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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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April 21, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 I 2 Tubes Nyal's Tooth Paste or 2 Tubes Dr. West's Tooth Paste With 2 Gold Fish and Bowl ALI~ FOR .......... ............... 50c WALL DRUG CO. GARNER ~Mltg Kenneth Shoe~ left Wednesday for~ :l~xgo and expects to go to Sioux Falls S, D. His grandmother, Mrs. H. Sheen accompanied him, ~md will spend the summer with her sister at Madison, S. Dakota. /"~ : Mr. and ~,rs( T. Wosepka and child- ten spent ~te~ S(lfiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell N~tle]:. Ted Stull cam04~ome~Saturday f~om the O. C. C. camp at ~idney and ~tll stay until Wednesday/with the l~me folks, i/ ~[r. and Mrs. Fred McManlgal ~qslt- ed at Che George Stull h~e Sunc~ay. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sh0en an~ sons were Easter dinner guests ~ the ~)istad ranch. Kermet Sheen and Edward Wbsepka attended the show and dance at Beach Monday evening. ALPHA Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson and Mr. .and Mrs. Leighton Nunn and family spent Sunday at the Aud Nunn ranch. Miss Louise Otremba spent her Eas- ter vacation with home folks, return- ing to her school duties at Dickinson Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Irons and Jim- mie spent Sunday at A. F. Irons. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kingsley and fam- ily of Baker visited over the weekend at Wm. Carew's. Mr. Kingsley return- ed to Baker Sunday evening and Mrs. Kingsley wil lvisit with her parents the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brockmeyer and family were visitors at ~he H. A. Bu~y home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McManigal spent Sunday with the George Stuil family. Mr. snd Mrs. Gloyd Bury and ram- : ily wer~ Saturday night and Sunday ~~. " I visitors ~t Claude Schouboe's. W~TTER~ ~ Robert'~Carew was on the sick list Several ladies of the COermy. 2,~hCura~- from Beach ~edne~day where she has led on Mrs George Tasker - - en em lo ed Si--- 1--" fall ! • ' ~e p y ~ • i day p. m. to help her celebrate her bir- Mrs Wm Carew has been laid up thday. Mrs. Kramer brought a fine since last Tuesday evening due to a angel food cake and the ladies all bro- fall when she suffered a painful injury ught nice birthday gifts. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in social chat. The Art Kammerer family, O. K. Omley, Cecil and Geneese, W. A. Campbell, Nels Nelson and the J. Y. Crook family were visitors at the. A. M. Ftanagan home on Sunday. Miss Walker, teacher of the Trotters school gave a party for her pupils and a few invited guests on ~rlday p. m. Games were playe~ and~l~Ii~ Walker gave each child a f~e ~r treat. MZ~s Marg~re~ Flsher: teacher! Of the Guy Lee scl~0ol closed a very ~ceess- $ul term of SChQol on FTida~. She too~ her pupils to ~e movies lr~ Beach on Saturday. Mrs. Ray Tarker and son are visiting at the home of the former's parents. The Leonard Leland and Alvin Le- land families were Surtday visitors at the George Tasker he ~e on April 10. Mr. and Mrs A. M. ~lanagan called at the George Taske~ home on Sat- urday evening• to one of her limbs. Here's hoping she will soon be able to be Sbout again. Mr. and Mrs. WhRe and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs Robert Sonnek and family, Mr. Fritz Yas- chinE an~ family, ~ais~ Wassman, Andrew Kohler and ~ FAde were Eas- ter guests of Mr. ~nd Mrs. J. H. White of Golva. ] Mr. and Mrs. Lo~lis Knapp and fam- ily were visitors a~ the P. J. Schlllo home in Beach sfanday. Gordon Gronning was reported sick wgh the flu Monday. Renew Your Subscription Now! For Sheriff As a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Golden Valley County, I respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the Primary election June 28th. During the four years as deputy Cc,:il Omley i.*~ no~ helping Bert and 4 yea~s as sheriff I previously scr- ~.~p(:~ly with his farm g operations, ved, i( wa~ my constant aim to carry Mrs. Kyle Sperry :rites that Mrs. out lhe d~ies of the office with a Edwards gave a very nice lY~-thday minimum a~ount of turmoil, an equal dinne~ for hel Iather John Herrlck small proportion of expense to the when he celebra~d is eighty second public whicfi ~o~ts the ~11, and yet b~=d, day, recentlY: consls~nt with the proper enforcement George Tasker ant his father made of the spirit and intent of the law. If s bus}ness trip to ~ mh on Saturday. nomb~ated and elected to:this import- lZarry and Dick Madison ~,nd Aaron ang office I pledge myself to resume CIements are now located at Fort Kla- and Cont£nue these policies. math near Kyle Sperry's, where they --CURTIS SILL hope'to lind employment. Pd. Pol Adv. -T1 Tailokmade for Io~Jawest w , ther cot~ditions • • SUPERMIIg _ Paint won't peel, or Why int Oompaves With Any $3,50 Grade. Yet Sells For Only I$2 98 per gal. * It better! Ask ware" dealer in your community \ about SUPERMIX Paint. ~ ASTONISHING OlrFF.I~ Go to your nearest "Our Own Ha~lwate" ~ore. ;. uk about the astonishing "Llnoh" A Beach Council ge- organizes Tuesday THU~ ~H~: GOLDEN ~ ALLEY NEWS TtIUKSDA~;, APRIL ~1, 193~ FOR SALE--100 bushel choice c~rcs ~ seed wl~ea~. Mrs. d. M. ~Coy, o,,k 'This Week In Olendive FOR SAL~Good Used Matt:t'ess~ h~i A-1 condition. Inquire at tt~e ~Old- AT EASTERN MONTANA'S FINEST THEATRE Winn en Valley Hotel. 2'8-tf WANTED--Man with car. Route ex-! )crience prefererd but not necessary, i Opening now Write Rawleigh's, ~DDsI ll-MS, MinneapolL~ Minn. o$ ~eeI Ralph Stacker eBaci~ N.D. ~g:4tp' BABY CHICKS Day old or started chicks from blood t~:sted t]ardy northern flocks. We have them ready for immediate or fttture delivery. All common breeds. We do custom hatching. Send or bring eggs at any time and in any q~iantity. Write or call. REN HATCHERY, Dick- inson, No. Dak. 27-Ilt¢ SA Oores w eatil )er bushel. C~arles Purvis, B~ac~. 28t / FOR SALE---~heep and hog fencing, Inquire at ~ith's Service. 28t2C Pastuerized I~efore it goes to ~ oust. omer. That ~ean~t it is safe. l If are not a regul,3r customer, s~rt day. Beach Cr~me!T. ' / FOR SALE--Ceres seed wheat and Bison flax. Frank Kannenberg, Be$cl~i i 2~tpl When a quick hasty meal is requir, ed, we are your friend. We specialize in Sunday dinners. Hotel Beach: l~:tf PARK CAFE---Home of good Ic~l. Good coffee at all times. pop and lunches. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. V. G. MORRIS BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA Phones HOUSF_e--56 OFFIOD.-4~ On Mon(iay evening the City Council held it~ final meeting of the two year term which ended on that date. Their time was occupied by allowing a number of bills and taking care ol oth~" routine business incident to the closing of their terms of office. Innnediately upon adjournment of the old council the new council con- vened for its organization meeting. Mayor Halstead submitted the name of C. O. Halvorson for City Auditor, John Keohane for City Attorney and M• L. Lovell for Chief of Police. Sup- erintendent of Water Works and Street Commissioner all of which appoint- ments were duly confirmed by the Council. H. R. Thompson was elected Presid- ent of the Council and M. P. Lovgren, Vice President. The Mayor appointed the following standing committees; Finance, R. W. Johnson, Chm., T. L. Dickinson, M. P. Lovegren. Sewer & Water. John Brown, Chin.. W. H. Woodhull, H. R. Thompson. Street & Alley, H. R. Thompson, Chm., R. W. Johnson, John Brown. Street Lights, T. L. Dickinson, Chm., W. H. Woodhull, M. P. Lovgren. City Hall, M. P. Lovgren, Chin., R. W. Johnson, John Brown. Board of Health, W. H. Woodhull, Chm., T. L. Dickinson H. R. Thompson John Brown. L. J. Exickson was re-appointed Special Police officer. National Child Health Day To Be Observed Bismarck--At least thirty counties in North Dakota have made plans to celebrate National Child Health Day early ix~ May says Dr. August C. err director, division of child hygiene of the state depatment of health, and state May Day Child Health Day Chairman. Observance of Child Health Day will be nationwide. It will be the 15th annual celebration of its kind in the United States. The slogan this year is "Speed Child- ren on the Road to Health." The May Day Child Health Day Bulletin containing suggestions and material for celebrating this important occasion is available free to organiza- tions and schools from the state health department. Mrs. Leonard A. Wollan, Beach, has been named Child Health Day 1~Tnair- GUY LEE ATTORNEY Sentinel Butte, N. DalE. DR. LORNE R. FORBES Osteopathic PHYSICIAN AND SUR(]F.X)N General Practice Confinement man for Golden Valley county./ At the Sentln tte / h tre' Theatre, April 23-Pet. "]~olm~ng Rides Again" with George H~ and Bill! Varicose Veins- I~morrhol~ Boyd. " I Office Phone 79 ~. Phone THE WEATHER ! ......... ' ..... ..... hi low • p~e. KEOHANE& KUHFELD ATTORNEYS AT LAW Phone 133 Beach, North Dakota April 13 63 41 .Ol April 14 63 38 April 15 67 31 April 16 72 39 April 17 67 45 April 18 77 45 .09 April 19 59 36 .09 Tbe Markets Wheat ............................ 80 Flax ............................ 1.69 Oats ............................. 15 Barley ........................... 32 Rye .............................. 37 Corn ............................. 65 Eggs ...... 12c butter ...... 28c Cream, sour .... 22c sweet .... 24c CLASSIFIED ADS w ~--SYfD--~-6--~-~--~ ~o g ,i -~a ~ ,y~s stove. Inquire at Cozy Cage. 2if-if FOR SALE~1931 Plymouth four.door sedn, overhauled, good\ body and rubber. Also 1930 Essex:~go~ run, ning condition, fine body~ g~od rub:[ her like new: Both cars ~a~e priced[ for' quick sale. Communit~ G.~ra@,l Beach. 29-tf I FOR RENT OR SAL~.-'My r id ;; l ~ach. z. Wasoff. ~:~I FOR SALE---I have for sal@ 80 acres two miles south of Beach, ~nown asI the N% of the SE~, Sect~bn 11 in] township 139, north o~rang~il~. ~Vill"I sell cheap for cash. ~his t~ct ks parL] of the Mogle estate. ~3all l'on B. T:l Piesik, Beach N.D. \ t 28-tfcl DR. O. R. NIECE Dentist BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA M. W. LUo~s, M. D. Physiela~ a~hd Surgeon Beach, Nbrth Dakota :DRS. SPEAR & REICHERT Eye - Ear - Nose - and - Throat EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED DICKINSON, NO. DAK. DR. E. A. NYMAN Chiroprne(or CHOREA (St. Vitus Dance) Pay ~tVhen Cured Hemorrhoids - Vericose Veins Thermo-Baths For Rheumatism Arthritis Diathermy X-rays AI,L EXAMINATIONS FREE Beach. North Dakota Office phone 61 Res. 84-M, i_ AIR CONDITIONED BY " CARRIER" ~ If pri ROSE Matinee Sat" " Sun" 2 P" m' ~ ONLY 10c ...... 40c b Kiddies 15c Sat.-Sun. Mites Try ( THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY jl MA! AS PIA.CHLS O'DAY The Toas! of the G~eet White Wayl MA[ AS MM. tI}l The Toas~ d I~ree Added i ms: Phil Spitalny's All Girl Or, in "Queen's of Harmony" Latest eves Sh~ws at 7-9 MIDNITE PREVIEW S~T. 11:30 P. M. J ALSO SUNDAY'MONi~Y'TUESDAY er of PLUS! NEW! EXCITING! 9~ MARCH OF TIME t News Shows at 7