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"Thursday, April 13, 1944 THE GOLDEN ~VAi,LEY i~WS PAGE SEVEN
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~te Of North Dakota ) i
)ss I
*Count~. of Golden Valley ) l
.~Aprzl 4th. 1944, 9:00 o'clock A• M.]
The Board of county commissioners[
,Iztet in regular quarterly session with
:~Commissioners Odland, Wosepka and t
~'t escher present.
The minutes of theprecedlng meet-
~mg= were read and approved as
~toAssessors for the unorganized
wnships were appointed by the
~'Ounty commissioners as follows:
~dph Mosser for the First commls-
~ioner's District: Gregory Decker
.:~¢ the Second Commissioner's DIS-
:~Irl¢ct and Leighton Nunn for the
?~tr~ Commissioner's District.
~ax deeds were issued to George
_. Johnstone to lots 8, 9 & 10
block 3, original townslto of
oh, for the appraised price ot
qhl00.00 and tax was issued to him.
C. O. Carlson made final payment
on contract for deed to the S~,~ of
~utiOn 6-142-1~3 and tax deed was
ed to C. O. Carlson,
A Tax deed was issued to Clifford
artholomew and Laura Bartholomew
lots 3 and 4 in block # of Hunter's
addition and lots 1-2-3-4-5-&~6
In block 1 of Potter's 1st addition
~f the City of Beach, for the
~Ppraised price of $40.00 and tax deed
~Was issued.
Ovide E. Grenier, County Agent
"~Ppeared before the board in regard
~o signing contract for county wide
~eaeral Grasshopper control, the con-
act was signed by the Chairman
~f the Board.
12:00 o'clock noon the Board ad-
and reconvened at I:00 o'clock
M. with all commissioners present.
Board proceeded to the work
county offices for the
qicuea r t e r and found that
en collected by the
officers in the following
Sheriff $3.30; Clerk of
); Count~ Judge $31.00;
Auditor $26.00; Register of
Delinquent Personal
taxes collected by the
total collections $672.40.
Township Board appeared
to road grading and sur-
feeder road. The Board agreed
the road grading, but no
was taken in regard to sur-
feeder road.
Township Board appear=
regard to road grading ana
lumber for bridge located on
SOuth llne of section 32-140-105.
Board to furnish the
will do the road
as soon as road machinery
following bills were audited,
and ordered .paid by the
of commissioners sub-
property taxes due
vatmy News, Print-
& envelopes ........................ $ 22.55
Utilities Gas &
................................................ ~4,3~
LaSalle Q~rterly re-
of Justice of Peace ........ 2735
A. Thomas Prisoner's
............................................... 57 A4)
School Supply Co.
for Janitor ................ 10.60
Bell Tel. Co.
Telephone service .... 22.12
L. Zinsll Mileage ................ 15.55
E. Grenier Salary & ex-
Elevator Co. Coal ........ 24.55
Sales Agency
Treasurer ex-
................................ 41.97
Ptg. Co. Sup-
................................................. 249.87
Welfare Board of N• D.
to dependent children .... 216.50
Welfare Board of N. D.
Age Assistance .............. 69.45
Christensen Repair work 11.50I
Repair work &
........................ 79.90
Repair work & 55.60
................................................ 130.00
& Equipment Co. Re-
.................................................. 14.43
Tractor Equipment Co•
.......................................... 108.40"
Oil Co., Diesel fuel .... 10.50
Equipment Co.
..................... 69.37
Oil for patrol 5•60
Lumber Co. Glass &
for Adams patrol .... 3.36
Unloading bridge
Lumber Co. For
of bridge lumber ........ 1248.68
M. the Board adjourned to
5th, 1944.
1944, 9:00 o'clock A. M.
of county commissioners
adjournment wlth
Odland, Teacher and
office was cheek-
the Board and the balance
were found as follows:
ttaltmee From. Jan. 1. 1~
to Ma~h 31. 1944
Balance 12-31-43 ........ $118,6~•59 [
Collection ........................ 76,000.68 {
Collection ....................... 110 474.34 ]
Collection ...................... 12:144,69
$317,254.29 I
.............................. $ ¢s~.~41
_ . ............................. 55.797.65
Payment .......................... 95,165.39 I
alance 3-31-44 .......... 159.468.51 i
B" - $317.254.29
from ~prtl 1,
to April S. 1544
................ $159.468.51
to Apr.
i1~.948.78 $159,946.78
Treasurer of Golden Val-
ley County.
O'clock'noon the Board ad-
and reconvened at 1:00
1% M. with all members
Previous arrangement land-
and tenants living ale
NO. 16 met with the Boar~
commissioners for the pur-
for additional right
raise Highway
and south of Beach.
circulated and
~ve a strip
to six rods in width
rods. The State
with the co-
the farmers and the
will regrade Highway
JOnes 1 load of let-
the ad-
County Auditor.
Golden Valley County,
North Dakota.
~re urged not to let any
under their feet;; Some
keep considerable grass
on their neighbors'
people may not pay
attention to the laws, but
the baseb~ and football
l~etty well observed.
~TtlF.N B~. ~RE TO
tT~rJ o;.'- ~EC~-~NC~d
60rrA ,~Y .WUAr
~0AM D LAST .....
A~ PO~T OF ~-
March 29, 1944
Camp Polk, La,
-)ear Folks:
I r~allze it's been quite some time
~ince I wrote you people, but I'm
-orry indeed. Have been so tired
~t night I never had the ambition
~o write to anyone but the relatives.
I wish to thank all concerned
who haw made it posslb~e for the
service boys to receive their home
town paper. You don't know how
much I- appreciate getting it. I
have received it regularly and al-
~¢ays look forward to the next edi-
don cf it.
In case you put this in the paper
I would like to have my friends
drop me a line. especially my class-
mates of '42 from Sentinel Butte
who are in the service. John ~Nel-
son, a class mate of mine, and I
used to correspond quite regularly
until he moved and since then I
haven't heard from him, Come on,
John, let's hear from you.
If you're interested in what ~'m
doing, we do quite a bit of flying,
aS~ you've probably already seen
what kind of an outfit I'm in. I
am scheduled to make five jumps
and as an old paratrooper s~ys,
"I'm already sweating them out."
I must close, but I'm saying
"hello" to everyone.
As ever,
P. S. Everybody here calls me
"Dakota" as I'm about the' only one
from there.
Sgt. Roy Berg 37550839
Co. F, 188 Glider Inf.
APe 488
llth Airborne Inf.
Camp Polk, Louisiana
37026~92 Co. H, 164th Inf,
APe 718, % Postmaster
San Francisco, Calif.
March 19th, 1944.
Dear Sirs:
I want to write and let you know
"I'm still receiving the paper OK,
I really appreciate it very much
and I wish to extend my thanks
to all the folks back home who
make it possible for us boys to
get our local newspaper. I also
wish to send greetings to all the
folks back home. "Hi, Folkst"
How are you? I ~m JUSt fine and
I hope you all are the same.
I had a very nice time while I
was in Flji. "Bula Joe." In Fijian
that means 'qAello, Joe" and it's
used quite frequently by ~e natives
I'm sorry I can't tell you where
I am now but it's quite a hot spot,
with plenty of Nips on it. But
they are really getting a good
shellacking. I guess ToJo is finding
out the American boys can out-
fight and out-shoot the best he's
got on their own ground, whether
it's in the jungle or in the open.
Well, as space is limited and so
is news will close for now. Wishing
you folks all back there a happy
Easter and a prosperous year,
s-sgt. Albert Haugen,
April 1, 1944.
Dear Sirs:
I have changed ~ay mailing ad-
dress as shown on the other side
of the card. I would llke ~o have
the paper sent to that address.
I would llke to give my thanks
and appreciation to all who have
made it possible for me to get the
"lmme town" paper. I enjoy
peciallY the Golva news. I think
Pearl ~s doin~ a fine Job.
As ever,
Albert Kreltinger.
Pvt. Albert T. Kreitinger
Co. B. 397 Infantry
,APO 447
Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
:::0LUg NEWS =-
Baccalaureate Services
Baccalaureate services were held
at the U. B~. Church Sunday eve-
ning for the graduating class,
which consists of Lavern Shepherd
and Rose Marie Rest• Both grad-
uates completed their courses at
the end of the first semester, and
as L~vern, who has volunteered
for service in the Marine Corps
leaves soon, the exercises are being
held early. The program for the
evening was as follows:
Processional, Mrs. Bert Hudson;
call to worship, Psalms 95:1-6;
Doxology, congregation; Invocation,
L. G. Wetzel; hymn, congregation;
Scripture, Ecclesiastes 12; 1-14;
Duet, the Misses Marjorle Dealing
and Owendolyn Fulton: announce-
ments; hymn, congregation: dedue-
tory prayer, L. G. Wet~l; Choral
rendition, "Fairest Lord JesUS,"
Glee Club; message, "How Much
are you Worth?", L. O. Wetzel;
Duet, Mrs. Ross Cameron and Mrs.
Fay Shepherd; Benediction, L. G.
Wetzel; Recessional, Mrs. Bert
Miss Clad Baker spent the week-
end at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bake~" and
Joan spent Sunday at the Charles
Nelson home.
Miss Rose Marie Rest was an
overnight guest of Miss Grace
Hammond at Carlyle Saturday.
Charles Shepherd and Dick
Beach went to Baker Friday for a
load of sawdust to cover ice,
Shy Tennent and Murrll Rest
made a business trip to Wibaux
Kenneth Rustad was an over-
night guest at the Norman Rest
home Saturday. •
Mrs. Lyle Tennent spent several
days last week visiting, at the
Norman Rest home.
Mrs. Miller, the metier of Mrs.
Oscar Keener, has been quite sick
the past few days,
Mr, and Mrs. George Rustad
spent Sunday at the Hubert RUg-
tad home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Waterland
and family of Carlyle spent Sunday
at the Everett Plummer home.
Archle Slater ran the Farmers
Union store during the absence of
John Schlect.
Mr. and Mrs. Allie Ferrel and
family of Cabin Creek spent the
weekend at the Carl Rest and John
Schlect home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holmes and
Cecil Plummer of Baker visited at
the Everett Plummer home FridaY
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsey and
family of Chbin Creek visited at
the Lawrence Morrison home on
Mr. and Mxs. Christ Rest, M~.
and Mrs. Fay Shepherd and fam-
ily were dinner guests at the Nor-
man Rest home on Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rustad spent
Easter Sunday st the Gordon RUg-
tad home. Dolores Rustad spent the
Easter vacation With her grand-
Mrs. Chrlst'rsherva was pleas°
antly surprised Monday a~ternoon
a~ her home by a ~oup of friends,
the occasion being her birthdaY.
After several hours of visiting a
tasty lunch was served and she Was
presented with a gift of silver.
Vern Dixon of Terry spent the
past week visiting at the R. E.
Morrison home. He spent Thursday
in Ollle visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schouboe
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernle Stark and
Doris spent Easter at the Gloyd
Bury home at Alpha.
The snow plow came up from
Baker Tuesday and cleared the
roads of snow, so except for some
mud ~d deep ruts ~tey ere
now OK.
Gilbert RUStad returned home
Friday from Miles City, where he
recently underwent an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. George RUStad
brought him up from Baker.
John Schlect, Arthur Sather and
Lavern Shepherd went to Butte
Thursday for their .physicals and
induction m~d all passed. They re-
turned Saturday for their furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. ~llott Plummer
and infant daughter of Seattle,
Wash• arrived Wednesday at the
Everett Plummer home. He will put
in the crop on his farm west of
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ferrel and
daughter of Baker spent Easter at
the Norman Rest home. Miss Reva
Rest and Nellie McKay of Baker
also spent the weekend at the
Rest home•
Mr. and Mxs. Percy Bryson and
family spent Saturday and Sunday
at ~lendive visiting at the Glen
Manthey home. Miss Leona Bryson,
who teaches near Olendive, also
spent Easter at the Manthey home.
There was no school Friday be-
cause of its being Good Friday.
The attendance has been quite
small the past two weeks because of
so many cases of measles. However,
most cases have been quite mild.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lutts and
family and Mr. and Mrs. GrOve
Lutts and family spent Sunday at
the Carl Rose home. Miss Flora
Rose was also home for the week-
Mrs. Harold Leary received an
interesting letter last week from
Sgt. Leo Towner in England, He
is now back with his original com-
pany after spending a year and a
week in the hospital there. He had
both legs broken.
Francis Plummet, MMlc, a Sea-
bee in the Navy, arrived Friday at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Plummer, to spend a
thirty-day furlough after having
spent the past two years in the
South Pacific. Most of his time
was spent on the Samoan Islands.
The North Dakota highway de-
partment entered 1944 with greatly
curtailed Incomes from the gasoline
tax and motor vehicles revenues,
according to figures obtained from
the department. The downward
difference amounts to $678,549,03
less than for the previous year.
In 1942 revenues from these sour-
ces amounted to $3,264,163.57 and
in 1943 to $2,585,614.54. In 1941
these two sources contributed $3,-
663,538,48, or $1,077,923.94 more than
last year.
In 1941 the three cent gas tax
contributed $1,881,865.16 to the d'e-
partment's coffers; the one cent
gas tax $953,298.19, and the motor
vehicle department $318,375.13. The
figures for 1942 were; $1,592,000,
$815,489.93, $856,673.64; and in 1943,
$1~192,000, $;13,120.81, and $789,493,73,
People are urged to keep their
eyes open. Keeping their mouths
open is something they do without
urging. V
HmH mOOD .pmmu t•
• Dangerotm High B loocl,Pre93um
(Essential Hyperte~.ion~ IS us ual~
di. i
lueh M dizzinem~ -
ac~e~ sleeplessnesa and nervgu~.
hess. If disregarded, this may lead
to Heart Trouble, Stroke, Paral~,s, il,
Hardening of the Arteries or ~la-
nay Trouble. "D~..monex~ d!seevel~y..
of a heart spoc~nsr~ m.aemqnea w
qniekly aid in the retle.z oz mese
distressing symptoms.
A ChicagO_ resident says: '~[ s u/-
fared from High Blood Pressu~ for
several yea~ with increasmgtT
mwere throbbing headaenes, m~
ness and shortness-of brea~n.
showed the Diamonex formula~ to
my doctor and, on his advice, tried
the treatment for two weeks un.der
identical conditions as prewou8
treatments. Within on ly..t~ee da~
my bad headaches and mzzy spa
were gone. My high blood pressure
was reduced and r sleep fine," .
Diamonex goes directly to work
In three.different ways r~ mo m
WAR BONDS are the means ofI The human race has come fro~
bringing back normalcyl It he stone age down to the carnage,
i i i ] _ i { •
From where I sit.../y Joe Marsh
Matt Doorly Versus
the Tomato
Matt Doorlfs skin broke out in
a rash last week. He finally ad-
mitted to Dec Holllster he'd
eaten twelve tomatoes in a row
just the day before.
"Shucks," said Dec. "That's all
that's the matter with you. That
kind of eating would turn any-
body red."
So now Matt has not only cnt
out all tomatoes for himself.
He's forbidden his family to eat
tomatoes. And won't even have
them in the house. Says toms.
toes are anti-social and ought to
be prohibited by law.
No. 82 era Se~
Funny how some people rush
off to extremes like that. They
take a wholesome thing and
overdo it till it disagrees with
them-or maybe find they don't
happen to like it-and then they
" want it banned for everybody.
From where I sit, foIks ought
to realize there's a
ground in eve~thinK-a middle
ground of moderation on the one
hand.., and tolerance for oar
neighbors on the other.
Copyright, 1944, Brewing Ind~try Founda~o~
It isn't only the
that accrues to y6u when you pat-
ronize a renewed restaurant like the
Powers Coffee Shop... think of the
food itself ~ delicious, appetizing,
and nourishing- the answer to a
hungry appetite's prayer.
• I I I i
[ Morn and Pop and the Car... ,
410"~ltt~,~'~It tSf.~ I,/mOARO O1~, ClOMPM4¥
Don't underestimate l~n's k~w--~ow when
it comes to looking Mmr the car, She's taking
that on, too, dong with her countless other
duties these busy day~ One reason ~ of
course, that it's easy now for women or men
to keep a car running righ~ running longer,
and nmaing far~ha~ on ever~ gallon of , ~
gasoline. Ju~ take h to a Standard Oil Dealer.
Remember--it's going to be a long, long time
before you can replace your car. Don't
neglect k. Your Standard Oil Dealer is trained
for wartime car savi~ service--featuring
the relief of these dangerous s
~oms. Results are speeay--witnm
as short a time as tyro weeks sure ~ the famous I0 Star Spring Tune.ui~
£erers often find that Diamonex ]ms
accomplished .~5%.0.f .the total r~
duction possible wit. tam..xort~,u~_a
If you suffer zrom nigh vto~t__
Pressure Xou may try DIAM0,NEX
without nsldn~ a penny. T0 Intro-
duce this wonderful treatment
a million new sufferers this.libe~_t_l
trial offer is made for a litmr~a
time only.
Send only $I.~0 to the D[amonex
Compa~, S~A .N .~th_Mi~_n,
Ave., C[de.a~o, Illinois ~or a x m~
,WO o._ ,,._,. St .dard 0fl Deale
DIAMONEX, prepaid. Usa ~J|s*
monex according to the s impl~ a~
for enl
the eud of that tes~ penw.~v- ~ :
not deli~'hted with l~m. your
_"~l'~*on ~ Them are no
a ~ • ou owe ft to
s or eonditlons~
~J~ wonderful " -