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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 20, 1950     Golden Valley News
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April 20, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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]PAGE FOUR GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. t). "" THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 22 OLD TIME & MUSIC POPULAR M1 J ~¢~ Sta'pfls~-- =- -:---- .... - --- I Mr. and Mrs. LouSe Hurl•rid Mr. and Mrs. Volney Schmeling Mr. and Mrs. Leonard StrietzI Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Mrs. Paul Wehrman vcas a Bt~ Fl ank ,Mtehels was honored [GolvaN ] and family of Wiba x were Sun- [ and daughters were callers at the celebrated their tenth Wedding i of Beach, Mr. and rs. C-ordon marck visitor Tuesday. t~t Sundzy afternoon at his day guests at the Tom Wosepka['home of Mrs. Edna and Rienz~ Ann~iversary Friday evening, Schmeling and family, Mr. and .... ttOme in Beach, on the occasion eWS home in Golva. ] Hammond, Wednesday. wimn several neighbor faint,tea Mrs. Volney Sehmeling and fareS- ~' his 61st birthday, when ,a ~Mrs. C. G. Huffman left the[ IMr. and Mrs. Bert Fasching and and Mr. and Mrs; Strietz me- ly were six o clock dinner guests ~rge num~ber of friends and rela- past week for Burlington, Iowa, . I family were dinner guests at the tored over to Jack s Clu,b for a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Corns Remov ~lves surprised him. Mrs. Michels l~'epared and served six o'clockMr. ~nd ~Mrs. Gee. Gearey were called by telegram, stating the I Earl Pasching home'in Golva on pleasent, evenlng.' . - "'r , Schmeling on Sunday. death of two brothers. Our sym-ISunday. The little daughter oI ~1. aria Dr. J. A. Easter ~of Mr.I a ] The H,armony Homemakers Mrs. AI Krietinger was taken to Notes Birthday--- ~lhlner to the group, which num. ~:Cyer~.Visit° nd Mrs. pthy is extended to those left to[club met Thursday April 13 at the Beach hospital Sa,turday, for REG. CHIROPODIST " 45. v mourn. "--I the home of Mrs Ed Kremers I medical attention, after she had A group of friends of ~VIrs. I Ten members and four visitors swallowed some fuel oil. We are I~ewis Odland, sr., dropped in At Golden Valley Holel [were present. Mrs. Clarence Fin- pleased to hear she is coming at her home last Saturday after- noon, to help celebrate her birth- APRIL 24 . 25 I neman won 1st prize for being lal°ng fine. dab; they brought a beautif'ul- ~first merr~ber to arrive; Mrs. P~iul Mr. and Mrs. Cole Mattie of ly decorated cake along, andTo Treat Foot &ilment~, SPECIAL LIBERAL TERMS: Terms on used tractors and machinery for next two weeks. 1-3 cash, balance time. Also trades. AND USED One 10 ft. Freeman Tandem Disc. New. One- Wilberg Plow Drill. Cost New. $350.00. Slightly Used. Sale Price. $125.00. Two -- 15 ft. Straight Disc, Used, At Low Price. One 10 in. Letz Feed Grinder. - New, Bargain Price. One 1 Ton Diamond T Truck. One 1939 11/ Ton Chevrolet Truck, Good Condition. One -- 2 Section Spring Tooth Harrow. One- 1929 Model D. Tractor, Lots of service left. Three Used Drills. Priced Right. On Hand New John Deere Machinery of all kinds. A Full Stock of John Deere Parts. Terms Trades I iile East of Wibaux. on Highway 10 MUSIC BY :, RN41L I ,I] . " And The Western Serenaders " MI IY ,l,( Orchestra, from S. Club mee~s in the afternoon, and Hammond home Monday. this way seems it might be a great help to the hostess in get- ting there promptly. Mrs. Mort- arty of Beach was a guest and Barthel received door prize. This Baker were callers a~ the Edna Mrs. Odland was also remember- ed with many nice gifts. the Club discussed plans for Ach.ievemen£ Week. A fine lunchI was served. The next meeting'~ will be on May 11. with Mrs. I Clarence Finnem,an. Mrs. Rudy Rising was taken to the Beach hospital Tuesday, where she under,vent surgery. We are looking forward to her prompt re~urn home. .'Mr. and Mrs. Leo Risir~g and Geraldine, Mrs. John Schulte and Marion Rising were shopping at Glendive Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Susa and Mrs. *Frank Susa w~re Dickinson visitors Monday. Tony Kreitinger was out South of Golva the latter part of the week trying to take census, but instead getting pulled out of mud holes in hiSh~vays and roads, was his big problem. Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rising, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maus attended the dance at St. Philips Sunday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hammond were shopping at Glendive Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. August Goroski were Wibaux visitors Friday, where they visited with their son John Gore•kS and ~amily. Stuart Gustafson and Lew Mc- Manigal were callers at the Hammond home Sunday. yV VV~W 'WV V -,qp- ~WV" '~r "WV- ~V'W Paperhanging-- SPRA or BRUSH / p tINTING R00P SPRAYING FREE ESTIMATE All work guaranteed, and done by experi- enced painters. 1,000 *s a m p I e s o f beautiful wallpaper to choose from. OR Painless Methods~ • I FOR ONLY For a Better Lawn, Buy For Easier Cutting! PAY ONLY A WEEK • Full Size 16" Cutting Width • lO-in. Wheels, Rubber TireS The Complete Plant Food Beach, North Dakota