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I, WImtera Newrpaper Uslon,
.~GVIET Russia is ready to line up
tJ with Great Britain. France and
Italy In promoting the general Euro.
l~mn security pact which Is the basis
of England's plan for
peace. This was
brought out by the
visit to Moscow of
Capt. Anthony Eden.
British lord privy
seal. and his confer-
ences with Dictator
Josef Stalin and Max-
im Litvinov, Soviet
foreign commlssar. At'-
cording to the Joint
M. Lltvinov communique given the
press, these states-
men "were of the opinion that in the
present International situation it is
more than ever necessary to pursue the
endeavor to promote the tmildlng up of
• system of collective security in Eu-
rope as contemplated in the Anglo-
French communique of the third of
February, and In conformity with the
principles of the League of Nations."
It was made clear that Germany and
Poland would be welcome to enter the
arrangement, but that It would go
ahead even without them.
Captain Eden then went on to War-
saw to talk things over with the Poles;
and even as he was departing from
MoJ~ow the Soviet press launched an-
other fierce attack on Germany.
Michael Tnkhachevaky, vice commissar
for defense, in an article in the news-
paper Pravda, declared Germany would
have an army of 849,000 by the sum-
mar, exceeding the French army by
40 per cent and almost equaling the
Soviet army in size.
He charged Hitler with "lulling
France to sleep" with anti-Soviet war
talk in the hope France would not
s, earfse her own peril
Tukhaebevsky's view that Germany
eontemplates attacking France was
supported by ao authorized article in
the weekly /ournnl de Moscou wbich
asserted the leaders of the reich reat-
tsed "the exceptional risk to which Ger-
many would subject herself by invasion
of the tremendous territories of the U. 8.
S. R.---a counu'y lmeaessing powerful
armaments and unlimited opportunities
for improving and increasing these
"It is almost probable," the Journal
said, "that under certain Circumstances
~I~ will prefer ether acids of a~-
~on, and an Intensified revision
of the map of Eurepe will be Karted
not In the east but In the west,"
]pOLAND appears to have decided to
Apiay St lone hand In the European
embrogilo, though she remains friend-
ly to Germany. It is reported that
Captain Eden's visit to Warsaw was
as disapl~inting as was that of Sir
John Simon to Berlin. The Polish
government is determined to sign no
lmet that would commit the nation
te figtR for Russia against Germany or
for Germany against Russia and
France. nor will it permit either Ger-
man or Russian troops to be trans-
parted across Poland. The Polish
statesmen say they will sign a series
of bilateral pacts, and will go as far
as any other nation In parallel disar-
mament. They assert that they have
I~o alliance with Germany, though their
mutual troubles have been settled for
the next ten years, and that the alli-
ance with France still holds good.
FROM Tokyo there came a state.
meat indicating that Japan would
give at least moral mlppert to the
European powers that are seeking
sgrenments to coun-
teract Hitler's move
for the re-armament
of Gernmny. It was
given out by 191it
A~au, the frequently
quot~l spokesman for
the foreign office. He
enid Japan will hold
aloof from the guru.
penn crisis and that
there would be no far
mtstern Locarno pact,
but that "we cannot EtJi Aman
think of any alliance with Germany."
~fokyo, asserted Amau, is ready to dia-
l, ms with Russia some degree of de-
militarization of the eastern frontiers.
NINETEEN cardinals met with
Pope Plus in a secret consis-
tory; and to them he delivered an am.
Ifltafle denuneJatlou of war, which, be
mud, "would be so enormous a crime,
so foolish a manifestation of fury, we
believe it absolutely lmpesslble." If,
however, there is someone who Wishes
fo t~mmit "this nefarious crime," then.
the holy father said, he could do nulL.
|ug else than pray to God to "destroy
those people who desire war." At this
memenc, he continued, the "clamor of
war is universally and the
mmN of agitation to s arouses
YlIl,a , and Bishop
FiSher of gngisnd, who ~ their
beads for eppestag HemT,s msrrisp
to ~une
tern, the ms~lority in the house refuseu
to 8¢cept the restrictiens tn~ected in
the work relis~ bill and sent it hank
to conference to have these remove(L
The restrietiens objectionable to the
administration were those requirinB
senate confirmation of administratiV4k
officers of the program and that ia
loans and grants te states at least nn~
third of the money should he expended
for direct labor. The latter require-
ment, according to Secretary Ickes and
others, would result In the exclusion
of rural electrification, slum clearane~
and similar projects.
Defending the move to send the bill
back to conference, Buchanan of Geor.
gin said: "The President is assumlu8
rceponslbllity. All we ask is to give
him a bill that he can work on in shift-
ing from dole to employment."
In replying to Buchanan, Represent.
atlve Robert Bacon (Rap., N. Y.) con-
tended that the labor provision was
needed In order to "klck out pet local
projects" and afford as much dlrecq
relief of unemployment as possible.
"Congress has reached a pretty low
ebb," declar~d Minority Leader Bar.
trand Snell (Rap., N. Y.). "when ii
can't even pass on s conference raper|
without receiving orders from thf
Chief Executive."
STANLEY REED, the new solicitor
general, obtained from the Suprems
court permission to dismiss the govern.
manta appeal In the Belcher lumbe|
code case. Therefore there probablJ
will he no decision as to the constitu.
tionnlity of the national industrial re
covery act by the chief tribunal baler,
congress takes action on the bill to ex
tend the recovery law.
Belcher was indicted for violetinl
the hour and wage provisions of th~
lumber code but Judge W. I. Grubt
of the Federal District court In Bir.
mingham held against the government
The indictment was dismissed. Grubt
ruled the NRA law unconstitutional
The government appealed to the Su.
prams court in an effort to expedite
the decision.
R EPLAC]gMENT of the AAA's sys-
tem of crop control Is seen as a
future petentiailty of a new organlsa-
tiou established at the Department of
Agriculture under Rex-
ford G. TugwelL The
organization consoli-
dates federal agencies
dealing with soil ere-
glen, and Tugweil is
expected to direct the
expenditure of about s
billion dollars in pub-
lic works funds on the
public laud program.
At present plans call
for retirement of mil-
R. G. Tugwell lions of acres of mar-
ginal lands now contributing to sur-
pluses, which experts contend will
prove a more effective way of dealing
with overln~luction than AA~'s poU¢7
of taxing commodities for anrea~
slanhe& The latter is meeting in-
creased opposltioa, due to rifting living
costs and increasing competition from
foreign power& There will prob-
ably be little immediate change In erop
control plans, since the Tugweil pro-
gram will require considerable time be
fore it can be operated effectively.
FOR the second time the United
States Supreme court reversed the
convictions and death sentences of two
of the Scott~hero negroes who were ae-
c~ed of assault on two white girls.
The court held that since negroes in
Alabama are not permitted to serve
on Juries, they are denied "equal pro-
tection ef the laws" in violation of the
Fourteenth amendment. It declared
the state court erred In not quashing
the indictments.
This was a big vlctory for the col-
ored race, bur In another decision by
the Supreme court the negroes were
the losers. The tribunal ruled that
the Democratic party In Texas Is s
voluntary association, not subject to
control by the state legislature, and as
such may exclude colored persons from
voting In its primaries.
THROU~tH the efforts of Donald
Richberg, chairman of the NIRB,
an agreement was reached by the
bituminous coal operators and the
United Mine Workers. whereby the
prevailing coal code Is extended to
June 16 and a threatened strike of
about half a million miners averted.
The present wages and hours of work
are continued. President Lewis of the
miners Insisted the union had not
yielded to the operators; but the fact
remained that if It had not consented
to the agreement Mr. Riehberg could
and would have extended the code by
executive order. This would have
placed the union in the undesired po-
sition of opposing and defying the ad-
ministration, and would have weakened
~he effect of its advocacy of the Wag-
ner labor disputes bill the BlackoCon.
nor7 bill and the Gully bill which
would virtually convert the bituminous
anal Industry Into a public utility.
T~ERE were further dust storm8 in
the already severely afflicted pla-
teau "district of southwest Kansas,
southeast Colorado and parts of New
Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. In west-
ern Kansas the farmers began the con-.
atruetlon of earthen breastworks
against the wind. and a federal appro-
priation of $250,000,000 for this work
was received. Fears that the dust
storms would caase an epldem~ of
p neumonla were allayed when It was
foead that there were no germs of that
dlNa~ on lnbenttor/ plated exposed
In the dust-filled atmosphere bY avt-
F ~mrL
WHEN the Dllnoia legislature, at
the behest of Governor Heraer
and the federal administration, passed
a state recovery ant the New Dealers
balled this as an example that all
States should follow. Now County
Judge Homer W. Hall at Bloomington
has held that the act Is unconstitution-
al. He also declared the national auto-
mobile node Inoperative as applied to
Under the state recovery act, the
Judge remarked, an unlawful delega-
tion of the authority of the state leg-
islature has brought about a situa-
tion whereby violations of the state
act can be prosecuted by the state
only through the sanction and by the
authority of the federal director of
"Delegated authority may not he
redelegated," the Judge said. "Author-
lty delegated by the people to the leg-
islature permitting the making of laws
may not be redeiegated by the legis-
lature to communities, bureaus, node
authorities or executives, allowing
these agencies to make rules with the
effect of laws. the violation of which
makes the individual amenable to the
criminal statutes."
CRinF~tTION of a new relief bureau
New York was demanded by
Bernard S. Deutsch, president of the
board of aldermen, whe asserted that
twenty millions of dollars a year in
relief funds has been wasted through
the Incompetency, red tape, bureaut~
racy, and the domination by prefes-
slonnl social service workers of the
emergency relief bureau and the state
temporary emergency relief adminis-
BELGIUM'S new deal program, de-
rived from President RoosevelCs
policies, was launched by the young
premier, Paul Van 7~eland. and he
was given an overwhelming vote of
confidence by the senate and chamber
of deputies. The effect of going off the
gold standard already is belng felt,
for prices of food staples are going
up. The government warned traders
that any Undue Increases In prises
would he punished severely. Premier
Van Zealand said:
"I am a keen admirer of President
Roosevelt, who obtained essential re-
sulfa mainly In allowing his count~
to work In peace. He certainly com-
mitted errors. Had he based his pro-
gram of economic expansion upon gold
the world crisis would be ended now.
But I apply those Rooseveltian meas-
ures to Belgium which I consider
INVESTIGATION of the administra-
tion of the Virgin islands by Oov.
Paul Pearson was ordered by the son.
ate, five of whose members will can.
duct the inquiry. The sum of $12,000
was appropriated to cover their ex-
penmm, Pearson is a holdover from
the Hoover administration and o~A~ge8
agalnst him were ~ade by Paul Yates,
formerly his administrative assistant.
DIRECT negotiations with Italy
over the herder dispute were
broken off by the EthloPhm government.
which sent a new note to the League
of Nations. Special measures were
~aken to protect foreigners in Addls
Ababa. The Italian government did
not take this rupture seriously, still
hoping a peaceful arrangement might
be reached without the intervention
of the league. It was reported in Paris
that most of the Italian troops that
started for Eritrea and Itallan'somall-
land have been diverted to Rhodes
and Libya because of Germany's sud-
den rearmament plan.
turned to England from hie his-
torte talks with Chaneellor Hitler, and
reported to the cabinet that Germany
te seeking return of
the colonies she lost in
the war and a greatly
increased navy. He
said that Hitler ad-
mits Germany's air
force equals that of
Britain. Prime Minis-
tcr MacDonald then
called on King George
to whom he gave a
preliminary report of
Simon's talks, which
ChanoelJor have been described
Hitler as "disappointing."
Hitler made a held play for AJ~gio-Ger-
man understanding, declaring both na-
tions should unite to defend western
civilization against Communism and
the colored races. Briefly, his demands"
First--Germany must have an army
with a minimum of 36 divisions--~00,-
000 men--as decreed.
Second--Germany wants parity in
the air with Britain. Hitler admitted
that Germany now possesses equality
with Britain. Hitler stressed the dan-
get to which Germa0y is exposed In the
all'. He declared that Russia Is using
C=echoslovskla as a European air base.
He demanded return of certain C~ho-
slovakian territory and repatriation of
3.500,000 German residents there.
Third--Hitler wants s navy equal to
one-third of the British fleet, which Is
tantamount to 400.000 tons. The Brit-
lab admiralty is opposed to such a ra-
tio and Germany has been Invited to
bilateral naval discussions in London.
Fonrth--C~rmany wants return of
her former ~ColonleL Llt~ encourage-
ment ~was given Hitler on this score,
Fifth---Hitler refused to have any-
tiring to do with an muatern pact,
though he is willing to enter nonag-
I~ee t~ 811 pewet~
Washington. -- President Roosevelt
has gubmlfted to congress a list of tht
legislation h e
Lays Out Work deems neces-
for Congre~ sary to have
passed before
the present session adjourns. He has
divided it Into two categories---"must"
and desirable. If congress enacts
only the list of "must" legislation and
passes over the other group of bills
which the Presldent considers desir-
able, it is made to appear that the
membership of the house and senate
Is due to suffer some of the torrid
temperature and the uncomfortable
humidlty of a Washington summer.
The President said he must have legis-
lation extending the National Recovery
administration, providing social se-
curity, eliminating public utility held-
ing compemes, Increasing the loaning
power of the Home Owners Loan carper.
ation, extension of the so-Called nuisance
taxes which expire by limitation of
law on June 30, nnd reviston of the
banking laws.
In addition, the President made
known that he would like to have en-
acted legislation to take the profits out
of war, whatever that may mean. He
previously had sent a message asking
enactment of a law providing for
expansion of the American merehant
marine through the use of ship sub-
sidles, and he also desires to have en-
acted legislation setting up machinery
for the settlement of labor disputes.
This legislaUen is in the congressional
hopper in the form of a bill by Senator
Wagner, ef New York.
The President would like to have
amendments to the agricultural ad-
Justment act in order to eliminate some
of the weaknesses whlch the AAA peo-
ple admit exist. The airmail contract
situation is another matter with which
Mr. Roosevelt has been concerned.
Seasoned observers recognize that
this list of ~must" legislation, not to
mention the desired legislation, is suf-
ficient to keep congress grinding away
far into the summer. They recognize
likewise that ff the desired legislation
later becomes of such concern that the
President wants to place it on the pre:
ferred list as well the membership of
congress must be prepared to forego
summer trips of any kind.
• • •
Since a good many members of
congress have grown tired of being
called rubber stamps
Pa~8 att for the admlnistra-
Their Own t~en, they naturally
have turned atten-
ton te legislation which they think
will be helpful to their own bailiwicks.
to themselves personally or from a
party standpelnt. Thus there have been
promoted numerous pieces of legisla-
tion for whlch some individual& at
least, entertain greater fervor than
they do for measures that were drafted
by President Roosevelt's official family
and transmitted te congress as ad-
ministration legislation. It is the
general observation that an in-
dividual representative, or senator
frequently will ge much further In
figittlng for legislation that is his
own braln child than for legislation
placed before him on n sliver platter
such as administration proposals have
been. Consequently, individual or
group measures are constantly clut-
tering up house and senate legislative
calendars. This is a factor meanin~
delay for administration bills.
It Is to be remembered, as has been
reported In these columns, that Mr.
Roosevelt is unable to ward off criti-
cism of some of his proposals. In-
deed, there have been Democratic criti-
cisms and Democratic opposition to a
greater or lesser degree to all of the
legislation he has proposed ~nce son-
tress convened last January. All of
which Is by way of saying that son-
grass fanes weeks of committee work
and floor debate despite the fact that
the house Democratic leaders still re-
tain rather solid control of n sufficient
maJo~ity in the .lower house of con-
gress to drive through any pet mess-
ares for the administration. In the
senate the situation is decidedly dif-
Included In the legislation being fos-
tered by Individual members is the bill
that would permit cabinet officers to
appear on the floors of congress for
questioning and explanation, such as
occurs under the British and French
parliamentary systems. The adminis-
tration does not want this bilL It will
have to exert some pressure to avoid
pas~e. The reason is that the Roose-
velt administration Is no longer one in
which the cabinet is dominant. Cab-
Inet o~cers are only part of the
scheme, and if congress wanted to in-
quire about the handling of relief
money, which it probably will desire, it
must talk with Administrator Hopkins.
Mr. Hopkins is net in the cabinet The
same is true of NRA and to some
extent to the JLKk, although Secretary
Wallace of the Department of Agrlcul-
tare theoretically is a superior, officer
to Administrator Davis. The ad-
ministrator Is definitely opposed te
the passage of beaus legislation for
the former soldler~ eallot~ and marines
and It looks like a l~mlddential veto
will be meeseary there. The same is
tl~e Of lltfllttimml~ proposals of which
there are many. The ~Jtuation is one,
tberofore, tn which'Mr. Rousoveit mum
:~.ommmtty m ~ ~te~mat
~acUa wMeh be &ms not wa~ as
pressure to put through the legislation
he has described as necessary. Thus
it 1~ seen he is confronted with many
complications which did not disturb
him in the first two sessions of New
Deal congresses and these complica-
tions mean a longer life for the cur-
rent session.
• $ *
Let us examine the status of the
legislation which the President sa|d
must be passed. The
~ome "~u~f" outlook is something
Legislation like this:
The extension of
the /~'ationai Recovery administration
is still far off. Senate hearings are
Just ended and the house is still fur-
thor behind. No action can he expect-
ed in either body for several weeks.
The present law expires June 16.
Recently Mr. Roosevelt sent to con-
grass a very bitter message denounc-
ing public utility holding companies
and demanding legislation eliminating
them from our economic structure. The
house committee considering this legis-
lation is Just winding up Its hearings
and the senate committee which will
have Jurisdiction has taken no action
at alL It must be said that a hard
fight is In prospect if and when this
legislation reaches the stage of de-
bate because investors in these com-
panies are not going to hays their equi-
ties destroyed while they sit ddly by.
These investors are doing more now
than Just making faces at congress and
the volume of letters which members
are receiving in opposition to the hold-
Ing companies legislation transcends
anything that ever has happened in the
memory of this correspondent.
The banking legislation which Mr.
Roosevelt has prpposed, or which was
proposed for him by Governor Eccles,
the New Deal and radical governor
of the federal reserve board is faced
with opposition equally as bitter and
as well organized as that confronting
the holding companies bill. Perhaps
It can be said that opposition to the
banking legislation is even stranger
because In tha~ fight the Presldent
will be opposed by Senator Carter
Glass of Virginia, who must be regard-
ed as the most virulent of all the Dem-
ocrats in the senate. The house bank-
ing committee has about done Its Job
with hearings on this bill bul: the sen-
ate committee where the full force of
the Glass opposition will he felt has
not even set a date for committee con-
The social seeurlty bill about wlfleh
Mr. Roosevei~ has done much talking,
because It Is distinctly a reform meas-
ure, has finally been redrafted in the
house while senate leadership is un-
able to get together on any pelicy
respecting it. Some senators want to
split up this bill and pass the section
providing for old age pensions, allow-
ing the other parts of the bill to die
a slow death.
The legislation to increase by $1,750,-
000,000 the loaning power~f the Home
Owners Loan corporation probably will
get through the senate without much
more ado. The house passed the hi!l
because it could not do otherwise with
Individual members reaIIzlng that
there was a chance that some of this
money would go into their particular
distrlcts. Included In thls bill Is a
line that promlses n good many hun-
dred Jobs for politicians and If Is nat-
ural that the party in power is not
going to overlook this posslbillty.
There remains on the "must" llst,
then, only the proposal to extend the
nuisance ~es which expire at the
end of June. It is probable that the
bulk of these levies will be accepted
by congress as necessary.
• • •
One cannot fail, In tramping around
Washington these days, to note the fre-
quent expresslens
About the concerning the out-
Future look for the New
Deal and for Presi-
dent Roosevelt's personal political /'11-
ture. In fact, some hardboiled ob-
servers lately have been heard to say
that Mr. Roosevelt Is suffering from
too much ballyhoO. He was puC up on
a pedestal that made of him in the
eyes of many persons something of a
superman. He himself is regarded as
having contributed to this condlUou
by his many campaign promises, some
of whlch he has found absolutely Im-
practical as remedies In leading the
country out of the morasses and on to
a more satisfactory economic plain.
In truth, the President's own political
colleagues have continned~, to depict
hLm as an individual capable of thlnga
which no human can 8ecompllsil and
this combInation of circumstances is
declared by many keen minded perseus
as Ukeiy to bring, if indeed It has net
already brought, a definitely bad po.
llticai reaction from the President's
It is still fresh in the minds of men
and women throughout the country
how President Hoover was over-adver-
tised as a superior person In an ad-
mlnlstrative way. Mr. Hoover suffered
from too much ~tmttyhoo to nn extent
greater than any other man who has
served Im President with the possible
exception of Woodrow Wilson. When
tim dopt~mden came and the currant
turned sgatust Mr. Hoover he was
powerleSS. With a recaleitrlmt
emlp'eu oa hb hands mad a dlssa~s-
people, Mr. Hoover met the htto
that must have ~ expected.
4k wmtom Mowag6p~ unhm.
Wisconsin Writer.
WITH 250 million
enrolled under
mcntation of body and
find dictatorship challenging
cratlc forms of government.
here in the United States there
some people who seek •
and regimentation. There can
freedom of speech, of press, or
dividual initiative in such
Mussolini is trying to make
baiter place for Italians and
strLving to arouse the national
of the German people. But Stalin
his doctrines are international
scope. They say that • world
eap~tallst and half communist
exist Through propaganda they
waging an actual war upon
U, 8. Attorney General.
I~T me give an example o|~
contention that
tial evidence can be more
sire than direct testimony unde~~
tain conditions. Assume that
light fall of snow in the
the morning an animal passes
ground near a house. Hours
expert can tell by examining the i
prints whether the animal was
bit, opossum or fox.
Assume, on the other
three men standIng at a
half-light of dawn saw that
pass. The chances are that no
them would agree as to the
animal they saw. The
timony would be much less
than that ef the expert
saw the animaL
By A. A. BERL~, JR.
New York Lawyer
THE only force which can
set the Constitution is a
bination of stupidity and
esty. It is interesting to note
Supreme court, although
slmrply on the legal issues, could
to a unanimous conclnslan on
sue, and that the issue of
tal honesty.
There was no constitutional
be dishonest. There Is a
power to be se, inherent in t~
existence of sovereignty.
tlon~ can avoid this. If ene ma~
the conclnslon, It Is that
way the tide goes, whether to
or to the right, If the result
inherent Integrity, the
~tands up; otherwise, it does nor.
NRA Omelal
scrap all of the NI~
minimum wages, maximum
and the prohibition of chh~
what the most reactienar~
tie rulers of big business have
urging privately and
llcly for several months.
Under this program the
consumer, and small business
he stripped of any real
against unfair competition.
will flourish, unemployment
crease, farm prices and wages
fall and relief burdens will rise.
Admiralty Couusel.
ANOTHER mileage
must be devised to
the demonstrated faults
present system. With the
statistical Information at hand
practical operation of
vessels since the war, a
measure can certainly be
It is suggested that the
on each direct route shall be
17 eemputed and reduced to a
figure and that this mileage
averaged on all direct routes
this average be the
President of Dartmouth,
IAM not interested in
training from the point
of preparedness for war, but~
very much interested in It as Jt
ing in discipline, wblch is the
uable thing a young man can
feel personally in regard to the
work, which I understand baJ
somewhat successful, that it
more beneficial to the public
if it were more definitely
military regime; that Is to
disciplinary requirement&
U. B. Senator From
RECOVERY must be
on confidence, for
confidence capital will not
and without new capital
noss will not expand. There lg
of ~pital avaliabla, but
is 18cktl~. The
preep~tr7 ~ and
tmaneu man.