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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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April 21, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 THE GOLDEN qALI,EY NEW~t : THURSDAY, APRIL 21, CELEBRATE THE EASTER AT SENTINEL BUTTE, FRIDAY, APRIL Tickets ....... 75c Supper Served I REXALL 1 CENT t SA E// 4'DA~Y~ Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat , ~\, . Listen ~4tad,o pro- gram oV~KFYR at 8:45 a. ih.~mch day WOOD~RD~ DRUG CO. "Your Rexali Store" SENTINEL BUTTE F. W. Smith. who residing a male north of rented the Burhans residencefamily moved into it during The i IHarry Smith family is occupying~ the ranch on the river, fl~e latter having farm home. [moved ont~ the Pei~eful Valley ranch At the recent' organzia.tion meeting,at Medor~ /J , /o of the village board W T Pedersan] Frank ~end~ast. "//~ ~f ~ .... ' " " ' n I I~ ~ 11 V OUllll | was electgd chairman of the board a d lPenderg~t.'t, ej~ly~lvSda~day kes~P-:tdPn~. ............ 1 h,~, now carries the designation of mayor,I -&~din~ ~nand no r'~tdtnff]n .~dn.hnldin~ in~ ......... ]n,~a a place which was occupied by William] through[l~ theother day, ~ga Hlglin in the past. I brief st0~. He is in the trans~er-bus~- Mrs. Harry Huseby and Mrs. Mar- hess and was taking a consignment jbf guerite Boisen were Dickinson visitors trucks which he brought from/he Saturday. east. ~ .... The Huseby Cafe came out in a[ A~ ~"the Sentinea But~~ TMeatre, new dress for F~ter, with new limol-[Theatre, April 23-2& "l~Mong Rides eum on the fl0or,\fixtures rea rr~ged,|~4,ain with George ~ayes and-Bill giving the plgce a~ attractive Sfppear-[Boyd. ~ /~" ance. / ~ " R~yZtr~;-,~n Of the crew Word has]' been Huber, long time and in Oregon buried de~ ar~ not available J.P. the Farm Sentinel Monday. Local truck drlvers who employed by the Monson Co. on a graveling Job at Hugh Bolton, John Rink Leo Brown, and Dick Sechrist.; C, l~/'Reed is making further lm-[ provements to his residence property[ and Albert Gallus, A1 lq~lgen, and[ Iver Neas have been employed theret during the week doing carpenter work.l Harmon Olstad and family, who have resided in town since last fall, have moved onto the Einar Olstad operating the W. P. A. coal mine east farmer of town during the past winter, re- residing ceived a letter Monday from Kenneth and was Bill Burn's Harmony Boys Playing P~er,a:jeth enxgi::ef:r ct~gra=Ule'~t~very, very slowly. He ~' c~ryl~'~uck backfiring wM~le h~was~ e c o e r" ht "- " ~ ~J ...... :ce~. ,~ lg arm in a cast as the re~ ~ing it. k'/ recoro maae ourmg me season, ~mg . -~i - ,~ • _ that the local uniX'had made~better~ ....... production apd ~st ,recor~w~han any other unit il~ l~s dil~tri~Ilt#rMr. Piper congratulated~ ~t~e fo~e~n and crew rV][_][Ar~1 on their rec~r~ of '~tromplishment. lll/~l Paul Wyc~(~ff, w~ ~ on the H. C. Thoera~e ~l~i during\the past winter, has I~[ne a reside+ of the TRIRITTE village, having moved into ~the Bob ~.~.~L~j~.~ Schaefer house. / Mrs. Lyle Martin left .T~sday night 11~. ITIEJI~I" £CWiI~TI~ for Crosby, Minn., hav~g received ~¥1~lill~A~ll/ll~l, word of the passing of hbr aunt, Mrs. -- -- ----2- .... H. L. Nicholson. R. C. Doyle was in town Wednesday, and is taking the world in general THREE DAY SPECIALS ~- 2-for-..__25e ~-'Y: ?. T27'_ H~, 0cci~ent, 98 lb $3.49 ~r is G~inSUp--1O M~___; ....... 59c w~ A~w.~ H4e ~ty Fr~h ~d S~ok~~ Meats. a~ F Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Strawberries for your Sunday Dinner . . ~ ° . Your;last Tvibute~the departed loved or~s is the ~ s~rvice you can perfoiu~'. Ma[~C'it one1 that will be worthy and~Cinanent.. \ ~~epresentativ~s Of the Mel- rose~ ~nite Co. and all~',p)0numents come dwect from the"~" . o "" manufacturer to ~'OU. BRATTON-WALKER "Mark Every Grave" CASH & CARRY MKT. & GRO. g GAINS! 65e Vitalnin D ................... 49c 50c Antisel)tic Mouth Wash ...... 29c e • ~i0c Menth()hdum ..... . ............ 49c ~ Ovaltine ... .... "V" • ......... 4,qe 5~ -Milk Magnesia .~ ......... 39c ,~ .N'OGRA~',... ~ ,. ~ j, 2iX) T-~re ASl,l ,) . ........ 69c I(X) [~. S.Asl)ir ,~ gl'aln ... 39C (;()c A1 ~e." ................. 4~c 50c l)a I m Face Powder . .... 39c 50 d Juniper Kidney pills 39e MERCHANDISE At a Lower Pri~e '" PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS WALL DRUG COMPANY' ReeveBuilding Phone 31 Beach, N. D. i Grapefru t, Arizona Bananas, firm ripe, ..... ~... Carro~ green top ..... 3, BEANS, Great Northern,.. ,~ FIG fresh.. SPUD CHIPS ...... No.Rub Shoe White Tomato Juice, IGA... lge 50 oz. can 25e aloe,....lge 50 oz.can 25c 6 for 25c 29c 15c 15c ........ 2 lbs. 25c Ill large 6 oz.pkg. 15c H .. large bottle 23c F. T. Reynolds Co. SPRING HOUSE CLEANING PRICES! We Deliver Free Phone 75 i, , Jewell Shortenl%, 4 lb. pkg ...... 56c Sugar, extra fine, 25 lb. sack $ .... 1.49 Flour, Occident, 49 lb. sack ..... $1.89 ~ t Occident, Chick :Starter, ~5 lb sk.. 73e Oeeident Chick Feed, 25 lb. sk. .... 6% Macaroni or Spaghetti, 5 lb. box .. 3% Cheese, yellow Ameriean, lb ...... 1% Corn Flakes, ~. lge pkgs. .......... 1% Oatmeal, lge 18~. pkg............ 1% Seed Potato~ at~:certifie~ 1001~~'.. $1.25 BROOM/~,$1.00 value, now//... .... 59c OX~L, large pkg....// ....... 21c PUREX, qt. bott~ Only... ........ 15c s I0 ..... P & G laundry soap, ~ bars .38c Sunbrite Cleanser, 4, ¢ans ........ 16c Water Softener, 3 lb. pkg. ........ 21c MATCHES 6 box crt. ............ 21c I We Have A Very Nice Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds WILL TAKE YOUR PRODUCE FOR GROCERIES KING TIME, SUPER VALUES .f LARD " TEXTURATED ~en~ationa/ lower Prices Now t~ Your Red 0.4 food Store RED OWL St} qf198-lb t).Z~BAG THE BIG ECONOMY FLOUR FARMDALE 98- lb. Bag _$2.99 ARMOUR'$ MILK VAN CAMP'S STERILIZED EVAPORATED Pound' . ~.. I2½c Carton / - ~.; ...-- -=- Extra DeliciOus - Extra Value ,,.,s,0s. WHEAT PgFFS ,L ¢.. O~1 PEA~T q L, q@( BUTTER L J.;' ~, CARROTS, greefi tops, 2 bunches .. llc CUCUMBERS, f~ salads, 2for .... 17c T OMATOES, fa~'cy, red r~pe, lb ... 10c Grapefruit, jtfig~y, seedless, each ..... 5c GREEN ONI(~S large bunch ...... 5c Oranges, finest,qual., 200 size, 2 doz. 45c i/o, %¢ • MOi~ POTTED MEAT. ~~ 5~ SHREDDED WHEAT,,..,~''~-- 2'~~ °¢'-,.. ... LEWIS LYE '~""°'~"~" .,¢,. '"~" 10¢ CHEMICAL CONTENT * Can GREENWICH LYE "~"~" ^~ ~ ' 2 '~ 15¢ ASK ABOUT DIONNE QUIN HANDKERCHIEF OFFER PALMOLIVE SOAP.:" 5%` Super Suds '~17' SOAP.5 I U h r k ]