL. BABY WEEK! il BE SURE AND V ii RED OWL'S BABY FOOD DEPT CLAPP'S BABY FOOD STRAINED 4 ~/~.OZ. P~¢ (1 POINT) CAN &" BABY FOOD ,--YSHOMO OEN~Z~D (1 POINT) MAP. MILK LAND O' LAKES (1 POINT) 3CANsTALL 29¢ CREAM OF WHEAT S MINUTE 2S.OZ[~¢ OR RRGULAR PKG. SWAN SOAP ~o. ~v-s ta~ROE Iil1( RZ~ ~¢ TEICD~R- SKIM B~ J'~ BAR CLAPP'S CEREAL FOOD oR "STANT 25' ~OATMEAL WII~EX ~ o~ BO~LE 14' GLASS CLEANER OLD DUTC 2 ~,,s IS' CLEANSERCI~:SES DIRT BOTTLE 19¢ CLEANSES CRYSTAL WHITE IOLB. GRANULATED BAG Serve Red Owl Cof(~_ ECONOMY AND TASTE ZNJOyMglq~ FOR HARVEST QUEEN ~,: 27C RICH AND FULL-BODIED DEPENDON ~L. BAG MILD AND FRAGRANT STREUSEL TOPPED BEANS No 2.o2 POINTS CAN~ MERRILL CUT GREEN OR WAX DICED BEETS ,. LARSEN'S BRAND (2 SOUP MIX 3 BETTY CROCKER'S VRG, NOODLE BLACK TEA I/ -LB.PKO. LAKELAND BR~'D DOG FOOD MORTON'S KIBBIE~ WAX PAPER i,.O0,ROLL LAKELAND BRAND BLAND LARD SWIFT'S BRAND--NO POINTS t PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 "~ 20' 2 ~" CAKES CAKES EAK A BREAKFAST I mlAPE.FO S A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAy 9 12-OZ. PKGS. GIANT l$-OZ. ': DUZ GRANULATED SOAP =--- DUZ EVERY- PKG. ~.~'~ THING ~ GAUZE TOILET TISSUE 6 25' AND ROLLS INEXPENSIVE (4 POINTS) LB. YOUR GOVERNMENT NEEDS WASTE PAPER -- SAVE IT!