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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 16, 2015     Golden Valley News
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April 16, 2015
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r I n By Richard Volesky April 6 meeting, new sewage lagoon and/or a walk- Editor/Reporter According to City Auditor Kiming/biking path Beach city officials have narrowed Nunberg it was decided that: The city also received energy im- down where they'll use the $457,792 $40,000 wouldgotoward the re- pact money through the county - that was received in "surge" funding, building of two ! ft,St itions $52,500 was designated for a durap- The funding is from the state Leg- $200,000 Would; be designated archer for use on city streets. islature and is intended to assist com- for relining about a mile of sewer The cost of the city's new lagoon munities affected by energy pipe cell is expected to be $700,000, so the development with infrastructure costs $30,000 will be for the purchase shortfall meanwhile will be covered this construction season. The City of a used bulldozer at the landfill by the city's general fund, said Nun- Council discussed the funding at an $187,000 would be used for a berg. ND Taxable Sales & Purchases by 4th Quarter 2014 Front row: Taryn Hoffer, Abigail Wilhelmi, Breenna Davidson, Makensie Mattern and Rebeka Padilla; back row: Kobi Allen, Troy Steele, Casey Rieger, Sofia Muruato and Lateasha Lechler. Not shown: Matthew Hildebrant and Madison Stockwell (Courtesy Photo) Arts, Entertainment & Recreation: Educational, tlealth Care & Social Services: $19,086A05. Pmfessiorlal. Scientific, Technical & Management Service~: $51,429,535~ Mi~ellaneous: $73 Wholesale Trade: $2,043.086.262 Transportation & $85,406,S51 Members of the Beach High nesses for the back side of the city State Leadership Conference by tak- School Future Business Leaders of map to pay for the cost of printing ing a written test. Abigail Wilhelmi America (FBLA) chapter attended 20,000 maps. Pads of these maps received 10th place in FBLA Princi- the North Dakota FBLA State Lead- were delivered to participating busi- pies and Procedures, also a written ership Conference in Fargo, March nesses and to the Tourist Information test. 29-31. Center, where they will be available Over 50 chapters from across the Their community service project, to tourists and visitors to Beach. state participated in this conference, "Mapping our Hometown Treas- Representing the committee in where approximately 1,200 students ures" placed first and will move on competition by presenting the proj- had the opportunity to test their busi- to compete at the National Leader- ect to the judges were Lateasha ness skills against other students ship Conference in Chicago this Lechler, Casey Rieger and Abigail from around the state. The most ex- summer. This project was judged in Wilhelmi. Other committee mem-citing aspect of the conference is the two parts, the written report which bers who participated in the project competitive events program, said was created and mailed in to the state were Makenzie Mattern, Sofia Mu- Bartz. Students have the opportunity director in February to be judged, ruato, Troy Steele, Taryn Hoffer, Re- to test the business skills they have and the audio/visual presentation, beka Padilla, Matthew Hildebrant, learned in the classroom in a variety which was given at the State Lead- Kobi Allen, Breenna Davidson and of individual, team and chapter ership Conference. Madison Stockwell. Carol Bartz is events. The culmination of the com- Twelve students participated in the FBLA and project adviser, petitive events program is the awards putting the project together. Stu- Kobi Allen took second place in ceremony where winners are recog- dents listed, categorized and located Introduction to Information Tech- nized for their accomplishments. every business in Beach on a map nology. Kobi will also compete at FBLA is a professional organiza- that they created in Microsoft Pub- the National Leadership Conference tion for students interested in pursu- lasher. They sold ads to local busi- in Chicago. Kobi competed at the ing business careers. Happening? Listings for high school sporting events, plus public events that are free to anyone and aren't fund-raisers or aren't family or business invi- tations, can be published free of charge in this column. Beach City Council meet- ing, 7 p.m April 20, City Hall 5th Annual Kids Health & Safety Fair, 3-7 p.m, Thursday, April 23, West River Ice Cen- ter, Dickinson; sponsored by Southwestern District Health Unit and Southwest Coalition of Safe Communities Beach Varsity Track & Field: - Beach Booster Meet, Thursday,April 16, 2 p.m. - Bowman County Booster Meet, Tuesday, April 21,3 p.m. - Badlands Conference Var- sity/Junior Varsity Meet in Hazen, Tuesday, April 28, 2 Utilities: $92.957,236 Other Services: $161 Information Industries: $204301,671 Retail Trade: $1,928,609,986 Construction: $273,872.712 Manufacturing: Financial, Insurance, Rental & Leasing: $469,945,170 Accommodation & Food Services: $493214,986 Mining & Oil Extraction: $1,495,597,678 By Richard Vole, sky Editor/Reporter State Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger said on April 8 that North Dakota's taxable sales and purchases for the fourth quarter of 2014 had a noticeable increase. Taxable sales and purchases for October, November and December were $7.8 billion, a 15.5 percent in- crease over those months in 2013. "It is remarkable that we continue to see growth on this level," Rauschenberger said in a prepared statement. "Such strong growth is all the more remarkable when you con- sider that oil prices had already begun a significant decline during the fourth quarter of 2014." North Dakota oil prices were 27 percent lower during the fourth-quar- ter of 2014 than during the fourth ion sales rowth "It is remarkable that we continue to see growth on this level." State Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger quarter of 2013. crease of 1 percent Taxable sales and purchases in Slope: $355,655, an increase of area counties for the fourth quarter of 57.8 percent 2014 as compared to the same quar- Stark: $408 million, an increase ter a year ago were: of 15 percent Adams: $7.83 million, an in-Of the 50 largest cities in North crease of 10.97 percent Dakota, Watford City had the largest Billings: $3.62 million, a de- increase of 62.60 percent; and Beach crease of 16.65 percent came in second with an increase of Bowman: $16.36 million, an in- 31.21 percent. crease Of 5.02 percent A question left for a tax depart- - Dunn: $21.28 million, an in-ment research analyst asking for crease of 80.62 percent more information about which in- . Golden Valley: $8.08 million, an dustry generated the increases for the inerease of 28.20 percent cities wasn't returned by the press Hettinger: $3.7 million, a de- deadline. Foundation surpasses $61 million in net assets The North Dakota Community the foundation has made and will grants to several area organizations Foundation says it surpassed $61 continue to make grants that truly including Community Ambulance million in net assets in 2014.make a difference all across our Services Inc the city of Beach, the The organization was founded in state." Golden Valley County Fair Board, 1976 to improve the quality of life of The NDCF manages over 550 and Golden Valley Manor Inc. North Dakotans through charitable component funds, including 60 local The Golden Valley County Corn- giving and promoting philanthropy, community foundations and overmunity Foundation is guided by an "In addition to reaching $61 rail- 100 scholarship funds for North advisory committee made up of local lion in net assets, the foundation has Dakota Sfuden~s. volunteers who are responsible for made over $58 million in grants One of the community endow- fund-raising to help grow the en- since its inception," said Kevin Dvo- ment funds that the NDCF manages dowment fund and who determine rak, president and CEO of the foun- is the Golden Valley County Com- grant awards. Donations to the fund dation. "The assets milestone is munity Foundation, which has assets may be eligible for a 40 percent state important, but more important is that of over $63,000. It has provided tax credit. It's Queen Abraham and King Callaway Taylor Abraham and Dalton Callaway pose for photos after being named queen and king at the Beach Prom on April 11. (Courtesy Photo) Agency to make $2 million available for pipeline safety solutions Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D on "As we work towards building aports oversight of America's grow- April 9 announced that the U.S. De- comprehensive 'all-of-the-above' en- ing energy production and trans- partment of Transportation's (DOT) ergy plan for our country, it's impor- portation and also helps address the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials tant to ensure that we build the right need for technically-trained federal Safety Administration (PHMSA) is kind of infrastructure to support our workers. offering $2 million in funding to energy needs, now and into the fu- PHMSA is seeking projects that universities to support research for ture," Hoeven said in a prepared address technical deficiencies in the pipeline safety solutionS, more than statement. "We must ensure that our following areas: twice the amount that was awarded infrastructure is reliable, safe and ef- Preventing and mitigating last year. ficient, and this grant will enable pipeline corrosion Hoeven, who serves on the U.S. universities to do the innovative re- Developing locatable plastic Senate Appropriations and Energy search that will do just that." pipelines Committees, has been working to The grant is made available Developing inspection tools to improve the nation's energy infra- through the Competitive Academic quantify pipe strength and tough- structure. Agreement Program, which sup- ness Protect Birth Certificates, Car Titles, Household Inventory Lists, Jewelry, Marriage Licenses, Photos, Property Deeds, Rare Coins and Stamps, Savings Bonds, and other valuable items from fire, theft or loss. A Safe Deposit Box is the best place to store important documents and valuables that would be difficult or impossible to replace. Our Safe Deposit Boxes come in various sizes and are available for a small annual fee. ---(- First State Bank Golva 872-3656 im Medora Beach 623-5000 872-4444 ATM in Beach & Medora lobby Member FDIC