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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 12, 1951     Golden Valley News
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April 12, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX I i ~I'WO ~ PE! WORD ~ tmmrtk~ A m~vkm ~ M be made for "blind~ ads. L~L~y new five horse Johnson.Seahorse out- motor. A good motor and a good buy. See it at the News 26-tfc FOZ SALE--Modem 5-room house, good location, built FOR SALE--Wmcldng 22-36 Mc- Cormick Deering tractor. Two good 15 x 32 six-ply Wards tires, will sell complete with wheels. Good magnets, radiator and othor parts. M. Wheeler, Wibaux. 30-2tp ~F.rA'XX~Pr--new is the tJ~e to place orders to assure spring delivery. Bill Melvin, Beach, N. D., phone 4F-12. 1S-tfc FOR SAIJC..-Triumph ued mad table potatoes, $1.00 ,per hun- dred. O. C. SchmiCz, Golva; Come evenings. Phone 18. 28.3tc WANTED---Baby sitting, experi- enced, by school girl. Marlyes Novotny, Beach, phone 223-R. 30-1tp t~nce the wmr, complete with FOR SALE=-MIda seed wheat. kitchen cabinets, reasonably cleaned and treated. 99 per priced. Call or see W. L. Eckes, cent germination. Bill Melvin, phone 133. 244fc phone 4F12, Beach. 28-tfc Spring . And everybody wlll be taking those evening rides. Next pl0n time a trip to Wibaux and stop at THE GOLDEN VALLEY NE% S, BEACH, N. D. FOR SALE~ 8 ntm. Key- stone R 8 projector, price $50.50. Simon Hazelton, Wi- baux. 30-1tp FOR SALE--1949 Schult. 27 ft. house trailer, modern. Will sleep 4 persons. Also 1950 Pon. tiac 8 SLlverstreak, 4.door se- dan, and a 1946 CAtrysler High. lander New Yorker. These cars @~e clean, have very good rub- ,bea', and are equipped with radio, heaters. See Win. J. Pow. er, at Red Owl store. 26-tfc WANTED--Woman for house- work, on farm. Modern con- veniences. No children. Plmne 1F20, Golva, or see M. M. Hogo. boom. Sentinel Butte. 29-2tp NOTICE--One way and tandem discs sharpened. Original tern- WANTED--clerk, experience de- sirable, but not necessary. Red Owl store, Beach. 30-1tc LOST--Brown female old Eng. lish shepherd. Left the Art Me- Gill ~'anch, 20 mR. north of Beach the latter part of March. Finder please notify Carl Moen, Sentinel Butte, for reward. 30-2te FOR RENT--Modem apartment. Couple preferred. Uetz Apts. 29-2tc flllllillDIIHlllgiltnlliRlUlllil~Uill mHU rsflllX lillllnllLIIlllilIK~ = 01lie News i llllOlllllllHUl~lllllllllllll~lllllllllllll¢]llllllllllllC 3111111111111r yl~t Sunday School I0 a. m. MoL'~ting Worship 11 a. m. Evening Service 8 p. m. Wednesday Childrens Bible Study 3:30. Wednesday Adult Bible Study 8p.m. mThUrsday Choir Practice 8 p. FOR SALE--Pr~-tically new 5. room house, basement, .at less Rev. Strutz drove from La than cost. owner must sacri- Mars. Iowa. Friday end held rice. Call or see W. L. Eckes, quarterly conference at the local agent. 30.3tpchurch. He left early Saturday for Billings. FOR RENT--Two sleeping rooms. Art and Grandma Wang spent Mrs. Della %Vicka, phone 169- Sunday at the Elmer Wang M. Beach. 29-tfchome. per maintained. Glendlve Ma- FOR RENT--Modern three room chine Works, Glendive, Mont. apt., with bath, downtown lo- 30-4tc cation, call or see W. L. Eckes. Sunday afternoon callers at the Victor Berg home were Mr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang, Rev. and agent. 30-3tpMrs, Auer. The Bergs and Auers later attended the evening ser. It FOR SALE--Open Pollinated and vice .at the Christian Fundament. Hybrid seed corn. Millet-Brome al church in Wibaux, where Rev. Grass, Cane, Sweet Clover, Auer was the guest speaker. Ceresan. All kinds Poultry and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shep- S~ck feeds. Seed Cleaning. herd and Lm~-y were Friday sup- Patronize You~ Farmers Eleva- per guests at the Jerry Smeltzer tor. Golva Co-op. Elevator Co., home. The occasion being Mrs. Golva, N.D. 27-4tc Smeltzer's birthday. ~~-~~.. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cameron :~re proud parents of a 6 lb. 9 do style, in good condition with oz, boy born at the tIoly Rosary R & H., good rubber. Reason- hospital April 5. They named able. Call or see W. L. Eckes. him Glenn Terrenee. Colin Cam- 30.3tp eron took Mrs. Buck Shepherd, Place Your Orders now for Blue Mrs. Ross Cameron, Jean Cook Ribbon Chicks. with Mrs. Pauland Terry Cameron to Miles Thomas. 28-tfcCity to visit Mrs. Camelx)n Sun- day, FOR SALE---Two good milch Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose visited cows. Albert Maus, Golva~ MF, and Mrs. Rudolph Lutts Sun- o0-2tp day. Mrs. Lutts in convalesing F--OR---s-ALE~M~churi~--barleyfrom her recent hospital stay. She was a patient J,n the Beach for seed. S. E. Sehmitz. Sen- tinel Butte. 29-2tp Where you will always FoR SALE--'SO Chev,olo(s ie find the crowd and also line deluxe; with radio, heater, a hearty welcome, covers, other extras. A-1 condition. Reasonably priced. or Warren ttaneock, Beach. 25-tfc Do Prizes of $5.00- $5.00 & $10.00 ~o. SALE--25 yards imperted J+a,panese silk; 10 yds. white, At 5 p. m.,--9 p. m., and 12:00 Midnight 15 blue. J. V. Novotny, Yates, Mont. 30-1tp On Monday and Friday Night. ,Continued On Back P, age) STOCKMAN Wibaux, Mont. Lawrence Hoffman, prop. Every Friday The "Where Eastern and Western Buyers Compete for Your Livestock." Our Sales are on the increase every week, new buyers are seen at every sale. Experienced Salesmen sell your stock, and competent livestock men are in charge. Listen to our livestock market report at 11:45 every day over KXGN, Glendive Our sales yard is the most modern and up-to-date yard in the state of Montana. We buy hogs every day except Sunday, and guarantee as good a market as there is in Eastern Montana or Western North Dakota. There is somebody on duty every hour of the day at our offices. Call or write any day. R Wrhe Best Way is the Auction Way" NOTICE AND CITATION, HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE STATE OF NORT~AKOTA County of Golden Valley ) IN COUNTY COURT Before Hon. Guy Lee, Judge IN THE M.ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY A. ~v'ANS, DECEASED. Don Evans, Executor, Petitioner. ~ -VS- ~ Donna Dobert. Bessie Hill- man. Ronald Evans. Pauline ) Med, boe and all other persons ) interested in the Estate of ) Mary A. Evans, Deceased. ) Respondents ) STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED KESPON- DENTS: You, the above named respondents, are hereby notified that the Final Ac- count of the Executor of the Last Will k and Testament of Mary A. Evans, late of the City of Beach, County of Gold- en Valley and State of North Dakota, deceased, has been rendered to this Court, therein showing that the estate of the said deceased is ready for final settlement and distribution, and petitioning that his account be allow- ed. the residue of the said estate be distributed to the persons entitled thereto, his administration closed and that he be discharged; That Tuesday, the 24th day of April A. D., 1951, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court, in the Court House in the City "of Beach, County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, has been duly appointed by this Court for the setth merit thereof, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing, to said account and petition and contest the same. And you, the above named respond.e2nts, and each of you are hereby cited ano required then and there to be aria appear De,ore this Court, and show cause, if any you have, why the account shall not be allowed, the residue of the said es- tete distributed, the administration of said estate closed, and Don Evans, Ex- ecutor of the Last Will and Testament e~.Mary A. l~ar,~, Deceased, dtscharg- Let Service be made of ~dds Citation as required by law. Dated this 2rid day of April A. D., 1951. BY THE COURT: GUY LEE Judge of the County Court W. L. E~2KES, Attorney for Executor, Beach, North Dakota (April 5 -12) hospital for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pe~'Ty and children were Sunday dinn@r guests of Rev. and Mrs. Auer. .~. and Mrs. Willis Preston and children spent Sunday eve- ning with Mr. ~nd Mrs. Archie Slate~. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, NEW MAYOR NAMED IN WIBAUX ELECTION K. D. Thompson was named as new mayor of the town of Wi- baux ,at the election there last Monday. Bert Fasching and Ray Scammon were elected aldermen from Ward I, Arley Helvik and John Dobrowski from Ward II and Willis P. Fischer and Dan Cox from Ward III. LOCAL YOUTHS ATTEND MANDAN CONFERENCE Last Friday and Saturday tl~ annual Methodist Youth Con~e¢o enee was held at the Mand~ ~iethodist church, with Rev. RoW" ard Huntzicker, of M~nneepoll~ as the main speaker. Marlyn Stecker, Bruce O1~ ~Ruth Kehr and David Martin companied Rev. Boggs fnr full two days. Vivian Jewell and Esther McBee, Saturckay, accompanied by Mrs. Chas. Slocomb. The Conference was Saturday afternoon by a m~ration of the Last Supper, by the host pastor. Rev. A. RumeL Around the Dakotas with Joe Marsh Phon 613 Glendive Mont. Finders-Keepers? Don't know of anybody in town that's better liked than Cappy Burns, editor of our weekly paper. It's not hard to see what people like about Cappy either. F'rinstance take the little article he had in his column last week. "I always kind of hate to find money--like I did last Monday. After I put myself in the place of the fellow who lost it, I can appreciate how miserable he must feel. Sure hope someone can identify it soon." Don't know if anyone's claimed NEW and the money yet, but I do know it set some folks to thinking--me for one. Seems like it's the little ways you show respect for the other fellow's feelings that add up to more happiness for everyone..I enjoy a temperate glass of beer but when Tiny Cook comes over for our weekly cribbage session, Sadie serves us lemonade. Toler- ance has to work BOTH ways. ! Divis~a, UnitM ,~tes Breu~rs Fou.&gi~ Beach, N. Dak. to fit your every need. We have a LARGE STOCK of John Deere Parts and and B. F. Goodrich and Gilette Come in and look our stock over. Phone 25 Coolerator Deepfreezers and Refrigerators One 1946 2-door Ford. One 1947 Pontiac 4-door. Be sure to see this one. One 1950 Streamliner, 2-door, low mileage, weel kept. One 1950 Chieftma Pontiac, 4-door, low mileage, just like new. We have on hand some VERY GOOD We have a number of good used tractors on t, hand--ready for spring's work. Several good used tractors taken in this week on new ones. USED DRILLS OF VARIOUS KINDS & SIZES+ There is several good used ones left.