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April 27, 1944 |
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ii, !
M nday
I Mrs. Ed Qualle was .a Tuesday
dinner guest" of Mrs. Joe Strietz.
' Washington, D.C. Mrs. Wm. Scherle ar~ Paul were
: Beach shoppers Friday.
i The backstage fight over who is Mrs. Inga Cs, rlson was a guest
¢~o dn, ect the deferment of essential at the Lloyd Yates home Sunday.
~¢ar workers is approaching white Mr. and Mrs. Math Ganzer were
~heat. It is being waged between cer- Dickinson shoppers Tuesday.
~ain of the biggest war chiefs in Miss Mary Tibor spent the week-
Washington, having developed into end at her home in Hebron.
.a row between the army-navy, Mrs. Paul Wischow visited Mrs.
;WPB boss Donald Nelson, his vice Bert Waldal Tuesday afternoon.
ichairman Charley Wilson, and Paul Harry Oison was a business caller
,McNutt. in town Monday.
Only the White House will be able James Rathbun left Tuesday for
~o straighten otrt the tangle. Camp Farragut, Idaho after spend-
Trouble began when Undersecre- trig a leave at his home here. SOMEWHERE IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC---If your laundry was
:tary of War Patterson and the army E.R. Kennedy hasn't been feel- late last week, it's because the boys in service are being taken care of
proposed that the question of indus- ing well for several days. He con- first. Now available only to the armed forces, laundry washers of the
trial draft deferments be placed in sulted a doctor Sunday. type used by professional laundries back home, make swell bath tubs
too. Fireman 2/c Robert Loving, Cincinnati, Ohio, watches two of his
~he hands of the Production Execu- Mrs. Andy Wright was a dinner buddies enjoying a welcomed bath. And you must admit it's good,
We committee of which WPB Vice guest and visitor of Mrs. Susie "clean" fun!
~ghairman Charley Wilson is chief. Goldsberry Tuesday.
The army-navy, which started out Helen Hovland was a Sunday
,~y trying to cut Wilson's throat, now~
loves him, but continues to hate evening visitor at the Walter Allen Walter Allen recently purchased Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan are
home. the farm where the Calvin Damp- moving to the Boisen house, which
Donald Nelson. So their recom-
xnendation of Wilson to handle draft Mrs. Byron Hogoboom and Peggy seys lived and will move on it in they recently purchased. They have
.deferments was a slap at Nelson. called on Mrs. Victor Carlson on the near future, sold their house to someone from
Nelson immediately slapped back. Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom Wibaux, who will move it there in
He and War Manpower Commis- Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold and were Sunday evening supper guests the near future.
sinner Paul McNutt went to the family visited at the Norman of Milo Hogoboom and son Maurice Mrs. Joe Strietz was hostess to
White House and told the President Haugse home Sunday afternoon, at Alpha. St. Mary's Altar Society at her
W~hat industrial deferments were the Ed Oison and Pvt. Raymond Mrs. Inga Carlson was a Dickin- home on Thursday afternoon. A
lob of the War Manpower commis- Franzen were supper guests at son business caller Wednesday, delicious lunch was served by the
sinner. In fact, McNutt hinted that, the Viq Johnson home Friday. where she consulted an eye spec- hostess, of which several guests
if the President didn't consider the Mrs. Vera Wassmann spent Tues- ialist, also partook.
War Manpower commission compe- day visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold, Mr. Word has been received here that
~ent to handle the question, he could Dietz. and Mrs. Vic Johnson and Mike Mr. and Mrs. Jr. Hall are the
another Manpower Commis- Mrs. Joe Downs visited her Theisen were Beach shoppers Sat- proud parents of a baby daughter,
,~ioner. daughter, Mrs. Russell Brown on urday afternoon. Liane LaRayne, born at the Glen-
~ald Nelson baeked ahim up. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Math Tescher, Mrs. Joe dive hospital on April 20th. Con-
,~minoe this meant taking the defer- Bert Waldal went to Bismarck Strietz, Mrs. Ray Zinsli and Pauline gratulations are extended them.
ent job away from Nelson's own Monday, where he expects to con- and Mrs. Elmer Rost and Bonnie Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk-
i War Production board, it was a stilt physicians, were Beach shoppers Friday. patrick and family, Mrs. Armstrong
:.dL-ect slap at Charley Wilson. Nel. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders visit- Mrs. Olga Lardy and Marion and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
i..$on even went further and indicated ed their respective parents at Bel- spent the weekend in Wibaux as Franzen and family and Mr. and
Wilson and the Production field Sunday. guests of Miss MarJorie Pierce and Mrs. Pete Tescher and family were
'il~b:ecutive committee were con- Bill McCarty was up from his Miss Ann Fessenmeir. Sunday afternoon visitors at the
1,~rolled by the army.
Mare Civilian Goods? ranch on the river on business here Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull, Mrs. Bud Meyers ranch, where they
This row over essential war- Friday. Irene ,Miller and Mrs. Arvid Abra- branded horses.
!vlorker deferments also has brought Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zinsll and ham of Beach were callers in town Otto Petersille received the sad
lbo Hght another important inside de- family were Sunday dinner guests Wednesday afternoon, news Monday that his
~lbate over reconversion for civilian at the Leonard Trester home. At the Congregational Church Max, had passed away in Madison
ilproduction. Chief battlers in this row ~ Alice Knopp was a supper next Sunday, Sunday School and WIS. on Sunday. Mr. Petersilie wa:
i are Nelson and Wilson, with the guest at the Ray Zinsll home on church services will be combined, unable to attend the funeral sel:- rooting for Wilson. " Tuesday. Come and bring the family. The vices. Sincere sympathy is ex-
Wilson would like to begin produc- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tescher and ~ime is 2:00 P.M. tended Mr. Petersllie in his be-
:~ion of 200,000 automobiles soon, but family were Sunday dinner guests Pvt. Raymond Franzen arrived reavement.
:Neiso~ flatly opposes. Aside from at the George Franzen home. Friday from Camp Roberts, Calif. --V
~autos, however, Wilson does not Mrs. John Brown and Mrs. May [o spend a furlough with his par- VICTORY VOLUNTEERS
~favor getting back into too much Fisher called on Mrs. Charles ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Franzen, WILL HELP ON FARMS
.civilian production any time soon. Johnson Monday afternoon, and other relatives and friends.
"To study the problem, he appointed Mrs. Helen Hovland entertained Mrs. B. Eide Van Vleet and Thousands of North Dakota
.a committee to formulate a policy members of the Catholic Study daughter, Roberta June arrived school-age boys and girls are being
on reconversion--which brought no Club at her home Monday evening. Tuesday from Richardton to take depended on again in 1944 to
enthusiasm at all from his nominal
Lorraine and Wayne Pendleton, over duties as permanent depot "pinch-hit" on farms of the state
,boss, D. Nelson, who disbanded the Kay Wright and Betty and Mary agent here. to see that the food needed to
committee. Lou Armstrong spent the weekend Bob Hall returned from Butte, win the war is produced and har-
Nelson's cancellation, in turn, at their respective homes. Mont. Thursday, where he passed vested.
roused the ire of General Lucius Bob Johnson and Carl Scherlelhis exams for entrance into the E.J. Haslerud, director of NDAC
'Clay, General Somervell's chief pro- returned to Reed Point, Mont.,after Navy. He will spend a 21 day fur- extension service, has recently ad-
ductlon man, and Clay is now
threatening to appoint an army-navy having ,spent Sunday at their lough before being sworn in. dressed a statement to parents of
committee to study reconversion homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner, Mrs. town boys and girls, explaining why
and make Wilson its head. Bonnie Rost accompanied her Ted Rink and Beverly, and Mr. and farms are in such urgent need of
Behind this Nelson-Wilson row grandparents to Medora Sunday, Mrs. Paul Wischow and boys at- help and giving information on the
over reconversion is the basic con- where she was a dinner guest at tended the show in Beach Sunday "Victory Farm Volunteer" plan.
flict between big business and little the Arnold Rost home. evening. "I know that you are proud that
business. Big business doesn't want Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fasching of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rost enter- your son or daughter desires to
any reconversion until it is finished Wibaux and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall rained at a 6:30 dinner Sunday for work on a farm in 1944," Director
with its war orders and, at present, were visitors at the Paul Wagner
it is chock-a-block with war orders, home Thursday evening. ! Mr. and Mrs. Christ l~st, Mr. and Haslerud said. "You have a right
Mrs. Carl Rost and Darrell and Mr. to be proud, for .this is a very prac-
On the other hand, little business, Mrs. Mary Hess and daughters~ and Mrs. John Schlect and daugh- tical way for any young person to
which didn't get so many war or- of Beach were Sunday evening sup- : ters, all of Ollie, Mont., and Mr. show his patriotism."
ders, would like to begin right now per guests of Mrs. Marie Hess and and Mrs. Allie Ferrell and family County extension agents are sup-
making alarm clocks, electric irons, Dolores.
bicycles and a lot of small stuff Mrs. Nell Hogoboom, Mrs. Paul of Cabin Creek, and Pvt. Clinton plying school superintendents and
which the public needs. Big bust- Wagner and Mrs. Ted Rink were Rost of Camp Roberts, Calif. principals- with information on
ness, however, doesn't want little guests of Mrs. Paul Wischow on
~usiness to get a head start. Thursday afternoon.
Lu this row, Nelson sides with little Ed Cook and children were Sun-
~ess. His friends also claim day afternoon and suDper guests at i
tha~t Wilson favors the big business the home of his parents, Mr. and l
viewpoint and wants to wait until Mrs. Phil Cook ~t Westerheim. I
the war is over, so everybody can
line up at the starter's tape and get Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson and! : *
an equal start. The army sides Mr. and Mr& Rudy Kunick were
tv~ Wilson and big business for business callers in Medora on Wed-
fear 4:he seeond front may take more nesday, away for Mother's Day II
production than we realize. Mrs. Hazel Reed and Mrs. Ed *
'!those are the issues. Meanwhile, Cook left Tuesday for Portland,
-- insiders, especially the army, Ore. to uttend the funeral of Mrs. BUTT~RUGE D Jt
are out again to get Nelson's scalp. Reed's brother-in-law, who passed
• * * away on Monday.
ARMY FURLOUGHS Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kennedy re-
Y o u n g Congressman Henry celved word last week that their
C'Scoop") Jackson of Washington son Bernard, who is a pharmacist
has Just been mustered out of the in the army, left New York for
army to go back to congress. One overseas duty.
of his first acts after getting into Mrs. Larry Colbreese (the for-
civilian clothes was to call on Lieu- met Norma Schultz) arrived Wed-
tenant General McNair, head of nesday from Columbus, Mont. to
army ground forces, and effect a
spend a couple of days visiting here
major change in handling men about and at Beach while her husband
,~o go overseas.
He toldMcNatrthatonebiggripe is taking his physical exam for EVERYBODY KNOWS
~f the boys was that they often got the Navy.
mo chance to visit their homes ,
~rk)re being shipped abroad. All
~nen were given seven-day furloughs
regardless of where they lived -- there's a war on---our aim
even if their homes were on the
West Coast and they were in camp is to make you forget