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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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April 21, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT MACHINERY BELTING--Used tires all sizes, Jacks, air cOmpressors, ~ to 35 hp motors, air hell, reliners, air tanks, wheels, molds, rim changers, spreaders, gas engines, wood and metal cutting lathes, tube plates, buf- fers. pulleys, axles, irrigation pumps, oil pumps, hydraulic lift, l-yd. power dra~ llne model 15-27 Case tractor engine. 18 planer. &ft. band saw. sPindle shaper, grease hoists, six and ten-ton scales, milk. lng machine, Storm borelng bar+ Mail yonr worn-out washing machine wringer rolls for new replacements. Returned same clay. BRANICK CO., FARGO. MISCELLANEOUS ADDRESS POSTCARDS 2c e:ch paid in advance, supplies fur° ni~hed, details free. MISHAWAKA MAIL- |NG SYSTEM. No. 64oC. Mishawaka. Ind. NOW IS THE TIME to place your order for silver black foxes at greatly reduced prices for June delivery. ARTHUR QU1ST, Two Harbors, Mine. CHICKS J NO. P~k. B~by Chicks and turkey poults from blood tested flocks. Write for Drices. Red River Produce Co..Grand Forks.mem- ber of International Baby Chick Ass'n+ HOUSEHOLD YOUR OLD MATTRESS made I rious tuner-spring mattress for , MeHOSE MATTR~ESS ~eO8 N. P. Ave. - .... SEED~ HARDIEST Sweet ~ver, Alsike. Seed Corn. Millets; and other for~ crops. Shipments subject your Samples free. Grim1 Alfalfa Fargo, N. D. 500 Coo Growers. AUTq PARTS TR1 JTO PARTS~The only firm in specializing in truck partsthe largest and most com- plete st¢ick auto parts and equip- ment the country. 24-hour ~ervlce orders. Write, wire or phone, AUTO PARTS CO. 210 PlyAve. • Minneapolis, Minn. For Sale--Live Stock IIORSE. CATTLE AND HOG SALES every Monday. AH sold on commission. I~e~0s~cred slallion$ and tacks for sale. ELDER IIORSI~ SALE COMPANY Jarrtestown ~- +Narth Dakota. ELECTRIC F~CING'~ %~nd SDeci~d Offer. ~er. Free literature. LA,N G L IL~E LECTRIC 820 First Ave. No.. ~t~rgo. North Dakota. -- i ~ DRIEa I~,~UIT Big ass't. Farm Drice~. ~Pree prunes. Sam* pies. 13th yr Homer WtlSht, Caltstoga. Cal, ( "0Lu DKV,'-OPZD 8print.~double weight enlsrgemenMh 1.11l|lrlB or your choice of 16 l~rlnt~ without | ~ enlargemsnts~Y~ccoln. Kepnnte 8cut. NONTHWl[ST PHOTO Sl[ll~qCIr ~ Pm~o - I~IDt. K - North Ihkom COFFEE SHOP • Comp]eteIF air.conditioned • F.q)e porklng lot O ~nfo~, table andI~oofh s*rwi~# ff , , . ,, , , II _ TIPS to More Combinations CROP combination is useful with vegetables such as tomatoes, melons or corn, as well as with "small garden" crops like rad- ishes, lettuce and carrots which require comparatively less space. The followi*~ combinations are suggested by Harold Coulter, veg- etable expert of the Ferry Seed Institute: Sow dwarf peas early in rows four to six feet apart; plant radish between rows of peas, and plant C ROP combination is useful with vegetables such as tomatoes, one row of cucumbers between every two rows of peas. Set cauliflower early in rows two feet apart; one foot on each side of each cauliflower row plant spin- ach; sow radishes between spin- ach rows. When radishes are used set tomato plants in the space thus vacated. Peppers or egg plant may be substituted for to- matoes. Sow early turnips in rows three to four feet apart; later plant • row of corn between the turnip rows. Give ground ample supplies of fertilizer when combined cropping is practised extensively. MERCHANDISE full blo~ frol off hel, plu rip: TI~ WORLD AT ITS WORST By GLUYAS WILLIAMS PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Judge -- And not satisfied with stealing a baby's bank, you took s fur coat and a diamond bracelet. Defendant--Let me explain, your honor. From childhood up I was taught in Sunday school that money alone does not bring happiness.- Farm Journal. No Home Work She--My sister is going to marry the cashier in a bank. Is it a steady job? He--Yes--ff he doesn't start to bring home samples. Where Is She? Daughter--The girl who hesitates is losL Father--Nonsense, she's extinctl irimn contained in BOTH Pepsodeni Tooth PowdO+ and Pepsodent Tooth Paste "~ ..... • Thank your lucky stars--that Pepso- effective... ~nabling It to gently br~a~+, + dent now contains remarkable Iriuml away unstghtlysufface-statns.., roster- For this wonderful new cleansing agent tng teeth to their full natural radiance. --found on/jr in Pepsodent--promtses Pepsodent withlrlum is thorou~h...yst your smile a new buuty! utterly BAP~. It contains NO BL~ACEI. For Ilium makes Pepsodent ax4ra NO GRIT, NO PUMICEI Try itl NOT WHAT THEY SEEMED Customer -- Here, what do yotl mean by selling me these trot1 carvings yesterday--I now find thelfi are nothing but the cheapest of imi- ~ tations. Dealer -- I can't understand it. Maybe the elephant they came fron~ ~ had false teeth.--Farm Journal.