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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 20, 1944     Golden Valley News
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April 20, 1944
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P.GE FOUR J , ,,, ~each Friday. Mr~ and MrS. W. Scott and son in Glend~e Monday. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Peterman were Olendive callers Saturday. Mrs. Ed ~ had dental work done in ~ "l~drsday. Art ,I~arson is expected home on leave some time thLs week. Earl Carlson, Henry Schendel and Oeorge Pet¢o~ went fishing on The So and Sew Club was enter- tal_.ned Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs:: Walter Sommerfeld. Mrs. Roas~ Btxby entertained the LutJaeran Ladies Sewing Club Wed- ~lday afternoon. At Red Croooooooooooooooooo~ Friday Mrs. Kate Larson and Mrs. Burton Welsh terved lunch. The RoyalNeighbor Lodge mem- bers gave a housewarming party Wednesday for Mrs. Rouel Welsh. Mrs. Bill Lentz entertained the Sunnyvale Homemakers Club on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs, Earl Tennent left last Wed- nemday for California to attend the funeral of her father. Mrs. John Greenup left for Poca- tello, Idaho Wednesday to Join her husband, who ls in training there. Mrs. Jean White of Miles City Epent Wednesday visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trollope of Portland, Ore. visited at Wibaux for a short time. The Llons Club held their regular dinner and meeting Monday eve- Ring at the Sutherland Cafe. The Womens Club was entertain- ed Monday evening at the home of Mrs. S, Seversen. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chaffee were business callers in Glendive on Monday. Miss Lucy Soammon was a p~- tlent in the Glendlve hospital for a few days. Mrs. L, Hartse entert_~dned the Opthnistic Eight Bridge Club.~ Scores were won by Mrs. Ross ~ixby and Mrs. Wayne Marcus. Lester Zopfl took his wife and son to Wi11iston Monday, where they will reside for the duration. He left for induction Tuesday. Ed Sherman left Tuesday on a short trip. Mrs. Beaman Sherman will 'work in the store while he gone. -- I ROSE Theatre Calendar GLENDIVE, MONTANA CURRENT WEEK NOW SHOWING-- BUd Abbott and Lou Costello starring in "HIT THE ICE" I THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Miss Beulah Keith has been ill in the Beach hospital since Easter• Mrs. Mattie Meyer left Monday for her home in St. Paul, Minn. after a long visit with her mother, Mrs. M. Teeters Miss Jeannette Welsh of Glen- dive spent the weekend with her parents, who have recently moved to town from their farm. The Womens Society of C~ristian Service was entertained at the Stair home Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Ray Eisenbart. Rev. McTavish of Beach gave a short talk. An amateur boxing contest was held at the high school Wednesday evening, with contestants from Wi- baux, Glendive, Crolva, Sentinel Butte and Beach. Harry Mengel of Curtlss, Wis. ar- rived Wednesday by bus to visit his aged grandmother, Mrs. Anna Men- gel. He is employed at the Russell Welsh farm. The Eastern Star chapter gave a farewell party Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Lester Zopfl. After refreshments were served the worthy matron presented her with a gift. l~tss June Metts and William Bushman were united in marriage last Thursday. James Kramer and Miss Dorothy Morgan attended them. Billy left Wednesday to re- join his ship. The Misses MarJorle Carlson and Marjorte Baird and Donald Kramer and the Misses Anna Fessenmier and MarJorie Pierce atteaded the journalism meeting at Miles City Saturday. The members of the Lutheran Ladies Aid gave a stork shower Fri- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Louise Larson in honor of Mrs. Ed Bakken. A lovely lunch was served by a group of ladies and the honor- ed guest received many nice gifts. The Lions Club gave a ladies night dinner and dance Saturday evening. The Olendive and Beach club members and their wives were invited. Wayne Marcus was toast- master and Leroy Sands was song leader. Several speeches were given by visiting Lions and Editor Charles White gave a short ad- dress. A very good dinner was serv- ed by the Catholic Daughters to about 85 Lions and their wives. ~V~ TROTTERS NEWS l~rs,~ J. F. Crook, Cot. Mr. Trollope is now mail carrier. Ralph Mosser was a business visitor in Sidney on Wednesday~ The flu seems to be making the rounds in the community now. Miss Clara Skaar spent the va~ekend at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. A• W. Voyen call- ed on the Trotters store force on Sunday afternoon. Kyle Sperry, Bob Stevens and J. C• McClenahan were busy tag- ging sheep part of last week. We understand that Tim Madison has gone to Fort Snelling for pre- induction examinations. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and Doris motored to Beach on Friday, lwhen had X-ray taken Phil another of his collar bone. P. V. Moore and Billle Campbell were Sidney visitors on Wednesday. Mrs. Carrie Sperry has received word that her grandson, Walter Ware, is now in the ~avy. Oarol Moore and Elafns Bruns- void spent the weekend at their respective homes. Mrs. Kyle Sperry and BuddY, and Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore were callers at the J. F. Crook home on Thursday. The pupils of the C. S. Divide school enjoyed an Easter party with an Easter egg hunt on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Carrie Sperry returned to her home on Saturday evening, after spending the winter at the Bob Stevens home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mosser stay- ed in Beach while Beaver Creek was too high to cross. Ralph took care of his cattle on this side of the creek, in the meantime. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and: daughters were dinner guests at: the Milton Brunsvold home on Easter Sunday. They all attended Easter services at Skaar that day. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gorrell end daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tasker, Shirley and Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crook and ~family were Beach shoppers on Monday. Roy Robertson accompanied P. V. Moore to Beach on Monday mor- ning. While in Beach he became very ill, but returned home that day. Mrs. Kyle Sperry informs us that her brother, Chas. Russell, was mar- ried some time ago. We extend congratulations to Chuck and his bride• Albert Johnson returned recently from Bellingham, Wash., where he has been employed in defense work. He will farm with his father, F. C. Johnson, we understand. After having Easter Sunday din- ner with Harry Madison, Mr. and Mrs• Bert Sperry moved back to their home on Sunday afternoon. They spent the past three months at Skaar, with Harry Madison, while he wintered their cattle. A large crowd attended church l services on Sunday, when Rev. Kenney preached his usual fine ser- mon. Our Sunday School was re- organized also. There will be Sun- day School and church services on April 30. Everybody/ welcome. --~V~ FIRST LUTHERAN CHI.rRCH O. L. Olsrud, pastor tel. 154 Beach: Sunday School at 10 A. M. No services here this Sunday. Confirmation class Wednesdays at 4:15 P• M• Lutheran Brotherhood meeting at the Clifford Stecker home this Thursday at 8 P. M. The Luther League meets Wed- nesday next week at 8 P. M. !Sentinel Butte: The confirmation class meets on Thursdays at 4:15 P. M. ---------V-- ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dissen, pastor Beach, North Dakota Divine Service 19 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class at 11 A.M. Hospital Notes During the past week at the Johnstone Memorial Hospital, the following persons were hospitalized: April 11, Miss Connie Carew, Golva, and Baby Malcolm Efta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Efta, Wi- baux. April 13, Miss Beulah Kelth, Wibaux. April 14, Lawrence Lazz, Golva. April 15, Paul Dobbin, Me- dora, and Miss Imogene Abraham, Beach• April 17, Neff Northrop, Carlyle, and Mrs. George Tasker, Trotters. Appendectomies were performed April 16 on Mrs. John Glower, Sen- tinel Butte, and Mrs. Ed Meyer, Wibaux. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zinsli, Beach, are the parents of an 8 lb. 2 oz. boy born April 13. A 6 lb. 15 oz. girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eu- gene Uelman, Beach, April 16. Dr. Bush will not be in his office until after g:00 P. M., Monday, April PAth. ~V-~ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. John Roberts, pastor Beach: Church school at 10 A, M, Morning service at 11 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. Sentinel Butte: Sunday school and church service combined at 2:00 P. M. C. E. Monday at 7:30 P. M. Medora Union: Sunday School at 3 P. M. Worship service at 4 P. M. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. D. J. McTavish. pastor Sunday School at I0 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. Young Peoples meeting at 8 P. M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday at the church at 8 P. M. W.S.C.S. Thursday at 2 P. M. F o u r t h Quarterly Conference, Rev. Dr. Norris, district superinten- dent, of Bismarck presiding, Tues- day evening at ~8 P. M. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School 11:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. ~-V-~ SOCIAL HOUR CLUB MEETS The Social Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. Ben Thompson Tuesday afternoon. The following officers wore elected: president, Mrs. Delo Logan; vice president, Mrs. E. D. Evans; secretary, Mrs. W. D. Schulz; and treasurer, Mrs. Ben Thompson. Program commit- tee: Mrs. Ernest Sorenson, Mrs. Joe Wienreis and Mrs. John Keo- hane. Flower committee, Mrs. Minnie Sorenson and Mrs. C. O. Carlson. Joe Davis returned the latter part of the week from parts of the west coast, where he has been em- ployed for the past nine years. Joe is an old time resident of Beach. Thursday, April 20, 194¢ The interior of the Park Care was redecorated last week and a great improvement has been shown. During the absence of Jack Bal- lard, who has gone a business trip to Chicago, Ill., the hog market will be in charge of Anton Morgan of Wibaux. Delores Popiel of Oolva was a Beach shopper on Tuesday. Friday afternoon a group of friends dropped in on Mrs. Lewis Odiand, the occasion being her birthday. Many beautiful gifts were received and a good time was had by an. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS t examination of a] persons over eighteen ye~ [ age offering thems~ ves as applicants for teache [ ~mentary certificate: will be held in the Gem perintendent's Offic~ April 27 and 28, beginning )'clock A.M. I ~ATALIE J. ADAMSON, l County Superintendent. i An examination of all persons over eighteen years of age offering themselves as applicants for teacher's elementary certificates will be held in the County Superintendent's Office, April 27 and 28, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. NATALIE J. ADAMSON, County Superintendent. OPEN YOUR SPRING DRIVE Your Spring drive for a bumper Victory Garden crop in 1944 is a battle that requires careful plan- ning now. See our display of seeds, ask our advice, buy the seeds for your needs and your soil here and now! All Kinds of Garden Equipment CALL TODAY GOLVA TRADING COMPANY Bert Covert, Manager GOLVA, NORTH DAKOTA OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P• M. SUN, MON, TUES.- "HIGHER AND HIGHER" starring FRANK SINATRA with Michele Morgan and Jack Haiey. A carefree cast giving out with what it takes for a laugh and a lift ... and Sinatra singing his own hit ~rade: SEE him sing six sensational songs! WEDNESDAY ONLY-- Drafted for laughter ... Wally Brown and Alan Carney in "ADVENTURES OF A ROOKIE" The screen's new scream team . . . giving out with a brand new type of howling laughs . . . in the gag-fullest show that ever gave the screen its fullest break of soldier fun! OPENING NEXT THURS.-- "DESERT SONG" starring Dennis Morgan and Irene Manning. UPTOWN THEATRE FRIDAY SATURDAY-- Dick Foran in "EMPTY HOLSTERS" Also Henry Brandon in '~HE DRUMS OF FU MANCHU:' Plus Chapter 6 of 'qrHE AD- VENTURES OF THE FLYING CADETS." ~AY MONDAY-- Eddie Drew . . . the sensational new western star . • . in "BEYOND THE LAST FRONTIER" With Smfley Burnette. Also Joan Oarroll in '~PETT~COAT LAR- CENT." .tq-F MILITARY GT.IUIU$|S t~po~oo ~ v~C+m+ t BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY _ + ' ,+:Apri121st and 22nd Will take as many hogs as you may deliver. Last+~ week was able to pay $12.50 for Top Hogs, but will guarantee the following prices this week, paying more .... if the market will permit: ' TOP HOGS, 200 to 270 lbs. .... $12A0 EXTRA HEAVIES, 330 lbs. up - . $11.75 280 to 330 lb. HOGS ........ $12.00 LIGHT HOGS ....... $11.40 to $11.90 GOOD HOGS .... $12.00 to $12.50~ SOWS, good, all weights ........ $11.25 The market will be in charge of Anton Morgan this week, as I am out of town. You'll Always Get a Square Deal With-- JACK BALLARD PHONE 40 BEACH, N: D':