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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 13, 1944     Golden Valley News
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April 13, 1944
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Thursday, April 13, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE i I + i I[ [ I [ I iiii Golva Hi Senior Class Play, Friday, Apr. 14 "My Mother-in-law," the Golva Hi0h School Auditorium at 8 P.M. Dance After Play. III I WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If you want to buy or sol1 gomofl~ng; If you need help or want a lob, you can get ruulls from News Wsnt Ads. No ad accepted for 1ell than per insertion. A service charge of 25c will be made for "bLind" ads. Farm Family Wins 1st Award MANCHESTER, IOWA -- The Ralph Childs farm family, n e~" hire, has received the first of th~ Rural Electrification Administra- tion's national awards "for distin- guished service in food production through use of electric power". This family 'increased pork, poul- try and dairy production and cul- -tivated 312 acres of. land with less help than before, the ~dditional work being done by electrical equipment, which replaces two men, Mr. Childs said. Electrified equipment on the Childs farm in- eludes a milking machila$, water purelY, running wat'e~ in the. ba .rus, 'chick brooder, grinder and fanmng mill, feM elevator and chopper and many others. Miss Lueille Childs with the milking machine w~ich enabled her to milk 29 cat- tie, as against 18 before the farm was electrified. Miss Chtlds ts Just entering training for the Army Nur~'s Corps. GARHER NEWS I Mrs Fred W~mm~ Cot t • • o m ..... =-_A- _=2 --==--=-- -- - - -- Mr. and Mrs. Jo, m Stull and David were callers at the Walter Wassmann home on Monday. Lt. Edward Wosepka left on Tuesday morning for his camp in Connecticut. Loyde Wassmann was a Golva business caller Tuesday. He also called at the Tom Wosepka home. Fred, Loyde and Walter Wass- mann and Johnny Stull were Beach visitors on Saturday. Lt. and Mrs. Edward Wosepka and Kenny Wosepl~ were callers at the George and A1 Wosepka homes on Monday. Robert Drewniak was a caller at the Art Underwood and Fred and Walter Wassmann homes Wednes- day night. Quite a few people attended the Easter services held at the Wosepka School on Easter Sunday by Rev. Olsrud. Joe Dletz 'and children spent sunday visiting with the~ wife and mother, who is a patient at the BeaCh hospital. M~. and Mrs. John Fakler and Jackle were dinner and supper guests at the Fred Wassmann home on Easter Sunday. Miss Solvig Vanvig spent the weekend at home with her parents near Oolva. She returned to Beach 'WANTED TO BUY--I milch cow. Tony Kryzsko, Beach. 29-1tp FOR SALE--V-Marl stationary at the News office. 5-tf ~OR SALE---Waish and Golden Viking seed flax. G,,~;~lstrom. :~:~ ~-2tp FOR SALE--32 Hero ~ fanning zaill. Edwin Buldhaupt, Beach, N.D. 28-4tp ~R SALFe--12 x 14 building, 8 feet high, shingled roof. Jas. Raft- tery. 28-Ztp ~-R SALE--Registered Duroc Jer- sey male pig for $30.00. Edwin Ruldlmupt, Beach. 27-3tc ~ANTED---Woman or girl able to take care of sick person. Call or see Chas. Purvis, Beach. 29-1tp FOR SALE -- 1 5 - 3 0 McCormicki Deering tractor and plows. Jess Houck, Beach. 29-2tp SALW--10-foot drill in first class shape. M. A. Flnneman, Phone 5F22, Golva. 27-4tc ~OR SALF,---Slnger sewing machine. Runs like new. Mrs. Dan Cafferty, Beach. 29-1tp for use by &NTED---Mileh cows May 15. Fred Nlstler, Sentinel Butte. 29-2tp IPOR SALFe--White blossom golden leed flax. Rust resistant, clean- ed, $4.75 per bushel. Frank Dy- kins, Sentinel Butte. 29-4tp ~~Pasture for thirty head yearling heifers for 5 months Itarting the first of June. H. A, ~'y, Alpha. 27-3tp SALE---U. S. approved, pul- tested chicks. Order early. breeds. Write for folder Hoffman Hatchery, N.D. 22-11tp of sheep manure :~or garden. Also someone to ~low garden. Inquire at News ~lee. 29-tf R SALE----Goal registe~l 4-ye~ :0~Hereford bull, sired by Domino 1. Gem F. Sygulla, phone tl~, Golva 29-2tp ~T~IAcense plate No. 14868. l~mder please leave at News ~ice. W. E. Allen, Sentinel ~Utte. 29-1tp SALE~Two dark roan reg- yearling shorthorn bulls. Dykins, Sentinel Butte, D. 29-4tp SALE--6-room house, located to Davis service Station; [ !also 6-room house known as [ ~Ook house See Ernest Moore, | "~ " 26-5tp 14: ,o,rheumatism and :e;: | | ~. Most amazing and effective ti $1.00. RUinG Remedy ,,nco chic+ ois. 28-12~ to resume her school duties on | | ~'~--~ SundaY. |'|~bred brood Mr. and Mrs. John Stuli and i z.'~vs due to farrow about May David, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter | | ~ to 10th. A real bargain for wassmann and Jerry were among I I ~tl~Yone in need of two No. 1 those WhO attended Easter services I | ~" R. C. Doyle, Sentinel at Beach Sunday morning. ,*|I~tltte, N.D. 29-tfc Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Wassm~nn [~|~h~: . and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,,|| ~AN]~NT WAVE, 5~e! Do your Wassmann, and .Mrs.'Johnny John- :[ | ~-P~-~nanent with Charm-Kufl son were Sunday visitors at the I i ~k Complete equipment, includ- home of Mrs. Vera Wa~smann. t I curlers and at ded the show in !I ~ uo, absolutely hexmlem. Prais- Beachmat evening. ill ~ by thousa~ Includir~g Fay " V - ![I '~, glamorous movie star., ~ . tWl' , .. ' : refunded if not saris- " " I1 enos winter ~4-10t~Jm~- *1 I* C'ql* plant~, " ~lt~Or~.. To, W~eld. well known Sen- ~Tt~On. Es- t~ml, But~_ r¢~idea~- returned ~dd for extr~ne Saturday Irom ~orumna, t~m. dtate~.' Is very hardy, Spokane, Wash., where he spent the winter visiting relatives and and helping Uncle Sam build ships. Tom went to ,NL~e, West coat 'last fall in hope of gain~ relief from his usual winter ~ttack of rheu- matism, and states that he not only missed the rheumatism, but ;he climate was so invigorating that he could not resist taking a job as a nmehtntst's helper in the. shipyards. Working in the ship° wards was a new experience for Mr. wirtzfeld, but he states that he enjoyed his work (?) and also had the thrilling experience of tak- ing a trial trip in. one of the newly ~onstnicted sriips. V ,.bird has been known tune ~ thne~ in one Mrs. Ernest Nelson visited Mrs. Harry Mlkeison Thursday afternoo~i. Miss Mary Zinsli is a house guest at the Taylor Cook home. Miss Mary Lou Armstrong was a Dickinson shopper Thursday. Mrs. W. E. Burhans visited Mrs. Fred Smith Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bares and family were Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Mike Theisen home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson were Wednesday evening visitors of Mrs. May Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kunlck were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson. Milo Hogoboom has henna guest at the home of his son, Nell, the past week. Mrs. Carl Moen, Mrs. Victor Johnson and Kenneth Goldsberry were Olendive shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Olson were Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Clarence Satre home Mrs. Paul Wagner and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom visited Mrs. Bob Hall on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. l~rnest Nelson ealled at the Chas. Johnson home on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Glendora Horning and Mrs. Otto Nordin visited Inga Carlson Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Waldal was a Sun- day dinner guest at the Bert Wal- dal home. Tom Wirtzfeld returned Saturday from Portland, Ore,, where he has spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reinholz were Dickinson shoppers Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Wagner called on Mrs. Bert Waldal and Mrs. Olga Lardy Saturday 'afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson were dinner guests at the Leonard Treater home Easter Sunday. Mrs. Charles Johnson visited at the Victor Carlson home Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campin were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mrs. Walt Dixon and Mrs. Victor Johnson were Dickinson shoppers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stockwell and family were Sunday guests at the Chas. Bohn home. Miss Mertyce Olson was a caller at the Norman Haugse home on Saturday. Mrs. 'Norman Haugse and Eunice, and Lois Honnold called at the Satre home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Reinholz were supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Sanders Saturday. Mrs. Mary Lehman returned home on Monday after having spent several weeks visiting her sister at Sidney, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fosjard and family of near Wlbaux were supper guests at the Win. Scherle I home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ~Pangen and Mr. and Mrs. Vie Johnson were Medora visitors Tuesday evening. Lyle Petersilie returned to his work for the Northern Pacific rail- way at Jamestown after spending Easter at his parental home here. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk- mtrick entertained the Ralph Kirkpatrtek family at Easter dinner I It is time to start the clean-up. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner en- Pearl and Mary Franzen of B~ach tertained last Monday night in spent the weekend at the Peter Teacher and Lawrence Klrkpatrick homes, respectively. Mrs. Joe Strietz, Mrs. John San- ders, Mary Ann Zinsll and Peggy Honnold were Beifield callers on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allen are movll~g to the Koshney place from the old Jordan farm, where they have lived the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse and family were Sunday evening dinner guests at the Clyde Myers home. Mrs. V~n. Scherle, Mrs. May Fisher and Mr ~nd ,Mrs. Victor Johnson were Sunday evening call- ers at the Charles Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Bonita spent Easter with Mrs. Smith's mother. Mrs. Lindstrom, and family at Carlyle. Miss Marjorie Pierce and Miss Sesenmeir of Wibaux spent Mon- day visiting at the Bert Waldal home. Mrs. May Fisher and Mrs. Will Brown and family were Sunday dinner guests at the John Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Johnstone and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nothnagle were visitors at the Clarence Satre home Friday. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Nelson en- ter~ained at a no-host dinner Sun- day for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dixon and family and Wm. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Neff Hogoboom et- tended ,the show in Beach on Sun- da~ evenmg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Petersllle, Mrs. Ted Rink, and Lyle and Gwen Petersllie visited their mother at the Beach hospital Sunday after- Ilion. The Misses Helen Hlgley and Jennie Lambert spent the weekend visiting at Miles City, Mont. Miss Mary Tibor visited at her home in Hebron over the holidays. Bob Johnson and Carl Scherle returned to their work at Reed Point, Mont. Sunday evening after having spent Easter here with their respective parents. At the Congregational Church next Sunday Sunday School and church services will be combined. Come and bring the family. The time is 2:00 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Petersilie left Monday for their home at For, ~syth, Mont. Mrs. Petersilie has been visiting at the Otto Petersllie l~ome the past week. Mr. and-Mrs. Lewis Odland and Beverly and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tangen and family spent Sunday visiting at the Reed and Cook homes. Mrs. Guy Honnold and Dennis left Monday morning for their home at Aitkin, Minn. after hav- ing spent the past month visiting Mrs. Honnold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nordin, and other rela- tives. Technical Corporal Emil Scherle left Thursday afternoon for his camp in Salt Lake City, Utah, after having spent a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Win. Scherle, and other relatives. The regular business meeting of the Study Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Nelson on Tuesday evening. Election of offi- cers for the coming year was held, with Mrs. Dorothy Hogoboom being elected - president. Mrs. Lenore Smith vice-president and Mrs. honor of Lieutenant Edward Wo- sepka. Those present besides the honor guest and his wife were Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wosepka and Kenneth, Mrs. Dorothy Hess and Mrs. Helen Hovland. The evening was spent playing cards. ~-V CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. John Roberts, pastor Beaeh: Church school at I0 A. M. Morning service at 11 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship at ~:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. Sentinel Butte: Sunday school and church service combined at 2:00 P. M. C. E. Monday at 7:30 P. M. Medora Unlea: Sunday school at 3 P. M. Worship service at 4 P. M. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Hospital. Notes Those hospitalized during the past week included: From Wibaux: MalcoL~ Efta, son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Efta, April 5-9; Miss Anna Beggar, April 6. Beach: Bert Mogle, April .5-9; Miss Helen Wyman, April 6-7; Miss Vlrginta Noyes, April 7-8; and Miss Katherine Uetz, April 11. Trotters: George Tasker, April 10. Appendectomies were performed on Larry Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. All~rt Ailen, Beach, April 9; and Miss Hattie Nunberg, W1baux, April 10. ~V BOY SCOUT ACTIVITIE~ The meeting was called to order Monday night by the repeating of the Scout Oath. It was decided that we would at- tend Camp Shan Owapi this sum- mer. It was also decided that the best time would be from July 1st to July 8th. We planned a hike for next Sun- Sabbath School 11:00 A. M. day, but we aren't sure where we Church service 12:00 Noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday at will go. 7:30 P.M. Don't forget! The Boy Scouts are still collecting wastepaper every V Saturday morning. People are told to cultivate the personal touch. One favorite way ~V - of doing it is to touch their friends CLUB MEETING POSTPONED for a loan. V merely The Little Beaver Commm~ty The Germans of course will not Club will be held Saturday, April admit they are retreating, 22nd, instead of Friday, April 14t~, advancing to safer positions farther / as formerly planned. from the pursuing enemy, r Mrs. M. Stecker, Pres. Patronize our advertisers. Give to the Red Cross War 1~nd! We have a complete line of Dr. Salsbury's POULTRY REMEDIES BUTTE DRUG i ii II Get a suite of de- pendable quality, Sunday. Viola Mikeison, secretary and treas- Mrs. Otto Nordin and Mrs. Guy urer. After the meeting Mrs. Clara Honnold were Dickinson business Wagner ga~e a very interesting visitors Tuesday, when Mrs. Nordin book report on 'Taps for Private consulted a physician. Dennis Hono Tussle, by Jesse Stuart. A de= nold stayed at the Haugse home licious lunch was served after the while his mother was gone. meeting. of WorldWarn? " ~ ~ ~ " • :be :A Any ~n who holds an hen- A. First el au a c~um mus~ f-rom oof of hono me forces of the United States for ser- must be shown and the veteran is Vies on or after Dec. 7,1941, and be- fore the termination of hostilities, and who is suffering from wound~, d~ease, or disability contracted in or aggravated by military service. Is a person who has bet~ wounded or disabled in this war entitled to any pemdon? A. Yes. Laws have been enacted which extend to the World war II veterans practically the same bene° fits that have been provided for the disabled of World War I and other wars in which this eountD' has been engaged. Q. Wh~ reqairemen~ must be ~met before pension benefit# are required to submit evidence that he is sufferlng.~from ~orne disability Which was incurred in or aggra- vated by his military service. , • X • O~ What types of pensions twe paid to di~ed ex-s~viee men? A. There are three forms of pen- sions or compensation. First, com- pensation paid for wartime service- connected disabilities. Second, com- pensation paid for disabilities in= curred in or aggravated during peacetime service. Third, pension paid to World War I veterans who have become totally mad perman- ent cllse~bled because o~ conditions not related to their active military servlce. Send questions with self.addressed, stamped envelope to The Veteran's Priend, ~ .American Vetemm, 14~L ~,Oln~matt;~ one that will last a Get a life time ! Genuine Period Style Get Th~ Fine i8th Century Suite You will be absolutely correct and beyond• eritleism with jtl~ fine traditional styling .De-$ra1~e.A~ll.~ aO pendable quality. Bed, dresser and chest and up WPB RELEASES STEEL FOR BED DAVENPORTS AND MATTR~ES WPB has lifted the ban on steel springs for bed davenports, studio lounges, and sofa beds, Permitting manufacturers to make 36 percent of the number of comparable units they made during the base period. ' , ++ ]