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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 11, 1935     Golden Valley News
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April 11, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BEACH REVIEW Published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota H. F,. ENDERLE and D. A. WALLACE. Editors and Publishers Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance as second class matter September 18, 1931, at the postoffice at Beach, North Dakota, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates fl~rnished upon request. • 01cial paper of the City of Beach and of Golden Valley county Carlyle News representative of Dr. Wm. M, world famous foot authority, be at the Greengard store In on this coming Saturda~V, Ap- 713 and will hold a foot comfort at that time. large number of Carlyle people the asketball game at Bak- evening. ]/rs. L. Hartse and Mrs. G. Ran- at a whist party on and Mrs. G. Randash spent Satur. day evening at the L. Mol/ne home making flowers and later in the even- ing bridge was played, Refreshments were serv~J. Leonard Sanderson made a hurried business tr~p to Wibaux Friday. Mrs. W. Hammond, Mrs. B. Nar- um and Mrs. A. Gibbon Visited Mrs. ('. Stewart Wednesday afternoon. Bridge and refreshments were en- joyed. Kathryn Swanbro and Marve Hartse were home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Randash and son, and l%te Hartse attended the show in evening at ~he Hartse Mrs. C. Bergett and Ed Ped-] l~ake.r Thursday evening. E. M. Golden and Melvin Hartse winning high score prize andI on L. Sanderson and Cleo Bergett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fulton and departed after having daughter Marion were shoppnng in lunch. ]Baker Friday afternoon. and Mrs. D. Cooper returned Leonm Pederson visited over the L Watertown, S. Dak., where they~ weekend with Mrs. L. Moline. attended the funeral of Mrs. The U. B. Ladies Aid met at the mother, home of Mrs. M. Martin Thursday ttelen Monor and Pearl Ra~nda~h afternoon, with Mrs. Martin and Mrs. a pleasant call at the L. Sand- C. Fulton entertaining. After the home Friday. , usual bnsiness the hostesses served C. Stewart, Mrs. B. NarUmi a lovely lunch. W. Hammond visited Mrs.- Mrs. C. Hoffman visited Mrs. E. C. Gibbons Tuesday afternoon. No~'ak Wednesday afternoon. were played and refreshments Ed Pederson is visiting home folks I the last few days. auctio~l sale at the Haigh farn~l Mrs. W. Hammond entertained at attended by a large crowd. I one table of bridge Friday afternoon. E. M. Golden visited hor lGUcsts present were: Mesdames C. Mrs. L, Hartse Saturdayt Stewart. B. Narum and C. Lund. A lovely lunch was served. • for dance at the Berw school wast Melvin Hartsc is going to work attended. Music was furnished the Standard Oil Co.. delivering gas] (~eorge Randash and Frank G°r'ltrnck°Ut OfdownWihauX.sundayHe, iT___evening.brought th~ gas at the Melvid Hartse home evening. Sunday School have started! for the Easter program. L. Hartse. Msr. E. Novak FURNITURE HOLSTERING REPAIRING ALL TYPES OF FURNITURE I~I[PAIRED, REBUILT AND UP- HOLSTERED AT VERY REAS- ONABLE RATES :~WHy SEND IT OUT OF. TOWN? e CURTIS SILL Hurray, we're soon to have a spring vacation! This vventful occas- sion will begin Friday the 19th to Monday the 22rid. I Livestock judging enterprise has t started and both classes in Agricul- ture have been taking part in thP judging of livestock on surrounding l ---i farTh;.students are making good pro-t gress in the Schlastic historical con-t test and soon will have the booklett linished, The team has spent a goodI l)mny hours in getting the informs-I tips together, and hope to he ableI to sell quite a few copies to the stud- ents and others who wish to have the history of the high school. These hooks will be sold for not more than 25 cents and possibly for less. Every- one loosen up his purse strings and bay one! Due to prevailing weather condi- tions track practice has been very limited. The same circumstances exist on the kittenball field. Schedules were passed out last week' for students To make a choice t DULL H~EADACHES GONE; SIMPLE REMEDY nOES IT H Readaches caused by constipation are gone after one dose of Adlerika. This cleans poisons out of BOTH up per and lower boWel~, Ends bad sleep nervousness. Butte Drug & Jewelry Co. LITTLE GAME £('5 M~ F~RST ~qELL, ...... L~'5 SE~ .... ~-~-m -- ~ - ~NEt.t., I'll R|SW, T~o V4~IXE ~u~'~'o N.5 - k S~ c. B]SAmt CAN IT BE DONE ? - sy yc,. TAHOLI[ PROOf WlUl; of next year's course. [ Don't forget "The P.tsY," the semii ior class play which is to be givenI in the i~igh school gymnasium Frida-yi night at eight o'clock. Several of the students from the play casts of The Patsy and The Cricket on the Hea, rth accompanied by Miss West attended the Dickinson Normal School productiou of "Turn To the Rigi~t" by the members or] the Cue Cluh, a dramatic erganiza-[ I tion. on Saturday evening. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REVIEW -iHF .~ -Y- -X- -X- ,.X- -X- -X,.-'X- ",C- -X- -X- -.V- ~'- :X- ~ -X--;(- -};- ,~ ~C- ~- g- ~- ~ ~ ~ Golva News A represcutative of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, world famous foot authority. will be at the Greengard store in Beach on this coming SaturdaY, Ap- ril 13 and will hold a foot comfort demo~stration at that time. The Golva Woman's Cribbage club met last Friday nite at the home of Mrs. George Johnson. Two tables of fern:handed criblaage were in play. Ten games were played, the prizes going to Mrs. Bert Covert, high, and Rose Johnson low. About midnight Mrs. Johnson served a very delicious lunch. Those who attended were:. Mrs. Bert Covert,. Mrs. Julia, s Lar. sen, Mrs. Bud Haigh., Miss Fergus- en, Miss Verna Scheffer, Miss Kath. lees Cameron axed Miss Rose John- SOn • Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Curl were up to Glendive visiting wit h their daughter, Mrs. MaUd LYles. and fam- ily a few days last week. Christ Johnson and Dave Howre. are In Beach putting the county grad-I fng outfit in shape to go to work asj soon as it is possible to do so. [ Mrs. Julius Larsen and ROSe John-] son were Beach visitors on ~Vednes-] afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. Simon Schmitz and family have moved to the Dooner p!ace where they will reside this summer. Robert Sonnek of Alpha was an overnight visitor at the Julius Lar sen home Wednesday. Tom Kirkpatrick was in town last ) l And Nobo , m ! p c eo l $ou'r." J )'fou r~s. ~qIXH A PA~R /| "(OUr'S. OUGHTh BE OUT AH~ week shaking hands with friends again after returning from the CCC camp in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Frwnk S(:hoube, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Nell and Matt Zimmer were Beach caller,~ Saturday. George Johuson helped Fr;~nk Haigh get ready for the sale Friday and Saturday. Air. and Mrs. Jack Fasching and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nistler were Sunday dinner guests at the Louis Fasching home. Betty Johnson ent~rtained eighl friends Saturday to celebrate her 4tb birthday. They played games all af ternoon until 4:30 when a delicio'~s lunch was served. Those who were present were: Betty Larsen, Jean Howls, Elaine Hanson, Marie Lou Kreitinger, Cathrine Kreitinger, Tes- sie Fisher, Delores Schoube, and Dona Marie Ntstler, They all depart ed about five o'clock wishing Betty many more happy birthdays. Among those who attended the show in Beach on Monday night were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nistler and fam/ly, Mrs." Louis Fasching, Mrs. Catherine Lorenz and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer and daughter Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Curl and family, Norbert Schulte. Miss Dun- stnn, Miss Versa Scheffer, Mrs. Ju. lius Larsen and daughter Betty and Miss Rose Johnson. ~!~here was a very large crowd at the sale at Frank //aigh's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson were Sunday guests at the Murdock Cameron home. Alice Johnson who is working at the lmme of Mrs. Nyman in Beach spent Sunday with her folks in Golva. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Haigh attended the basketball game in Baker Thurs- day night. Clara Misk was a guest of Rose and Alice Johnson Saturday and Sunday. " was a Sunda dinne~ Frank Hairs Y " guest ~t the H. G. Funk home Gene Tull is working at the Fritz Nell farm and will be lhere through spring's work. Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer and daughter Shirley; Mr. and Mrs. Us. win Schmttz, Mr. and Mrs, George Johnson and family. Mr. and Mrs, Bud Haigh, Art and Ernie Schmitz, Florence Cameron, Alberta Barthel, Kathrine Lorenz. Ralph Jacobs, Nor bert Schulte, Miss Helen Dunstan, Miss Vern~ Scheffer, Mrs. Alfred; Scheffer, Matt Zimmer, John John- son. Tony Kreitinger and childrGn, Marcella Fisher, and Rose Johnson attended the show in Beach Sunday night. ( -- li in Ill ,.1~ .-- I II OPTICAL SPECIALIST 6, 61LBERTSON Qlasses fitted--Any broken lens FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER" By ALFRED BIGG$ If you think you're faultless, you're • fool. $ $ Would you be popular? Be a good lis- tener. $ • $ The only failure to fear is failure to do right. $ • @ Sincerity comes from the heart, not the tongue. The earth seems iike an institution for the money-blind. You can learn more in your garden with a microscope than by going around tl~ world. ml ......... ~ __ SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley iN DISTRICT COUI~T Sixth Judicial District Security-First NatiOnal Bank) of Los Angeles, ae trustee, a) national banking association,) Plaintiff, -VS- Hans Anderson; Magnus An-) dcrson: Avallna Foley Towle) and Harris Richardson as) trustees under the Last Will) and Testament of Octavie Fo-) ley. deceased : and Golden) Valley County, North Bake-) ta. ~ municil)al corporation,) Defendants THE STATF, OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND- ANTS: You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this actlon, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Dist- rict Court of Golden Valley County. North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscrib- ers within thirty days after the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, Judgment wilt be "taken against you by default for the re- lief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this 21st day of Maxeh. 1935. NILLES, OEHLERT & NILLES Attorneys for plaintiff; office and postoffice address: 504 Black Bldg.. Fargq, North Da- kota. Mar. 28, Apr. 4-11-18-25, May 2 SUMMONS qt STATI~ t)F NORTI~ DAKOT.a- ss ('ouuty of Golden X'ailey IN DISTRICT COURT Sixth Judicial District Security-First National Bank) of Los Angeles, as trustee, a) national banking association,) Plaintiff, -VS- A. E. Ramsey; Otto Nordln;) Avallna Foley Towle and) Harris Richardson. as Trust-) sea under the Last Will and) Testament of Oetavie Foley.) deceased: ai~d Golden Val-) Icy Oounty, North Dakota. al municipal corporation, ) Defendants THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND- AN~S: You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action, which will be filed In the office of the Clerk of the Dist- rict Court'of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscrib- ers within thirty days after the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or assayer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the re- lief demanded In the Complaint. Dated this 21st day of March. 1935. NILLES, OEHLERT & NILLES Attorneys for plaintiff; office and postoffice address: $04 Black Bldg., Fargo, North Da- kota. Mar. 28. Apr. 4-11-18-25. May 2 SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ss County of Golden Valley IN DISTRICT COURT Sixth Judicial District Security-First National Bank) of Los Angeles, as trustee, a) national banking association,) Plaintiff, - vs- William Cass and Julia Cass,) husband and wife: Avallnal Foley Towle and Harris Rich-) ardson, as trustees under the) Last %viii and Testament of) Octgvi~ Foley, deceased: and) Golden Valley County, North) Dakota, a municipal corporal-) tlon. ) I Defendants THE ~TATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND- AN'~: You. and each of you, are hereby summoned to answer the Com~plaint in this action, which will be filed In the office of the Clerk of the Dlst- rict CoUrt of (]olden Valley County, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your Answer upoa the ~b~rlb- ere within thirty days after the service of this Bummon~ upon You, excJu~dve Of the daY of servleve; and in case of your failure to appear or aJ~we¢, Judgment will be taken v duplicated; --~'smes repaired. ~aW.~t you by default for the re- lief demanded In the Compl~lfit. Dated this 21st day of March. 1935. Beach, N. D., Flr~t door east NILLES. OEHLERT & NILI~ES Attorneys for plaintiff; office Of Over~ta4'l Hardware store, and no,logics address: 504 Black Bldg., /~rgo, North Da- kota. i i Mar. 28, Apr. 4-11-18-25. May 2 YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE Admit only clean, consteuctive news by reading THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A Daily Newspaper tor the Home It Jdves *11 tin ¢~naltt~-tin ~kl news b.ut do~ eot ~plo~t ¢eim~ and ~mdaL H~ iam~mdmg f,m~, .1~-- f~ all ~*.2~ " Women'. A¢*ivid~, Foils. Vlser~ ~ls. am m~'Lmu~m~ o~ m,w* ~m the "March of tin Nml~" COf~ and "Wmeblas ~he World Go BY*' el ~Ime~l hma~Sl to m~. .......................... Nm-wa~ 8t~rw~ ~t~" ~ to ~ OhrW~m se/sa~, Meaner ~r , Dr. W. C. Bradley PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Phone 13 l~sldence 18$ BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA !., •, 1 , , - Dr. O. R. Niece DENTIST Modern X-Ray Equipment BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA Dr. V. G. Morris BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA PHONES HOUSE-56 OFFICE-40 I I II The filling of your PRESCRIPTION is our most important business. YOU CAN GET IT AT I KENNEDY'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Seatlt~el Butte. N. Dak. GAINS 25% LBS. IN TWO MOWTHS COCO COD 1rim r.~l ~lllkatTmd~s Llker.lmo~late WEAKr ANI) SKIN MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDRB Saved by new Vitamins o~ Cod Liver Oil in t~tele~ tablets. Pounds of firm h~lthy fiesh tmstesd bare seragsy bonml ! New visor, vha mul e~rsT Instead of tired ileth~mneN I ~te~l~, quiet nerves I That ta what ~ho~ of people are getting throug~h seientlst~' ~test ' diseovery~the Vitami~a of Cod I~Ivar Off concentrated in little stt~r COated t~blets without any of its herr/d, fml~' tJu~eer maeL1. MeCo¥'s Cod Liver O/I Tnb~t~. the~re called I "Cod Liver Oil in Tsbleta, and th~ eJmpl~ work wonders. A little boy of Z, #e/~ ou~IF sick, sot well and ~ined ~0~ lira. in juet one month. A girl o¢ thirteen ~ t~s e~s d~. g~dned S lI~. the aret week mwI 2 ira. each week after, A young mother wl~ e ml. ld not est or sleep eft~r baby Oame gOt a. net oealth back and gained I0 lbs. In late t~n ~ month. RemeYOu slm.ply must try MeCoy's at 0~. m~er ~r you don't gain at leut 8 Iris. o~ flrn~ healthy fish in a month ~ your money ~M=K. uema~j/onu get M~C~y e-the origt,~l aoo l~enulne God Liver 011 Tsbleta ust~tute. ~ezuse all sufistit~ irmiit on the orlginal McCoy'l-- .... there are none better. i TIRED, H0 Help Kidneys Don't Take IkMtle Drugs