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Beach, North Dakota
April 16, 2015     Golden Valley News
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April 16, 2015
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April 16, 2015 Golden Valley News Page 5 Beach School District STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS' March 3, 2015 9:00A.M. Chairman Harley Steffen called the meeting to order. Commissioners Don- ald Maus and Troy Tescher were pres- ent along with States Attorney Elizabeth Ebert. Commissioner Tescher made a mo- tion to approve the updated agenda for the meeting and Commissioner Maus seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Maus made a motion to approve the February minutes and Commissioner Tescher seconded the motion. Motion carried. Current business brought before the Board: -Discussion was held about the land purchase to the Olson family at the 2013 delinquent tax auction, no action taken -County Official's Academy is set for March 9 and 10th and 2015 NDACo cards were distributed -Maintenance Service Contract for the new elevator was discussed -Commissioner Tescher made a mo- tion to transfer $100,000 from County Poor fund to Social Services fund per 20t5 budget, retro-active to January 20, 2015 and Commissioner Maus sec- onded. Motion carried. -Buffalo Gap's schedule of events were discussed, no action taken -Error on a BCBS payment for $334.55 in 2014 was discussed -March 30th is set for the SW Asso- ciation of Counties meeting located at the Lady J's in Dickinson -DES Director, Brenda Frieze sent the Board an email requesting support from the County to help pay for a speaker, Steve Bucci, to increase the awareness and understanding of EMS and Emergency Response Personnel on the risk associated with technology and communications. Deb Walworth joined the meeting. Road Discussion was held. It was agreed that the collector route roads need attention. The Board also dis- cussed that certain specs and regula- tions like timely road blading for the County roads need to be implemented, they decided to wait on the specs until they visit with an engineer and Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld later today. Kitty Knapewitz met with the Board to answer questions the Board had on the request from DES Director, Brenda Frieze requesting Support to hire a speaker for the EMS Personnel. She explained to the Board the training would give credit towards the EMS Per- sonnel's credits they need to obtain the requirements for their yearly required credits. It was then agreed upon the Board they are in support to hire the speaker. Knapewitz then requested the Board to give the funds .that were des- ignated back in February of 2014 for the purchase of a new ambulance. Com- missioner Tescher made a motion to pay the $50,000 to the Ambulance that was designated to them in February 2014 and Commissioner Maus sec- onded. Motion carried. Tax Director, Henry Gerving met with the Board and presented them with the 2014 State and Local.Taxes Guide. He explained how we need to be doing a re-assessment sooner than every 10 years to help avoid such extent changes in taxes. Gerving then did present the Board with 4 abatements for 2014 property taxes. The reason they are late is the applicants were not aware of the program. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the 4 abatements: decreasing the total true and full value of the properties from $72,700 to $0, $130,200 to $105,760, $159,900 to $59,900, and $92,600 to $37,040 and Commissioner Maus sec- onded. Motion carried. Gerving then presented the Board with the Legisla- tive update. County Auditor, Tamra Sperry appointed Henry Gerving as the City of Beach, City of Golva, and City of Sentinel Butte's city assessor per the North Dakota Century Code. Zoning Director, Henry Gerving asked if the Board would approve the Zoning Boards recommendation of Weinreis Borthers' request for a condi- tional use permit. Commissioner Maus made a motion to approve a conditional use permit for Parcel #9-0-02354100 A Tract in the SE 1/~ of Section 18-140-105 for a crew housing camp of less than eight beds or two skid units and Com- missioner Tescher seconded. Motion carried. Veteran Service Officer, Henry Gerv- ing informed the Board that March 23- 25 is the date for the Annual Veteran Service meeting in Bismarck and Gerv- ing will be attending. Becky Byzewski with Community Action met with the Board to discuss al- cohol issues that are being impacted on our communities. Byzewski pointed out to the Board how Alcohol Server Train- ing would help with underage drinking and easy access for the underage to get the alcohol. Discussion will be held with Sheriff, Steele to get his thoughts on the training. Road Foremen, Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board. SB 2103 was dis- cussed with the Board and Wirtzfeld sent in the requirements that are needed for the SB 2103, the meeting is scheduled for March 6th. Pre-job for the Westerheim project is scheduled for 1 pm on March 11th. Wirtzfeld then in- formed the Board that Oltie Golberg ap- proached him about the accidents that have happened in the same spot on the road out to Buffalo Gap Guest Ranch requesting help on the road to maintain it and make it safe. Wirtzfeld informed Ollie that the Township needs to request the help and there is the possibility of safety funding available. He then pre- sented the Board with the Mower Con- tracts drawn up by John Deere for 2015. Crushing has been started on the County's pile at the Richard's pit. AI Miller met with the Board to dis- cuss the different Elevator Maintenance Contracts. AI informed the Board this is the statewide company. After discus- sion it was decided the County will sign the Lubricate and Survey Service Con- tract with Otis. At 1:10 P.M. the Board met as the County Park Board along with Park Board member Kim Nunberg. Janie Rathbun requested the annual $5000.00 for the swimming pool and also informed the Board they are creat- ing a playground on the NW side of Beach and is requesting funds from the Public Rec. Janie Rathbun also re- quested $1000 for the baseball pro- gram. Letters were submitted from Sentinel Butte Public Rec for help on a new heating system and a request for $1000.00 for expenses and advertising from the Spirit of the West. John Kouba requested $2000.00 to gravel areas at the Fair Grounds. Troy Tescher made a motion to give $5000.00 to the swim- ming pool, $1000.00 to the Spirit of the West, $2000.00 to the Fair Board, $1500 to the Sentinel Public Rec, and $1000.00 for the Beach baseball pro- gram all from the County Park Fund and $4100 to Beach City Park for a play- ground project from the County Rec Fund and Donald Maus seconded the motion. Motion carried. Kim Nunberg made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Harley Steffen seconded the mo- tion. Motion carried. The County Park Meeting was declared adjourned at 1:25 P.M. The Board reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion was held about the $1.25 million from the oil and gas impact grant fund. Commissioner Tescher made a motion to award the following entities: Beach Civil Township $40,000, Lone- tree Township $25,000, Saddle Butte Township $40,000, Pearl Township $35,000, Delhi Township $35,000, Gar- ner Township $15,000, Henry Township $17,500, Elk Creek Township $1,330, Sentinel Civil Township $10,000, Unor- ganized Townships will each receive $20,000 for a total of $180,000, Beach School District $45,000, Golva School District $15,000, Central Rural Fire De- partment $17,500, Golva Fire Depart- ment $17,500, Sentinel Butte Fire Department $4,188, Ambulance $30,000, City of Golva $12,000, City of Beach $52,500 and Golden Valley County $657,482 and Commissioner Maus seconded. Motion carried. Andrew Krebs with KLJ met the Board to answer questions on the specs on the Westerheim Road. Dis- cussion was also held on some re- quirements on paperwork for the road projects the County has. Krebs and Road Foreman discussed a time line for the Westerheim project as far as stak- ing and such. Krebs presented to the Board and Wirtzfeld a cost estimate for services for construction engineering on the Westerheim Road Project. 2:30 p.m. is the scheduled time to open up fencing bids for the Wester- helm Road Project. Three bids were submitted from C and R Oilfield Serv- ices, Nelson Fencing and ABC Fencing and Oil Field Services LLC. Commis- sioner Maus made the motion to award the lowest bid from C and ROilfield Services with the project and Commis- sioner Tescher seconded. Motion car- ried. Jeremy Wood from Northern Plains Engineer met with the Board. He pre- sented the Board with an opinion of cost for Hot Bituminous Paving for Highway 10 from ND 16 to Sentinel Butte. The following vouchers were audited and approved for the month of March: 70226 Southwest District Health Unit 4800.00 70227-70245 Social Services Disbursements9992.75 70246 Information Technology Dept 499.35 70247 Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc 66.10 70248 Jim Groll Snow & Mow 22.50 70249 Rohan Hardware 45.95 70250 Dawn Ueckert 47.05 70251 Applied Concepts, Inc. 2878.00 70252 BOSS Inc 54.63 70253 C.E. Brooks & Associates 2352.83 70254 Dakota Insurance 808.00 70255 ExpertPlan, Inc. 100.00 70256 Farmers Union Oil 3735.07 70257 Henry Gerving 376.48 70258 Golden Valley News 385.92 70259 Great Plains Directory Service 647.40 70260 GV County States Attorney 1816.66 70261 MainStay Suites 415.00 70262 ND Association of Counties 624.60 70263 ND Atmospheric Resource Board 1750.00 70264 ND Recorders Association 100.00 70265 Kim Nunberg 126.92 70266 Pitney Bowes 535.18 70267 Radisson Hotel Bismarck74.70 70268 Scott Steele 377.45 70269 Dion Steinley 74.85 70270 Southwest Business Machines 623.68 70271 Total Safety U.S Inc. 687.14 70272 Tyler Technologies, Inc.3577.07 70273 Uniform Center 663.43 70274 Northern Plains Engineering, LLC 2500.00 70275 Prairie Lumber Beach 18.93 70276 Butler Machinery Company 828.09 70277 Colonial Research 262.82 70278 John Deere Financial 45.24 70279 Productivity Plus Account 202.81 70280 Tab Electronics 931.20 70281 Wallwork Truck Center 6.29 70282 West Dakota Truck Repair, Inc. 722.80 70283 Westlie Motor Company552.32 70284 Donald Maus 325.04 70285 Troy Tescher 301.71 70286 Rohan Hardware 2.99 70287 North Dakota State Treasurer 4557.42 70288-70291 Co Park & Co Rec Recipients 14600.00 70292 Ambulance Services 50000.00 70293 Golden Valley County Treasurer, 657482.00 70294 City of Beach 84440.00 70295 Blue Cross Blue Shield of ND 18785.10 70296-70324 Collections Submitted 751729.88 70325 NDACo 308.63 70326 Golden Valley County Treasurer 180000.00 70327 Golden Valley County Treasurer 12.00 70328 U.S. Postal Service 112.00 70329 Marilyn Carlson 116.42 70330 Ray Wirtzfeld 15.09 70331 Farmers Union Oil 139.89 70332 Washington National Ins Co 33.96 70333 Verizon Wireless 306.86 70334 City of Beach 303.76 70335 MDU 3636.76 70336 Midstate Communications, Inc. 1240.20 70337 Reservation Telephone Coop 40.00 70338-70348 Golden Valley County Townships 300000.00 70349 Golden Valley County 8414.59 70350 Golden Valley County 8414.59 70351 Golden Valley County Treasurer 830.00 70352 Golden Valley County 9633.00 70353 Golden Valley County Treasurer 4871.49 70354 Golden Valley County 2487.86 70355 Golden Valley County 5533.10 70356 Department of Revenue 70.00 70357 ND Child Support Division 818.00 70358-70363 Golden Valley County Employees 1159.36 70364-70368 BLM Mineral Disbursements 50000.00 70369-70377 Library disbursements 4966.77 70378 Golden Valley News 28.80 70379 Job Service North Dakota 291.65 70380 Smart Computers & Consulting 1500.49 70381 Patty Thompson 231.75 70382 Tamra Sperry 42.00 70383 Gerald Streitz 11.50 70384 Riverside Marine & Cycle 9178.00 70385 Cenex Fleetcard 1200.94 70386 Jayce Huffman 217.85 70387 AT&T Mobility 40.21 70388 Verizon Wireless 295.71 70389 Capital Trophy, Inc. 120.00 70390 Troy Tescher 28.75 70391 Paul Schmitz 14.95 70392 Darin Maus 14.95 70393 Office of State Tax Commissioner 2699.00 70394 Tamra Sperry 64.00 70395 Aflac 386.67 70396 Spirit of the West 45.00 14928-14973 Golden Valley County Employees 84839.94 Debit Card Quickbooks Intuit Pro16.32 Debit Card Quickbooks Intuit Pro47.90 ATTEST: Tamra Sperry, County Auditor Harley Steffen, Chairman, County Commissioners (April 16) Billings County Commission BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 5, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. with Commissioners Kasian and Kessel in attendance. Commis- sioner Arthaud was absent. Others present during portions of the meeting were: Clarence Sitter, Zarina Khairzada, John Hild, Jesse Hanson, James Odermann, Deb Walworth, Laura Grzanic, Joe Marques, Alvin Klem, Derek Hendricks, Tim Hendricks, Allan Richard, Karen Putnam, Cody & Ashley Lindbo, Bob Prociv, Richard Brown, Pat Hedstrup, Bill & Lana O'Brien, Evan Erikson, Jacob Oder- mann, Andrew Krebs, Justin Hyndman, Jay Harvester, Bill Foster, Bob Dresof, Paul Dvorak, Aaron Pietila, Jesse Medelson, Randy Schwartz, Hugh Hle- bechuk, Sheriff Patrick Rummel, States Attorney Brovold, Road Superintendent Jeff Iverson, Deputy Sheriff Shawn Thomas, Irv Nodland, Zoning Director Stacey Swanson, Deputy Zoning Direc- tor Juliana Pemberton. Kasian moved to approve the min- utes from the February 3, 2015 regular meeting. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. Sheriff Rummel presented the monthly Sheriff's report and went over it with the board. They discussed a new employee and some outreach training that has been provided to area compa- nies regarding truck permitting. Discus- sion then turned the possibility of a county housing project with the school district. Auditor Lamb presented information to the board regarding the "Surge" funds that were approved by the State. The funds to be received by the county will be disbursed through the North Dakota Department of Transportation. There are specific criteria that NDDOT has placed on the funds and they may only be used for road and bridge proj- ects that will be designed to 105,500 and 55 mph design speed. The funds may not be used for any other county needs. Road projects meeting these cri- teria will need to be approved by NDDOT prior to receiving the funding. Clarence Sitter, Chief Financial Offi- cer for the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation was present to go over the plan for the Life Skills Center to be built in Medora. They are requesting that Billings County issue revenue bonds under the Municipal Industrial Develop- ment Act of 1955 in order to finance the LifeSkills Center. States Attorney Bro- void was present and when discussion turned to liability, it was determined that the county would have no obligations or liability in issuance of the bonds. A res- olution for preliminary approval subject to a public hearing on April 7, 2015 at 1:00pm was reviewed. Kasian moved to approve the resolution as presented. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. Reso- lution 2015-12 reads as follows: RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, GIVING THE PROJECT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL, SUB- JECT TO A PUBLIC HEARING (THEODORE ROOSEVELT MEDORA FOUNDATION PROJECT) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Billings County, North Dakota, (the "County") as follows: Section 1. POLICYAND PURPOSE. 1.1. For the purpose of promoting, attracting, encouraging, and developing an economically sound commerce, pre- serving and developing a tax base ade- quate to finance necessary public services, and encouraging employment opportunities for the citizens of the County, the County is authorized by the Municipal Industrial Development Act, Chapter 40-57, North Dakota Century Code (the "Act"), to issue revenue conditional use permit to have 2 RV's bonds and to loan the proceeds to non- as temporary housing in the N1/2NE1/4 profit corporations for the purpose of 22-140-100 (3309 134th Ave SW). providing revenue-producing facilities, Property is zoned agricultural. The zon- and to refund bonds previously issued ing board approved the renewal. Kasian under the Act. moved to uphold the zoning board de- 1.2. Theodore Roosevelt Medora cision. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. Foundation, a North Dakota nonprofit Steve Klym: Application to renew a corporation, (the "Foundation") has re- conditional use permit to have a duplex quested the County to issue its revenue temporary housing unit on a 6.44 acre bonds under the Act in an amount not tract in the NWl/4 23-140-100 (3310 to exceed $8,000,000 (the "Bonds") for 134th Ave SW). Property is zoned corn- the purposes of (i) financing the con- mercial. The zoning board approved the struction and equipping of a new ad- renewal. Kasian moved to uphold the ministration and skills training facilityto zoning board decision. Kessel sec- be located at 405 East River Road S in onded. All voted aye. Medora (the"Project"), (ii) refunding the Sheriff Rummel approached and outstanding County of Billings, North served the board with legal papers. The Dakota Foundation Facilities Revenue documents were accepted and given "to Bonds (Theodore Roosevelt Medora States Attorney Brovold. Foundation ProjeCt) Series 2008 (the Letters from the Forest Service, "Prior Bonds"), and (iii) paying thecosts Medora Grazing Association and of issuance. Billings County residents were reviewed Section 2. FINDINGS. regarding a request for the County to 2.01. Subject to the holding of a pub- agree to provide maintenance for lic hearing according to law, it appears Mike's Creek Road. Road Superintend- the issuance of the Bonds is in the pub- ent Iverson will review the letters and lic interest and any competitive nature, the road and will bring recommenda- impact and effect of the issue upon ex- tions to the next meeting. isting industry and business will not re- Sheriff Rummel addressed the suit in an unfair advantage for the board regarding Southside of City of Foundation to the substantial detriment Medora and their concerns regarding of existing enterprises, maintenance and approval of ap- Section 3. APPROVAL AND AU- proaches on that portion of East River THORIZATION. Road inside of city limits. Road Super- 3.1. Subject to the I~olding of a pub- intendent Iverson and Auditor Lamb will lic hearing according to law and subject do some research from when it was to the mutual agreement of the County, paved. the Foundation, and the purchaser of Discussion ensued regarding frost the Bonds as to the details of the restrictions which will be going into ef- Bonds, the loan agreement, and other fect. They, along with all other County documents necessary to evidence and road restrictions are posted on e.ffect the financing of the Project, the and the Sheriff's of- refunding of the Prior Bonds and the is- fice will maintain the list. suance of the Bonds, the issuance of Justin Hyndman and Andrew Krebs revenue bonds of the County, in one or from KLJ were present for the monthly more series, in an amount not to ex- engineer's report. ceed $8,000,000, is hereby approved The board recessed from 12:00 to and authorized. 1:00 P.M. 3.2. If final approval and authoriza- States Attorney Jay Brovold was tion is given after the public hearing, the present for the 1:00P.M. bid opening for Foundation shall not be required to ad- project number COIA-0418(051 ), vertise for public bids on any part of the Franks Creek Road. A total of 10 bids Project as the County hereby waives were received and after review of con- the requirements of Chapter 48-01.2 tractor's licenses and bid bonds, SA N.D.C.C. as authorized by Section 40- Brovold opened. The bids were as fol- 57-03(12) N.D.C.C. lows: 24/7 Contracting $502,771.19, 3.3. Neither this preliminary commit- Crow River Construction $542,822.50, ment nor any actions, agreements, or Edward H Schwaartz Construction, Inc legal matters related hereto or executed $429,096.85, Hlebechuk Construction in pursuance hereof, shall in any man- Inc $313,200.95, J. Koski Co. ner or forrrl create an indebtedness or $645,294.25, Knife River Corporation - liability of the County. Northwest $668,739.18, Martin Con- Section 4. PUBLIC HEARING. struction, Inc. $437,460.00, Meyer Con- 4.1. Because a public hearing, after tracting Inc. $542,582.90, Youderian notice according to law, is required for Construction Inc. $534,905.40, and J&S final approval of such bond issue, a Construction $445,368.25. The appar- public hearing on the issuance of the ent low bidder was Hlebechuk Con- Bonds shall be held at the Billings struction Inc. Kasian moved to award County Courthouse, Medora, North the bid to Htebechuk Construction Inc. Dakota on April 7, 2015, at 1:00 p.m contingent upon the mathematical cal- and the County Auditor is hereby in- culations being reviewed by KLJ, Inc. structed to cause the notice of such Kessel seconded. All voted aye. public hearing to be given according to The board approved the revenue law. vouchers for the month of February: 4.2. The form of public notice at- Recorder $4,443.60; Zoning $400.00; tached to this Resolution is hereby ap- Court $45.00; Sheriff $35.00 proved. Dated this 5th day of March, Revenues for materials and/or serv- 2015. ices rendered in February: Allan Marx APPROVED: $192.60 scoria & trucking; Belfield President/8oard ofCounty C0m- Sportsman Club $612.00 equipment 'missioners rental. ATTEST: Revenues for the month of Febru- County Auditor ary: Sheriff $5,197.60 overload fees; Jesse Hanson from the ND Parks Sheriff $21,017.35 permits, Highway and Recreation Department was pres- Tax Distribution $15,553.11; Oil & Gas ent to discuss a request to place a .7 Production Tax $139,518.26; Interest mile trail through the right-of-way on $2,669.60; Royalties $30,028.21; Unor- East River Road for the Maah Daah ganized Oil & Gas Production Tax Hey trail as the landowner has refused $39,572.39; Fireworks Permit $2.00; to allow the trail through their property. NDDES FEMA Payment $15,040.10. Discussion ensued regarding the fact The following claims were approved that currently users of the trail which in- for payment: clude horseback riders, hikers, and PAYEE CHECK# AMOUNT mountain bikers either travel on the 24/7 Contracting county road, in the road ditch, or tres- Services, LLC 008983 $266,602.08 pass on private property. States Attor- Advanced Business ney Brovold was present and informed Methods 008984 $2,934.34 the board that there would be potential Alternative Sanitation 0089855220.00 liability if allowed in the road ditch but Americlnn of Medora 0089865154.00 there are also liability issues with the in- Ameripride Linen dividuals traveling on the road, although Service 008987 $290.84 a recreational immunity statute was ref- A T & T Mobility 008988 $72.42 erenced. Kasian moved to give prelimi- Baymont Inn & Suites - nary approval contingent upon a formal Mandan 008989 $448.20 lease agreement with the ND Parks and Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc. 008990 Recreation Department as well as the $1,544.52 Hellicksons, and formal approval to be Belfield Plumbing handled by State's Attorney Brovold & Heating 008991 $2,892.80 and Road Superintendent Iverson. Best Energy 008992 $3,699.00 Richard Brown and Joe Marques Billings County Rural were present from Morgan Chase Man- Fire District 008993 $39,705.92 agement, LLC. They asked to be on the Billings County Historical agenda to request reconsideration of Society 008994 $2,148.59 their application which was denied at Billings County the February 3, 2015 commission meet- Pioneer 008995 $1,061.28 ing. Richard Brown addressed the Billings County board regarding.the expense and the School District 008996 $418,440.68 upkeep of the building and that he has Bismarck Tribune 008997 $373.80 retained Attorney Irv Nodland to repre- Booke, Travis 008998 $35.00 sent their zoning request. Attorney Nod- Bound Tree Medical 00899951,844.35 land approached the board and stated Brooks & Associates, that the last day from a legal standpoint C.E. 009000 $9,411.30 to file an appeal of the commission de- Brownell's, Inc. 009001 $55.83 cision .would be today if it was not re- Buffalo Gap, Inc. 009002 $109.95 considered and approved. States Burian, Maynard, Attorney Jay Brovold was present. Dis- & Michele 009003 $7,192.40 cussion ensued by the board regarding Burian, Myran & potential uses for the property. Mem- Mary C. 009004 $6,182.80 bers of the public were present and Butler Machinery gave testimony in opposition and in Co. 009005 $1,649.42 favor of the proposal. No motion was Carquest Auto Parts 009006 $30.23 made on the request. Attorney Nodland Cassidy, Dr. Michael 00900751,000.00 stated that they would be filing an ap- Chief Law Enforcement peal with District Court today. Discus- Supply 009008 $347.04 sion ended. Complete Crete 009009 $2,416.84 The board reviewed zoning requests Creative Energy 009010 $57.38 that had been addressed by the zoning Dakota Farm board at their February 19, 2015 meet- Equipment, Inc. 009011 $637.09 ing as follows: Dakota Insurance 009012 $34.00 Evan Erikson: Application for a Vari- Deans Distributing 009013 $1,292.40 ance to allow an industrial use in a com- Diamond Truck mercial district. Proposed use is Equipment 009014 $975.00 temporary for the storage of rig & oil Dickinson Public field equipment on a 9.34 acre parcel in Library 009015 $3,736.25 the NE1/4NWI/4 section 1-139-100 Elkhorn Cafe 009016 $95.50 (13256 36th St SW, south side of Old Energy Systems Hwy 10). One trailer is in the middle of Industrial 009017 $91.70 property one trailer is being used for Fastenal Company 009018 $394.26 storage. The zoning board approved Ferguson the variance conditional upon Road Su- Enterprises, Inc. 009019 $135.65 perintendent Iverson approving the ap- Fujitsu Computer proach and that there will be no Products009020 $1,254.75 hazardous materials stored on the prop- Gall's, Inc. 009021 $147.94 erty and no equipment stored within the George's Tire, LTD 009022 $838.00 setback of 103' from center of the road. Golden Valley Jeff stated that the approach is ade- County 009023 $9,796.26 quate. Kasian moved to uphold the zon- Hagen Farms, LLC 00902456,085.15 ing board decision. Kessel. seconded. Hagen, Karl J. 009025 $6,085.15 All voted aye. Hagen, Larry W. 009026 $6,085.15 Lance Thomas: Application to con- J and J Operating, struct an attached garage on a 2.5 acre LLC 009027 $1,009.38 property in the SW1/4SW1/4 36-141-99 Jamestown Communications, (12699 30th St SW). Property is zoned Inc. 009028 $11.00 residential. The zoning board approved Kadrmas, Lee, & the application. Kasian moved to uphold Jackson, Inc. 009029 $64,142.35 the zoning board decision. Kessel sec- Kasian, Connie 009030 $84.50 onded. All voted aye. Ka'sian, Michael E. 009031 $146.05 Steve Klvm: Application to renew a Kessel, Anita F. 009032 $96.00 Kessel, Joseph L. 009033 $121.90 Kohler Communications, Inc. 009034 $670.50 Krebs Machine & Repair 009035 $15.30 Krush, Paul 009036 $98.30 Lyle Signs, Inc. 009037 $78.27 Mac's, Inc. 009038 $359.70 Mainstay Suites - Bismarck 009039 $83.00 Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 009040 $37.08 Med Alliance Group, Inc. 009041 $517.65 Medora, City of. 009042 $21,488.05 Menards - Dickinson 00904351,341.38 Midstate Telephone Company 009044 $975.27 Midwest Doors:Inc. 009045 $4.50 Missouri Valley Petroleum, Inc. 009046 $16,651.92 Mobile Binders 009047 $851.23 Moore, Molly 009048 $6,085.15 Motorola Solutions 009049 $4,276.25 Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. 009050 $550.56 N.D. Association of Counties 009051 $1,675.80 N.D. Association of Counties 009052 $146.40 N.D. Association of Counties 009053 $87.23 N.D. Association of Counties 009054. $58,050.58 N.D. Association of Counties 009055 $7,811.00 N.D. Attorney General's Office 009056 $410.00 N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame 009057 $200.00 N.D. Planning Association 009058 $450.00 N.D.P.E.R.S. 009059$3,956.74 N.D.P.E.R.S. 009060$20.00 N.D. Recorders Association 009061 $100.00 N.D. State Land Department 009062 $1,000.00 N.D. State Treasurer 00906358,623.55 N.D. Surplus Property 0090645500.00 NDACO Directory Sales 009065 $60.00 NDACO Resources Group, Inc. 009066 $2,140.19 Nelson International 009067 $253.59 Newby's Ace Hardware 009068 $779.82 North Central Ambulance Sales 009069 $146.25 Northern Plains Engineering, LLC 009070 $3,500.00 Northwest Tire, Inc. 00907151,343.84 Off Road Software, Inc. 009072 $695.00 O K Tire Stores 009073 $1,274.45 Parkway Ford Lincoln 009074 $3,693.79 Parkway Ford Lincoln 009075 $28,900.00 Pizza Ranch 009076 $122.39 Postmaster 009077 $48.00 Praxair 009078 $39.78 Probuild 009079 $102.31 Putnam, Karen 009080 $51.15 RDO Trust 80-5800 00908154,058.73 Rummel Auto Wrecking 009082548.00 Runnings Farm & Fleet, Inc. 009083 $209.78 Sagebrush Firearms 00908452,171.65 Sax Motor Co. 009085 $200.69 Service Printers 009086 $466.85 Southwest Business Machines 009087 $1,458.67 Southwest Multi-Co. Correction Ctr. 009088 $3,210.00 Southwest Water Authority 009089 $328.01 Southwest Water Authority 009090 $8,588.89 Southwestern District Health Unit 009091 $29,878.74 Stein's, Inc. 009092 $65.00 Swanson, Stacey 009093 $222.13 Tachenko, Cody & Janell 009094 $3,985.80 Tczap, John 009095 $50.00 ThyssenKrupp Elevator 009096 $37,163.40 Titan Machinery 009097 $288.76 Tom's Service Center 009098 $49.80 Total Safety US, Inc. 009099 $30.00 Tri-State Binders 009100 $400.00 U.P.S. 009101 $31.10 Uniform Center 009102 $447.46 Vedzon Wireless 009103 $1,587.55 WaI-Mart 009104 $154.10 WatchGuard Video 009105 $114.00 West Dakota Oil, Inc. 009106 $27,883.79 Westlie Truck Center 009107 $14,624.31 Zabolotny Family Limited Partnership 009108 $2,453.00 Zoll Medical Corp. 009109 $510.00 Blue Cross Blue Shield'009110 : $2,546.20 N.D.P.E.R.S. 009111$39,342.91 N.D.P.E.R.S. 009115$30,555.18 Century Link 009118$520.07 Consolidated 009119$230.19 Information Technology Dept. 009120 $480.55 Johnson, Joshua Q. 009121 $625.00 Medora, City of. 009122 $213.35 N.D. Department of Transportation 009123 $11.50 Reservation Telephone Cooperative 009124 $41.63 Roughrider Electric Cooperative 009125 $3,649.14 Visa 009126 $6,016.13 Visa 009127 $3,326.82 Payroll in the following amounts were approved for February: General Fund $117,847.23; Road and Bridge Fund $92,475.85; Weed Fund $4,957.45. With there being no further busi- ness, Kasian moved to adjourn the meeting 3:30P.M. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. Joseph Kessel, Vice-Chairman Attest: Marcia Lamb, Auditor/Treasurer (April 16) The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or e-mail - goldenandbillings l