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April 23, 2009
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Barry and Shelley Knoll of Ash-
ley, N.D., are proud to announce the
engagement of their daughter, Mck-
inzie Lea Knoll to Jon Knapp, son
of Don and Leanne Knapp of Cul-
bertson, Mont.. and Mary and Doug
Ellison of Medora.
McKinzie is a graduate of Ashley
High School and received her bach-
elor of arts degree in elementary ed-
ucation from North Dakota State
University. She teaches pre-kinder-
garten at Rockwell Child Develop-
ment Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Jon is a graduate of Beach High
School and received his bachelor of
science degree in computer science
from University of North Dakota.
He is employed with Rockwell
Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as a
software engineer.
The couple will wed on Saturday,
July 11, 2009, in Medora, where
they met in 2004.
Scott and Patty Hutzenbiler,
Belfield. announce the engagement
of their daughter, Scoti Josephine
Hutzenbiler, to Daniel James
Welder, son of Michael and Peggy
Welder, Napoleon.
Hutzenhiler is a 2005 graduate of
Belfield High School and will grad-
uate from the University of Mary on
May 2, with a master's degree in oc-
cupational therapy.
" Welder is a 2001 graduate of
Napoleon Higll School and a 2006
graduate of the University of Mary
with a bachelor's degree in elemen-
tary education and is teaching fourth.,
grade in Steele.
The couple is planning a June 20,
2009, wedding at St. Bernard's
Catholic Church, Belfield, with a re-
ception and dance to follow at the
Eagles Club in Dickinson.
April 30, 2009
11:00am, 6:00 )m
Ramada - Fargo, ND
Winners announced
Winners for Beach Area Cham-
ber NCAA Basketball Tournament
picks were:
- Playing Game, Sherry Zach-
mann - $10.
- Lowest Seed 1st Round, Bruce
Ross - $50.
- Lowest Seed 2rid Round, Kirk
Wicka- $50.
- Lowest Seed 3rd Round, (tied)
Paul Lautenschlager and Darrin
Maus - $25 each.
- Final Four, Darrin Maus, Jim
Campbell, Terry Egan and Kelli
Mattern - $35 each.
-Final Two, Terry Egan and Kelli
Mattern - $25 each.
Championship Game, Kelli
Mattern - $150.
Stars., janeand Cook galaxies discussed l
Staff Writer By the time you read this I hope Nistler and Perry and Tammy Nistler and Vicky Erickson in Beach.
MEDORA- Dr. Corinne Brevik, the weather is more like spring, and family for Easter dinner. The , On Monday night, Tom and Joyce
Dickinson State University assistant which is not the way it is on this Fri- Scott Weishaar family and Heather's Ray and MaryLee Schmitz were vis-
professor of physics, presented a
very interesting talk regarding stars
and galaxies at the Interpretive Cen-
ter Community Room at the Chateau
de Mores on Saturday afternoon.
The talk centered on how
sunspots came to be, how old the sun
is, the size of it compared to other
stars, and how the sun is involved in
making the aurora borealis, or north-
ern lights.
Fantastic pictures from the Hub-
ble telescope were shown, which
greatly enhanced the presentation.
Many visitors came away com-
menting on how much there was to
try to comprehend in the tact that
there are so many universes other
than our own.
"It's overwhelming! It's too
much to try to take in, in just a few
minutes," was heard more than once
from the visitors.
Dr. Corrine Brevik makes an
astronomy presentation on
Saturday, April 18, in Medora.
(Photo by Jane Cook)
BISMARCK - On March 31, the
University of Mary recognized close
to 100 students, faculty and other
members of the university commu-
nity, at the 50th anniversary year
edition of its annual Leadership
Awards Banquet.
Among tho%~ recognized were
those named to the Who's Who
Among Studen~ in American Uni-
versities and Colleges, which honors
students based on their academic
achievement, service to the commu-
nity, leadership in extracurricular ac-
tivities and potential for continued
success. Among those students are
Mark K. Hardy, Beach; and
Travis P. Zachmann, Baker,
Leadership Awards are given to
students who are sophomores or
above who have attained a grade
point average of 2.75 and higher.
Honorees are selected based upon
the student's involvement and re-
sponsibility in University of Mary
organizations and activities and ac-
cording to other criteria. Among
those receiving the awards is Travis
Zachmann, Baker.
Job Service North Dakota reports
that labor statistics show North
Dakota's Marcl~ not seasonally ad-
justed unvemptoTment, rate Was 5L 1
percent, which continues to compare
favorably to the national unadjusted
rate of 9 percent.
The state's March statistic is
largely unchanged from prior month,
which was 5.2 percent. The most
current rates are very near their his-
toric average, with February averag-
ing 5 percent and March 5.1 percent.
Since 1976 the highest rate ob-
day morning! aunt came in the afternoon and were itors at the home of Jerry and Bey '
Mike and Doris Berger and Lee
and Charlene Weinreis attended a
family dinner at the Chuck Finneman
home in Underwood on Easter Sun-
day. John and Jo Finneman and Paul
and Carol Finneman and Kyle of Bis-
marck were all present at Chuck's.
The Bergers and Weinreises visited
their mother, Liz Finneman, before
returning home to Golva. The Berg-
ers came home on Tuesday.
AI and Gerianne Hartse enter-
tained 45 relatives for Easter difiner
at their home in Dickinson.
Don and Patsy Maus entertained
Don and Marie Nistler, Randy
suppe4" guests. Noll.
Joyce and Tom Ray of Regina, Eva Howard entertained her fam-
Canada, left for home on Wednesday ily, daughter Linda, sons Gary, Mark
after visiting in the area with her and granddaughter Kayla, forEaster
mother, Eleanor Clarin, from the Sunday.
Wibaux County Nursing Home, and Tillie Craigo of Beach is staying
her sister, Beverly, and Jerry Noll] with her daughter, Janice, and Mar-
and their family members. On Mon- vin Scherman at the present time.
day, Judy Frasch of Wibaux brought Linda Stoveland attended a card
Eleanor Clarin to visit at the Chris- shower for Dana on Wednesday
tine Finneman home. evening at First Lutheran Church.
Rick and Linda Stoveland, Jacob Dana is the bride-elect of Pastor Paul
and Sammy, Annette and Jared Curl Peterson.
of Lincoln, N.D., and Gerald and Thought for the week: Words' that
Judy Curl of Beach were Easter Sun- soak into your ears" are whispered
day dinner guests at the home of Joel amt not yelled.
We hope you all had a happy lotte Langeru~t went to Easter Sun- teer serVices for us here. So to all
and blessed Easter. Some of our day morning worship and on out to you volunteer people and organi-
residents were able to go out for the Schafer ranch for dinner and zations out there, be sure and mark
Easter, and some had family and the afternoon and enjoyed a drive your calendars for 2 p.m. on
friends join them here for a very around the ranch. The Rick Miske Thursday, April 30, to come and
delicious Easter dinner in the din- family visited Florence Miske.join us for our appreciation tea.
ing room. Our cooks go above and Dottie Ingalls went out for a drive Our resident of the week is
beyond to make our holiday din- on Sunday afternoon with Ken Roger Meidinger.
hers extra special here at the Thompson. Pat Plummer's familyRoger was born on July 17,
Manor! celebrated Easter by having a get- 1938, in Terry, Mont. He attended
On Thursday, there were exer- together and an Easter egg hunt in grade school in Fallon, Mont., and
cises, and some residents took the the Activity Room with grandchil- graduated from high school in
bus downtown for errands and dren and great-grandchildren. Terry. He married Nancy Seheitlin
doctor appointments. Nancy, Judy Vincent and family visited in Glendive in February 1958. He
Lorna, Vicki, Marlene and Ar- Frieda F, eldmann on Easter day. joined the Army in November
mando facilitated a booth for the Helen Reiter's family has been1958.
Manor at the Wibaux Health Fair. here visiting the past few days. He was in the Army off and on
They had popcorn, informational Becky Weinreis led Bible Studyfor the next 38 years as a cavalry
handouts and played the Wii on Monday morning. She joined officer and also an intelligence of-
game. We had our monthly birth- Violet Schmeling and Charlottericer. In between his time in the
day dinner and cake in the dining Langerud for dinner afterwards. Army, he ran a sand and gravel
room, celebrating Julie Miller and Eileen Buchholz led our exer- outfit in Terry, worked for a co-op
Joe Job's birthdays. In the after- cises on Tuesday morning. Mar-in Glendive as well as Broadus,
noon, we decorated Easter eggs lene Muruato played bingo withMont., where he was the assistant
and cookies and enjoyed visiting the residents in the afternoon, manager of the Farmers Union
about Easters past. Bey Maxted Margaret Allen's dinner guests on there. He also owned his own
at 5 1 percent leneMuruatoandGloriaHendry,
did our hair on Friday. Mimi Hut-
sell came to visit Gertrude Jacobs.
Cherie Roshau from Dickinson
served was 8.1 percent in 1983, with visited her aunt Eleanor Michels
a low of 3.6 percent reported in and Florence Miske. Pastor Lam
was here for devotions; John Fos-
~-~ Mibh~t~llZi'~ff~ ~e-gearcll analyst ter played the piano for us.
~for Job Service'North Dakota, said, Eileen Buchholz led exercises
"While March rates are slightlyon Saturday morning. Maria Ross
lower than (the) prior month they visited Margaret Walz. There was
show effects of inclement weather Word and Communion on Sunday
across much of the state during the morning. Anna Lowman spent
period. This delayed some seasonal Easter at the Lowman ranch. Char-
industries, such as construction,
which would normally begin to
ramp up."
Bonus bid
BILLINGS, Mont. - Bonus bids
at the Bureau of Land Manage-
ment's April 14 oil and gas lease
sale in Billings reached $13.74 mil-
CP Energy Inc., of Layfayette,
La., and Slawson Exploration Co.
Inc., of Wichita, Kan., together bid
$6.7 million for leasing rights on a
1,523-acre parcel in Mountrail
That was the highest total bid of
the sale.
The highest per-acre bid was
$4,900 from Missouri River Royalty
Corp. of Bismarck for a 992-acre
parcel also in Mountrail County.
Of the 67 parcels offered, 51
were in Montana and 16 were in
North Dakota.
All of the North Dakota parcels
and 45 of the Montana parcels re-
ceived bids.
visited Gertrude Jacobs. Dottie In- Tuesday were Walt and Ardyn service station in Broadus.
t galls went to Wibaux with Ken Nattson and Dorothy Stolberg. He had two daughters, Tammy
Thompson. The occasion was to celebrate Morey who lives in Dickinson,
Our faithful hair ladies, Mar- Ardyn and Dorothy's birthdays,and Kathi Larsen who lives in
Bill and Joanne Lowman took Miles City, Mont. He retired from
Anna out for lunch. Melissa andthe Army in 1986 and worked in a
Tristen Lowman and Karen and water and wastewater manage-
Katy Davidson also visited Annamerit treatment plant in Idaho and
on Tuesday. Pastor Dave of the Oregon.
Beach Evangelical Church was He moved to Beach in 1995-96
here for devotions in the evening, and ~a~.publj~q :~prks ~djrectdr.
On Wednesday, Marlene and He mari'ied M~le[le "Ch~iska in
the residents made foot bath pack- 1998.' :~,,:i ' ~ ~,-,':
ets for the volunteer appreciation He retired in 2002. He moved
tea which will be on Thursday, to the Manor in September 2008.
April 30~We invite all of the peo- He is appreciative of the help here
pie who so generously donate their and glad to not have a house and
time and efforts with their volun- yard to take care of.
TEOHli0L0ilY ;
lip ~ IHIMIliilOH Ill all |lmllldlll~
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BEACH Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m. Belfield Baptist Church
St. John the Baptist Catholic Sunday confessions 7:45-8:15 Rev. Robert Hlibichuk
Church St. John's Ukrainian Catholic Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Rev. David Richter Church Sunday Bible Study: 10 a.m.
Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m. Rev. Taras Miles Belfield Church of God
and 10:30 a.m., Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on first, third 781 Milissa Ave.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and fifth Sundays, Pastors Harold & Marge Sundgren
LCMS 10 a.m, on second and fourth Sun- • Thursday, 7 p.m.
Rev. Scott Hojnacki days FAIRFIELD
Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m. St. Peter's Lutheran -LCMS St. Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic
Sunday School - 11:15 a.m. Rev. Scott Hojnacki Church
First Lutheran Church - ELCA Worship Service: Sunday :-- 8 a.m. Rev. Taras Miles
Pastor Paul Peterson Belfield Lutheran - ELCA Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on
Sunday School - 8:10 a.m. Rev. Roger Dieterle second and fourth
Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School (all ages): 9 a.m. Sundays, and 10 a.m. on first, third
Beach Evangelical Church Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. and fifth Sundays
Pastor David McGuillion Daglum Lutheran Church- GOLVA
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. ELCA St. Mary's Catholic Church
Worship Sunday- t 0:45 a.m. Rev. Roger Dieterle Rev.David Richter
Prayer Service - 6:30 p.m. (Located 25 miles southeast of Mass: 8 a.m., Sunday~
United CommuniD, Church Belfield) MEDORA
Pastor Warren Maxted Sunday Worship - 11:45 a.m. on Medora Lutheran - EUCA
Sunday Worship - 9 a.m. first and third Sunday Rev. Roger Dieterle
BELFIELD of each month Sunday Worship - 8:30 a.m.
St. Bernard's Catholic Church First Presbyterian Church Sunday School: 3:30 p.m., Wednes-
Rev. Shannon G. Lucht Pastor Kathleen Chestnut day
Saturday Mass: 4:00 p.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. Union Congregational Church
Saturday confessions, 3:15-3:45 June, July and August only
Sunday worship - 10:30 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
First Saturdays only, 4 p.m., Dec. 1
to April 4
Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor Paul Peterson
Sunday Worship - 8 a.m.
Trotters Church
1 st and 3rd Sunday of each month
United Methodist Church
Rev. T. C. Chatman
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Calvary Temple, Assembly of God
Pastor Andy Lain
Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 am.
Trini~ Lutheran Church - ELCA
Pastor Paul Peterson
Sunday School - 10 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 11:15 a.m.
Christian Fundamental Church
Pastor Jeremy Sh-~dley
Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 11 a.m.
Western View Apts
Beach, ND
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