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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 24, 1941     Golden Valley News
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April 24, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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STRONG i They plan to leave the latter par( Sentinel Butte. N. D. Rev Erling R while they last. Smith's Service Sta- of May for Chast, a Dam, California Jacobson officiated in the presence of ....... where they will make their home• 100 friends and relatives. The altar FOR SALE--Cedar lmsts, gravel and was banked with fernery and adorned~ sand. Also buy buildings to wreck. CONGREGATIONAL CItURCH with a bouquet of pink arid whiteI H. C. Ackerman, Glendive. 30-7tp Rev. W. C. Boyd, Pastor roses and fresiasilluminated by a ~- --- . • : , , wArrl4~ WANTED--Appw at hghted seven-branched candelabrum, i Park Care It The bride's attendants included her ........... ___- Sunday School at 10 a.m. state , :~ rs: Le< ard ". Han "ell, ma- Driving to Boise, Idaho April 27 or iron of honor: Mrs. Jessie McCart- 28. Can take one or two passengers. • BLADES Wood Handles Morning Service at 11 a m. C. E. Society at 7:15 p. m. Sentinel Butte: " Morning worship at 9:30 a. m i t Medora: - .'. Sunday School at 2 p m. Ga V?w i. ' Preaching service at. 3 p. m. " : rner Bonnie .... Eas~r Sunday dinner guests at the The. Program and e ~ei imp. ;;t, George Stull home Mr. and Mrs. which was held at the Bonnie View Pete Heath, .~. and ~rs. Ed Stull sci~oolllouse, last Saturday night, was PROFESSIONAL and JackJe a~ Ca~ ~mn, Mr. and attended by a large crowd. An in- v~vT~v~r~ml~-r~.. Mrs. Fred McManiga! .and Beverly, teresting program was presented bv M~. and Mrs. John ~Stull and Dick, the pupils, after which several games " ~ and Wlll~ andS:Ted ~I1. of bingo were played. The remainder ~rl~ and MrsI ~ Wassman and of the evening was spent in dancing Dr. Chernausek _ Walter and D~r0,, .~" and Mr. and to musiei furnish~l by Henry Helm M~rS. Lloyd Wasat~an were Easter and Joe Maher of Beach. An Indian Rogers &'Gumper 8Und~p y~lests at the George Wass- blanket w~s raffled off, and Bill Gif- EYES TESTED-GLASSES FITTED ~n home in 8en~e~ Butte. ford held the lucky number. Mr. and Mrs. JOe, Dietz a~nd faro. Monday the pupils of the Bonnie Walton Block 11~, Mr. ~d Mrs. F. "F. 8chmeling View sct~l and their teacher, Glen Dickinson, ' ' North and family, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Fak!er, went to Beach where they at- D~kota Krause and ~;hel, ',Mr. and' Mrs. tended Rural Achievement Day. LOuis Schmeling(M~s. Ed Jendro and Mr. and" Mrs. Frank Nehls and Leo Irving, ~n and Delalne, Ted Stull, S~ewaxt were guests at the'McCaskey GUY LEE Mrs. Fred Wusman, Walter andDor- home Sunday. ',: ..... . othy anffl Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wass- " Mrs. Frank Nehls attended a 'birth- A'FrOP~rEY Iru~, Mr .and MrB., Ewald J~n day party in ho~ of'Mrs.-.Katiierlne Sentinel B~te. N, and Holger~' were among those who O'Keefe at her home in Beach Wed- attended. ,the show in OGles ~aster Sunday evening. Wassman was a Golva visitor Monday. ,~.Mrs .Olaf Orstad entertained the Alpha Blr:~day club at her home On Tuesday, .~pril 15, at which a large Crowd attended. 'A lovely dinner was served at noon. Mr. and'l~rs, Ew~Id Johnson were ~each Vl~° Th~4:lay. Mrs. Anna~, Swan entertained the Alpha £~dles Aid at ~her home Thurs- day, AprIL:IT: t~ which a large crowd attended4 A lovely dinner was served at noon: .. . ' . ' Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn and family were callers at the F. Wass- fl~an home Friday. Wheat =-..... ..................... 63 - Flax ........................... 1.50 Barley .......................... 25 Oats ........................... .21 Rye ............................ 22 Cream, sweet 32c sour 30c Eggs, I~. A1 Tornqw came down from Bill- |~gs last ~eek end where he has been empIoYed by the Consolidated Freight Lines. he.lay afternoon. FRANK GAGE DIES Bismarck---The man who won rec- ognltion and esteem throughout ,this area as the -father of Scottish Rite Masonry in western North Dakota is dead. • :'Ill in bed Since' Feb."ffahd in poor health ~or fhe past six ~orseVen yeats, Frank %'Gage, holder of' ,the highest rank, in Mmso'nry;~", the, - thirty~third degree died .Saturday in a. loc~l hos- pital .... • • .' . ..- , .... - Mr Gage was 80 years old. He had lived in Bismarck for ten Years. Mr. Gage was well known in Beach and had visited, here several times. He was a brother-in-law to Mrs. V, Wicka of near Beach. TO REPRESENT BEACH Max Wilson. a Beach high school student, will be the Beach represent- at~ve~ in a district FFA public speak- ing co.test to be held in New Eng- land this coming Saturday, April 26. His topic will be "Present Farm Prob- lems." Six schools from this part of the state are sending representatives 1 I THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL Doris Kinmark Former Sentinel . and Mrs. Prank SChiff spent] REN~:W your old [the weekend in Glendive. ' " 'Silver Streak' Edge, ..... ~ no welding, just dr! Married To Butte Man Mar CLASSIFIED ADS .A!lis-( Sidney Connell ! ried In Missoula millet seed. Inquire at' IN condition. Ruth Hartse. Carlyle. 2tp "'~OUND---Small box camera at the FOR SALE--1936 Aliis O Friends were surprised to learn this Sentinel Butte The St. Paul's court house Sunday. Owner may have • tor on rubber, for $# week that Doris Kinmark. daughter of English Lutheran church of Missoula, same by paying for this ad and iden- Fordson and a 9fo0t Harvey Kinmark of Medora, and Sid-Montana, was the attractive scene of ' tifying same. 8 .'~ot McCormick-I~ hey Connell, son of Mr. and Mrs. a wedding Tuesday evening at 8:~0! and a 2-bottom engi~'='~ Dan Connell, also of Medora. were I o'clock uniting Miss Zelma Josie i FREE! One auto vanity mirror TheA. Witzig residerS[ _ i married March 18 at Wibaux. Tt~e" Halley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. with a Ten-Star Spring Tune-up. marriage took place at two o'clock Alonzo A. Halle),, and Winfred Luth-Come in and inquire about it. Limit-Dak: - ~J~0 l( in the afternoon on that date. , er Norem. son of J. A. J. Norem of ed time, limited supph'. Getyours b'O-----R SALE---4-bottom ~~'i condition. Chas pur~ ALFALFA SEED $8.40, sike Clover; BromusL ~ ~l~.] Cane, Sudan Grass, ~ v, lets; Hybrid and stan~===~ Shipments subject imst~, Alfalfa Ass'n. Fargo, N.r KEOHANE & KUHFELD ATTORNEYS AT LAW Phone 133 Beach, North Dakota DR. O. k. NIECE Dentist BEACH. NORTH DAKOTA DR. E, A, NYMAN Chiropractor BEACH, NORTH D-%KOTA office phone 61 - res. 113 f to compete in the event. Agricultural instructor Schroeder will accompany! Max on the trip. I sister, Mrs: Leonard F. Hamrell, ma-, tron ~f ho or; Mr.~ L ssie Me{ art-! n ' i ey, also a smter, as maid of honor,. Exchange references. Inquire at News and little niece. Colleen Mac Mc-',office. ltp Cartnev as flower grl. Mr. Hamrell,.~-- -- .. ~ ..... brother-in-law of the bride, attendedt FOR, SALE--Boston bull pups. E; Mr., Norem, while Gordon Merrick E. Orr, Beach. - ltp usher: . .. . ! recep~mn was nolo at the. home l Logan Auto Service Beach 29-tf of Mr. and Mrs. Hamrell after the ~-___ _" ............. -- ceremony. " ' t WILL TAKE IN CATTLE OR Mrs. Norem. attended Roundup pub,. I HORSES for pasture~ See or write lie schools and has been employed by I Leonard Treater, Sentinel Butte. 29-4p the Forest Service office as chief l~AND OR PIT RUN GRAVEL "-.50 clerk for the past-four years. Mr. { r . . . . #z Norem graduated from the Sentinel pe yaru m a or ~ yard loads; $2.25 • _ _., .........' per yard in larger quantities We ~utte public ~choom u~,u ~nc mur~n, . . . . "' Dakota state unlm~verslt _He .... nave ~ne. nes~ pits near Glendive his Ph D degreeatYJohn HT;~:d[ Write for prices on large jobs. Mike university. "3~r. Norem is employed l }~onGtuelff' Phone ,50-J. Olendive, by. the Forest Service in the experl-[ tana. 29-4tp ment station. ]~hL TRADE CATTLE OR HOI~SES The newlyweds left for a trip to. for pasture, Leonard Trester, Sen- Utah, Arizona and New Mexico and] tlnel ~Butte, No. Dak, 28-4tp after May 12 they will be at home l ~ Their many frltnds wish them much I with standard tops, 5c each. Cozy success and happiness in-the coming Care, Beach, N.D. tfc years of wedded llfe..-. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs Glen Wolf entertained ent. Julia Kalkman, Beach. 28-3p the Penney force at a banquet a~ the - FOR ~round barley, oats Park cafe last Thursday evening, In and wheat. $1.00 per cwt~ Custom honor of Karl Kanneneberg, who has ground cor~ and cob 15c-per cwt. E. been transferred to Glasgow, Mont. D. Logan, Beach. 25-if I MEN'S HIGH SCORE : LADIES HIGH SCORE Squeak Arnold ....... 255 Olga Moyer .......... 190 Dick Schroeder ........ 231 Paul Raduns .............. 226 --WE-ARE OPEN SUNDAYS 1:00 p. m. to 10 p. m. ,m, ,m LADIES NIGHT EVERY WED. BEACH'S CASE GRAND DETOUR Plow Shares $2.75 AI Longbottom Beach, N. D. 'Your Case y. Put Lively New Tire Mileage Into Your Good Smooth Tires 90 Percent of Your Tire is Left When Smooth. Save 50ilPercent to 75 Percent on New Tire Costs! I ,l II ...... I II ,We ha ¢ just instaileg the test in tract j"tire vul- :eanizi . All work guaranteed, freight prepaid one way. Opens at 8 p.m. Closesat 11:30 p. m. UNCHAPERONED CHILDREN UNDER 12 MUST Leave your tires for Recapping and Vulcaniz- ing At The LEAVE AT 9 P. M. SPONSORED (NO RETURN TICKETS) BY AMERICAN LEGION 26 AUXILIARY BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA orating_ Growers__ FOR SALE---Stiegum variety, developed t perimental Station. Golva, N... D~ " Prevent Pigs by l tlon •We GLENDIVE, Now Showing THURS.-FRL-SATJ "FOOTSTEPS IN ~ starring Errol Fly~me_ Marshall Ralph ~ S~ ][~ alo and lan thriller-diller..., pa~ and chills. ___.J S N.- MON. - "MEN OF ~ M' starring Spencer T~ Rooney with Bob~ Nunn and Darryl miracle of Boystoy~.--_ nd ~, BEAC] small hearts a ~ weak. "LET'S starring Bob The Bobcats, Elizabeth Risdon, Dixieland rhythna and fun show, We ho CURRENT, NOW SHOWING FI~DAY D, tom M, starring Judy Inj~ th{ CrosSe aml,, his Butterworth alderm, Judy shows yoa Inell h comedy. (plus) cause • "THE SAINT IN selling with George yet tr and Linda HaYe& phantom of fictiOn" :~, cent o have a TUESDAY - WEP COMING NEXT - FRI. o '~REMEDY with Jean "THE with Richard