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Page 8 Golden Valley News April 16, 2015
Spring cleaners
Jared Keller, left, and Brad Zook, North Dakota Department of Transportation employees,
gather trash along U.S. Highway 85 at Belfield on April 10. When asked if they found anything
unusual, Keller said, "1 think I found a whole wardrobe." (Photo by Richard Volesky)
Hope everyone had a peaceful Finneman and Edie Abraham to
Easter celebration remembering the Dickinson to the home of Gerrianne
life and teachings of Our Savior and A1 Hartse. There were actually
Jesus Christ, as well as His great suf- 53 family and friends in attendance
fering and sacrifice for each of us. there. Christine and Edie share five
May we live each day striving to be- grandchildren who were there at the
come more like Him. get-together. The Hartses have an in-
On Thursday, April 2, Mass was door pool and all the grandkids and
held in the Chapel at 9 a.m. Exer- many of the adults were swimming
cises began at 9:45, however, a med- and having a marvelous time. Do-
ical emergency put a quick end to lores Kremers and Florence Finne-
our workout. In town shopping man went to Steve and Marie
began at 10:30 a.m. for anyone who Kremers' home for Easter. They live
needed supplies. Bingo began at 2 south of Sentinel Butte in the Alpha
p.m. in the Activity Room with Deb community. Dolores and Florence
Lauf. Dixie Abraham visited Edie share four grandchildren and 10
Abraham. Bill and Lorna Holzwarth great-grandchildren. Katy Zinsli and
visited Gladys Berger and many oth- Steve Finneman were also at the cel-
ers. Paul Weyer visited with his ebration. Jessica Savini visited with
grandmother, Gwen Lorenz. Jo her family for Easter. Loretta Wyck-
Heckaman came to see Helen Flaten. off went to Mary Johnson's for
Gwen Lorenz had visitors from Easter dinner. Mary Kay Michels
Wednesday evening through Sunday went to dinner in Wibaux. Elaine and
morning- her granddaughter Elise, Steve Bruce came to see Juanita
friend A.J and his son Chris from Baird. Judy Curl went with son, Rob,
the Denver area. David, and Krista Curl; Annette
Friday morning hair day began at Curl; Rick, Linda, Jacob and Sam
8 a.m. with our hair ladies pamper- Stoveland; Joel and Vicki Erickson,
ing us in preparation for the Easter their daughter, Kayla and her hus-
weekend. Karen Lund and Lois band; and Kristine and son, and Ver-
Miske came to see Florence Miske. non Szudera to Buffalo Gap for
The Howard family - Judy, Jeff, Easter dinner. Gwen Lorenz had two
DeeAnn, Raelynne, Kaycee and dinner guests for Easter, her daugh-
Kayla - from Malta, Mont came to ter, Carol Weyer and her grandson,
visit Fern Austby. Paul Weyer.
Saturday morning exercises led Monday afternoon Reading With
by Loretta Wyckoff began at 10 a.m. Sharon began at 2 p.m. followed by
in the Activity Room. Edie Abraham coffee time at 3 in the Dining Room.
went to a baby shower at Sue Finne- Leon and Alicia Heick visited with
man's home for Sue's first grand- Florence Finneman.
child. Edie even won a prize at the Tuesday morning Exercises with
party. Oliver and Patti Finneman had Deb began at 9:45 a.m. in the Activ-
a baby girl named Molly Marie. ity Room. St. Paul's Church mem-
Dorothy Stolberg went to Clara Joe's bers led bingo at 2 p.m. in the
for Easter and saw many of Clara's Activity Room. Devotions led by
children, grandchildren and great- Pastor Hojnacki began at 7 p.m. in
grandchildren. Tufter Schmeling vis- the Chapel. Edie Abraham's brother,
ited with Donna Sygulla. Dennis and Dominic Begger, visited her.
Melanie Nunberg came from Bis- Craft Time with Marlene and
marck to visit Jowayne Nunberg. Bethine began at 2 p.m. in the Activ-
Easter Sunday, April 5, began ity Room. We tied two quilts to do-
with Adoration in the Chapel at 8:45 nate to the seniors for the After-Prom
a.m. Word and Communion was held Party. When we finished the quilts
at 9:40. We were playing cards and we shared our week's news over cof-
games in the Dining Room at 2:30 fee and treats. The table was filled
p.m. then coffee time began at 3. The with such wonderful worker bees so
Community Church held services at we got done with both quilts in less
6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Bern and than an hour's time! Everyone was
Steve Kreitinger picked up Sis Rojic, excited to see the couples all dressed
and they attended Mass together then up for Prom on Saturday evening.
they came back for a visit. MaryLee Inspirational quotes of the week:
and Paul Schmitz took Christine "Kindness is more important than
Lincoln man dies in ATV crash
MEDORA - Seth Elkins, 37, of ATV. The ATV overturned, coming
Lincoln, was fatally injured in a crash to a rest on the driver.
Friday, April 10, approximately 10 The Highway Patrol, Billings
miles south of Medora, the Highway County Sheriffs Department and the
Patrol said in media release. Billings County EMS responded, but
The crash occurred around 11:50 Elkins was pronounced dead at the
p.m. as Elkins was traveling south- scene.
east on Huglen Road at an unknown The crash remains under investi-
rate of speed. Elkins attempted to ne- gation by the N.D. Highway Patrol.
gotiate a left hand turn into a pasture The Highway Patrol's media release
through a nearby gate when he lost didn't disclose information about
control of his 2011 Honda Rincon Elkins purpose on the road that night.
Jane M. Cook
50 ,ears ago: April 15, 1965: May 7-8 at Jamestown for their
An aerial photo Showing the In- speeches at Dickinson State Col-
terstate Highway No. 94 across lege. The girls are Peggy
Golden Valley County and to the Portscheller, Ruth Finneman and
Little Missouri River bridge is dis- Donnella Finneman.
played on the window of the Valley 25 years ago: April 19, 1990
Insurance Agency at Beach. headlines:
Three Golva girls have won a Gov. Sinner proclaims statewide
trip to the State Speech Festival fire emergency
wisdom, and the recognition of this
is the beginning of wisdom."
Theodore Isaac Rubin, M.D. "I al-
ways prefer to believe the best of
everybody "- it saves so much trou-
ble." - Rudyard Kipling
Q: When does the County Zoning
Commission meet?
O: When is a zoning hearing required?
Q: What type of construction needs a
Q: Do I need a zoning permit for a
mobile home?
Q: What is a variance?
Q: What is a conditional use permit:?
Q: How close to the road can I build?
Q: How close to my property line can I
(3: How much does a permit cost?
Q; Where do I get an application?
Transparency has become such a
prominent part of our vocabulary
lately that it reminds me of the old
Groucho Marx TV show when a con-
testant saying the magic word was
awarded a $100 bill.
In the recent Publishers' Quar-
terly, the publication of the North
Dakota Newspaper Association, sev-
eral self-congratulatory articles ap-
peared stressing how the print media
beat back legislative proposals to
weaken the open records/meetings
statutes. None of the proposals were
passed and transparency won the day.
Another legislative proposal cre-
ating an ethics commission was also
a transparency issue. It was not so
fortunate. It was defeated with the ar-
gument that in a small state like
North Dakota everyone knows
everyone so there are no conflicts of
interest to be exposed.
Ask Democratic Senator Robert
Menendez (D-NJ). He has been
charged by the Justice Department
with corruption for facilitating the
prosperity of a friend. He said they
have been friends for a long time and
the favors were friendship and not
In an exhaustive study of ethics
enforcement, the Center for Public
Integrity ranked the track record of
states for dealing with unethical prac-
tices. North Dakota was one of seven
states to be awarded an "F".
The Center argues that most ethics
commissions are toothless tigers. Not
only are they appointed by the politi-
cians they are supposed to monitor
but the agencies are also without
funds or staff needed to do anything.
There is an unanswered open
meetings question involving major-
ity caucuses in the legislature. The
legislature has exempted it's majority
caucuses from the open meeting law
even though majority caucuses do
Prepared by the
Golden Valley County
Q: When does the County Zoning
Commission meet?
A: The Zoning Commission is scheduled
to meet on the last Monday of every
month at 3:00 pm in the
Commissioner's Room at the Golden
Valley County Courthouse.
The scheduled meetings will be on the
following dates in 2013:
January 9 January 26, 2015
February 13 February 23, 2015
March 13 March 30, 2015
April 10 April 27, 2015
May 8 May 18, 2015
June 12 3ur,e 29, 2015
July 10 July 27, 2015
August 14 August 31, 2015
September 11 September 28, 2015
October 9 October 26 2015
November 13 November 30, 2015
December 11 December 28, 2015
Due to our advertising requirements,
the deadline for your application will
be 3 weeks prior to the meeting date.
If the deadline for advertising for the
month has passed, the application will
be presented at the following month's
If no applications or other items are
presented to the Zoning Director by
the due date, the meeting will be
m: ii :I i : II
has become the magic word
In an exhaustive
study of ethics en-
forcement, the Cen-
ter for Public
Integrity ranked the
track record of
states for dealing
with unethical prac-
tices. North Dakota
was one of seven
states to be
awarded an "F".
constitute the quorum of a public
Executive branch committees, the
Board of Higher Education and local
governing boards cannot call major-
ity caucuses to do their business in
On another issue, some of the
gay-rights advocates probably think
Governor Jack Dalrymple was not
being transparent when he waited
until after anti-gay legislation was
defeated before he said he thought it
was unfortunate. They think he
should have spoken for the measure
before the vote in order to influence
the outcome.
That would have been a mistake.
If the governor had launched a public
campaign for the measure, he would
have established a bad precedent of
executive interference in the legisla-
tive process. Mason's rules for poli-
cymaking bodies are fairly strict
Q: How close to the road can I build?
A: All rural buildings or structures shall
not be less than one hundred fifty
(150) feet from the edge of the right-of-
way of state and county highways,
secondary county and township roads
and major arterial streets.
Typical right-of-
way for county
roads is 66 feet.
Jill ~ I
The setback is 150
feet from the edge
of the right-of-way
or 183 feet from
the road
Shelterbelts shall not be less than one
hundred fifty ( 150] feet from the road
O: How close to my property line can I
A: In rural Agricultural Districts the Front,
Side, and Rear Setback is one hundred
(100) feet for land not adjacent to a
In Residential Districts the Setbacks are:
Front 25 feet
Side I 0 feet
Rear 30 feet
For setback requirements in other
districts, see Zoning Director.
When is a zoning hearing required?
A hearing is scheduled when an
application does not meet all
requirements of the zoning ordinance
and will need a variance or a
conditional Use permit granted by the
Board before construction may begin.
If the application follows all elements of
the zoning ordinance, the permit may
be granted by the Zoning Director
without a hearing.
Q: What type of construction needs a
A permit is required for the
construction or moving in of any
structure or whenever the outside
dimensions of an existing building are
The permitting process was set up to
promote the health, safety, and well-
being of the citizens and to promote
the sound and desirable use of lands of
Golden Valley County.
Do I need a zoning permit for a mobile
Before a mobile home may be moved
into the county, a zoning permit is
required just like in new construction.
Mobile homes also require Moving
Permits when moved within and
outside of the county as well as Mobile
Home Registrations when first brought
into the county.
For further details, contact the County
Tax Director.
II iiil iil i
about outside influences on the leg-
islative process.
Gubernatorial support or opposi-
tion to legislative proposals would
eventually lead to violation of Arti-
cle 5, Section 10 of the state consti-
tution which, in summary, warns the
governor about influencing legisla-
If the governor had weighed in, all
sorts of interest groups would be try-
ing to get the governor to oppose or
support all sorts of legislation. The
principle of separation of powers
would be degraded in the process.
The lack of transparency got Indi-
ana Governor Mike Pence and his
state legislature in serious trouble
when they claimed that the religious
rights law was not intended to legal-
ize discrimination of gays.
Transparency is certainly lacking
in the political system, especially
when it comes to campaign funds. It
is now possible to launder money
through all sorts of political action
committees, thereby hiding the
source of funds that could lead to in-
fluencing government decisions. Re-
ally, there is no other reason for
social and economic groups to con-
tribute other than to influence public
Unfortunately, there is not enough
space to discuss the lack of trans-
parency in our political, social and
economic systems. Even with our
open meetings and open records
laws, transparency is still in short
supply in some areas.
Please support
your local
Q: How much does a permit cost?
A: The following list is the fee schedule for
zoning certificates:
Single-Family Residential $75.00
Multi-Family Residential $100.00
Singlewide Mobile Home $50,00
Doublewide Mobile Home $75.00
Garages, Shops, Storage Buildings:
Addition to existing structure 525,00
Bldgs, 2,000 Sq.Ft. or Less $50.00
Greater than 2,000 Sq. Ft $75.00
Commercial & Miscellaneous:
Commercial Building $100.00
Industrial Building $150.00
Conditional Use Permit $50.00
Temporary Use Permit $ 50.00
Road Approach Permit $250.00
Where do I get an application?
Applications are available in the Tax/
Zoning Office at the courthouse:
Henry Gerving, Tax & Zoning Director
Golden Valley County
150 1st Ave SE
PO Box 67
Beach, ND 58621
Phone: (701) 872-4673
Fax: (701) 872-4383
Q: What is a variance?
A variance is needed if the building
proposal does not meet ordinance
requirements and cannot reasonably
be changed to meet standards.
Constructing a building within the
county right-of-way setbacks.
What is a conditional use permit?
Use of lands or structures which are
not considered a desired use of lands
or'structures within a described zoning
district but deemed allowable by the
Golden Valley County Board of County
Commissioners and appropriate city
council shall be known as conditional
uses, and shall require a permit
acquired through the procedure
described in Section 5.5.2. and a p~blic
hearing with proper notice.
Constructing a Residential or
Commercial building within an
Agricultural District
A plan and permit saves
time, money and hassles.