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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 24, 1941     Golden Valley News
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April 24, 1941
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er r v - O-nLDEN VALLEY COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA THURSDAY, APRIL 1941 NUMBER 30 ++Lv I, Bet reef, 0ii And Off galle ! leek "ohn glencow I . _ + _ _ MerhnParker Wed Voters To Register Tr • e,. 150-Ptece Band "10 AppearI To Arlene Kryzsko Opinion 0f Recent rasses Awa da Nla ,tin -- - • .al_. [ ... . X ! In Beach y, Y i Wibaux--A pretty wedding was sol- Council Act lug l'amted an on + , t eotem '--' Oa .o o [ / L y At330 Sunday afternoon, May 4th, attended that seats ~ebea:ls The Tuesday morning when Merlin Park- . .-----~ the curtain of Beach high school,3iiong Dezore tne progra At ~ 00"a m er son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Parker Next Thursday, May 1st, voters of a|rl The many :rien~s here of John[ ~mnasium auditorium will go up for i program is as iouows: -"- - \ "}and Arlene Kry~ko of Carlyle were[the City of Beach will have an op- ' . the biggest assemb g 1 ~ 7"30 massed[ " dent of Beach will be grieved to + sated to the mental groups ana a ... tired in a pretty blue suit with white disapproval of the recent, acuon, o~ . . to appear m Beach. S ' rious con- ---.- learn that this estimable man passed left on the stage will be fory-six clar- b.a ,ntis and choruses, va . accessories and hat to_ma~h, was at- the '~eacn ~l~y uounctl m,, licensing ~:. away on MoUday April 21st at his 4~o~o ~ross from them will be four- duc~ors are given the opport.unlty to tended by her sister ~oph~ Kxysz~o, liquor to be ~old via the On Sale' • ' ' f ........ | the massed groups wmen hum- ' 's meUm’ which moans by the glaSS or . means anything Beach home at the Painted Canyon lodge, teen trombones, supported by eigh direct " " dred m" membershiP, and the best man was the groom drink ....... Conside..blo dlscoaslon+ ----,, ~l~Ould have one of its along highway No. 10 east of Medora. b ritones Twenty-seven cornets will bet several aunt s brother, Cyril Parker...Mrs. Lucy + • P, T~ams iv n as a exv I a " t L~ttSiC for thee events is alway ed the wea march and 0on on the ~abJect occttrred a~ ~k in recent ears. Cause of death was g e pop4 ., nter section and other sec-.+. . Cullen p)ay roD8 . - . , + • of Y nl fill the ce . before hand by the individual + u le 1 s the ~OUt~flS actl0~ and a petition the 1940 lettermen back alld Mr. B~encowe had been fll o Yt tlons of the orgamzation will be pro- le~'ned the The l~ppy young co p wll ~ ...... . as For the Dickinson trip • n the WLlUafl~ of voters wa~ presented to the eoun deed [po . , lececoncertband wa 10 west of eft aakl~ postponement of+-their crop of new reerults the ~ few ~ before he died. ~le w rtionately large. The occasion will ~P6.~. , and five ho .uselteepmg a~ one o _. _ seems very bri ht fo~ ~z years, of age. " vl tlonal massed, ban’I con- fiftY v:, + , /~tr~er larm oI~ h~h y . , . . ~vland and his ~ th~ Th, body lay in state at the l ocali~rta?e:tu~ the combined Belfl,ld,I .baton t_wtrlers will be taken and ,~ town. Their.. ,fiend.; :J~.. in wishing ~t,o~, until a~ e l_ectton_ might be , E~.Qrstad Funeral chapel this wee.~.! Wlba~x and Beach bands. The beUd~Im . . ~ " and them sk h~ppy weaaeo ...... g • olendive trip a marching bs ' l~e lte|d. The council did not+ plattpone eleven e Conducr~ of tl~rty-fi~ instrumentalists ., , &0tioB, but did permit: a special . vents which the boys Fllneral services are to be : .Will be ullfformly dressedin white and :+ • _ .... or _ [e~ six of the former ~e..l~ +t~llty (Thursday) at2 p. m. trom the will -resent Hall of Fame, a cont~ert [fi;Je. t~irlmp, will be .chosen.._Th~wh~ 11"3 . ~ ___~ ei~t~Do~,, be ~all_ed..:~+ .to-tho f • The ~ldest- + ~ar~ on ~v, Boyd In charge. I ana ureaanaugn~ Overture, by G. E. a~l ~ mo~tration$ and will ". • . • + 1 ~ or b bottled • . ~,. is a 447 mile run Burvivmg :are his widow ~nd two! 1 es Music for the big evev~t has ur,marching de _ + . . ,:, °d,.~ Y .... ~, ,+~.Y- • bY ..... Hora . r .... ar on the afternoon program, le ..~...+~o~,u~o.~.:,.~. q'atley in 1925 All the re~t daughters Mrs Ethel Cawthon and t ed out b the participating agpe ..... , ~ ,. , • . been .urn Y : ustucon-overture by ler~nk , , - , • '- ~ o~l+the~ remls~..wher:+~Id~:,:Loesl Bde in 1936 or since l~tt~ Mills Ada. Blencowe. Mrs. r Cawthon schools and a final rehearsal number playLng _R -- ~~, ' " ch + " * + ' ' ....... e p' ~o ...... r-and Hosts ,,f Freedom Mar+ ~ • + l~uor d alers, claimed., th~.~Y~tem .-' h01d records are enrolled lives at Tacoma, Washington, but she I members is called for 1:30 8tin- ~ ......... _ - ahon Ma 17 ........ • + .. o~ al , - K.L. King.. A free lunch is pxe . ~. a~. . ~e badly +abUsed. ~nd r~uuted this year. They .are: Re~ was expected to arrive here for the day. afternoon, following _w.hich vy + lendl~e Festival to all ........ '’ ' + t~e ~art_..ffe to the ."O~+~: Sale." sys~er~. ~Kenneth Sill Robert Doer the l~l~t~ today. Also surviving _+, ~,, ,. brief rest+Perlocl l~elOre ~+xe s!I~ted .. : ... .: .' ,~ [ ~ ' " L~ ..J~ Holhlteln.' . " is one grand child, Barbara', one ...... am ' at S:30. r . p~rt~.' cipa~.+ j~eg+mtra~mn Is m ...... At a-speclal+ meeting o!. a committee ~-mm w~ open a~ ..i~. ,~a. :]m+ ana o, m+i .ot.- ,n . Y. and al+l~+~r~ en~l~e program will .... " . :. II~eld Tuesday afternoon of tYds week. IWfll rem~ ope, con~nuotmly, tln~u ,Set ......~ . - .~. ~ ...... , ...... ,,,,. ~ .... I "* . "-. ._ '~"_" ........ . .... l ,. p. J,: .Edki~ l~forr~, us, .~na~+ ~ne [ a ~rou6- of ' Beach business m~n laid I sevea p. m.: pext. rl'hllrsdaY. AK:VOt. !jUmp. 20 feet Glen Fak|er.]circle of friends here and throughout,smaLl charge will be made +for th~/b~ftlon ds'been invi~d to attend. Bijou Theatre ] ..atters .lllS:'W -u ~,..__ "- [ this area. I concert. A solo or two may be added t T~=e ,~nd octo,,r arrangements can I O. Oflberson has been made chair-j ------- * Norman~ ssed band of So ~th " " for 'the ~aloon K~l~ers,' 0f the ma ' d o sing "for anyone in the .... In connection with the commercial s-=~' Beach's L4ons invitational W,neeler; Solo, '~iving for Jesus," bylfurnish the grand finale of the ,estt-]ing_ban pe +-'"h scho01 who can/ Do Some Fencm l r+ oo, that ! , 8tare track meet at Grand by 'Pattie Tennant; Solo, "Ninety and, band will enter a large ~nvitstional I play: ~ u~_ ..e?r the band loses eight !fe~rlng the dam which will protect { In regard to the farm plan.and+ eso at Glenalve Dana ~u~ ! Nine," Rev. Moore; _ ..,D~, l amatlon, festival held .annua_Hy ...... ~,'o': [ out of fifty-slx concert band I the trees that will be planted there I tlma~ sheet,. the county cnalrma~_ -~-''-"~ I 'q~ t.hp Rake of My Boy, Dy /~el~n I This IS me IlrSu year Deetu. ""~ ! ..... +h-~ are ctlalrs [ .~,. -.--~,,~, I explains that 1i a wnea~ mm'~xq; ' enl" I~ .......... I Woods; vocal duet.. ~l~es Y. McOlsln li particlpated in the Olendive Festival,klp.son,I availablebY gradtm~lon,in the -~'near ~ ..... future for new-I ~Steel+'"'~'p0sts and three strands of wire Ii quota is adopted MaYe, 31, + the"*J~A ! ors lo and Florence Keys; Declamat!on, a festlval which includes Di_c~ .... '--era 'furnished by the Submarginal Land,COoperator will be abl all ~,,m,~A,,+. l]kl m ]"Hands" by Marian W'heeler; ana_ a Glendive, Sidney,,. wm~u~,| ~_ ~.~o,,,a band SuadaY, May 4th,] department were put around three-I the wnea~ prooucea, on ms a~eage t~U-~x~][l[ r|~3Lr "|'~ i solo ,,I Love a Little Cottage," by Circle and five other scnools ana. m[ ___~.y -~""~"---- --^.~whlle event and] fourths of the area last Sunday and lallotment. The marketing quol;a plan • "14 J. ~ onal tandin musical Will tm a very w,,,,~, r • -- " '.7 ~ ~ Mrs' A W. Warden; c~)ngregati ' one of the most outs g . | : ..... ,. anticipated. The[ another day will be necessary to fin- I provides that the non-coops ator must ,, Be area This festival a pac~u ~ ,,~ ~.~---_ --~v. ,, i si:~n~ " Let the Lower Lights ~ events in our . '| ........ *- will do all it can, lsh the -ro~ect" I pay a penalty on the wheat in exces~ i + ~[~]['r ~ ....... ,, P Ostby was the hke the others mentioned is open ~o commumtY oz ~'" 1 ~ ~ " r ther storm t of his marketing quota * ' :+ 0W~I • ' so over-lto make the vlsito~ welcome. The day started out a Yl " ~:~ ~piantst. The Judges were from Beachi~ver-]~o ma~e ......... " [WhiCh kept a number at home who, Signing the farm plan and estimate Pry Before-Mla.~.,..... T and first place was given to Keith : . ,, . w ~r~ • " , W / *__ .. D~,A I had planned to help the Alpha boys, sheet is the first step in cooperating s,,~ me an Mrs Welsh presen~ ~l [l-~" t tha members were pres f w]th AAA If a farmer does not ~enior play -~--~e-t~-, - "i Woods to whom • " t l~.h,~ I RaltaH i Lanoscam ~- ~ but even a t " ' " ~ch ..... " ~' ~utte: ed the Silver Medal. } ~ ~a~aa~., ~v* ~vv ~ [ .....0 ..-,, / ent from Golva and Beach to help. 1 sign this sheet by May 1 he cannot a u~; m+ r,o be presented this This -re-~am, nlanned by Mrs. L.I ,,~. w n*]]* * ~L I~.. I~A | '41~I~I., [ ]~K B Ho~oboom and son Mauricelbe included in the 1941 program. [.a'~il~l~at the. school hall. S1etten, p~'Ident of the local WCTU! HieS Ill l$1111ngs; I lOCI u-'- I p/eA ed mo o w.ol "~ mys~ery-com ~ dience, "-- -- - o * , • " ~ts.+ Carla e, ..... edy in lwas enjoyed by an attentive ~.u __ I - -=. (~ / 1 _~t__J ~----~-a }hadnt brought their eats wxth them, I~-~-~ A ~,n~ffi~ I,,’i~, [(~ ...... X'mxuen, a young, among whom were Mrs. Hector Me-', ~'~ ...... | r|~no#lql~'[ ~l~[~l l~UlJl|land a pleasant afernoon was enjoyed I' l'I3k 'JlJ~LIP~ JU~l~q~ [" "t'~;"*t;~a,Ttsen2 is trying tO 1 Donald, Mrs. Kostelecky, and. _IVlrs. ! r~l|lCJ~[[1 l ~l~[~aU41; i r-~" " i by all the boys. I ~ , */, wr ~'~ ~Nat~.__+ --.~ ux ner uncle, iAlec McDonald of Glendlve, and l~ev.I --- _ .. [+ -............ ] ~mr ~t~ k ~,Am,~o ~.. ,~u t-ea (Billy I~Meres) i.-a ~.~ ~,~,,~ ~r,~re Mr and Mrs., -- ...... I ..+~. t~ moving of several tnous-].~. .-. =v J'~tl *] ~ k.~tYll.,l~ Ill, ltlW~illq~l~ ~,c clutches of his son Ste!.u~ • ............ • n and~+ Billings Gazette, Monaay, Aprn ~'--I w,~,, ~-~ of dirt the landscap- ~OWard Hess ........ w m't,R. Arnold, MxS. ordon ,Archie John Bolton 48, operator of a and cubic yards ....... .~] o.]Ten G. V. Chd [ ---- ~ed she ~ "_~m sue ls ae- Mrs Kirst of Beac~t ~.m,~.,~ boll in Sentinel Butte died ing proJec~ at tne nxgn ~.~.: _~+~o. [ ....... [ Richard Schroeder and five of his marry Carla t in definite xorm ~din her SC"~h~u: h, - "-- [ ~ I S',::~a'~ a't 4 a in in a local hosp-I ak g ..+ ,..:, + A,.--, II,, T,~ I'lin;,, ,FF^ boys went to the Bill Zremera ....... = e~ue Brown, • * " "~" ~ " ' • " ad rock wall wttn pecr]xl~u wu~.~ t,~ UIUII UU JLU q.~Lxaax~ iacles's secret .......... 11"~ 1 |--~-----'~'-'~' ]ital of a -oralvtm stroke. He h ] ....... all1 [farm near Golva last Sunday, where nhel,- .,T_'~ ,~anan Oard- I relay In otal-tlll~ i +..~,. m ~ ".T ...... and entered ! has now~ been co.mpm~ea... ~__ ~,-'~:n I they spent the afternoon judging , e colored] j t~ ~Jn or water retain ng ~ances Roeslert ......... --- ~lhl - '1"1' " " ]the hospital Monday ' ! . .- : --+~,--~,uildin~,] On Saturday, April 19; ten young bred Hereford cattle. Members ~f +tl~ e~'~ °~'e~ Slams rian Here! was born Aug. 14, 1892,[construct~n~feSw~t~r on~tl~at part'people, ranging from a few monthslGolva 4-H club w. ere also pre~nt tO ~verend Elbert Teebo]t- ~ ~'~:" ] ..... J- -- -- , [+at Joliet, I11: He moved to -WibaUX. In [ ~ ~ola ~nc.~,.-v:f~ :which is" to be ] to 18 yearsi,of age;" were taken to the I take part in tl~e jugging.. + ...... ~Ymond-Zinsll.y. -:.--.' ~ u~..-..[:,+., . :.:..~ . .~''J+tgO6:"wI~re: he "engaged in farmmg[0I the _,~'~t~,rees"and .shrU~:",~,, ~ .., ..'The/Elk's. Lodge, at Dickinson," where a l. County agent lVlcDona!d,sco~d ~t!lv ~r charemters include Miss,-_ p. J. Curtis, Area ~upervlsor, ~. ~ur- until he went to Sentinel, Butte m .Pranceu+ w. ...... to the ~0fithWeat .... and. Crippled Children's Clin2c *was ~ton- I juagmg ,°z me Iocal. ooys W1tXk. ~. ~arh,s '~t (Ethel ....+..~+pplul M~rketing Admlnistrati~l~.,,,,+.con.. ~+ ~34.::. .... :+, ~ .:+ .*:,/, .+ ". • t..+.n+w., dirt~, fills_., +/~/’ ~i~,,l~" al~' "t~ be 1 ducted by.the ,Public Welfare BOard. th~.raLing high among Be~h bpys. +. t. Jsmkson~ color~q"'~:~'~"+]te~,+.t~, ..mea~cha.nts _an~ t~e.],-. Survivingare h~[s mother, Mrs. El-+so~+n.e~=~+ +V~,:~+'~L~'~::.~ce Ak*;mon|~ey were. examined byDr. H.J.i After+several hourso! Jud+ing++np [Coo~) O~a"~ .... ..... a-n~£z'~"~'~++~qbreea Ob~lfitV ...... W%Iflu~ Office on Frw~ty o~[ Iz~ Johnston of W3baUx" two brothers, I grave~ma ..... ,ur.. aza/v,P~,-~,,~'=~ ~,+~:'’H|~,-~,. .... eCl" In F0rtin of-+ Farg,o assisted" by Physio-, • I |o+3king over M~+,. +Kremers ....... fillet- week, ~m ~r+nc+ ~ t~e .pro-] Braden of ..E!tst ,~okdee, Alberta and] as the. b~ck ....... .~z ah' waIP~l therapist, Miss .Mar4e..B0hnsSok~ +~hel tl~ boys were melted in by oMrs. ~- bk+