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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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April 21, 1938
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THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1938 a few days at her home in Glendive. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ine Hartse and Marlys Ballard autoed ing entered the hospital. Pap 8 Wibau News Gent Seubert returnedto Greatto Carlyle Friday afternoon. Billy Mrs. Bill McManigaland mother, Mxs.I X Falls Sunday after spending his vaca- refereed tl~e basketball game and the Bertha Johnson were Beach shoppersI tion at the Wm. Schuett home. Carlyle thachers returned with them. Monday. It seems good to see Mrs. Jo- I Mr. and Mrs. John Dunckel went to The F~aster program at the churches hnson out as she has been ill all winter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Melrose and Glendive Thursday evening where the were Well attended and @n joyed by all. Mrs. C. M. Anthony returned Monday daughter moved back to the ranch on latter was a patient in the hospital Mrs. Chat. E. Whir accompanied from Wisdom, Mir~nesota. He reports Thursday after spending the winter in for a short time. He resumed his her son Wm. to Terrp Saturday and his mother slight)~ improved. town. Their son Neff will stay with the school duties Monday. Mr. a~d Mrs/ LeRoy Moline and RUNN[RS AR[ Bold fami spent Easter with h~r son Wesley and children motored to Dickinson Wed° ly until school is out Mrs. Floyd Keyes was having dental family Miss Van Winkle who teach-~ ~ work done in Beach Friday. ] " nesday to sc~k medical aid for Bobby TRA~N[B 00WM o~at, was a guest at the Scott home Mr: andMrs. L. C: Bushman, Mr. ] UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Lea. / e-~-s~er, l ann Mrs. i.>avld Bairn and daughters] Herman Grove Minister Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fulton. Mr. and .~M ........ .... o ~rs. o. Upgrand of Wolf twereand chilgueStSr of. Mr. and Mrs. Rogerson [ ~' Mrs. C R Stewart were Beach visitors [NOURANg[ P_omt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. - d en m Terry on Easter Sun- ] Sunday, April 24th. Saturday : ~. B. Larsen t°av' . _ I Beach: Unified worship service at Mr. and Mrs. ~. M. Fulton, Delbert • - .... "-. I Mrs Jennie "lTrell is moving into her I ....... , ...... o~li.~ti~ ~ervice~ at and Gwendolyn ~ drove to Wibaux • ~u~. £X)Ulse ~ilyeu was in Miles City I~ " ........ l~u:~v, u,,u. r~W,o ........ Over the weekend inome wnmn was recently vaca~eo Dy'R.nN Thursday and DeSert signed up with th ...... • " e Melrose family She spent the t ''--" Rev. Oliver Everett was over from l ..... " ...... [ Trotters' Sunday School a 2:00 p. m. the CCC's. going ~ Miles City for the ~ea wm~er in ~.~zaiaza ann her Dromer-m- " " ar f ch to conduct services at the Trin alw Mr ........ I Preaching at 3'00 with the Vin of examination. lty Lathe -I . ~oggs orougn~ her ~acK ~tm- • ,o, ran church Sunday. Ida,, I Wilhoit Evangelistic party in charge. Mesdames C. 1~. ~tewart, Frank Sch- o~ZSs Mary Faye Conner was in town I Mr an .................... ] A district meeting will be held in ouboe, Alfred Scheffer, and MJssVerna from Ollie .~oh,~,~__ , . u ~wr~. r~. ~. ~v~-~,~u a-ul ...... were shoppin~ in Olendive Tuesday. ,. ~-~,u,~. Mr and Mrs Li~ ,,,~ .... , ,-,,~ iBeach on Tuesoay April Z~. tcepre- .~_aax._ and Mrs. John Wood and chil- I die ..... ~o,~ ~.,,[ ....... J sentatives from the seven churches of Donald Hammond is reported sick ,~ - m the W Bar country attend-I The Gold ..... ~ ..... ~" - - the East District of Montana Confer- with the flu. ~'~ ~saster • en ~u,e ~,uo oz n~ges nag _ serwces here Sunday They a farewell art - : -o - ~ -- ence are expected to attend Morning Mr. and Mrs. Duddley Ftflton and were dinn " P y ~or mrs ra Meyer • er guests of Mr and Mrs ]las ...... " "~- -- services begin at 11"00. Rev. J. W. family and Rev. Herman Gr~ve of Be- ~s '~t°~h :SrU~a~r and ::d'ghters and" ] aM~:?:a~dh ~M~: ~ ~hee:~h~aYijh: ~h? .Amrgne tste/mf2 r C~o:11 ll/::a luhntche2 °rnt C.aCh'M.wereFultonSUndaYhome.dinner gubsts, at the ,~ ." sons spent ed to be --"i ...... -'7" -- " noon in the afternoon Miss Morrison Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fulton attended melt Eas • gc~ ng ~w-. , • ,, ter vacation w~th their fam- Mr and M-- ~" ~ J . - and Miss Kelling of Olendive will re- services at the U. B. church on Sun- met near mbo~- . rs. ~atner ~eoerson au~o- . ...... ' - day night. • -- ~'~'" ed to Glendiv^ Satttrda~ and " .... ~., presen~ some oI me m~eres~s oz our ~x and Mr = ~ u u.vus.~ -.. • s.M.P. Ostby and Paul th^ f .............. ~,~.~*~ ~.~,~. Summer Camp and Rev Vinaroff will Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hall, Mr. and { au~ed to Gl~nm~,~ ~,~ ~ u~,,~ mvmer ~qwn io, ~,,,o~,. " .. Mrs. George Brenzel and Mrs. R. B. • ~, ..... : ......... '~Y" They took her hom~ ~,,n¢~,,, of~ conduct a Forum on Evangensm. t wans ~lSche ....... ~ .... - .... r who works in a bank noon / ...... Others will have part in the program IIIIII ~ UOlUmbus, Montana, spent his East- Mr" and Mrs Fred Reinecke and with talks and music. er with his pa n , Mr and daughters went to Whee,er Saturday to Film Mrs. p. A. Fischer. viist Mrs. Reinecke's mother, Mrs. C. T. ~ i tpr Wm" Bell °f Helena spent the week M°re- They took in the sights at thewith Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bushell. CARLYLE devdoped,___; 2, smaed T0 VI I ~^R. It. Welsh retcrned to his home dam and returned Sunday evening............_.......~_.__..2~M~M~m ~d ~e Mrs. Nick Scabad and children and There was a young folks rally at the ./ ement "~ Week from the Glendive hospital. Leland Cascade of Glendive were in United Brethern church of Ollie Thurs- ~L~, ~ R #, $0 I$ Mrs. Louis Larson and Edna spent Wibaux and Beach Friday. BettyMar-day evening. A pot ~uck supper was __L ~oR: the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. mon of Beach and Mi~ Eva Scabad served, a short program and Commun- JuleScarrollSeteraMeyerSOUthwasOfaatoWn.buslness visitor them.Wh° teaches ati Carlyl~ returned with ion service held. A pleat, ant evening :: O~R dayin Dickinsonand last week. Mr. and Mrs.~ Tom Colton and Miss waStending.Spent. Rev.i Grove of B~n~[e~at- BUTTE ORi & JEWELRY GO, ~a'. Jack Ballard came home Satur- Camilla Dahl c~me from Billings and L,~ies held a long ring! With Mrs. Ballard and the spent Easter with relatives. The U.B. Aid su~__ SENTINEL BUTTE, N. D. Children spent Easter with friends at ' ~ ~h~S Wk~/t8 "/~ Carlyle. Mr. and Mrs"\Hans Land, ~and]at Carlyle Thuts~lay., ~': Mrs. Anderson an~lx Mrs. A. H~el"~gstadI Mr. and MrS. :Bill Nar~m of 0~arll~le Rev. Trinklein was over from Beach of Hedges and Mr. ~d Mrs. ,]be ~in.sli and Mrs. Wm. Marum an~ Mrs..~Shr~d- GLASSIlY-- Oil is given workouts • for SUnday morning and gave his farewell and children from ~ear StI ~fllips er of Olile were Baker Nisitots Tt~s- OPTICAL GOODS OF AUh KIND~ Iso-Vis Motor - " greater endurance. Special Standard Oil to the congregation here. Many attended the program~ at tan C.F. ,a~fter a siege]6f illness at tl~. ~each Prame Ol~.a, $3.50--415.00. I~tmt regret to have this fine family church Sunday evening.' refining proce~le$ work out the wa~ unstable, carbon-formlng port/onl.~fhat'S but unite in wishing them well The Masons were hosts ~t a social hosi~It~l Mrs..]~;onald Scott returned to Rimless Glasses, $i0.00--$15.00. Lene~ [~[~[~0[[~ left--thel$o-VisMotorOilyoubuy--/s~d/ the ~home of/her mother, Mrs. Maude Round, $1.00, Fancy shaped, $~0. All Mrs.ther E.newA. homeBrandatandPOrtland,son RobertOre" gathering:rom neighboringThUrsdaYlodgest° whiChat Medora,gUests ; Bow~n of O~/ie on Sundaay. kinds of repairs on nancl. Send In I~ QUAKER STATE|Inln ranscmn~ oi]l That's why it 15 so long-luthl~, vsttors in Billings ~st week. Dickinson, Beach, Terry, Miles City, ~ Velma Sc~effer took up her duties mall; returned followl~ day. Dust I$0.V!$ . , ! M bulk for Iso-Vis when you change this Spt~ Miss Alice Nelson of the W. C. I-I. S. Livingston, Miles City, Olendive and again, Thursday as primary teacher in Proof Goggles, none better, $I~0. C~l- P0t~RINE.. l, bulk Spent her Easter vacatSn in ~ther places were present. There were the OUle/School. Mrs Heath of Ollie:ored O~, 25C---75C. STANOLIND , labulk o, STANDARD OIL DEkLEII$ lxeas, with her aunt, M i~ Bus- 78 .~at dewn to the banquet and the having substituted for her during her Strings and repairs for all mualc~ .... as" Master's right Yeas one long to be illness, trmtruments. Mr. and Mrs. Frartk and membered by those who attended. I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rising motored to O. GII~ERTSON, OPTICAL SMITH SERVICE STATION STANDARD BULK STATION from the north were[ Russell Welsh, Billy Schwartz, Max- Dickinson Wednesday where Mrs. Ris- SPECIALIST Franklin Smith, Pr~p. Earl Roberts ~nager in Beach and Wed- Beach, N.D. Block South of Depo~ ' andmother.Were dinner eats of Mr. Fischer to the ¢~r~Pr~~r'~F'~r~r~~~ ~~~~~~~ at her rome Monday ~m~ D~m~m~ CASH DALLY . M.B. Lar- I SEE 1 were the of the ATOLL $1 O0 ANDUP " evening antl lovely ~ were served. 1 ~~. TOM FI ENC" I SUpt. of ~chool, ~. A. Scott, was • to ~fiS hot part of last weekI m l|ty iDiivide ld a SeVere ~ ,d. :s mother has also t ill at he~ hen , with acold. Ponath,n~ aughter Mrs. E1Me l IS AGAIN ON THE I ¢ALL DRL i dental ~ork done. ~ .... and Mrs. AEgust Carlson o~ For ...... attended funeral services for rc on sts ..... F.,d. Carlson Wednesday afternoon ,e C. p. church. The former return- PI e31 g h No. Dak. o their hornet WhtlrSday. 'O" eac, BLACKSMITHING AT L. Mingle has been, cbn:ined to his With lUmbago. " : ~ ~ ..... he Christian Fundamental Ladies enj°Yed a pleasant afttrnoon at ~ t SORENS - H]- S OP home of Mrs. Simon Hazelton on ~:,~ o, a JOHN DEERE Thursday evening at the WE ALWAYS APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS andson James were ~~ ~~ ~ * fror~ Marian, N.D., 5 the/former's~ daughter, Mrs. " ~" Tl~e~ spent Wednes- - ..... Jordon tch~lol where Mrs. teaches ~[nd \were as aur- as She was :wher~ the mothers came hvith Ice cream and S . i chool ~r~ hono~ of her birth- 8he received~,~ m~y nice gifts best Wishes or trra~y happy birth- .Reneicke and Colleen autoed to Friday where the.latter had done. Ferne Knudson and mother in Beach Friday. e Bailey came Friday from near I Where he worked in a CCCI ~nd visited relatives and friends! afternoon, i and Mrs. Irvin Sweeney and son! GOOD .... ~0~1~ Terry came Saturday and[ The R & G Identiflca- ~,~,~ With the former's daught-[ tion sign means top Randy Meek and family, used car quality and visited at the M. Kramer satisfaction guaranteed in writing or YOUR , find it at your Ford Dealer's because he and Mrs. O. Ponath Mrs Watts, MONEY BACK. does a big business in used cars, as well asnew Fi Id cart. and lar,e volume means tow pr'ces, uom" R :Bailey and daughter Virginia TO ' ' Pe a c o c u r e s " & G Cmfl 01~ $o|d by I¢01~1 De(lie. o~, p-- them and see! . among those who attended the at the U. B. church in S afternoon. ~ Mrs. George Balough spent ,,Pe.oeking" is the ,~l'est method of ~2~" " '~ ~ ~,~mr vacation with the latter's { =.. getti~ all the r~inf~l ~to the subsoil .,/~..~:...,,. Mr. alad ~ra Dan Sutherland. ~ ~ and preventing t~psoil run-oft Th$ ~. " 18 the Commercial teach- -~-5:=-- ' "~7 O~u~. .: John Deere Damming Lister breMm and Mrs. hawrence Hartse and opon the sub~ofl IMI it form~ d~p b#t- i spent the week end with rela- ~ to hold wata~r on the |urfa~e until friends in Carlyle. Howard returned to it is absorbed by the subsoil Thet He has lsr/s stocks and s wide ~ctlon of body last week after speuding r~ughol~d surfa~o of the flold roduou ~ ~'%,. That mmm8 a ueod Ford V-8--bo~auoo it Is tin . t~pes. His reputation Pe~em's home here ::.~, ~lUO th0 St & GG~um~nt~_~ at Baker. ~ ofoMon. #~I$o. Come in an~ look on/y low.priced car that o~ot? 7ou.s is able to be out over the John Deero Dsmming Lister. ~ ~ ~ilnd~ en~In~ eomblmd wltlt ota~ up-~o- hm~o it o~o of tho #~Tar .... dat~ fmtut~ of tafet~, eotafoct and sppmmnm. ~ to buy ony um~l era,! With bronchial trouble. "edersonofGlendtvere. COMMUNITY REPAIR SHOP care of her mother, Mrs. again Monday after spending ALVIN FERAGEN, Mgr. Neck--And Didn,t Know ~umanMo~W~oDugSOot the ~nteresttus Phone170, Res. 86-J Aeross fromGoldenValleyHotel MOTOR CO Distributed With ) Beach, North Dakota Stuart attented Easter services in Baker I eous turkey dinner. after which they drove to the R. J. Hall I Easter services at the Carlyle chl&r- home, where they partook of a bount-lch were enjoyed by all who attended.