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April 23, 2009 Golden Valley News | |
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April 23, 2009 |
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April 23, 2009
BiG ' GLENDIVE SALES ] [ Hi|fangs County Pioneo, t Abernethy
I CORPORATION // ,o,,.,.,,.,. Ucen eO ea,.
Be sort! [ .izase&FleetVehicle / ] Call us for your printing Estate Agent in
_ _ i Remarketing | | needs: business cards, N.D, and MT.
Price reduced on this 158 acre pasture~,_ ,__ P_,, ,_,,,,, ,,.,,, ,_,,.puHay barley to pu OMIX FEED SUPPL I • Wholesale & Retail / / envelopes, raffle tickets, 12 years of experience!
and hayland parcel, 7 miles south of Sen- L..,~ uy mu tu.. ~a, t ru ~) o~z-,~mu.
tinelButte. Off a good road close to elec- ~ f I ,Cars&Trucks / /invitati°ns' invoices, (701) 260-5087 or
tricity with Southwest Water pipeline I i | | posters & more! (701) 872- 4674
running through the property. Call Dee at
Little Missouri Real Estate Co. 872-6080 [ GARY BRENGLE | / We also have in stock: '
I PHONE: 406-365-4407.
or872-4444. I / /Blank envelopes, poster
Beautifully restored 4 bedroom, 2 bath- ] )021W. BELLSZ / / b°ard and copy ~aper-
room home with family room on the third I GLENDWE, MT59330 / /Main Office, 22 Central
story. Cedar sauna in the basement; all , ,__..
new plumbing, electrical, flooring, wallpa- ~~o 4ii:O: t!OR::~ii:,:~ ~ ri oaar:!IIT0£FREE'.~1dO0~-;26~-'6763' TOLL HOME:406-365-8/04 FREE" 1-800-726-6763 |1 / '0i"L| Ave
per, windows, steel siding• Gorgeous / ( ) 872-3755 C 0 M P/\ Y
fenced yard with its own well; new side-
walks, driveway, large back patio with ~ _
curved front porch. A very unique
home! Call Dee @ Little Missouri Real
Estate Co. - 872-4444 or 872-6080. ~ [-~
At private treaty - registered black Angus Countr I ennett Houolu.
bulls, yearlings, fall yearlings, and 2 year _~kl11~nl~_~Hir
olds. Good selection. Performance and
fertility tested• Will feed until May 1st. De- ...... I / All Risk Crop & Hail Insurance " Cliff ,,.M ycl'Lrza1-,
• Cabinets- Countertops I |
livery available. Trangmoe Angus Ranch ° Millwork I | 211West Main
- Glendive, MT. Jim Trangmoe: 406-687-
33151' " Computer Aided DraftingI / Add., MN 56510
• 1-800-784-2106
and Designs - I | Sentinel Butte, ND
34052.For sale12OnvoltBidS:electricalFarmallsystem,tractor serialnarrow # New Construction/Remodeling' " I / 16201PoIc1° BOXHiohwav157 10 Shop - 701-872-2060
front, 6 foot Artsway belly mount mower n_tia!/C°mmercial - I | Sentinel Butte, Ng 58654 Cell - 701-206-0067
attached. Questions - call Carl at 872- Complete Staining & Finishing |
3661 evenings. Send your bid to: City of of AII Interior Wood Items ] | ~tVel~T ConstJF[lction
Golva, P.O. Box 147, Golva ND 58632. " ..........i / Farm~Ranch
Bids must be received by May 5th, 2009• ,
The Oity council reserves the right to re- Calvin L. Walter i / JohnGermolu$
12180 35th St. S.W.Dickinson, ND 58601 I " Wl - ~o~erclaJ
fuse any and all bids. -8584 ....... I l ayne Lee ,
_Cell: i701i 2_60-1566 I / Marisa uansruo Residential
Cute, 3 bedroom, 2-bath mobile home in E~odworks@ndsupernet.corn / /
good condition with attached entry and J 1 |VII, No. 9.298
beautiful lot in Golva. Call Dee at Little fits. Call Floyd at (701) 252-1399 or fax newspaper for details•
Missouri Real Estate, 872-4444 or 872- resume to: (701) 252-6322•
6080. ~ . .
HELP WANTED: COMBINE and Truck- ~ KEY Jamtorlal
Certified Morton Oats: Bulk- drivers for harvest run. 2-7 months em- > Service
$4.90/bushel; Totes-$5.35/bu. Call (701) experience•Pl°yment' wageHome: (701)depending662-1955on High-Speed ~ ~ Y~" ~ ~ ~" ~
872-6109or872-4109. DITCH YOUR DIAL-UP! [~kL~t.d. !~L~ >
Shop." (701 ) 395-4311 , Cell'. (701) 351'- satellite internet service in rura areas ~, .~ ,. • Decks * Carpet Steam "
"Stecker Farm." 3.5 sections of land north 1955• from WildBlue! As low as $39.95/month! ,emoue,,n
of Beach, N.D. Contact Becky Schell. Call Expert WildBlue today at (800) 915- FOR ALL OF YOUR • n • . icli n >> c[eamr " !<
3025 Stillwater Dr. Billings, MT 59102 3981. _ara=es ......n=
(406) 656-4964. . ~ t REAL ESTATE NEEDS! ".. _Laminate flooring ,*Strip. .,._c_ anfwax nlefloorsi
PUBLIC NOTICES ARE your connection R.E~t EST~T(~ wrr~
For sale: Husky Riding Lawn Mower, 11 to government-- available in your news- .ONiOn', m ;RnY " asement Finishing : "u not5tery Cteani
' 1
horsepower, make an offer. 872-2813. SPECIALITY RESTAURANT IN paper and searchable by newspaper, city PE~50~I. s R ,e. ° Tile & More ', Ken & Virginia Young <
Jamestown• Leased space. Tremendous or keyword at ~ 97 EAST MJMN STREET ~ :.... <
opportunity for owner operator. Selling for 5 year labor warranty ~ ~ : r ..... Owners
depreciated value of equipment• (701) ~ BEACH, NO . Licensed & Insured " • <
252-6264. CALL us -- we will be there!
Glen&ve, MT <
e Golden Valley News is looking for a I Jeremy Bulger ~ / ~24th St. NW~ Call 40~-377-3597 -5
general and local government reporter in i -- -- ~ P,O. Box 745 ) ~,
Golden Valley County. This part-time con- ~ PATti DAVIS BROKER 701-690-7763I owner Beach, ND > '
tractor position would primarily involve at- " KIM KRULL 701-690-7847 1701-729-9967 5862~ >
tending meetings and writing stories
regarding the same. Call (701) 872-3755
for an application. I ~,~1~ I
Bus driver wanted to drive for Golva Are you having trouble using a I I'
School during the '2009-10 school year.t-Fee7 , , .-2 I
Interested applicants should contact the Phor~e t-~ telephone !
business office at 701-872-3674. ~ If phone use is difficult due to a hearing, t
speech, or physical limitation you may * I
Painted Canyon Full-Time Seasonal Pc- be eligible for a free specialized reid, I
sition: Term of Position - June3 through ..... phone, If you are a North Dakota resi' I I Your local !
Sept• 6; Days of Work- Must be available !' ...... ( dent, call IPAT to find the right phone for ,I I I
for any day of the week; Hours - Must be ~ I telephone company I
available from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM; Pay P yOU. I I Serving the Beach, I
Rate -$8.00. Job Description: Call 1o800.2654728 NOW to see if I
The person hired will work along with the you are eligible for a FREE I I Golva, I
Theodore Roosevelt National Park staff wwwnd paLor9 telephone. I
at Painted Canyon Visitor Center along I- I Sentinel Butte & Medora I
94 a nd will be expected to assist visitors ~,~ ~,~ ,~,~ ~,~. ~,.,,~ .~,~ ~h*- ~p~.,~ ~ H~,~,.~ S~ ~, ~,~ s~,,~ ~ ~,~,o. I
with directions and other pertinent infer- | areas I
mation about Medora, the Park and other
local area attractions and services. Inter- ST EM ! I For service please call I
action with the public will be both out-
doors in small groups and indoors behind person ~ I 1"80°'523"543s I
the information desk. This will ~ ~__
hand out brochures on Medora, its bull- ["']'~'~• •
nesses, and Theodore Roosevelt Na- I~,~]~] ~J Ii-I[.:
FREE HBO, Showtime & Starz
D I R E C T V~-for 3 Months!
Packages Start only $29.99
No Start Up Costs!
We're Local Installers!
Toll Free 800-973-8012
Notice to Our Valued Subscribers
If your Golden Valley News or Billings County Pioneer
subscription expires, or if you are a new subscriber, it
may require at least two weeks before your subscrip-
tion restarts or starts. This is because the next week's
newspapers may have already been printed before the
day we receive your payment, and/or all the mailing la-
bels for the next issue have already been printed.
Thank you for reading the News and the Pioneer!
tional Park. To apply for this position,
please call (701) 623-4828
to request an application form or mail a
resume to: City of Medora;
Painted Canyon Position; P.O. Box 418,
A; Medora, ND 58645.
Deadline for applications is May 8. The
City of Medora is an Equal Opportunity
The Golden Valley County Fair Board is
looking for a group to run the food booth
during the fair. Hours of operation must
include: Thursday Aug. 20th 2-6 p.m, Fri-
day, Aug. 21 3:30-9:30 p.m. and Satur-
day, Aug. 22 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. This
opportunity is available to Businessess
and Charitable Organizations alike. If in-
terested or for more information, call the
Extension Office 872-4332 by May 5th.
This space
• is available
for only a
few dollars a
872-3755 for
more details
"Where you
can get all
of your farm
Andrew Smith
Phone (701) 872-3248
since 1936
Licensed Contractor
Backhoe & Other Dirt Work,
Design, Building and Supply,
Concrete, Stone & Brick,
Furnace installation
New or remodeling
Building your dreams
through 4 generations!
Beach, ND 58621
Thank you to all of our friends and family
for the love and concern shown us during
these past few months following my hip
surgery and recuperation• We appreciate
all the cards, phone calls, flowers, meals
and many acts of kindness. It's wonderful
to live in such a caring community• May
God bless each of you.
Thelma and John Stull
A special thank-you to everyone for the
prayers/flowers, cards, visits and Mass
during my recovery. I am doing great and
almost ready for that first dance again.
Thanks again.
- Steve Szudera
George's Barbershop
~Mon. Wed. Fri. Sat. 9-1 p.m.
'Iues. & Thurs. 9-1 :o0, 2-6 p.m.
18 SE 1st St. Beach, ND
Body Works
Massage, LLC
Cassie Szudera,
61 S Central Ave,
Suite 4
(Down the hall from
New Beginnings)
Beach, ND 58621
Golden Valle
Manor, Inc.
V~cki Braden, Administrator
• Flexible Meal Plans
• Assisted Living
• Night Security
• Activities
701-872-4282 or TTY 800-366-6888
The Golden Valley Manor is a
US Department of HUD facility.
Rental assistance is available to
This space
is available
for only a
few dollars a
872-3755 for