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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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April 21, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, Leo Rising syml~thize with them in Mrs. Th- P-o'aen Valle-" News and Mr. anJ Mrs. C. Ba,%.~o~ome',v ~__~ D au . .. # ....... /visited at G. E; Schallo0£3 Sunday. ! A continuation of The lJeacn ~avance ana The ~eaen aevmw t Frank Bares ~as infection in his foot] D. A. Wallace, W. R. Bratton, and H. E. Enderk /due to hurting~'it\w2th a pick-axe. Editors and Publishers ] Fayne Kannen~g attended the A weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. senior ~lay in Bf~_h~day evening. Bntered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beach, The/Martin ~npt~ment Co., of Sent- North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897 t nel ~ut~ d~verbd .a. tractor _to .Ca:l ~-^'~-+ .... tes furnished un-n re-uest uarl~on sa~traay wnicn a~r. ~aris ,-~uv~,~,,,~s -,* _ .... ~ .. ~ ..... had~urcl~sed. Oarl says that a tract- Bubscription price $2.00 in No. ..... Da~., ~ainn., menu, ana ~o. ua~., o~- t~.~ao~'L- ^ J ....... De~er-'~nan ....... xarmmg wlm Elsewhere $2.50 * horses. ~yone who already has a bed of asparagus estabKshed in his garden really has ag~mething to enjoy in the ~prtng. The gardener who doesn*t have this early vegetable should plan now to include 50 or 75 plants of asPar- ague as a part of his long time garden program. Asparagus may be raised from seed, but & year's time can be saved tf one- year-old crowns are purchased frown a seed house and set directly in the per- manent ~d. ~ should be of the Mary w~ va~ety. The~ crowns are set in a trench 6 inches deep and covered with an inch of soil. As the plane i~ow upward, the "trench is gradually filled until by fall the bed is level with the crowns buried six inches deep. This gives protection e4~ainst injury from cultivators and frost. A bed should come into two the third year. ~ or til~ cgn be cut as as they have reached a heisht of from $ to S inches. This flint cutting date iS n_4uslly about May 10 in North ~. The also is about the time the Ij~dem~ is pls~tinK the feet of 1~ garden. Cut~ in a mature bed can continue for ~ weeks, but the plants must be to grow f~o~ u~v 1 until frost to store up food for next year's e~ap. of t~ps. To~ are left standing over winter to catch moisture l~oVtd- ins mow. Th~ extra moisture not only helps the asparagus bUt often aids the rest of the garden as well. .~paragus is prelm~'ed mu~h the same as peas and can be eaten from the garden during the cutting season. It is also a desirable product home- can~ed. Beds of asparagus, once established, require little care and are long-lived. One ~6-y~ ar old p~ting at the NDAC +expe~ment station has produced at the rate of 1½ tons per acre for the past several years. A mimeographed circular on the cul- ture of this desirable ~een vegetable can be had from the Publications De- ~nent, N~AC, Fargo. I I I H BIG FOUR DISTRICT I I (Left out last week.) Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Strand and Henry strand are visiting at the Ed Oswood home. Both men are brothers to Mrs. Oawood. Mrs. Ed Oswood returned home from Washington after having been employed there for the past six months. Robert and Raymond ~everso~ have been on the sick list the past two weeks. Mr. O. W. Youells and Mr. Ed 06- wood called at the J. M. Stecker home on Sunday. Ray BroW~ and Harold Klttleson were callers pt the Albert Still home I~tmday. Mr. A. F. Dob~ar was in the Dick- inson hospital receiving treatment for his eyes ~few days. Mr. and~7,~.J.M. Stacker and Marlyn and Mr~and Mrs. O. W. Youelis were su~per~,uests at the Ellis Stecker home Sundky. Mr. and MrS. J. S. Schauer and ~amily were callers at the A. Iv. Doblar hOme Sunday. ~ Mrs. C. IAn~k and Connie spen~ Friday afternoo~ at the J. M. Stecker home. ~ Ra~,mond\Schd~:ter received a badly bruised eye ~st ~eek when the too with which he\~wa]~ working broke and a portion of it ~!~ ~nto his eye. Mr. and Mrs• ~ Brown and Mrs. ~ Brown ~roL~. ~ Wb~ and Olek- insert on Friday. Mr. Clifton Schaal has been suffer- ing with rheumatism the past few weeks. We wish him a speedy recovery. ALPHA (Left out last Mrs. Nell Kennedy Is at the J. K, Toft home work. BONNIE VIEW I I Mr. Olenn Stein drove to Dickinson Thursday afternoon to spend his East- er vacation. There was no school at Bonnie View on Good Friday. John McCaskey came down to Beach Friday afternoon from the CCC camp at Sidney, Montana, to spend his Easter vacation at home. Mrs. Jack Callahan and son Roger spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~ack Still. Raymond\Schauer had the misfort- une to ~et ~ piece of steel in his eye last wee~ wh~ working on the tractor. He cons~ted ~ doctor on Saturday. The m~ s~ol students of this vi- cinity epe~t ~d~r Easter vacations at their r~_i, ~m.ea. The re~r)-~ m~t~ of the school boa~ was h~ at~the Bonnie View school last Tuesdsy 6~ning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank~bIs were Beach visitors last Friday. The McCaskey family were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Minor at C~riyle on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Strywskl and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kldd and Tony Sokoloski were aloe ~ thare that day. I GOLVA IIIII Mrs. Myrtle Falstad and children who have been visiting her mother Mrs. Thos. Kirkpatrick the past month, will leave this week for Billings, l~ont., where she will join her husband and reside there. Mrs. A. M. Peterso~ and Miss Edna and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson were Dickinson visitors Wednesday. Mrs. H. M. Funk and M2s. Ed Fischer were shopping In BeaclT Friday. Miss FlOrence Schult0qs in the Dick- insert ho~ital sufferir~ from rheuma- OONG~ATION£L W .& SmRI~ Pum~ Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning W~p at 11 a. m. OhrMlan gndcavor at ~:15 p. m. The Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mr~ A. C. Mogie on Thurs- da~of this week. Bentinel Butte Services: Unified Services at 9:~0 s. m. Pilgrim Club at 6:15 p. m. Try the Want Ads PIA~ASA~gT V.~,I~Y II Fred KannenbCrg made a business trip to Beach Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.]V~. Bardell of Monan- go, No. Dek. ~ere over night guests at the Chas. Sl~z~mb home Wednesday. They were on,their way ~ome after ~nd~ ~e ~r~ C~fo~U~. Mrs Ings, Montana ~t +u~: Betty HoRa~ an~ Doro~ Wantke called at the Chas, Slo~o~b home Saturday on their way to o~esterheim with a bunch of cattle. +~+ G. E. ShaUock called at the Jess Houck home Sunday afternoon. Win. Hollar called at G. E Shallock's Sunday. (Left o~at last week.) Mr. and M~. E. Osterhout were dinner guests ~tt O. E. Richmond's and supper guests at J. D. Davldson's Monday. [ h " Mr. and MrS. G. E. Sc allock vis- ited at+ H. Slt~s in Beach Tuesday. W. A~ams ~nd D. Stover called at Fred Ifat~en~erg's Tuesday. Mr. and ~/~qr~ Rich~aond and family were sd~per~gu~ ~t G. E. Scballeck's Mon~e~~. ~i Mrs. Henry Feldhusen an~daughter Lucy, Mrs. Harold Feldhusen~/~d Mrs cud Mrs. John Brettin were ~d~st~ of iXlrs. E. O. Johnston We=lnesR~. Mr. IAvermore and son ~idn :y cMled at O. E. Richmond'~ Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sites and family, tism. { ,i Mrs. J~.n Fischer/and Miss Adeline were Beach shopperS Tuesday. Miss FAlison of BMmaarck was a guest of Mrs. l~bt Menl~ over Easter. Pearl IKirkpatri~_ came home from Casper, W~oming~ Prld~,y and will live with her ~mct~ther Mrs. Kirkpat- rick, her ~Ister]went to Louisiana to live with h~r u~cle, Warren and faro- Harold Nelson of Beach was a busi- ness v~tor in Mva Thursday+ n~ght. Wallace Hard and wife of near Rhame were night guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Fasching Saturday. After a month's visit J. Lang of SprtngfleM, Minn., returned to his home last week~ Mr. Lane bought the old Jim Gowers farm while here and is much impressed with the country. Ke is a brother-ln-law of Tony and Frank Xxeltinger. Mrs. Violet Page who teaches north of Dickinson and Httle sores Wallace and Charles spent their Easter vacation with her s~te~Mrs. Rudy Rising and family. The~we~ callers at the W. Page home ~s.d~ank Mr. and Rumalae of Carson, N. ~k.~ ~ere over Sunday guests with hel~4un~ Mrs. John Fischer and family. Mrs. R~malae was form- erly Mary wlot~ and~whlle here spent Sunday afternoon calll:ng on old friends in Golva. Mrs. Bert Covert and Mrs. Julius Laresn were Dickinson shoppers Sat- urday. Dolores Schouboe entered the hospit- al last week suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Her many friends hope she will soon recover. L. D. Page who spent the winter in town went out to the farm Monday to commence spring's work. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Nlstler enter- tafued a party of their relative~ at dinner Easter ~unday. W. B. Chappel of Dickinson was a business visitor in town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson have moved to what is known as the Mur- ray farm north of Rocky Butte. George Ferguson who spent the wint- this LOW POWER alST last week for Hysha~ where he will assist his brothe~r-w~th his spring's work. __ ~+,/ , .. Wm. Naraam ~f Carltfie was in Golva Saturday eallin~on--Z'fJ~dnds. I The many fr~end~of Mr. and Mrs. ...--~i./ SUMMONS I STATE OF NO~-H"-DAKOTA, COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY, ] In District Court. Sixth Judicial District. Roy A. Noyes. Plaintiff. VS, Beach Improvement Com- pany of Beach, North Da- kota; The Beach Improve- ment Company (Incorpora- ted) ; Beach Improvement Company, a corporation, of Miles City, Montana; James Hunter; and all other per- sons unknown claiming any estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the property described in the Complaint, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKO- TA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS: YOU are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action, which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Dis- trict Court of the Sixth Judicial District in and for the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota and to serve a copy of your answer to the said-Complaint on the subscribers at their office in the City of Beach, Golden Valley county. North Dakota, within thirty (30) days after the service of this sum- mons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, a~ln case of your failure to aPpear~or~kanswer, judg- ment will be ta~n a~a_inst you by default for the relief ~lemanded in the Complaint. ~k Dated this 31s~ day o~ March, A. D. 1938. N~E & KUh ELD KEOHAlS~[~ & t~l'~. , Attorneya~ for Pla~ptiff, Office an d~Apost officer addr es s Beach, No~,h Dakota~ NOTI~E :~ TO THE ABOVE NAMED D]~FEN- ]:)ANTS: You, and each of you will pl=~e take notice that the above enti~d actlon is brought for the purpo~ of quieting title in the plaintiff a~d of depriving you, and each of y~u,.of any and all interest in and ~o the following described lands a~d pre- mises situated in Goldel~ Valley County, N~rth Dakota, to~it: LotlJ It ~ 8. 41+ ~ 6 I~d ~ It Bl~ek 4 %~ IR/ekaM~ Hellfktm &ddl~oa ~to Beae&. l~brtla Da- kota, le~ tke ~Joutk .45r feet ef Loin 1. ~ amd ~ ia~Qloek 4 In mid ]BMlek~jrdl Helglj~ls Addltiom. heinz In dl~e fl~at~lbe~t Q, urte~' ($W1/I/4) o ~tlom ~4 In Town- ,,,,,+0. ;: ::,d.. Valley Coillty, l~l~la Dakota,. and determi'l~ingl adverse clalm~ thereto. Furtl~r~that no personaz claim is made ~inst you~ or either the loss of the~¢ infant son~born in the Dickinson h~pital where l~s. Rising is very ll~/ All sincerely hop~ for her speedy recovery. This was Mr. and Mr. and ed services in ~each Clinton Doubl&s of ing freinds in town NEW SEATS AIR CONDITIONED FRIDAY. SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 "International Settlement" Cast: Delores DelRio, George Sanders, Lang. Intrigue, danger and ~dventure comes to a/soldier of fortm4e. Also a Comed~ and News M +NmZ : AT" Tues/ay LANDING" Ca+t: . ETHEL 'MERMAN, CESAR "tt Again the lovely little Norwegian ~i¢1 the hearts of all with h~+~lTace and of you, unless you appear and de- Bg th f ily fend in this action, ran e am . Beach, ~orth ~kota ALSO A ) Wednesda . Thurs a OWl Y N "lrsene Lupin R rns" Blue hc~I.C.~ Cast" MELVYN DOUGLAS, WARREN ~%hi~ LLIAM, VIRGINIA BRUCE. Detective ,~. c.~io+ stery with a strong cast, efficient Blue ] excellent production, and maintained Rlb_bo~ pense. Hatcl~ry Candid Cameramaniacs and Our Comedy. K adjustable heavy miler instead d 4 GASOLINE OIL MVICg