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April 24, 1941 |
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FSA Ann u cces 101d Brick Build I~our will meet next Tuesday, Waldo Bolke of Medora was a Be-ac-£
] ARI{ ' I g " April 29 at the h°me °f Mrs' ?" C" visitor and business caUer Tuesday °f
tge. ~t lhts week. Mr. Bolke informs the
Associations To Ira- in Is Torn Down is Current E, ents. News that he plans to open ,the
ments which are now being built over the early part of May and in the
~r~- ~- La-~'--- r~ ..... (~ [ Th~ one story brick building which MiI1er's Grocery store are being rush- me.~n ~ime expects to do ~ome repair
2aY01rt, ~#l~tV~ [~:!][||| l~|lll]['~ t stood on the lot just west of the ed to completion. Ed Just-sen is in work and considerable changing in She
Beach Hotel has been.torn down by charge of the carpenter work whichdance hall and dining room.
--~-~~l~.Ji~lLik_Ttj Mrs. L. B. Reager and daughter
_j AND Appointment of John Vesecky,', Delo Logan who purchased the build- will take several ~eeks to finish.
AIIN 0 former national president of the iing recenth, from A. G. Nistler, wh9 State game warden .Ion Norstog of lelt the first of the week for her
9-fo0t ~1[ ~i~ ][~, tire Uniont to a position in the co-t The building was last used as a Sur-~ i.erday afternoon. Mr. Norstog re-there by the serLous illness of her
lick-l~ operative leasing field of the Depart- i plus Commodities room but has been ports that he has made several arrests lather, Mr. Thomas Powell, who has
• engiP~ merit of A~ri:'ulture program wns t vacant the past. year or more. It was in Billings "rod Golden Valley counties been seriously ill the. past week or
esidenet i announced by Cal. A. Ward, director bu'lt for a land olfice, and has been'of state tam,- law violators and from more
__~ I 1 ~ of the 1%.rm SecurityAdministra- ~ occupied by several of Beach's attor- t now on nlans to visi~ our community ~ 18 in 27 in 30 in 36 in white silk
ce Cream, PoD, Candy and ............
Hon inRegion Seven accordin to nevs in pas~ years °lad at one tllTlelm( ~ntt oattan I.~,,,~ t~-;Im.,~ ~h,..~ ~.1..~
• , g , ~ . • • i~_lte often ............ a~s ..................... ~,,.
~om e l- .~ Rober~C Klausmann Count psi, was occupied by the late Pat Birm- ,. - -- -~ ~ ~., .,.. ..~ ~.~ x~r ~.~ ~r~ ~,~¢~n r~,~f~,, ,~,,r~e
• ' Y • ' i Mr ado lvl/'s r ,o ~,~ig~ v~, ~.-w, .... ................ S ........ t,u.. ,~..,,,..-
pur~ .-~. Stmer~sor %r Golden Valle Court lingam who opened his firstbarber~ ....... •
~ - " ' ~ Y -, ' , Englandwere ~aoekend visitor, with tamed several of the teachers of the
~ ,~fLare'es ~,. ,~ , shop in Beach in that location i ? ~' " " "
~- . . . t ...................... "'--it'- their son Steve Sleight and family.Lmcoln grade school faculty at a s~x
deliV¢.-_ t.~ t~coueraL, ve leasmg associations, • ~vax. x~ugan pmn~ rt> .use ~v or c~, They returned to their homo Mort- o'clock dinner at their home Wed-
aimed to improve tenure security andIto ao some repair worz anti mign~ ..... ,~. noe~o,, ,,r,~*,i,',,, ,',f lo,,'~ ,.,,coy
~weet, ~r- " • " ........ d~ -m,,-,,u ..... ,.,~ ~.e...-~ ............
land use, and to assure small farmers I also Go some DUlICIlIlg. ! u~.y ~u~tn~b. _ .........
h •
ere Friends Meet To Eat now, .................. '
deevlopment. Most activity will cent. I FIRST INTER-STATE POLO GAME,
er m the problem areas "of the Da-I Plans are near eempletJon for a l
; i~ kotas and Nebraska, and in some{polo game in which the Pierre Polo:
go N,~ Kansas counties. Ward said l club representing South Dakota, and
', ELMER'S PLACE Ward said Vesecky's experience as I the Arabmn Polo Club. representing i
national head of a powerful farm or-INorth Dakota, will meet for the first l
M~ss Carrie Lazz has accepted work Framers ,
' " . Union ,and his many years [ held on Fort Lincoln field in Bis- ~ ~
at the Cozy Cat° havmg started the~e of farm~
I , " ] 'ng and leadership in farm [marck on Memorial Day. The Pierre{ |
• Dissen left Tuer.a,,, ,,f I last week. cooperatives, qualify him to assist I team has the credit of being the best ~ ~ ~ • = ll? *= 1111" ~=/ 3111~
Sap, N D. wheer-~h'e at'l SCotty Donaldson motored to Col-l Farm Security in rendering real ser- team in the middle west, having de- :t | une auto vam[v ~ulrror w.n 1~- ,
. terence m~o,,g~*~ ...... ox me" ~l umbus, N. D., las Saturday to spend, vice. to hard-pressed farm families in l teated the Fort Shelling team last ~=| J
. .;~ DPe Synod of his ~ _ I the weekend at the home of his wife'3 th~s region season twzce. ~f the Arabmn club can ~ |,-~. .~, , ,.~ ~-~ ,-~ • •.
H~a was a speaker ;nurt~;Iparents. Mrs. Donaldson and her sis-I "In this" newly emphasized phaseibeat Pierre. it wil! be a big boost for~ ~ .lq~|/"lP ~~" ',',,ne-,m. ~
st .~.;,~ednesday evenin- .. i ter Miss Doris Johnson who have ~of our program offering further self- I polo in the state,t I ut uta ass l,r ,J su su |
, • *'~S'e Thursday ni~hg: tie I been visiting there the p~st week re-i help to farm famllies struggling to I Playing on the Arabian team are ! ~
J Sl]~nberg left he="~---~ turned here with Scotty Sunday. ', stay 'with the land, our first contacts { J. Wilbur Anne°r, Montie Annear, i| ~'~:| .A ,n~w~ w~s~n-. 'tb=.,~'~ ' |
'~;:][' this ,,,,~u , x uemaay Mr ~nd Mr.~ "lbert Kaasen and{will be principally with county ecru l Percy MeClenahan Btll Hablut~zel I | ' ~LFII t:IILII Yll I~Pd~ll5 LIlY ~
-~ mr 1 ....... " . . - ' ' l t.) ,
h ¢3 asgow m~smoners and other county and state Pete Kmapp. and l~y and Howard
P~" e started w ..... 'daughter stopped here last Saturday t ~ -t . ,l
l~geti ger of the p ~o aso,~: {morning from Riehey, Mont., enroute officials together with other key eiti- [$ehnell. ~ I _ _ _2 ..... !
-~ursd .... erm ......'to Bismarck and had a short visit'zens inland use planning," Wardl Governor MOSES willthrow in the I. ~k/.|... ,f M;**I*.w* ." ~ ~ a*
! ~1 p,~._evenmg of. last lwith , said " I first ball to start this game. t | YglLItUU ~l ~Vl/it llJ1 . . , . .q~V~l/ ~
l ~.'.,~y xoree laeld a l ........... The new program launched by the " .... t| ' ' '~"
~-far Karl an ........ Mr. and Mrs. Chas Carlson enter- } - - " : . ,,
i" -~ gtlCCe~ '~- t,au w~nea I t~i,,led a "umber of friends at it i Department of Agriculture wiil large-| J. P. Reeve was flown from Minot i . -- . . . ~. ar . . , ¢'4 : -a . . I.
~U ~11~. ~ ,- ";.~"t ,as wor~. lseven o'clock dinner and whls" allly be concerned with county ownedIlaSt weeekend transacting business I I lam t d .-.. I,~m~t~d gnnnl~rl .!
-=~ .... a~ m. white silk~ ........ _ , 7. i lands anti land • controlledh~, lena t r '~fftn All white shoe °learner ~e| I ~uu~t~.~.,u ~a~ta~ . . ~t~na~t~.~.~ ~jUtVl~XT • '
"J~'hme~, ~t~. ..... ! me~r nome ms~ ~a~uvaay cvemng. I. ..~ u- I u-- - I ] " ' " l~fl' # ,,i
• ad~_ . " --.~a nude Sholg I Those nresent were Mr and Mrs I mg agencies. Government loans will I, ahd l@c Gllmma Shoe Slmp Zt i I .... > . i
_| err the. Dlme-A-Nlte Dry ~Watt rjohnson, Mr. and" Mrs,' Miller" make it possible for assoeiatlorm' of "'--:---" "~"--~ ~ ...... v. " -- ' , '~,;.:i * ' " : ~ ~ ' .: • .
S t ,lV, r, Heseh f~cile H,-en Frances [farmers to rent under favorsble con-I ~]~q ~wuvn l{ Get Yours Whde They Last. l
' ~IL,. . eh city hall / Kaiser Helen W-'man and Phvilli~ I dltlons, tracts of land to be ma~e I Wl~ It lllSt&l t ~ . . - . ; I
,lll ' te e,.entng ot entertaln-[.err. 'Itigh hono itt whist was'won{available for use by several Indlvi.,I ,s 6o I| ,' |.
• et~m of duals thus solving in part at least a 1 17 55 4
:~ g the club by Mrs. Johnson and low was won ' I. iApri 38 . 51 | rII11111r~. C~M~11[113|I ~I[?I[~I[TI~'3]I'~, ~'Wllq llriqlr4~k'lkT, , .~
| ~ • i by Miss Cyefle Hagen.' major problem existing today in t11ls ~ April 18' 47 ~ .O4 ! | 113115 ~NIIII-I Dl~llt¥ Ib~ D 1 21tll~JH11 |
---]i:- ~ - - . region. I A1g~l 19 47 26 1 |
• ], i Veseeky, who will take an actlve[~ !April 20 56 38 [~ .... , , I
'~ part in this new program has beeu L ~ "-HI 21 ~'~ 24 11 ' "' |
,el: _ ! assigned to the regional ~ Seeur- [. a~,il 22 ,~t -M at ! ....
I! ~; ~[]l~, I/'311" It It" .......... l ity office, Lincoln. Nebraska. , .... , " "~ ....... .
orl L1/IL iATUIt[DAY ~ Lawren~ed-homel ~ ~~ I - - I~
" last weekend from his winter's vaea- iI ~ i.~ IM ~ am
• w ~-~.... -- tion spent in California. His sister I' / ~ ~ {I ~" - " ~ :.
...¢I [t||'|' ~'~ ~.~ Ilene, who accompanied him out last/ j -- -- mm.i l a am..-_ -,'~
~ "~ ~.x.~ ~. l~l.J~qJ ...... J~ fall remained there after reeeivingt: "~ ~ " *~l~l~~lUll I--~~~~-
--* 1 IIvtnoan utlq lll..q
ffge Bowl of Chdi Con Came 10c ! It - r ==Vl
ps "" ~1 ~
GOLDFISH,' i ff., M
.. rancy ann rmln t
Meet Your Friends at The • " I " '
• Bnng your buckets ]PRII] , AND SAq,IJRDAY
urn.rag the tourist sea.on we have quite a lot i ~ sorbing toe guardsl ~roll
who sto for meals and wish to S.,. Nowt ............ |
• a drink before eating. They don't like to
Of .a bottle as alLstate laws forbid the carrying
a bOttle with a broken seal .....
(_ =.:~r"a!~.:~t~l i~ll all aid. by to.~ sell-
quor by - The people of thkl state );
accustomed" to ordering their favorite :'
th_:. 'amt. - ften,. nte Insulting and angry .when
• ' Men who have made a "study of laws regulat-
ing the sale of liquor by retail such as mayors,
=:ermen, law enforcement officers and business
es~ Have ,, ,
C ..... found the On Sale plan the best be- It has less objectionable features such as
semng to minors and intoxicated persons, than any
yet tried. That is why more than ninety per-
cent ot the cities and villages in North Dakota
! nave aclopted this plan.
Your Die on May 1 Will Be
Your Answer! ,.
ALSO - -
Shows at 7 - 9 P. M.
Adm. 10e - 28c - 44c
Pd. Adv.