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April 12, 1951 |
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APRIl, 12, 1951
John Brown returned
the Dickinson hospi-
where she had un-
surgery last week,
Bertha Waldal spent
and Friday in Beach
at the Sofus Holthe ,and
Hollenbeck homes.
corresponaent ~s sorry to
that in last week's news
the names of Ted Kirk-
and Bob Van Horn were
in the list of men who
Minneapolis business call-
previous week. Jim Tes-
Pttrchased a new Oldsmo.
Mrs. Ruth Carlson was hostess
to the Study Club members at
their regular business meeting
at her home Tuesday evening.
Election of officers was held with
the following ladies elected for
the coming year: President, Mrs.
Eva Kessell; Vice-President, Mrs.
Maria Dietz and Secretary and
Treasurer. Mrs. Fern Tangen.
After the business meeting a
very interesting book report on
"Little B~itches" by Ralph Moo-
dey was given by Mrs. Lenore
Mr. Shileds who has been stay.
ing at the Clarence Satre home.
while doing carpenter work
We don't look after children,
Or sweep the floors
Or do the washing
Or work out of doors
We serve the best food
That you ever ate
it once and you *-
Will say Ws great l \
Open Daily 7 a. m. to 3 a. m.
Sunday--noon to 3 a. m.
We specialize in banquets and
luncheons, call
for appointment;
We can serve any number.
While there.
Montana, have moved into the
apartment over Carison's Store.
Mrs. Huber is the former Gwen
The dinner served by the Con-
gregational Ladies Aid in the
cht~rch parlors Thursday w~s
very well attended and a delici-
ous ham dinner was enjoyed by
Mrs. Math Dietz and Anna re-
turned last week from points in
Iowa and Wisconsin, where they
spent the past month visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde" Meyers,
Below are listed the names of
those with winning entries in
conservation and wildlife con-
tests, held in conjunction with
Conservation Day March 30.
Posters: Ist Place, Chandler
School, 2rid Pl,ace, Joyce Dykins,
3rd Place. Joyce Dykins, 4th
Place, Eugene Still, 5th Place,
Marie Susa.
' Honorable Mention: Jane Zem-
ple. Sally Fasching, Darlene Je-
sok. John Granat. Frankie Schil.
Jingles: 1st Place. I~avid Sted.
Mrs. Alfred Martinson and three
children visited at the Ole Om.
around town, left Thursday for ]ey home Sunday.
Minneapolis, Minn. to visit his Mrs. Wm. Franzen underwent 3rd Place, Dorothy Ann Neller-
daughters, surgery at the Beach hospital moo, 4th Place, Theresa Lardy,
Mr. and M~s. Arlo Huber who Wednesd,ay and is reported as re- 5th Pl.ace, Judith Ulfers.
cuperating very welt. I Spelling Contest: No Errors:
have made their home at Baker, YW. and Mrs. Carl Moen and Lyla Strum, Joyce Dykins, Carol
Randy arrived home Wednesday Cheadle. One Error: Darlene
from California, where they spent Wirtzfeld, Wilbur Stedman, Dan-
the winter months. They also ny Sch,aal, Harold Wosepka, Jan
visited friends inMinneapolisZemple, Marie Susa, Kathleen
enroute home. Conradson, Theresa Susa.
man, 2rid Place, Dorothy Hoeck ,
Essays: 1st Place, David Sted-
man, 2nd Place, Cathc~rine Rising,
3rd Place, Helen Kukowski, 4th
Place. Danny Scha,al. 5th Place,
• Lyla Strum.
Honorable Mention: Beach
Church, Joyce Dykins, Norita
Kress, Maynard McManigal,
Clark School.
Scrapbooks: 1st Place. Chand-
ler School, 2nd Place, Terry &
Doanna Brown, 3rd Pl~ace, Lapla
School, 4th Place, Rella Cook,
5th Place. Marian and Catherine
,Honorable Mention: Beach
Sunday visitors at the Mike
M. Lardy home included Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Uetz, ~VIr. and M.vs.
Bert Waldal and Donny, Mortice
and Joey Dietz, Mrs. Bertha Wal-
dal. Mrs. Olga Lardy, the George
Lardy family and the Grog Deck.
er family•
Miss Peggy Johnson who is
taking a course in Railway Tele-
graphy at Gale Institute in Min-
neapolis axrived Wednesday for
a few days visit with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson• She
returned to school Monday
Mrs. Richard Kessel entertain-
ed the Home Sentinel Homemak-
errs Club at her home Monday.
Sunday visitors at the John
Sander's home were John's
mother and his brother Larry of
Tom Tescher is the proud own.
er of a new Plymouth car.
Frank N~rdblom left Friday
for his home in Minnesota after
having visited at the home of
his sister Mrs. Frank Johnson
and husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dietz
were visitors at the Chas. Allen,
Jr. home Sunday.
Miss Jewell MeBee attended
a Methodist Young Peoples Rally
at Mandan Saturday.
IV~. and Mrs. John Kalkman
and Mrs. Alice Moore were Sun-
day visitors of IVlx. and Mrs.
Frank Boyce.
Here Foz Decti~
Rev. A. H. Barttor, S~ate Min.
ister of the Congregatdonal
Churches, spent two days in
Beach last week. He was here
for the dedication of the new or.
gan, heating plant, chimes, lec-
tern, offering plates, and redeco.
rating of the interior of the edi.
rice. Some $3500 in gifts and im-
provements have been made to
the Beach Conglreg~tionel church
in the past six months.
Named To Scout Board--
Church School, Olson School, Lit-
tie Beaver School, Burkey School,
Carlson School.
Soil and Water Conservation
Poster, Higk School: 1st Place,
Cecelia Dobrowski, 2nd Place,
Louise Scherman.
Posters: 1st Place. Joyce Dy-
kins, 2rid Place, Nancy Kemp,
3rd Place. Eugene Wehrman,
4th Place. Jimmy Ulfers, 5th
Place, James K~amers.
Honorable Mention: Joann
Wehrman. Edmond Blaszczzcki,
Darrel Oech, Lyla Strum, Glen-
nette Fakler. Maynard Fulton
Dorothy Nellermoe.
Scrapbooks: 1st Place, Nancy
Kemp, 2rid Place. Weinreis
School,3rd Place. Hillside
School.4th " Place, Hillside
School,5th Place. ttarding
Posters High School: 1st Place,
Elaine Schmitz, 2rid Place, James
meeting will 4ae with Mrs. Edith Charlie left on the early train
Schmeling April IBth, two weeks Monday morning for New York,
sooner then the regular meet- to take the ship on Friday, Alxril
ing at Beach, N. D. Dinner will
be at 12:30.
A farewell party for Charles
Johnson was held at the Ewald
Johnson home on Sunday after-
noon. There were about 30 ~ri.
ends and relatives there. A love-
ly lunch was served and cards
was the main er~tertainment.
13 to leave for Sweden. He will
visit with Enoch Anderson
his 4 sisters that still live in
Beach merchants offer you a
number ol money saving bmr.
gains weekly. Read their ads.
Garner News
The Golva Sunshine Society
met with Mrs. Lou McManigal
on Wed., April 4th, with 5 mem-
bers and 17 visitors present. A
lovely dinner was served by the
hostess. Eletcion of officers was
held and the same members were
put back into office. Mrs. Mar-
garet McManigal President; Mrs.
Azalia Schmeling Vice-Pres.; Mrs.
M, ar~,aret ~treitz See.; and Mrs.
Edith Schmeling Treas. The next
SHIELD-EXPERT. H. L. HOFFMKNN of Minneapolis, Minn.,
will demonstrate, without charge his "Rupture Shields" in
From 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Please come early. Mr. Hoffmann says:
"I have specialized in the field of Rupture Correction since
1928 ~nd personally fitted well over ten thousand cases. When skill.
fully done most Rupture openings will contract in a short time.
Above all you can go to ~work immediately without fear or pain.
There are many of my satisfied customers right here in this commu-
Special lady attendant for WOMEN and CHILI~REN. Ask for Mrs.
CAUTION: If neglected, rupture may cau weakness, backache,
nervousness, stomach and gas pains. Peopl@ having large rupture,
which have returned after surgical operations or injection treat.
ments, are espec~ally invited. "If you want it done right, don't
experiment. See HOFFMANN." If uv, able to see him at thls time
933 Andrus Building --- Minneapolis 2, Minn.
by guessing the number of stitches
in the giant pair of overalls that we
will hang in front of our store this
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
April 12, 14.
The five persons guessing the
nearest number of stitches will re-
ceive one pair of overalls
Place your guess
in box inside store. Drawing will be
held Saturday eve.
Phone 131
Beach, N. Dak.
I [ -'
Wibaux, Montana
Bixby & Orgain, mgrL
Rev. H. E. Lacy was notified
by the Boy Scout Office itt Bis-
marck, N. D., this week that he
had been appointed to the ex-
ecutive board of that organL~a-
tion for the North Dakota area.
FBI Man H~--
Fred Harvey, resident F~I
agent of Bismarck, was in Beach
Saturday on business.
Wibaux, Montana
Located 1 mile East of Wibaux, on Highway No. 10
That's what you will say when you see the many good
tractors we have on hand, including several Minnea-
Where The Crowds Go
l olis-Moline models that are ready to go in the fields.
Just rectived--a new shipment of GMC and Oldsmo-
bile parts.
!If You need Minneapolis-Moline REPAIR PARTS, get
them at once; wehave a complete stock now. famous organist appearing nightly here, playing your
old and new favorites, as well as several charming
I te model Oldsmobfles--both '49 and '50 models to novelty numbers. You are sure to enjoy hearing this
Choose from, all at down to earth prices, talented young lady.
Beach, N. Dak.
Yea. om ehof hem a cm'taln wmdm'ful fleds food, 5 at mdmm
mmey nmn ms om mmm nlLqZ.Ly 8peeJaL Znf our petate-pma mtb dtdm to.
u,l l mere enmt hndmpt, 1 p. mo ft a. m,, week dal 8 p, stt b
| St.