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April 20, 1944 Golden Valley News | |
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April 20, 1944 |
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l~aursday, April 20, 1944
If you want to buy or sell
someflling; if you need help
or want a Job, you can get
results from News Want Ads.
No ad accepted for less than
2~c per insertion. A service
charge of 25c will bo made for
°'bUnd" ads.
FOR SALE---Walsh seed flax. Wood-
ward Bros., Beach. 30-1tc
FOR SALE---V-Mall stationary at
the News office. 5-tf
FOR SALE -- 1 5 - 3 0 McCormick
Deering tractor and plows. Jess
Houck, Beach. 29-2tp
FOR SALE---10-foot drill in first
class shape. M. A. Finneman,
Phone 5F22, Golva. 27-4tc
FOR' SALE--Royal Typewriter rib-
boris. Golden Valley News
office. 5-tf
FOR SAI2F,---Two pool tables, std.,
balls, cues, good shape. Wolf
Den, Mott, N.D. 30-1tp
WANTEIN--Cook for 8 hours per
day, good wages. Call or write
St. Charles care, Dickinson. 30-3tc
FOR SALE--Still have a few bred
SOWs yet. Edwin Buldhaupt,
Beach. 30-Ztp
~TED--Job choring on farnL
Good milker, willing to batch.
Inquire at News office. 30-1tp
~&NTED---Milch cows for use by
May 15. Fred Nistler, Sentinel
Butte. 29-2tp
I~)R S~White blossom golden
Seed flax. Rust resistant, clean-
ed, $4.75 per bushel. Frank Dy-
klns, Sentinel Butte. 29-4tp
WANTED---Loa~I of sheep manure
for garden. Also someone to
plow garden. Inquire at News
office. 29-tf
lOST--Billfold containing money
and gas books. Reward for return
to H. C. Johnstone, Sentinel
ANYONE seeing or hearing of a
stray brown and white male
Collie dog please notify Theo.
Tobias, Beach, N.D. 30-1tp
I~OR SALE---U. S. approved, pul-
lorum tested chicks. Order early.
Leading breeds. Write for folder
and prices. Hoffman Hatchery,
Washburn, N.D. 22-11tp
POR SALE---Two dark roan reg-
istered yearling shorthorn bulls.
l~rank Dykins, Sentinel Butte,
N.D. 29~4tp
~R"SALE---6-room house, located
next to Davis Service Station;
also 6-room house known as
Zook house. See Ernest Moore,
Beach. 26-5tp
O~ SALFr--FulIy equipped hotel
of 30 rooms, including apts. Ex-
Cellent tourist trade. Owner
Wishes to retire. Write box 65,
Culbertson, Mont. 30-7tp
~-O--For rheumatism and neur-
itis. Most amazing and effective
remedy in existence. Three weeks
treatment $1.00. Rump Remedy
Co., 5047 Lincoln Ave., Chicago,
Illinois. 28-12tp
~'SALE--Two well bred brood
SOws due to farrow about May
5th to 10th: A real bargain for
anyone in need of two No. 1
SOWs. R. C. Doyle, Sentinel
Butte, N.D. 29-tfc
~'-~ SA~Self hog feeder on
Skids, like new, capacity 80 to 100
bu. Sell for the price of the
lUmber. 1500 bushel of oats, and
bu. of barley. M. A. Finne-
~rmn, phone 5F22, Golva. 30-1tc
a limited number of Ben Huset's
1944 weather forecasts. These
Should be of special interest to
farmers and stockmen. Golden
Valley News office. 18-tf
• ~TED--Two girls for waitress
Work. Experienced,~ pay $60 for
first month, after that a raise.
Inexperienced, $50 first month,
raise second month and day off
each week. St. Charles Cafe,
Dickinson, N.D. 30-3te
c~n Permanent with charm-Ktlrl
~lt. Complete equipS, includ-
40 curlers and sl~mpoo. Easy
to do, absolutely harmless. Prais-
~by thousands including Fay
en~e, glamorous movie star.
oney refunded if not satis-
~d. Woodward Brothers Drug
~[K~ONER-~ Square Deal, North-
western, Minn. 13 and WiChman
~eed Corn $4.00 bu. up. Early
~nhybrid 700 & 701 $6.00 bu.
UI~. Waish, Buds, Golden and
Certified Royal Flax, Sweet Clo-
ver, Field Peas, Soy Beans, Mil-
lets, Cane, Sudan, etc. Plapt
~reat Plains Pasture Mixture
alone or with Flax, earn $2.00
acre Conservation Payment• Free
~znples and information. Grimm
Alfalfa Association, 210 13th St.
NO, Fargo, N. D. 500 Cooperating
qrowers. 28-4tp
~Person is left handed because
is on the wrong
• !
Cecil Adams is working for Edgar
Kukowski of Beach.
Beverly Rink spent the weekend
with her friend, Donna Ktrkpatrick.
Mrs. Lloyd Yates visited Mrs. Ted
Rink Wednesday afternoon.
Lyle Martin was a Dickinson
business caller Wednesday.
Mrs. Bertha Waldal was a Beach
shopper Friday.
Paul Wagner has taken employ-
ment at the Paul Wischow farm
during spring's work.
Mrs. Norman Haugse was a
Thursday evening caller on Mrs.
Ted Rink.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer of
Golva were dinner guests at the
Nell Hogoboom home Saturday.
Mrs. Hazel Reed and Mrs. Ed
Cook and Jimmy were Dickinson
shoppers Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Reinholz.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bares were
Sunday afternoon callers at the
Harmon Olstad home.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson and
Peggy were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson were
Sunday evening supper guests a~
the Walt Dixon home.
Mr. and Mrs: Fred Morrison of
Ollie, Mont. were afternoon visitors
at the Elmer Rost home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall attended
the Lions Club banquet and dance
at Wibaux Saturday evening•
Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson
were Sunday visitors at the Charles
Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tangen were
Saturday evening visitors at the
Hazel Reed home.
Mrs. ~Viay Fisher and Clara May
spent the weekend at the John
Brown home•
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Carlson and
Lynn were Sunday supper guests
at the Norman Haugse home.
Mrs. Ernest Nelson and Mrs. Vlc-
tor Johnson visited Mrs. Walt
Dixon Tuesday.
Olga Lardy and Marion and Ruth
Reinholz were Dickinson shoppers
Inga Carlso~ was a supper
guest of Mrs. Win. Scherle on
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Dixon and
family visited at the Norman
Haugse home Friday evening.
Mrs. Helen Hovland entertained
at Sunday dinner for Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. wosepka and Kenneth and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner.
Miss Ors Gigstad arrived from
St. Paul, Minn. Saturday evening
to spend a vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gigstad.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blair and
children of Carlyle, Mont. were
dinner guests at the Harry Smith
home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Polls, and
Arleeta and Donna Fakler of Beach
were Sunday supper guests of Mr.
1rid Mrs. Nell Hogoboom.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirkpat-
rick and family and Beverly Rink
were sunday dinner guests at the
Bud Meyers home•
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook and Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Johnson were af-
ternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Rudy Kunick Sunday.
Mrs. Victor Carlson and Mrs.
Inga Carlson were callers at the
Charles Johnson home on Thursday
Mrs. Drennan came down from
Beach and spent several days visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. Rudy Ku-
nick and family.
Mrs. Ted Rink entertained at a
6:30 dinner Tuesday evening for
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Nell Hogoboom and Mrs. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kittleson
arrived from Tacoma, Wash. on
Thursday to visit their respective
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kit-
tleson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Franzen, and other relatives.
The play, "Chintz Cottage," and
the dance given by the Senior class
Friday evening was quite well at-
tended. The money taken in will
be used to buy a plaque with the
names of all the boys in service
who have attended the Sentinel
Butte schoOl.
worrY, Mother--of course
,'ll have Whea~les where I'm
can't be the only
in the world."
Miss Pauline Zinsll and Miss
Alice Knopp arrived from Long
Beach, Calif. Sunday to spend a
month visiting their respective
At the Congregational Church
]ext Sunday, Sunday School and
church services will be combined.
Come and bring the family. The
time is 2:00 P. M.
Mrs. Halvor Olson and Mrs. Clar-
ence Satre were hostesses to the
Ivutheran Ladies Aid in the church
basement Thursday. A delicious
dinner was served.
Mrs. Earl Bird and son of Dick-
inson and Mrs. Ethel Wolf of Me,
dora visited Mrs. Mary Lehman
Charles Rathbun rode horseback
to the Harris Goldsberry ranch on
Wednesday. Charles is working at
the Goldsberry ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wright were
visitors at the Rathbun home on
Saturday. They also called at the
home of their son, Geo. A. Wright•
John Clair Rathbun and Lloyd
Brown are taking a vacation from
school this week to help out at
their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Blue and
children of Beach were visitors at
the Rathbun home Saturday after-
noon. They also attended the party
given for Jim Rathbun.
Farming is getting started in fair
Smith and Mrs. Campin are sisters
The Smiths were returning from
visiting their son, who is a cadet
at Missoula, Mont., and also Mr.
and Mrs. Edison White of St. Ig-
i natious, Mont.
i Members of the Get-To-Gether
Club were entertained by Mrs.
Julia Wischow at her home Friday
afternoon. Four games of bridge
were played, with the defense
stamps being won by Mrs. Gazella
Jordan, high schore holder, and
Mrs. Lenore Smith, second high
holder. Mrs. Wlschow served a
delicious lunch at the close of the
and Mrs. J. J. Hess over the week- shape in this community and the
end. few men who have been unable to
Mrs. Brooks arrived from Park I get in the fields are getting plenty
City, Mont. Sunday to take over nervous.
duties as depot agent, while Bob Pvt. Henry Allen writes that he
Hall goes to Butte, Mont. to take has been out on the rifle range for
his physical examinations for the a week. He reports scoring as a
Navy. sharpshooter but was trying hard
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smith left lto score as an expert•
Saturday morning for their home1 A party was held at the Wester-
at Fort Dodge, Iowa, after hay-thelm school house Saturday in
ing spent several days visiting at lhonor of Jim Rathbun, $2c. A
the W. R. Campin home. Mrs. good sized crowd was in attendance
and a good time was had by all.
Halvor Olson was a caller at the
levert Twedt home Monday•
Earl Roberts was a Sentinel Butte
visitor Wednesday•
Mrs. Don Short visited Mrs. Emil
Kunick Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker were
Beach visitors Monday afternoon.
Peter Wirtzleld and Don Evans
were callers in Beach Friday.
Art Brown was a Beach caller on
Carl Allen has been ill with a
sore throat for a few days.
Dick Pendelton was a caller at
the Emil Kunick farm Wednesday.
W. E Alien and Harris Stedman
were in Beach Friday."
Bennie Allen spent the weekend
on the farm with his brothers•
Mrs. Win. F. Brown was u Beach
shopper Friday. Mrs. John Brown
accbmpanied her.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowman
and children and Mrs. Lowman's
mother were Beach visitors Friday.
One of our neighborhood boys,
Phil Cook, takes the big leap on
Tuesday, April 18th, when he will
~be united in marriage to Mary
Zinsli of Sentinel Butte. The ~om-
munity extends best wishes for a
!lcng and happy wedded life•
Henry Allen and Art Brown fur-
nished the music.
Miss Mary Johnson held a party
for her pupils last Monday. A
lunch was served and the children
hunted candy bars. They walked
to Mrs. H. Olson's home and pop-
ped popcorn. All in all, they had
a jolly time.
The Taylor Cook, Ted Cook and
Dick Pendleton families attended
the senior class play at Sentinel
Butte Friday night, as did Don and
Ted Wright, Mr. Armstrong and
Dean, Mrs. L. Kirkpatrick and
children and Johnnie and Clarence
As the Sentinel Butte High
School prom draws close some of
the freshmen boys are getting ner-
vous. Some seem to have too many I
partners asked and others have putI
off asking their dates. We wonder]
if any of them will get cold feet1
and stay home. 1
Several different families from
~is community attended the box-
ing tournament held at Wibaux on
Wednesday night. Besides the boys
named last week, Ted Kirkpatrick,
Dean Armstrong and Duane Kirk-
patrick also boxed. Some of the
boys discovered that boxing in the
ring was altogether different from
!praticising with some of their
The local Red Cross chapter
shipped the following articles re-
Thirty-five bathrobes; 100 bedside
bags; 5 helmets; 5 sweaters; 5
mufflers and 10 pairs of gloves.
Volunteer workers are needed to
sew robes, "housewives," and scuffs.
Pvt. Roger J. Muggli arrived on
Thursday evening from Camp Liv-
ingston, La. to spend a furlough
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerhardt Muggli.
Mrs. E. F. Hasbrook left Wed-
nesday of last week for Minne-
apolis and Brainerd, Minn., where
she will spend some time visiting
friends and relatives.
Mrs. G. O. Hemnes received a
very lovely potted plant for Easter
from her son, Garvie. He is now
in New Guinea, and has been over-
seas more than two years.
you'll live in all summer
Such easy-to-launder fabrics ~ candy-cane seersucker,
flower-garden poplins, neatly checked ginghams;. Such
easy-to-wear styles--button-front coat designs, classic
shirtwaisters, cllarming dirndls and dainty princess styles.
Shower of
HAMBURGER "Cudahy's"
SALT PORK''wit.,-°
It's a great goal this nation has set
to release food for our fighting
men ... and our tighting friends
... and still keep US in plenty of
fresh vegetables and :fruits. It
means each of US should grow a
victory garden as efficiently as
possible. Fill your gardening
needs now.
• Vegetable Seeds
Rakes, Hoes, Spades
Watering Cans
• Wheelbarrows
SAUSAGE,,c d ,y, ..
PKG. "Regular or Quick" _ .....................
MOR "Canned
Luncheon Meat"
12 OZ. CAN
F. T. Reynolds Co.
"Your Friendly Store"