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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 12, 1951     Golden Valley News
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April 12, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO , THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D: • , THURSDAY, APRIL 12, _~ ~ _ ~. I pat'rmk, Mrs. Ed Olson, Mrs. A1 develops in 1951. Early seeding I D | ~ | | _| CI. @ cI | ~ • , --- | With Your 1]Dolwig, Mrs. Roger Stolber, ot early ripening varieties is ad- [ hen nvaer anu me torv o t Lonservatlon. 1 r~_ , .:~ , • ,/Mrs. Howard Hess, Mrs. Joe Pop- ~visa, ble to increase the opportu- I a j ~~~k:~.._./~t.~i~ | t ounty r~xtenslon [[iel, Mrs. iiughRosz, Mrs. Kathryn nity for the crop to escape 6am- [ I: .... :' " " -/';,~r,tr~'e~_r~E\fceE~m~,'~ _( ~,~X'~~fl~ ~AL~.~, • • A en [ mith, Mrs. O. R. Raxnstad, Mrs. age from rust should it develop. ] 1,~ m~:~,~.t~ o~ ,e~:\~, OW~th if! ] [ 5~LmCLn-" I A~O al~¢O0~ ~5AL~.v O0~y~'~ ] 15 -- g-~ LL.. I! Chris Cadwell, Mrs. Charles Vuc. The .artery opher is tile I ff S yleldmg early oats in the [ ,*~~~/) -~ ~,N 1~-~-~~~ ~A(~C'~ ) A ~O4EIC.-"~~A y ~. Iw. MIII~ Iris, M~-s. Krtute Farstveet, Mrs. hi he t ' " • ~r~.-',~,~oog~r Co~.o¢,hvo.'/ "~t: ~.~,~.~.--.,~..Sg HOMEMAKERS LEADERS TO ]~[ommy Hudson, Mrs. Joe Niece. Dickinson Experiment Station [ [r~.~[~,~-~fl-~'~"~.,~ / ~, ' ~\ I [,,-7---'-"----~ f ~-~ '"fl~,._. ~__.~J[l~'Xt~¥: ~ CO~f~OY.'~ ]!~F.ET APRIL 13 & 14 t * * * * * trials. Ajax, a relatively new[ !~'5,/. -~5~:~:) ~ if [ [ ,,~l, / I1~ ~" //-- II ~ ,., i r "~ Food man~agement will be the[PLAN LIVESTOCK DAY: ea ly oat from Canada is alsol I~"?~.:~. ~.J) ~ [~J~! I ~,~'~:~ ~ ~"~~- " II~M ~ ! topic for discussion when Food[ Ed Sygulla and Paul Wehrman, a very good ~.aziety, averagmg' "" [ ~i ~ ~ ~ ,/q~-~. ~. / I 1~2"~=::-~:-:~ 1~ ~ ~!" ~,'oject Leaedrs of the eighteen[leaders of ehe Golva Beef and practically the ame as Oopher ~h.memakers clubs meet An:ilIGrain 4-H Club state their club in S years trials here. Itis ~light. [ ~~~~e ~'~~(~ I~~-.-~-'~" "~ - AI ~ --/'~~ .~ 1 13 and 14. [is planning a livestock field day ly later maturing th,an G,~pher [ [ ~ ~.~~ ~~¢~1~° I~~,~"~. " rl I Miss Ramona Voss, NDAC Ex- ] in June. The leaders said that and is taller growing, which is a I I tension Service Nutritionist, will 14-H members should !earn about distinct advantage in many [ discUss preparing foods to retain |branding, vaccinating, dehorning years. Marida is the top yieldin7 | the most value, the main course, land cast:rating now if they are ~~ [1 ~~)/~ ~J~ late ~at in the Dickinson Experi~-/ ~~~~ l/ ~~3".'~ ! "the dessert, cake and cake deco- [to be suc~essful livestock men. ment Station T~ials. Its late ma- [ _ i . - ~~,, 3~11 ~:_ rations. I • , , , , l-b turity is its main advantage in -~l..____~_::,- ---_,, "- ...... Project leaders wilt meet in the [GRAIN VARIETIES FOR 1951: th l areae to ,be made of tile bar- Sponsored in the interest of Soil Conservation byyour Beach High School Foods Labo-] T~omas J. C onion, ag~onomist ralory. Those expected to attend l;,t ~he Dickinson Experiment ley crop should be considered In GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY SOIL CONSERVATION DI an'e: M~s. Gloyd Bury, LMrs. Kar- ]~lalion, say~ that there does ~ot deciding which variety of barley STRICT rms JohrLson, Mrs. James Hardy,/~q)pear to be any b~sis for large to grow. Feed barleys have con ..... JL, Mrs. Art Haijsman, Mrs. Ha- |~'l~al~ges in variety recommenda- sistently outyielded malting bar- n.. ~,~-.~- ~ ............... t.. .. ~eys In DleKlnsson Experiment 1 :zel Sleeker, Mrs. Donald Ulfers,/lions for this year in 1951. • ........ . ~,..,~rc. ~o, ±~ox, ~ortn L~a- ~ew t~a~--- ........ " . . kota had 19,167 rural women en- Mr and Mrs A M. Barrow are Mrs. Norman Stedman, Mrs. Re-~ ,{igi~est yielding ,,'heat earl- yte~:~oni}r~s:O:ietlndengaS~e:~Tra, rolled in 1,301 Homemakers driving a beautiful new Oldsmo- hers Ridcnhower, 5~rs. Bruce Mil-|cries in the Dickinson Expert- le,s--.have h.~.:, .~..~.; ~. .... ( Club programs are pro- bile 88, which they purchased ~er, Mrs. John ltollstein, Mrs. ~men~ Station varietal trials are: ~/. ~,~,:. --,,=,., ~,~a~, vided through NDAC Extension from Slim Clark 1,ast Thu~rsday Arthur Belers, Mrs. Ralph Sam-]Pilot, Mida, Thatcher and Cadet. ~te~gum and Titan, which has Service ~eis, Mrs. Guy Curl, Mrs. Mor-|Preference ~,~hould l.~'rhat,s go to teen only recently included i~ " . . . . , ris Douglas. M,rs. Buster Finne-[the first Ihree t)cc;~use ~adet, ithese trials, .but. which, appears Tr:"l-,~ ~ a't th^¢ ~,~,,ua,~-*'~ ......... c~t,=,~-: Visit Parents--- man, Mrs. Kenneth Wosepka, |being a late ripening variety, o be a prommmg varmty for thismerit station indicate about 5a Mr. and Mrs. Normau Hunter Mrs. E. N. Schmitz, ~Irs. Ed. |x~:euld be ,more subject to injury .area. . " . • acres of native grass are needed of St. Louis Park, Man., and Re. Kremers, Mrs. Lawerence Kirk-/if a serious stem rust situation tlighest yielding malting bar- to support one yearling beef ant bert K ah] of Eureka Calif. visit- .-. Icy in the Dickinson Experiment real. ed recently at the Wibaux home i this Thursday, Friday, Saturday DAYS As usual, every piece of merchan- dise * in the entire store is offered at This is our 3rd annual Hazelone Days sale; come early for best selec- tions. * except manufacturers" price-re~cted items. HAZELONE SHOP Beach, North Dakota 14.INCH HICKORY HAMMER HANDLE Resil|en~ Mckory. belt- md fia;sh. Oval shapad. AUTO TRAYS 2 FOR WITH HUE BRACES BIKE BASKET For Any Size Bike I$~xlOxS Inches NON-SlffD PICTURE MAT RUBBER RUG Red and 8~eck Yellow and Black HYDP.AUUC BRAKE FLU O S~at on trials in Montcalm. * 4¢ * * * SEWAGE SYSTEMS NEED SERVICING Farm families in Golden Val- ley County who have installed home sewage systems of the type recommended by agricultural en- gineer~ of the NDAC Extensiott Service are remmded that the systems should be servic-d oc- casionally to pezmi: efficient op. eration. J. C. Russell, ~arm engineer of the Extension Service, says that sludge accu .mmulates in the sep- tic tank at the rate of 10 gallons per person pew year. For ~n av. crake family of five persons the total accummulation of sludge will be about 50 gallons per year. The standard septic tank is de- signed with reserve capacity for the storage of sludge for a pert. od of 10 years. Tharefore, the small, undersized tanks of less than standard size are not recom. mended. The only way to clean a septic tank is by mechanical means. There is no chemical that will reduce the sludge in a septic tank ,without destroying the useful bacteria. Information on the problem of servicing and recommendations on a reliable septic tank service man can be ,had at the county agent's office. $ * t~ $ * The best extra early ,potato to plant in North Dakota gardens i~ Red Warba. $ • • $ $ 'SHRUBS AND TREE~ AT- TRACT BIRDS is the title of a 6-page circular of Interest to North Dakota wildlife conserva- tionsists. It is available from the Informati6n Department, NDAC Extension Sen'vice, Fargo. Shopping among the news ads is sure to save money. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kahl. They returned to their respective homes this week end. III I 1' z We Are Now Booking Orders For SIAR-IH QUhLITY ' AB( CHI(KS Order now mad take advantage of our liberal early order discount. Our Hatchery is state ~pproved end qualified to Oarnlah you with the following breeds, locally hatehecl in our ~m4em hatchery from MONTANA EGGS. NEW HAMPSHIRE RED -- AUSTRA-WHITES WHITE ROCKS -- WHITE LEGHORNS (Large T-'-l, pe) BARRED ROCKS - HAMP. WHITES - WHITE WYANDOTT~S Order Now and Get Your Choice of Rrwd ami Delivery Date RAY DAME, MAr. Gleadive, Montana WE BUY MARKET EGGS Your Star-Hi Dealer In Beach I I I li '1 THE MARKET. AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO ALL AND I INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. THANK YOU| II I I II I I I Ill II Will buy hogs next in Wibaux this Friday, April 13, and the following Fri- day, April 20, at Beach• ' ALWAYS PAYING HIGHEST MAIll~ET PRICI~ -'~ l RIll ,, LI/I :KE'r ~'i PHONE 191 BEACH, If. // New advances make Oldsmobile'a "Rocke~ mere economical for 19511 Try 11 yomeelfl / TOP "ROCKET" BUY OF THEM ALL! Me~ the nm~z nm mr ms si~ rod? Meet Old~moblh's triumphant Sul~ "1~"~ eheek its major advance. m~ta! ~lp~ b mind ~ m~" stylo marks the Super "88"1 Body k mn~ Bifa~, wider, roond~--with wonderful new vt~bilhyt Oauds is neud Brfll;nndy engi. ....... SEE YOUR NEARE:ST OLDSMOBILE DEALER