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Golden Valley News
April 18, 2013
The Golden Vailey County Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission will hold
a public hearing on, Monday, April
22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's
Room at the courthouse.
The Agenda for the meeting is as
New Business
- 4 Boots Investments LLC (Tanner
Bang) Request to change the Whiskey
Springs Subdivision Covenants; This
will impact lots 2-12 of the subdivision,
with a legal description of Sec 23-140-
(April 11 and,18)
Invitation to Bid - Notice is hereby
given that the Wibaux County Com-
missioners is requesting separate
sealed bids for construction of the 2nd
Avenue North Water and Sewer Ex-
tension Bids will be received by the
Wibaux County Commissioners at the
office of the Wibaux County Clerk and
Recorder until 1:30 PM local time on
April 22nd, 2013, and then publicly
opened and read aloud Each bid
shall be submitted in a sealed opaque
envelope bearing on the outside the
name of the bidder and its address
The project generally includes, but
is not limited to the following:
Extension of the 6" water main for
approximately 500 feet
Extension of the 8" sewer main for
approximately 500 feet
Construction of 500 feet of gravel
road including a cul-de-sac
Provisions for traffic control and for
temporary water supply
Printed copies of the contract docu-
ments consisting of plan drawings and
project manual may be examined or
obtained at the office of the Wibaux
County Clerk and Recorder in accor-
danceawith Article 2.01 of Instructions
to Bidders Required deposit is
$75.00 per set, which is not refund-
In addition, the Drawings and Proj-
ect Manual, may also be examined at
the following locations:
Billings Plan Exchange
(, 2050
Broadwater Ave Suite A, Billings, MT
Engineering West, 243 N 9th
Street, Columbus, MT 59019
Engineering West, 1050 South
Central Ave, Suite 3, Sidney, MT
CONTRACTbR and any of the
CONTRACTOR'S subcontractors bid-
ding or doing work on this project will
be required to be registered with the
Montana Department of Labor and In-
dustry (DLI). Forms for registration are
available from the Department of
Labor and Industry, P.O. Box 8011,
1805 Prospect, Helena, Montana
59604-8011 Information on registra-
tion can be obtained by calling 1-406-
444-7734. All laborers and mechanics
employed by CONTRACTOR or sub-
contractors in performance of the con-
struction work shall be paid wages at
rates as may be required by the laws
of Wibaux County.and the state of
Montana. The CONTRACTOR must
ensure that employees and applicants
for employment are not discriminated
against because of their race, color,
religion, sex or national origin
Each bid or proposal must be ac-
companied by a Certified Check,
Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond payable
to Wibaux County Commission, in an
amount not less than ten percent
"(10%) of the total amount of the bid.
Successful BIDDERS shall furnish an
approved Performance Bond and a
Labor and Materials Payment Bond,
each in the amount of one hundred
percent (100%) of the contract
amount. Insurance as required shall
be provided bY the successful BID-
DER(s) and a certificate(s) of that in-
surance shall be provided.
No bid may be withdrawn after the
scheduled time for the public opening
of bids, which is 1:30 p.m. local time,
April 22nd, 2013.
The right is reserved to reject any
or all proposals received, to waive in-
formalities, to postpone the award of
the contract for a period of not to ex-
ceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the
lowest responsive and responsible bid
which is in the best interest of Wibaux
Wibaux County is an Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer Minority Contractors
are urged to apply.
Published at Wibaux, Montana, this
5th day of April, 2013.
Patricia Zinda
Wibaux County Clerk and Recorder
PO Box 199
Wibaux, Montana 59353
(April 11 and 18)
City of Golva
Golva City Council
March 13, 2013
Present: Council members: Rick
No]l, Joe Kreitinger, Jan Kuchera,
Mayor Darin Maus, and City Auditor
Bobble Maus.
Absent: Ron Barthel and Carl
The Golva City Council met on
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013 at
7:00PM at the City office. Mayor
Maus opened the meeting at
The minutes of the pre~ious meet-
ing were read Kreitinger motioned to
accept the minutes as written.
Kuchera seconded the motion. Motion
No monthly public works report.
The second reading of the Mon-
tana Dakota Utilities franchise ordi-
nance .was read and approved
Kreitinger motioned to approve the or-
dinance as written and Noll seconded
the motion. Motion carried.
Kuchera motioned to pay the fol-the amended policy The motion car-
lowing bills Kreitinger seconded the ried unanimously.
motion Motion carried Arthaud moved, Kessel seconded,
GENERAL ACCOUNT to approve the second reading of Em-
#7315 Employee 438.66 ployee Assistance Program policy
7316 U.S.Postmaster 106.00 (DGB). The motion carried unani-
7317 Weyer Construction120.00 mously. Arthaud moved, Kessel sec-
7318 Noll Construction 910.00 onded~ to approve The Village as the
7319 Golva Bar 343.00 " provider for the Employee Assistance
7320 Prairie Lumber Co.12.63 Program with a contract start date of
7321 GV CO. Clerk of Recorder 52.00 July 1,2013. The motion ca[ried
7322 USA Blue Book 758.18 unanimously.
7323 Golden Valley News 59.16 Discussion was held on the pro-
7324 Goldenwest Electric392.00 posed Visitors in Schools board regu-
WATER ACCOUNT lations (KAAA-BR) and prop()sed
#3056 Employee 346.31 Volunteer Confidentiality Rules
3057 Employee 277.05 (KAAB-E). Further revisions were rec-
3058 Employee 184.70 ommended and the board would like
3059 SW District Health 42.00 to have NDSBA consulted regarding
3060 SW Water Authority 521.84 the revised document. This will be re-
3061 MDU 51.24 viewed again after NDSBA has pro-
3062 Golva Repair 181.60 vided input on the revisions.
3063 Goldenwest Electric85.86 Baranko moved to hold the first
PARK ACCOUNT reading amending the Sick Leave pol-
#1427 MDU 54.96 icy (DDA) to allow sick leave be used
1428 Goldenwest Electric74.50 either for personal or family sick leave.
There being no further business After discussion, Baranko withdrew
the meeting was adjourned the motion so that the wording can be
Respectfully submitted, "clarified before the policy amendment
Bobble Maus is acted upon. This will be reviewed at
(April 18) the May meeting.
A letter of resignation effective
N or ice to C red ito rs upon completion of her contract for
2012-13 school year from DeMores
Pre-School Teacher, Charlene
IN SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DIS- Schmidt, was reviewed. Arthaud
TRICT COURT, GOLDEN VALLEY moved, Baranko seconded, to accept
COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH her resignation with regret. The too-
DAKOTA tion carried unanimously.
Probate No. 17-2013-PR-00020 A letter of resignation effective April
In the Matter of the Estate of 30, 2013, from DeMores Pre-School
Frances Dietz, Deceased. Aide~ Becky Hild was reviewed.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Arthaud moved, Downing seconded,
the undersigned has been appointed to accept her resignation with regret.
Personal Representative of the above The motion carried unanimously.
estate. All persons having claims A letter of intent to retire upon corn-
against the said deceased are re- pletion of her contract for 2012-13
quired to present their claims within school year from DeMores and Prairie
three months after the date of the first Music Teacher, Rita Denning, was re-
publication of this notice or said claims viewed. Arthaud moved, Downing
will be forever barred. Claims must el- seconded, to accept her letter of resig-
ther be presented to Donald J. Jorgen- nation with regret. The motion carried
son, Personal Representative of the unanimously.
estate, at 137 First Avenue West, A letter of intent to retire effective
Dickinson, North Dakota or filed with May 31,2013, from Business Man-
the Court. ager, Darlene Mitchell, was reviewed.
Dated this 9th day of April, 2013. Kessel moved, Baranko seconded, to
/s/Donald J. Jorgenson, Personal accept her resignation with regret
Representative The motion carried unanimously.
Micahel J. Maus The, board reviewed current wages
MAUS & NORDSVEN, P.C. for classified staff. Wage and salary
137 First Avenue West rates for fiscal year 2014 for classified
P. O. Box 570 staff will be considered at the May
Dickinson, ND 58602-0570 meeting.
Attorneys for Personal Representa- Principal Soehren recommended
tive that supervision of maintenance and
(701) 483,4500 custodial staff be transferred to the
(April 18, 25 and May 2)business manager. Downing moved,
Kessel seconded, to approve that the
Billings County School business manager directly supervise
the maintenance person and each of
District,the custodians. The motion carried
BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL Interviews for vacant positions will
DISTRICT #1 be conducted in May.
Unofficial Minutes of RegularThe board discussed capacity is-
,Meeting' sues on the buses.
April 9, 2013 The assistant business manager
reported on the status of HB 1358 and
W The regular meeting of the Billings the Senate Appropriations hearing she
County School Board was called to attended in regards to this bill.
order at 6:03 PM MT, Tuesday, April 9, Baranko reported that he had com-
2013, at the DeMores School, with pleted the composite evaluations of
members Darren Baranko, Staceythe principal. Baranko moved,
Kessel, "l-ina Downing, and Lynn Arthaud seconded, to approve the
.Arthaud (arrived at 6:10 p.m.) present, principal's evaluation. The motion car-
Also present for all or portions of the ried unanimously.
meeting were Karla Larson, Jennifer Downing moved, Arthaud sec-
Vetter; Karlene Chruszch, Erika Hon- onded, to approve an individual open
eyman, Scott Rask, and Liz Oder- enrollment request from Belfield
mann. School District to Billings County
Downing moved, Kessel seconded, School District. The school patron is
to approve the consent agenda, which moving frorp Billings County to Stark
included th~ attached check list, the . County The motion carried unani-
addition of three agenda items, and mously.
the minutes of the February 13 and A letter from Consolidated Commu-
March 13 meetings. The motion to ap- ~ nications was read informing the
prove the consent agenda carried school district that fiber optic trenching
unanimously, will be delayed until 2014. This will af-
15660 ALTERNATIVE fect Prairie School.
SANITATION $260.00 Baranko will be the board relSre-
15661 BEACH POST sentative at Belfield's April meeting.
PROM COMMI'I-I'EE $100.00 The meeting was adjourned at 8:10
BLUE SHIELD $416.55 Darren Baranko, President
15663 CASS CLAY Tammy Simnioniw, Assistant Busi-
CREAMERY INC $401.36 ness Manager
15664 CITYOF MEDORA$258.18 (April 18)
15665 DENNIS O'BRIEN " $6,972.00
15666 DICKINSON PUBLIC ; Meeti ng Notice
LIBRARY $8,438.63
FOUNDATION $34 35 The Golden Valley County Plan-
15668 DONNA BARNETT $5,785.60 ning and Zoning Commission will hold
15669 DONNA LYNN a meeting at 3 p.m Monday, April 29,
PETERSON $84.00 in the Commissioners' Room at the
15670 DEPARTMENT OF courthouse.
PUBLIC INSTRUCTION $133.77 1. New Busine'ss:
15671 ERIKA HONEYMAN $134.00 - Edwin Hammond requests a set-
15672 ESAND $25.00 back variance (75') from a County
15673 GARY MEDUNA $5,080.00 . Road. He requests to replant two es-
15674 THE HORACE tablished shelterbelts, which are within
MANN COMPANIES $251.43 the set back (150'). The location of his
15675 JOB SERVICE ND " $288.58 ,farmstead is located at 5010 Marmarth
15676 KATHY MALKOWSKI$7~744.80Road, or Lot 1 (NWI/4) Sec 18-137
15677 LAURA FILKOWSKI $15.05 and the SEl/4 Sec 12-137-106 di-
15678 MIDSTATE rectly across the road to the west of
TELEPHONE CO. $234.49 the farmstead
15679 NDKA $80.00 (April 18 and 25)
15680 OLSON'S SERVICE $6,227.70
15681 PETER ODERMANN$5,207.85 Beach School District
15686 SCHOOL NUTRITION Unofficial Minutes
ASSOCIATION ' $40.00 Subjectto Review and Revision of
15687 SUSAN PEDELISKI $11.30 the Board
15688 SOUTHWEST April 10, 2013
15689 SW WATER
AUTHORITY $64.53 Room 11
15690 TODD HAGGERTY.$825 01 Present were Maurice Hardy, Mark
15691 WAL-MART Egan, Kim Nunberg, Robert Sperry,
COMMUNITY $193.49 Misty.Farnstrom, Larry Hetvik, Brandt
Gaugler, Dave Wegner and Troy Hof-
P-CARD $28,464.68 fer.
Downing moved, Baranko sec- Bob Makelky was absent.
onded, to approve the 2013-14 school Visitors were Missy Brown, Bobble
calendar as presented by Principal Sue Farstveet, Casey Thiel and Jo
Soehren. The motion carried unani- Heckaman.
mously. Vice president Hardy called the
Preschool rates were reviewed, meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Hardy
Tills will be discussed at the May
recognized visitors ,
Principal Soehren reported that Hardy called for approval agenda
Cayden Kling took third place at the Helvik is to move two public participa-
State USA Wrestling tournament in tion requests to agenda item #3 with
Bismarck. all other agenda items moving down
The Board certified the district has respectively. Motion by Nunberg, sec-
complied with drug, alcohol and dis- ' ond by Sperry to approve agenda with
crimination pol!cies, and no discipti- amendment. Motion carries unani-
nary sanctions had been applied, mously.
Downing moved, Arthaud seconded to Helvik p~sented public participa-
amend policy AAC to designate tion. ' "~-
Tammy Simnioniw, Business Manager, Parents have been inquiring
as the "title IX and Nondiscrimination about preschool services. Helvik dis-
Coordinator. Thi.q is the first reedine of
cussed options for preschool, visita-
tions of other school's preschools a0d
conversations he and Mr. Wegner
have had with parents Mr. Wegner
discussed information on costs and
funding. Charging parents for the pre-
school services was discussed. De-
partment of Public Instruction funding
was discussed Possible numbers of
preschool students was discussed
Missy Brown spoke on behalf of par-
ents wanting a preschool. Discussion
Legislation was discussed. Nunberg
and Sperry will research information
and report back to the board. Brown
and Farstveet left the meeting.
Helvik presented high school roof
bid. One bid was received from Thiel
Brothers Hardy opened the bid. Dis-
cussion Two proposals were received.
First Proposal was $370,268 and the
second proposal was $462,019. Helvik
discussed the two proposals. Casey
Thiel discussed the two proposals.
Motion by Sperry, second by Egan to
accept the second proposal for
$462,019. Discussion Consensus
board would also like to see the cost
of stripping the roof down to the steel
and starting new. Roll call vote carries
unanimously Discussion. Commons
area skylight was discussed. Contin-
gency fund was discussed
Farnstrom presented March 13,
2013 regular meeting minutes. Discus-
sion. Motion by Egan, second by
Sperry to approve minutes Motion
carrtes unanimously
Farnstrom presented general fund
bills, activity fund bills, food service
bills, general fund manual checks, ac-
tivity fund manual checks and March
payrolls Discussion. Motion by Sperry,
second by Nunberg to approve bills.
Discussion Motion carries unani-
Helvik presented correspondence
Letter from NDIRF announcing
conferment of benefits was read and
Letter from NDCEL thanking the
board for their support was read and
Helvik presented personnel.
Day Treatment behavioral inter-
ventionist position vacated by Amanda
Weber at the end of the 2012-2013
school year will be advertised.
Contract for Jim Groll as high
school boy's golf coach was pre-
sented. Motion by Egan, second by
Nunberg to approve contract. Roll call
vote carries unanimously.
Business manager evaluation
document was distributed.
Helvik presented facilities and
Delivery of new Buc Bus was dis-
cussed. Oil samples have been re-
ceived and analyzed. Discussion
High school hallway and com-
mons carpet replacement was dis-
cussed Quote from S&R Interiors was
reviewed and discussed. Consensus
of the board is to request other quotes
from area businesses Discussion.
New phone system for the high
school was discussed. Quote from
Kohler Communications was dis-
cussed. Motion by Egan, second by
Nunberg to approve purchase from
Kohler Communications. Roll call vote
carries unanimously.
No requests for bus route
changes have been received
Helvik recommended tabling policy
until the next meeting. Policies were
Helvik pre~ented, legislative update.
NDCEL Legislative Beacon document
was distributed and reviewed.
Farnstrom presented business
manager report.
Copier leases quotes have been
received Recommendation is to table
decision until next meeting.
North Dakota Teacher Fund for
Retirement has conducted a compl!-
ance audit and the Beach School Dis-
trict was found in compliance.
A notice of school board vacancy
has been printed in the Golden Valley
News. The seat to be open is currently
held by Mark Egan. Egan's term will
be expiring in June of 2013. Polling
place and precincts were discussed.
Consensus of the board is to continue
holding the election at the Beach High
School with one precinct
Helvik did not have a superintend-
ent report.
Wegner presented elementary prin-
cipal report.
Portable classroom addition to the
elementary was discussed
Lincoln Elementary School and
Beach High School both made AYP.
Gaugler presented high school
principal report.
Prom is April 13, 2013.
Letter from Marshall Nun~erg was
received by Gaugler and addressed to
'the school board requesting additional
equipment in the weight room Discus-
Hoffer presented day treatment re-
port. Discussion.
Hetvik indicated the teachers are
ready to begin negotiations. Discus-
Next regular meeting time was dis-
cussed. Hardy called for a motion to
adjourn Motion by Sperry second by
Egan to adjourn. Hardy adjourned
7:15 p.m.
Maurice Hardy, Vice President
Misty Farnstrom, Business Man-
ager (April 18)
City of Beach
A regular meeting of the Beach City
Council was called to order by MayOr
Walter Losinski at.7:00 pm on April 1,
2013. Present when the meeting was
called to order was City Council Mark
Benes, Tim Marman, Jeanne Larson,
Paul Lautenschlager, Henry Gerving,
Wade Walworth, Public Works Supt.
Dell Beach, City Auditor Kimberly Nun-
berg, Sheriff Scot Steele, City Engi-
neer Jon Wilczek and guest Janie
Rathbun, Mike Braden, Emanuel Cul-
man and Bernie Schillo.
Minutes of the previous month
meetings were read. Benes moved to
approve the minutes, second by Wal-
worth. Motion carried unanimously
Vouchers were reviewed for payment
Benes moved to amend the Fire De-
partment Budget from $15,000 to
$71,800 due to additional expenses
which will be reimbursed by an EIIO
grant, second by Walworth. Motion
carried unanimously. Benes moved to
approve the following vouchers, sec-
ond by Larson. Motion carried unani-
16179 Beach Food Center 5.81
16180 Boiler Inspection Program90.00
16181 BOSS 202.61
16182 CT Electric 204 25
16183 Dakota Dust-tex " 67.80
16184 Floyd Braden 227.40
16185 G & G Garbage 1800.00
16186 GV County 11596.00
16187 GV News 207.40
16188 Heiman Fire
Equipment 56,356.95
16189 Jack Cook
Computer Repair 90.00
16190 Jill Schatz 130.01
16191 Lori Watembach 42.00
1,6192 Michael Bingeman
Electrician 253.57.
16193 Midstate
Communications 231.92
16194 Morrison-Majerle
Systems 105.00
16195 NAPA 120.19
16196 ND Dept. of Health 64.00
16197 ND Sewage & Pump
lift station Service 395.00
16198 NDLC 25.00
16199 One Call Concepts 6.25
16200 Rohan's Hardware 25.85
16201 Rough Rider Industries 118.18
16202 S & R Interiors 603 00
16203 Southwest Water 10,013.15
16204 Stockwell Cleaning 225,00
16205 The Dickinson Press 326.31
16206 Total Safety 314.50
16207 Verizon Wireless 177.86
16208 WP Capitol 88.55
16143-16149 &16156-16173 &
16177 City Employees wages
for March 19428.08
16150 NDPERS 100.00
16151 NDPERS 632.04
16152 City of Beach 246.74-
16153 Blue Cross Blue Shield4717.68
16154 Blue Cross Blue Shield 452 40
16155 Kim Nunberg 208.30
16174 NDPERS 100.00
16175 NDPERS 607.99
16176 City of Beach 39.40
16178 USPS 186.06
-99998 Close Up 2591.00
-89958 First State Bank of
-89957 Office of State Tax
Sheriff's Report
Sheriff Steele presented the
monthly report for March consisting of
14 calls, 12 citations and 1 written
Public Works Report
PWS Beach mentioned as long as
the weather cooperates they will con-
tinue crack sealing, patching pot holes
and start sweeping the streets. Adver-
tising for summer help will be in the
next two issues of the newspaper.
Lautenschlager encouraged PWS
Beach to contact the electrician to get
electricity to the radar speed limit
signs as soon as possible.
Auditor's Report
The financial report for the month
of March was reviewed. Gerving
moved to approve the financial report,
second by Walworth. Motion carried
unanimously. Nunberg reviewed her
written report.
Committee Reports: -
Walworth recommended either
concreting the alley behind City Hall or
use asphalt millings to provide an im-
proved parking area. A cost estimate
will be obtained. The Recycling Com-
mittee will be meeting in the near fu-
ture to consider relocating the
Recycling Center to the landfill. Mayor
Losinski mentioned he received a tele-
phone call from a resident about a
plugged sewer line that has not been
repaired yet.
Unfinished Business:
John Sokoloski, General Manager
of Goldenwest Electric and Board
Member Ray Clouse attended the
meeting to request a franchise agree-
ment with the city for the area recently
annexed North of Interstate 94. Cur-
rently, Gotdenwest Electric provides
services to Dakota Farm, Power Fuels
and Ferrellgas. Discussion Marman
moved to approve the First Reading of
ORDINANCE NOI 375, second by
Walworth. Wlotion carried unanimously.
City Engineer Jon Wilczek pre-
sented information on a water circulat-
ing system for both water towers. Cost
of the circulating systems is estimated
at $7,500 per tower Wilczek is check-
ing into another option other than the
circulating system and will present it at
the next meeting. Wilczek recom-
mended the Council make improve-
ments on the wastewater system by
either re-lining the main line going to
the lagoon which will reduce the
amount of ground water being taken in
at the lagoons or expand to a fourth
cell. Discussion. Gerving moved to ap-
prove Wilczek make application for an
Energy Infrastructure Impact Grant to
expand the lagoon and/or relining the
main line going to the lagoon, second
by Walworth. Motion carried unani-
New Business:
Parks & Recreation Manager Janie
Rathbun and Board Member Mike
Braden requested $20,000 from the
Pool Sales Tax Fund. Discussion.
Benes moved tO approve the request,
second, by Walworth. Motion carried
unanimously. Walworth moved to ad-
journ as the Beach. City Council and
convene as the Beach Board of Equal-
ization, second by Larson. Motion car-
ried unanimously Gerving declared a
conflict of interest since he ~s also the
GV County Tax Director and will ab-
stain from voting until the City Council
meeting has re-convened. Minutes of
the Board of Equalization meeting on
April 2, 2012 were approved.' Gerving
provided information on increase*s and
decreases in true and full valuation of
property. Totat True & Full Valuation
for 2013 in the City of Beach is
$38;209,695, an increase of 16.3%
from 2012. Emanuel Culman shared
concerns on the increase of valuations
for his properties. Dis~tussion. Benes
irnoved that a finding be made that all
classifications~of property have been '
reviewed and find them proper as as-
sessed, second by Lautenschlager.
Walworth-yes, Larson-yes, Benes-yes,
Lautenschlager-yes, Marman-no. Mo-
tion carried Exemption Applications
and Homestead Credit applications
were reviewed. Benes moved that a
finding be made that we have re-
viewed all Exemption Applications and
Homestead Credit Applications and
find them proper as presented, second
by Larson. Walworth-yes, Larson-yes,
Benes-yes, Lautenschlager-yes, Mar-
man-no. Motion carried. Benes
moved that a finding be made that the
overall Assessment Roll for 2013 has
been reviewed and find it proper as
assessed, second by Lautenschlager.
Walworth-yes, Larson-yes, Benes-yes,
Lautenschlager-yes, Marman-no. Mo-
tion carried. Walworth moved based
qn preceding findings, we declare the
Assessment Roll for 2013 for the City
of Beach equalized, second by Benes.
Walworth-yes, Larson-yes, Benes-yes,
Lautenschlager-yes, Marman-no. Mo-
tion carried. Walworth moved to ad-
journ as the Board of Equalization and
reconvene asthe Beach City Council,
second by Benes. Motion carried
unanimously Walworth moved to ad-
journ as the Beach Board of Equaliza-
tion and reconvene as the Beach City
Council, second by Larson. Motion
carried unanimously.
Applications for Property Tax Ex-
emption for New Home Constructions
at 980 4th Ave NW and 523 3rd St SE
were reviewed. Benes moved to ap-
prove both applications, second by
Lautenschlager. Gerving abstained.
Motion carried. An Application for Spe-
cial Events from the Backyard for the
Stal's & Gal's Softball Tournament
scheduled May 10th & 11th was re-
viewed. A decision was tabled until fur-
ther information could be provided.
Correspondence from Roosevelt
Custer Regional Council regarding the
2013 CDBG Applications was re-
viewed. Bernie Schillo requested the
City purchase 14.24 acres of a land
that is for sale on the Beach Golf
Course. The property owner is willing
to sell the land for $800 per acre. Dis-
cussion. Marman moved to approve
the purchase using the City Sales Tax
Fund, second by Benes. Motion car-
ried unanimously. Nunberg provided a
request for annexation from the Beach
Evangelical Church. A decision was
tabled until further information is pro-
No Other business was brought for-
ward. Marman moved to adjourn,
second by Larson. Meeting adjdurned
at 8:30 p.m.
Walter Losinski, Mayor
Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor
(April 18)
Correction Notice
Billings County Minutes
Regarding the March 5 minutes
that were published on April 11, the
commissioners in attendance should
have read, Kessel as in attendance,
not Thompson.
(April 18)
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