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April 24, 1941 |
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Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Bhcen w
on Tue
_~ relume
~king in
town ot
~ I ~ s~mm~mm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tin~ at
'1'1~.~ I Ai.i,~ V..ll.,., -------- A--~den-~cam---~omela-st w--w-~ek,~--Ha----------~dqb--~1rl~~lwas expecte----"----'--~ home Monday. ST. PAUL'S ~ag.
1 ltq~ ~L~UIUI:;Ii ~ l~:;~" l~lg; i~ . , -
.............. zel m still a patient at the hospital. ~.~Oll l;lq., t A few friends gathered at the Wm. V.H. Dlssen, ~ra arlat ttheB
W. ~. ~ra~on ann n. r~, ,~naerle Mrs Glenn Scammon and daughter, !Quale home to help Hattie Pedersont Divine services sund ....
Editors and Publishers Miss "Betty Bryce and Miss Lillian Members of the U. B. Sunday
A Weekly published every Thtusday,~ at Beach, North Dakota. Entered as Scammon were shopping in Beach on school held a dinner m the basement
~oond ckms matter at the Postoffice at Beach, North Dakota, October ~/, 1936, Saturday. of the ch~,rch on Sunday for those I nice lunch was served. I Ladies Aid meets
under the act of March 3, 1897.
Advertising rates furnished upon request
Sabacrtption price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak. Elsewhere $2.50
on to Chicago.
A. E. Scheffer sold 1900 Ibs. of
Early Ohio spuds to Joe Crisafulli on
Monday. The Crisafullis raise a truck
garden at Glendive and plan to plan~
i00 acres of potatoes this year.
The local 4-H boys club met at the
home of their leader, Bill Kremers on
Sunday. Several men were present
and the new county agent met with
them. The boys judged cattle at the
Mike Finneman and Wm. Kremers
homes. They will meet Wednesday
evening, April 23 at the Joe Dietz
Gloyd Bury was a Beach business
visitor Monday.
Robert Sonnek was a business caller
in Beach Monday and took his son
Mrs. Mary Edig~offer has been very
ill at the Wagner hospital the past
week, but is reported to be somewhat
better now.
Mr. and Mrs. Sig Pedersort and son
were business visitors in Beach Satur-
Bud Manning was down from Glen-
dive and spent the weekend with
home folks.
Several friends from Beach sur-
prised Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Heaton
Saturday evening at their home.
Mrs. Bertha Stipek accompanied
her mother, Mrs. Gordon. as far as
Billings, when she left last week for
her home in Hot Springs, S. Dak.
Mrs. Gordon had spent the winter
with Mrs. Stipek.
C. A. Steele and Miss Mac Jackson
autoed to Glendive Saturday.
Dr. E. A. Nyman was over from
Beach Sunday calling on friends.
Mrs. Lester Zopfl was hostess to
the Optomistic Eight bridge club at
her home Wednesday. Prizes were
whose birthdays came in January, i
February. March and April. Three l
long tables were filled with deliciousl
east and all enjoyed the Iellowship
with their friends and neighbors. I
Jack Ballard shipped two carloads
of hogs Friday to Seattle. Tom Ful-
ton accompanied one of the cars andt
plans to visit his daughter and famib,
at Bremerton, Wn., before returning
Mrs. C. M. Fulton and Mrs. W. L. I
Hammond entertained the children
who took part in the Easter program,
in the basement of the church on
Monday after school.
Chas. Abrams, a larmer living west
of Carlyle, was operated on for ap-
pendicitis at the Beach hospital on
Wednesday evening. Mrs. Abrams
was with her husband several days
and he is as comfortable as possible
and all hope for his speedy recovery.
Mrs. W. L. Hammond and Mrs.
L. R. Moline were Baker visitors on
The C~Iva senior clash will put on
& play May 9 entitled, "Who Said
Quits," with Mrs. Wemett acting as
coach. A dance will be given after
the play. Everyone invted.
L. E. Curl was taken to the Beach
hospital Wednesday suffering from a
bad heart attack. Friends are pleased
to hear he is improved at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs, Sanford Peterson and
daughter were business visitors in
Dickinson Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Lyles drove
down from their home west of Gleno
dye ~aturday and visited with rela-
tives, the Curl and Schouboe families.
Mrs. C. R. Stewa~ of Carlyle and
Mrs. A. E ~heffer" were Dickinson
shoppers Thm'~la~, returning home
Friday evening.
Mrs. ~l Kremers and Mrs. Wm.
Kenneth to school, won by Mrs. Lawrence Hartse and Thursday.
Clarence Fasohingwas a Beach lMrs. D. McNamara. The hostess ser- The senior play was given before
were hostesses at a bridge Shol~er Monday. I veal dainty refreshments, a ~w~ted ~mme ,~turday evening
pa~ Thurday af ,geA'noon~Ml~. Hem- Leo and AdolPh Nistler of Eden Mrs. R. J. Scammon and son and and each player excelled in his or her
er ~ received both first and Valley, Minn., arrived ~mday even-IMrs. Louise Larson and Edna were part. The class consists of Signe ~-
trsv~l~ p~ and MI~. Tsohid~ in@ and spent Tug.lay transacting Beach visitors Saturday. enson, Grace Hammond. Bud Shep-
received secolgl. Delicio~ refresh- buslmms in Beach and Golva and left Mrs. John Min~el entertained at ~ herd, Arthur Kruger and Mark Jac-
ment~ were serv~ and a plemmnt af- again Tuesday evening. I lovely birthday dinner Sunday in otmon and Joe Goro~ki, a junior, be-
ternoon eaJmSvd. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom and honor of her husband's and son's ing the sixth member" of the cast
Mr. ~ I~$. ~tnk ~cllouboe and
Delores wore Sunday guests of Mr.
stark ome.
Mr. and Mrs. I uie Fa hing spent
the w end Mr,
Mrs. (~or~ (~arey and Mrs. John
Bossermma attended a major project
homma~er~ meeta~ In Beach Tues-
day. ' ~
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dletz of Sen*
tinct Butte were Sunday visitors ut
the Tony Barthel home.
Kl~eltirq~er of Bismarck and his
~broter Frank of Dickinson drove up
with their new car and visited over
the weekend with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Kreitinger.
Mrs. Julius Larson entertained sev-
eral ladies Wednesday afternoon at
whist. Seven games were played and
prizes awarded Mrs. George Oearey
first, Mrs. Wm, Wemett low, and
Mrs. Alfred Scheffer traveling prize.
Delicious refl~ahments were served.
Mr and Mrs. Norman Rest of el-
lie were callers on their daughter,
Mrs. Tommy Ferrell Wednesday.
Harold Lars~n left the past week
for Olendive where he has employ-
ment on the railroack
Frank Kreitlnger received the an-
nouncement of the 50th wedding an-
niversary of his sister. Mrs. Conrad
Z4~.kl on April 20, at Springfield,
Margle Funk left Tuesday for a two
weeks vacation in the east. 'She ex-
pects to meet her mother and brother
in Minneapolis and from there will go
~tate of North Dakota.
County of (;olden Valley,
in County Court.
Before A. E. Kastien. Judge.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Burton Ray Petty, l)eeeased.
Margaret Elizabeth I'elty,
~i~at rice I~et hine Murrell.
and all other persons un-
known clail~:il]g a~v os-
tale or interest in or
lien or lnoul~|)rUllOe ~.1|)"11
the property de8erlbed I~
the petition or against
the estateof said deceas-
Res/)onde:l~ ~,
"The State of North Dakota to
the above named respondents and
~ll other persons unknown claim-
ing any estate or interest in or
Ue~u or, lncumbra~tce upon the prop-
er~tv described la the petit|~n or
~rainat the~ .~state o~ ~aid de~,eas-
and each of
children of sentinel Butte were call- birthdays which are less than a week
era at A. J. Zlebarth's Monday. apart. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Al-
" Oust Burke hauled seed wheat from bion Welsh and children, Mr. and
~tr0[d Zlebarth's Tuesday. Mrs. Burton Welsh and son and Mrs.
A. "A. White and Jack Northrop Annie Mengel.
went to Amidon on business Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ~chuett, T. J.
day. ~Bushel and George Petermann were
A large crowd of members and among those who attended funeral
friends of the Alpha Birthday club services for Mr. O'Neil at Glendive on
met Wednesday with Mrs. Olaf Or- Friday. "~
~t~. In the ,absence of both presi-
Between acts a trio consisting of Jean
and Harriet Hartse and Almee Stor-
kel sang four songs and accom~i
by Miss Marguerite Caskey. They,
together with Mr. and Mrs. Miller,
appreciated the wonderful patronage
given them. A large crowd ale0 at-
tended the dance afterward.
Rev. John Rahn, Ollie pastor, has
been named on a Fa~ c@unty com-
mittee to arrange for the ol~ervanee
Mr. and B~h W. R. Schell and
dent and vice president. Mrs. Sadie children of visited at the Alger lof Citizenship Day.
Sheen conducted the businesss. Ten i Meek home Saturday evening. I Mr. and Mrs. H. P, Bargfeld re-
members answered roll call. The con. Mr. A. McDonald of Gleudive hastceived word from their son Clifford
that he was operated on m the Mm
test which was put on by Edith seh- been working at the Sutherland home l " " -
neapolis hospital for nose infection
meting was won by Mrs. Lena Wass- and Milton Hotel the past week. I Mr
man. After that a tasty lunch was Robert Blome was a business visit-i . and Mrs. Reese Owens and
family were dinner guests at the
served by the hostess. The next or in Billings Tuesday returning on~
meeting of the club will be with Wednesday. home of Mr .and Mrs. Tommy Owens
Mary Irons Thursday, May 1. This
is a change of date so all members
please take notice.
Mr. and Mrs. Worrier Nistler left
Tuesday for Ray, N. D., where Wee
nee will be employed the coming sum-
mer with a bridge crew.
The U. B. Ladies Aid were enter-
tained by Anna Swan at her home
on Thursday afternoon. Most all
members were present and some vis-
itors. The regular business of the
society was taken care of and the
lesson which followed was in charge
of Ethel Brockmeyer. Mrs. Swan
served a delicious lunch after the
meeting. The collection was excep-
tionally large, being $10.85. The next
meeting will be held in Beach May 15
with Clara Olsen as hostess.
Mrs. Faith Menke. county superm-
tendent of schools, visited the Carew
and Alpha schools Monday.
Little Louise Scherman spent a few
days last week with her aunt. Mrs.
P. J. Hagen.
Among those shopping in Beach on
Friday were A, F. Irons, Andrew Koh-
ler. Daisy Wassman, Mrs. A. G. Fas-
thing and Edith Carew.
Louie Drewnlak and Clarence Fas-
ching were in Carlyle Saturday on
Mr and Mrs. Carl Otremba and
children were Sunday dinner guests at
the Glen Olson home.
Mr .and Mrs. John Knopp had as
their dinner guests Sunday Mrs. Rose
Fasching and children,. Jerry Kouba
and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. L.
White and Mr. and Mrs. Art White.
Mrs. Rlen~l Hammond spent the
weekend at the C~o. Hammond home
near~ Golva.
Frank Drake was appointed clerk of on Sunday.
the Selective Service office inthis! John Hartse was taken to the Beach
county last week. l hospital for medical aid Friday. He
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sutherland were, -~ i ,, llglll~llil
involved in a car accident Sunday
in which the latter received some IPLlffll~gl~O &ND IEIIL&TIN~
bad scratches. Sheet mad Metld Work
Miss Lilllan Scammon was the in-
spiration of a nicely planned birth-
day surprise party given in her honor]
by several friends at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Westmoreland
Friday evening. After a pleasant
evening spent with games and con-
tests, a lovely lunch was enjoyed by
all. and Lillian opened the many
gifts given her on this happy occa-
sion. Lovely birthday cakes were
brought by Lois Dick and Elaine An-
derson. I
The Cottonwood Homemaker's elub~
held their regular meeting at the Al-
bert Wycoff home Sunday. The mem-
bers and their families enjoyed a
nice dinner together. Mrs. Stanley
Trollope had a paper on "Beauty
Culture" and Mrs. Reuben Amanrud
won a contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McClaln
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Stain-
er Pederson and daughter were Sun-
day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs.
George Zabel north of town.
Mrs. F. C. Bydely of Scobey was aI
house guest of Mrs. A. W. Warden l
from Friday to Sunday afternoon.
Dinner guests Sunday at the Warden
home were Mr. and Mrs. Burley
Bowler an'd Miss Benson of Scobey.
Mr. Bowler is owner and editor of the
Daniels County Leader. The Scobey
guests were entente home after visit-
mg Larry Bowler, who edits a news°
paper at New England.
The S & K grocery moved last week
Mr. and M~. R. C, M~I
lendive tm y.
1 ckmy re ntly re.
la~d from the Wagner h~t~l.
M~m Jeannette Welsh came from
Olendlve and spent the weekend wlth
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Welsh.
JoseDh Johnstone of Beach was a
dinner guest at the J. L. Mingel home
Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Curtis
were pleasant callers at the same
home in the afternoon
Wm. Howard wa~ a business visitor
in Bismarck recently.
Mrs. Mary Scammon was confined
to her bed over the weekend.
Mrs O. M. Helvik was hostess to
the C. F. Missionary society at theft
regular meeting at the club house o~
Wednesday afternoon. A lovely lunch
was enjoyed by all at the close of
the meeting.
MTI~w.... Flther and ~on ~ at
ei~Uy. About ~ fathe~ and ~ons en-
eyed ti~ s~ttls~yh~ repot with Mr.
Wayne Marc~m as toastmaster, Wm.
Dukelow of Billings entertained with
his pictures. '~couts in Action," that
were enjoyed by all.
The following members of the
Homemakers clubs attended the pro-
ject meeting which studied the les-
son, "Safety in the Home." and the
Homemakers Spring council meeting,,
I both convening Monday afternoon. I
Mesdames Claude Lttnd, J. C. Troll-I
ope, Pete Bold. M. E. Smith. Mar~in:
: Ohnstad. Ere Breitenfeldt. Wa~. c.e
~m%h. Joe Nix Henry Schn, ider, R
i lI. Welsh. Sig Peflf-,._~o~: Hox,.,a~ d
FmkIe and M. P. Os~by. Out )f town!
instructors were Mrs Margare: Tull-i
itor in Glendive Wednesday.
A baby boy, John Paul. weighing
five and a hag pounds, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fischer at the
Olendive hospital April 15.
Mrs.-Chas. Kartes and daughters
Aldene and Hazel went to Bismarck
about ten days ago on account of the
latter's poor health. Mrs. Kartes and
Brennelse was a business vis'(er'sH°meMls Management Specialist and l
Smith of Bozeman. After the l
meetings Mrs. Ostby invited all the
ladies to her home where they were
served coffee and cookies.
Funeral services were conducted on
Tuesday afternoon at the C. F. church
by Roy. L.A. Westmoreland for
Archie Bolton of ~mtinel Butte. Zn-
terrment was made in local cemetery.
No Job Too Large Or Toe I~n~U
IIIIIm i ; .... - mmuundm
winter oil hx fresh Summe .Gtade ISO.VI$,
Never bdore has a Jowe~t-
price car offered you
m r /For example:
Want the Moat E0onom~ ? This
big, h-~sky Nash gives good
drivers up to 30 miles a gallon ...
with overall savings of $70 to
$100 a year!
Want the Roomiest Car? Nash
Franklin Smith, Prop.
Owmm it'. csr
in world to drive and park.
With Two-way Roller Sta rhlg
--this Nash grips the curves,
and sco ts through tratc!
k'e a new J
of N h'a long-life,
.bt d
are winning a
"'Our switch to the Nash
amply i~
miles a
Nash is roomier
easy to handle."
"Your new '600' tops
iust about every angle
miles a day at the wheel
coil springing makes
ence. I
ia~ is great!"
Want the Moat Comfort? Only
in Nash can you get a Weather
Eye Conditioned Air System ...
a "Sedan Sleeper" Bed for tour-
ing.., the safety of a unitized
Delivered tt tttttr~
tern, Sedta Sleeper Bed.White Side Wall TRee
and Bun~pet Guards are optional ~.
has the most seating room. Front
seat's nearly five feet wide! Lots NASH PI0CES-LOW its
of head-room!Sweeping picture • . (Illustrated) Ambas-
windows! ~.lot ' '~00" Sedan.
Pnces delivered at fac-
Want the Smoothest Ride? Nash tory inciude standard
eqmpment and federal
alone has coil springing on all tax. The Weather Eye
four wheels for thc smoothest Condidoaed Air Sys-
kind of ride any car can give you.
Dealer, Beach, No. Dak.
Tlae Northwest ~uemer (NW-
VO of ~e4*~oa Tkf=te~n (18),
and the ~utheu( ~norter
(8F/4) of Nl.etinm Fourteen
i14), all Is Township One
Hundred and Thirty nine (IBeh
North, of Rauge One Hundred
nnd Five i10,5), ~,'e~t 5th P. M.
(:oldea Valley ('onnty. North
and that Tuesday, the 13th dny
~,f May, 194] at tell o'(:h)('k hl the
forenoon of tll~l.t d~lv a[ lhe t'¢)HFt
roon~s of this ~-oilrt, ~IL lhQ CO~.It'~
hou.m~ inthe city r !~,,aeh. G,)ld(,n
Valley ¢'ollltty, North [)akot:l. Ilil.~
|)eo~l .~e~ IL', thi.~: I*,~lll'l ;t~ tho tillle
Held place of h,,arlnK sai,i l}('titi(~n,
~tl whi('h tIDIo :l/Ill |~l~iet- ~illy ])('I'S(HI
it}t('rt*~tt'd })|:ty ;I ~)])l'a F {I |2i] ~lb i(~('t
tO Ihe gl'~tlltlltR" Of ,~'lii]p~'tltiotl.
/~nd y~tl. ~tl}deach of >t.U,~tre
hereby oiled all(|req~l|r('(l thennnd
lbere to be and ~/l)l)(,al" before thi~
eq)llrt, al}(] ,~[lo~Y ('allSe if ally thai't,
be. why tills petition should not h~,
l,et service of this citatiol~ be
made in the lllalllltH" provided by
Dated tiffs 21at day of April, ]941.
By the court.
A, E: KA.~TI~N,
Judge of the County Court.
Attorney for Petitioner,
~ch. North Dakota.
April $4, May I