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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 9, 1931     Golden Valley News
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April 9, 1931
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• ~:*~ 9, 1931 M BEACI=I. N. D. ADYA~'C'B wind, real a fornado! WISP0" So: win: to the ': • ARE vOU "IME GUY TMA'I~ GO~ TO WHIP ME ? C4T YE'R D~I~" 70L9 ~KT~4 T~4~T ..... ") S~(AME ON SET~,ORE/ PAOE Sa~rJR~ ., J _ I WANT ADVEI1TISE~IENT RATES All orders for advertising under this head must be accompanied b7 Cash. The rates are two cents a word with a minimum charge of cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned or mailed in will published without prepayment unless the party has an establiah~l account with this office. sA, ....... Logan Auto Sel,~ig~, Beach. 4~-tf GROUND FEED FOR SALE. Cus- tom grinding. ~kand~ravel a~. kindling wood fd~ale. E. . NOSE OUT OF Logan. 39-tf. M~ ~ACE' i~ -- . I~ISON-~Wllt-resi~tant flax, clear,--'-~ I ed, per Mrs. E ~" ] / "~ ~"~ Noble. V 49-7p '' ' WORK HO S S ~ ~ '-: ;" "= Weight from 1100 to ~400 pounds. Three to 12 years'ipl~. Win. Trest- II . or, Sentinel Butt~. 48-3P ! ~ ~ ~ ~i}! .... II FLOUR SACKS FOI~" SALE. Beach FEED OATS FOR S~E---30 cents ................. Occident elevato~FThelen. 47-3p BONNIE VIEW "THE GODD S .............. bushel. Feed B,r.[6y 40 cents. " GOLVA CERTIFIED Bison see~ ~flax at' ~ary McCaskey Reporter Lorena Hurd. Reporter $2.50 per bushel~ W/J. Kremers, .... I Golva. k/ 47-tf. Reeve of Minor was in last Saturday, friends• Mrs. Reeve, him was vis- AI• Flanagan home the Feldmann and daugh- sPent Tuesday after- Weinreis school, of Helen Kukowski is the Kukowski formerly Bonnie View school very pleasant afternoon Mir. and Mrs. George Ludwlck FOR SALE---Good ml1~ cows and broke horses.T. /E. Hudson, and Dick Witham of Ekalaka, wereI Beach V . 47-tf, Golva visitors Monday. They had~ • .• Just returned from Wllliston on- ~RUSSIAN FLAX SE~'~ FOR SALE route to Ekalaka. I Price $1.75 busl~l/ Mrs. Emily Miss Grace Moyer of Beach is Zielinski, Beach. V 49-2p visiting her sister, Miss Laura, in .... / Golva this week• FOR SALE--Resldenc~g in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Peterson at- Inquire of Mrs, }rora Bartley, tended the card party at the Crass- Beach. V 49-4t man home in Garner Saturday eve- ning. John K. TaLley of Ollte was a NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE BY Golva visitor Monday• ADVERTISEMENT Mrs. A. M. Peterson and daugh- Notice is hereby given, That that WlIiie Oifford hauled L MISCELLANEOUS STRAYED OR S~N -~ ]~ty mare, 4 years old. Br~xlded in- verted U, left h~nd ~tffarter. NO tify Mrs. Emily Zj nski, N.D. v 4~-~@ GUARANTEE 2 %VE~a¢~ white Diarrhoea ancVT. B. ed flocks, free feed~s. We C. O. D. Writ~ ~l~r baby (~I~~" catalogue. ~ Hatcl~ Furn£shed 2-room ap~[~ment, heat, hot and c~ water each. Call , B~ Bird HOtel, Phone 71. ~/ 44-~, and established line aul~, tracta~ oils, greases aqd pai0,tS. I~t~ 0~ customers and \pro%Sects furn~h-" ed. Interstate Oj~ Co,, Inc., M~ . neapolis, Minnesota. ~-~ Blue Tag fla~ se~ for ~tle, Sample at F. ~ ~. Bank, Beach, Leland Bros. SR~ax, N. D. 47-4p dern. Double ~ara~. On north side. Edgar O.~J~nston, Beao~ Phone 17-,F-31. V 4q'-t~, FOR SALE--rll take 16c a~ove tl~ market price for Extra No. I the Charley Schaal ter Edna Mac, Mr. W. W. Page and certain Mortgage. executed and de- cleaned Marquis Seed Wh~, Loren Hur liveredby George Steeker Mort .... a d attended the show in ................. f Said wheat is ehgible for re~l~ Beach Frida v nl~= gagor to ~'lrst r~auona~ D~n~* v Raisler, who recep.tly y e e -o. Dickinson, N. D., Moirtgagee dated try. Cleaned Silver Mine S~ Beach is visiting at the MissMargaret Thill visited the the 4th day of Novemher A• D• nine: Oats at 40c and 50c per bu. O~ teen hundred and twenty-six ano 1 an r father, B. J. McDan- Oolva High school Monday• . filed for record in the office of the C~ ~oat~,_ Extra No._I Ra~l- ~lsler's daughters Grace Miss Alvera Funk and Art ann Register of Deeds of the County 0.~ .ouw ~Ja~,s. ~u. ~, a ~a~l p~-~__ - eve who are attending Ernie Schmitz were dinner guestsGolden Valley and. State of Nortn 1sln~ varze~y oy tne ~. u. ~-~- .~ach, and Connie, spent Dakota, on the 25t1~ uay ot ~v~arcn cultural coll o a tthe Murdock Cameron home on A D 1927 and recorded in Book . ege f, a]M~ ' Vacation in tile coun- Easter Sunday. 17 of" Mort'gageS, at page 134-135, some reieaseu ~0 me m ~ ye~ Mrs Henrietta Shoen who has will be foreclosed by a sale of the 1930. A head selection from tl~ ,C~, ho,of the north #¢' ..: p, emises In such mortgage ann • • " " old favorite Russlan Green Oat,~ been spendlng a few weeks with her h 'e t fter deseri,bed at the front ........... • nt Tuesday night at ~'3 I son Ed. returned to Oolva Thurs- (i-orr~n~the Court House in the City pinked zor i~ heavy yleld4~ ~rkland home. "~t.~ ;~I~ day. of Beach, ill the County of Golden capacity and rust resist~ ~ma\~--spent t~e ~ Miss Wilma Babcock was an or, :tai~y" i~ao~r St~t~.°of N°fothckD~,k°~a.: stem and.c~own r~"~:~" ~i..~ at her home in Beach• ~ ernight guest of Miss Wilma Kre- (on the 12th day Of ~ay 1931;a:~I season .0a~s.~ ~a.s~elenaer, Sr~I no school Friday, the ;~ liners Mondav ]satisfy the amount sue up J straw, ou~ qoesa~-o~ mage ev~ ~" ]Mortgage on the day or sa~e. on rich sol d es :[ Plrpils b~ing given that 7,~ Mr. Adolph Lee spent the East- The nremises described in saldl .... V~d, . Is P~0|~l~ 't of their Easter vaca- ~ er vacation @ith Mr. and Mrs. Ole Mortgage and which will. be sold aaap~ea zor ,~.r s.m~;e., ana co.u~- [Lee, his brother and sister in law l to satisfy the same, are ~,n(!se ceil-I l;y. OUt ymms au o~ner varle~y • • • taln premises situateu ,n one ~ou - i- rus- --eaxs M v "'" Mrs. Harrison Stedman who reside in Bmmarck. t, of c~ l n VaIIe and State ofl.xt .^^L~ y _: _ y a erage ........ i :.~ :.- ;o!_de_ andy desc~ ibed as i m z~u was uz ou per acre St&to Wayne are now nearly Miss Ksna ~,e~erson was a ~eacn North ua~ot~, ' • , " " visitor Monda- I follows, to-wit: * . ] Sealed and Certified. Extra NO. ~,.~ their new home near ~= . . a- ..... W~/zSW~. and the NE~,SI~I~ l 1 (Blue Tag) Price 70c per btL ~-/ BUtte, on the place ~ ~aiss Margare~ Moli~or returned i ~ of Section 2,towz sn p , I ~_ .n 1-.. ,^.. --.~ .= .... ~.. ,- ~ 104 W 5th P M ~zt ov uu. ~u~a, =~*u .o~ pc~- o~. &~ known as the Charles - to Medora Sunday afternoon, af- Range ' "" {uch Mort [ .......... ~ / 4ms. Ikey Allen has been I ter a weeks visit with friends here I There will be sue o* s ~ Ismauer ,o~s. t'none ~-e'-~z, gage at the date of sale the sum o hlglthe Mr.past weekStedmanWith hiSto Berruman ~ The Washtnofon $fa~, [newsl MrS.ofMadisOnher mothereCeiVedrs deaththe, SaturSad-II°ne hundredFiRSTnlnety-six~,r T~NATIONALD°llars'~ DBAN~--- I BABY'] A. Finneman,cHiOKS !--yesO°iva' N. w~ lmveD" ~ ~day night. Mrs. Madison just re-~ ............ "~Io'rtgagee | them for immediate~-dellv~7 ry Feldmann, daughters - --:- : .......... -- ed out to the school election at ..... ---:-:=:--- ..... /turned from Wisconsin a week ago, it H STARKE, l Common light breeai~$9.~ ~-~ Alia and son Herman ..... Carlyle Saturday• In the election [so d~d not return to the last sad Attorney for Mortgage 1 -- - . ~ ""~" ..... • .at the R McCaskey CARLYLE CAMELS HUMP ires The s-m-ath- of her man"' Dickinson, North Dakota. .- | hundred. ~o~mmo~neavy b r~ of trustee Hilmer Lindstrom re- .'~rrsa /r •" " Y p "Y ° - Y/ (April 2-9-16-.3-30--May ~ | $~.~ per n~na~a, heavy mm- ~lay. Mr. " Feldmann -- • ~ ~ f e rter ceived forty-seven and Chas. Ful- ~I-.. R,y Drier, Reporter /friends here is extenoeu. [ . | ed $900 pc- undred Cua¢~a four full blood Plymouth~r~. z~ ...... ef or, R pc ton a former trustee thirty-four. [ The Senior class play of Golva ~ _. / Hatching ~.~p~nTue~clre~U~. from Mrs. McCaske: A~ rll Blue Ranch and Leo Koroski wereChuck Moore assisted Clyde My- school auditorium Friday evening, ~ " t IDickinson, N Dak M~y 31 McDanold spent Thur'- Sunday school attendance . P" Henry Ourlash, Walter Kuch of ................. High school will be given in the[ ~OT[CE TO CREDITOH~ | Write or call Ren Hat~, ,n at the John Oifford 5th was sixty-four. A very_IS:gee dinner guests at the R. Strak home era with his butchering on Satur- April 10th.. The l~ew eUl~.a,L~lS[MI~AheGoMea/te~)ec°:sthe E~:ate ;e/~.~D~;~i"a'4.50 ~: : 'Raisl .... crowd also present fo. the Kas o YNIrs. George Hammo~ndday. which have oeen purcnasea wm oe Notice is hereby given by t |~.~'r--~pare ~n'e ~.~o~9~ U. ; ,, er ann ~. J. MC- cantata held following Sunday LrTU. ?nd~ Harry Rilea was grinding feed initiated at that time. Musical undersigned. Executor of theG~a~t/ Royal make, tv~h D~rand c~v~. numbers Will be ~urnished bYlvIal~r, lWa:leI o~nfh2S~leag°: o~II~harewlalket~/ ~'~*E.~. weanesday afternoon=chool ' D ~ . • entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jon last week for Pete and Tony Lardy. • ~bOblar home. They Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abrams _v]s- sharer and daughter Shirley of Mr. and Mrs. Constant Van Lee, Theodora and Lillian a- the Countx. of Monroe, and Stat | mnn. Vr blar who is still in ited Mrs. Stark and daughter Ha- Sunday.G°lva and Chas Howard on Easter Hornthe HowardWere visitOrSvan Horn°n home•SUnday at num, Alberta Barthel, Leona Bares d!tors f, ~n all personsl l~aving°f Wisconsin, deceased, to theore ........ O_OMS F_OR ,R.ENT 2moder~ IS0n spont SU, d-~ e,etel at Baker Sunday. ea~deM~:f:::t~l~Shgevre Y;:~diK~t.h Cxml~b~t°?~;'t~:'eslt~ni~:;th~;~:e~f~:yr Rt~ish~J~o~Is-- B~ ,I~'4 ~i_- j^,_ ~ : - ) ' - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse raG-Mr. Win. Naarum has been build- Mr• and Mrs. E. H. Mason and l~any of the young folks fromI vuunche~'s with ...... s" --o'i-e " " "~P unn Oifford home. tored to Beach Sunday. ing a garage for Chas. Nelson.Mrs. Mike Tovey and children Oolva attended a pa~ty ~:n at i o~ce"~ --= ............... -: 'iddleton s ,ent Eas er is surely a beautiful spring Bill Osterloth and Fred Wendal were visitors on Friday at theh . H. Howle ho e d Yl L t :ol ,; nann -- - day and already the engines canwere callers at the Scheffer home BrieFs. " nlI~ss Mildred andAlvera Funk~said Gohten X alley (ount~ North __ , one 0I our prOS- be heard humming in the fields, !it- in South Valley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Tescner mo- ' " " " " "V ~ ~akota or to the County 3[ld'ge at P~[l~ifl~ll PAi)n~ "#*~[en. is starting the: tie chicks can be seen in yards,Mrs. Pete Weinreis is enjoying a tored to Beach on Saturday onspent the Easter vacatzon m Ool a. I his office in the Court House in the /IIU/LUUIU.Hk UBBHd ~. r~e has e,ghty baoy, which all remind us that spring is visit from her sister from the east-business, mr~pMrnr n~,e fwLO, ,~as:~odm?~::td bb~e:y ~!i~Ni~eh~e~li~kee i~:~le?~:e~aei:~i:x~ii;:y :: ~.~ over two weeks ago here and we have had one of theern part of the state. - The Camels Hump Homemakers --u.. .ibest winters in this country forIda Gearey was a pleasant caller club met at the Mrs• Chas. Bohni ~ ..:-'- - '--- C. and son Max an°l years and vears• Most of us have home last Tuesday, March 31st for Beatrice HilbSer who spent the East- the court for hear!ng and ~dta '~g 7 .... --=-- ...... - ..... ;~re dinner guests at l~)een well, ~)lenty to eat and wear. at the Scheffer home Sunday. er vacation w~th P ,~ey home on Sunday. ¢9 w~v ehe hard times, Mrs. Wm. Stager and son Will- the April meeting. Nine members • her arents Mr such el:urns are tne e*g t y ano ~ars. o. w. r*. . in the Court Rooms of the County I , | ~rat.te.nded the asses-it~ won't do u; any good and we are iam Osterloth of Chicago were and two visitors were present be- _ ...... tiber Miss Lucille" October, 1031, at ten o'clock A. M. [ DR. O. R. NI~CE 1 sides the men and children who all Sperger and Mrs• W. W. P~ge wno Cpurt ln_.the_C?UrthIe~oU~eui~, th~ ! DEN~J[ST | , nela m Beach Mon-lmuch better off than many coun-business visitors at Carlyle Tues- enjoyed the lovely hot dinner Mrs. went as far .as. Bismarck, wner%sone ~'t?~e°t V~?~c.n a,nd ?tate of ,~,rth ] All Work Ouaraat~ I visited her sister, Mrs. ~. u. ~,u- Dakota Mrs Ellis Avets and tries are. Lets smile• day. Born to Mrs. Clyde Pugh of Car- Bohn served. The members answ- Frances Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Oswin Schmitz, bonkdo, Wash., on March 30th, a eredwouldrOlllikeCalltheirbYlawnsaSktngorhOWyardsmanYfix_ don, Mrs. Page rdturned Sunday MarchDatcd1931this twenty-f,fth.. day. of l| ~r.,2tU~,.......... P~O~T~ D~ l| with Mr A O Lee ~' ' ~ " H R~ N M~r~,.^. ~.~,~o I Mrs, Frank Moody and Frank 8 1-2 pound baby boy• Mrs. Pugh ed to improve tt. County Agent .... cHAI=SLES F. O ,'U.'G~ l | n Ha:gh drove to Medora Sun Y, is a sister of Leonard Sanderson of Ru~,,ell gave a real interesting talk Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noll, Miss Executor. --:= = -: :--== :- -- ---=- :~' son and son Alden J taking Miss Margaret Molitor back Carlyle and resided near Ollie at on 'How one ,can Beautify their Loretta. Fasching,,,~+~and,tEdth~NistlerLaw_ AttorneysKEOHANEfor & ~xecutor,K'UHFELD' -. ............. ............ ~to her school bu?i~ess caIlers in! Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Lund and one time. Mrs. A. E. Scheffer, Miss Verna Home Grounds. There will be no were supper .g ..... _ -,~ - := - Beach, North Dakota. - ............ L-7 s weeK. I son of Williston, N. D. visited the and Kenneth and Miss Gladys April meeting as was stated before renceAgoodNistlerlnteresting" nome. ~as~erdebate~UnaaY_was.. of F/r~tMa;~ch(~a,.cn_.publlcation1031. ' 2~--April°n the2.9). "6tt~ day ~,IL.,,II~/J~ICI~H...~; 2";~J~ ][]~J~J~'Y'----'---- ~nd ~ ~ D. I|- spent Wednesdaylpast week with his parents, Mr. Willson were dinner guests of Mr. but will be May 14th, on Thursday, ~i~hlt~eGr:~?ieya~t~i!iii 73"~ E----~°~--1. i | ~ehIs home. land Mrs Melvin Lurid. .and Mrs. Albert Still and family with Mrs. Ray Brier. and daugh- Mr and Mrs Oswin Schmitz ann Easter Sunday. . Mr. and-Mrs. I3ud Myers spent NOTICE OF SHER|FF'S SALE Office Mr. and Mrs. Albert GorsionosKi, Easter at the home of Mrs. Myer's worker The negative side . Pete, Donald and Mary were visit- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George factory • Notice is hereby given that by I ors at the Tom Gorslonoski home Franzen. MeCaskey and Miss Molitor were Sunday guests were among at the Haigh home. .the PoultryI Roy Gearey IS working at the ~= ~i~:= i~:=-:-=-_~2 court house last Scheffer farm these days. last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ktrkpatrick theW°n bYaffirmattvea narrow margin.side wereTh°seIda°n virtUeperty attached°f an executiOnto me directedagatnst prO-and delivered and now in my hands ls- t Mr. and Mrs• Claude Lund and Cha.s. Nelson and Mr. Naarum spent Easter Sunday at the Laur- Gearey Preston Smeltzer and sued out of the Clerk's office of the i here that Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Sanderson were ,business visitors at Ollie on ence Kirkpatrick home. I G1adys Fahlstrom.Those on the Sixth Judicial District, State of )f Ranchester, Wyo., l attended the midnight matinee at Thursday. " " " Car Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Honnold North Dakota, In and for the Coun-$~ffRO~ ~ ~:~ Loretta Fasching and Marcella ty of &olden Valley, upon a Judg-~ ATTOF.~EYS AT I,dkW Ill ~ ment rendered In said Court in fa- : again and had i Beach Sunday. _ _ _ The Pioneer Sewing crag o, - and chfldren were Saturday night negative side were LucUle FoGs, t d about two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Calvin LUrid ann lyle met on April 4th• The con- guestsat the Normay Haugse Flnneman. The judges were Wilma vor of American National Bank of has been receivedlson Harold visited at the M. A. stitution and by laws were adopted, home• -- • Kremers, Leona Bares and Clar- Bernardlno, a corporation organ- | B~la~l, North D~ ~rd to her condi~lLund home Aprfil wSthaux was in There was twelve members and Mr. and Mrs. Walter uixon a~- ised under the National Bankiug lick was taken to Dr. Keller o ..... three ~sitors present. Mr. Cathy tended the party Saturday night at once Schmltz. Laws of the United States of Am- erica, Plaintiff, and against A.M. Plb01~ summer, suffering lCarlyle Friday and vaccma~eu m2 of Wibaux attended the meeting, the John Brown home. Davidson, Defendant, directing me ed aRPendix. The lpersons for typhoid fever• There is The next meeting will be held o~ Mr. and Mrs. Mat Teacher and CITATIO~ H.EARIN~ PETITION to satisfy said Judgment with In- not be finished stinG trouble near or around Carlyle April 25th. Irene and Adeline child~n attended church services FOR FINALDIsT~InUTIoNAC~OUNT AND personalterest andandaCcruingreal propertyC°sts outleviedOf • tring the past win- I but the doctor reported nine cases Schouboe were taken into the club. in Beach on Easter. After church upon by me by virtue of a~arrant of ..... =~ =-=--== ~-~-= =- -- ~n at home feeling[in Wibaux county and several in Mr. and Mrs. Davis arrived on they spent the rest of the day at State of North Dakota, County of attachment herein duIy issued out District Court in the above entitl- (~cently. I Fallon county so the people thought Sunday from Helena to spend the the Tony Strack home. Golden Valley, as. of the office of the Clerk of ~k~e LET US DO ~oErl E. Kastten, Judge. ed cause on the 30th day of July PA ~f Abraham and it best to play safe. summer with their daughter, Mrs.John Brown was dragging the In County Court, Before Hon. A. A. D. 1930, by v/rtue of which war- INTING rs. Roy McCas- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Moline at- C. R. Stewart and husband, roads on Saturday. In the Matter of the Estate of Benton Hathaway, Decea.Sedrnestrant of attachment 1 levied upon and Dick Kerr tended church at BaKer and spent Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Griffith who Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mooreand ('eor e I. Hathaway anu . the following real property belong- And~ supper guests the remainder of the lovely Easter have spent the win~er on the Stod- children were Easter Sunday visit- " D. gfiathaway. Petitioners, lng to said Defendant, to-wit: The East Half (E~) of Sec- home Sunday day with relatives, dard farm south of Sentine| Butte, visited Mrs. Doblar Mr. and Mrs. Simon Schmitz moved back to the farm north of along nicely, were callers at the R. Owens home Carlyle Tuesday. . ., . visited at the A. F. Sunday. Ben Wiley of Cedar Creek visl~eu uesday evening. Mr .and Mrs. George Randash the past week at the H. Still home. ~oa~e Hawkins and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Carroll Hudson was a stoner Beach last Fri- Anderson Easter Sunday. guest at the Hilmer Lindstrom Ridge, Wis. The Nels Rhode is moving out to his home on Sunday. former residents in Montana farm this week. Crossman on Saturday evening ~d, moving to Sid- ,ew Years ago and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haigh who Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton, Alma have .been visiting in Wisconsin ar- Bovey and Mrs. Rose Stuart were air,. They plan ~ rived Tuesday. Leo will go on to Beach visitors Saturday. ~ around Beach Seattle while Mrs. Haigh will stop Miss Varick was a dinner guest nink there is no ~ey. off at Carlyle and Wibaux for a at the Owens home Easter day. visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Doughitt were The Golva Sunshine ladies are a visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stark Veling in a Pull- busy bunch this week practicing for and family S~nday, first time. rio their play which they expect to PUt The Beaver Valley home demon- night. "Do you on in the near future, stration club will £neet with Mrs. are?" asked his Mr• and Mrs. Oswin Schmltz, Charles Chatterdon Thursday. ~," answered the Miss Lucille Sperger of Golva and Mr. and Mrs. Gone Babcock and m in the top Miss Margaret Mollitor were six Mr. and Mrs. Reese Owens attend- o clock dinner guests of Mr. and ed the talkies at Baker Sunday "'--'----- Mrs. George Hammond of South evening• il ~arm machinery is Valley Wednesday. The Carlyle Sunshine society w 1 desirable, it has Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFarland give an old and new time dance at systematic annual were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hu- the Carlyle hall Saturday evening. tch~ more bert -Still Sunday evening. Tickets will be sold at fifty centS life. A fine crowd 0f el~_hty-one._turn: and lunch will be served extra at ors at Clyde Myers. _ ........ a'~-chell Ray H, Hath- George and Ph p ~uaray were ~,,, ..... ., Sunday callers~tli Johnny Hon- away', Glen H. Hathaway Eva , I Marie Royer and Lottie ~Iath- , awaY Re~DondentS, nolds. . -[ m~ ~o~ ~f ,North Dakota to the Alvin Teacher spent me week Ab~o~,e ~"~^~:Re.---ondents" ", end at the Tony 8track home• I You a'~d~c~ you are hereby • nd Mrs. Norman Haugse cited an~[ e~e~uiqred to app~,,b~rore werMre S~nday visitors at the John- ~o~C~alle~°1rt °:l~%,¢~q'~e,";t'th; ny Honnold home. I offlce' d i/SI Count~u0~e of~Id Strack has been building a ] County.]at tl~ cou~'te~I_5~s~-,~ the Tony City of Beach i s'~ C ~y an(l bunk house for Mat Tescher_:- .Istate ~n the~2~ ~la ~-Y~--A~rtC'_A rtl A~ George Lardy was a visitor I D. 19'31. at th4rh4ur ~'~la%?0to°'sC~ t Fischer ~hool last Tne~lay. I in the forenoon or that day, to sz~v he u 11~ cause, if .any y have why tl- Ra Brier was rounding p I .... ,,~ ,~ d~Y2ance of t~e~lt~~ Y ~,,,,, ...... e a I hors~ from the hills, on Sunday. [Report and ~'c]ounting ap~lf Pet!- ussell Brown was a visitor a l tlon for ,Distrll~tton of t~ ~boVe COR le of da~ ~. week at the I named executors shoul~ not ~be P ;ers &nes ~ailowed. distriCt,on na~ ~na .... Brier and My ' • I petitioners dlscha_rged,~Lnm~c°rd~ | ance with the Final ~accoun~ ~.u s Schillo and father re-[ Petition for Di~ribu~n_flled with tuMrn~ fCloa~m Minneo~+. ,.~t. qm,,,~ I this Court, and.OU~[re hereby no- ............ "| tiffed ,that the~r~#[dence of said day. |decedent at tl~e ~[~e--o-f-his death I was at Beach, N~th Da.~ota: _.._ • I Let service be made of this eita- 1 " rice tion a~ required by law. a reasonal e p . Dated this 7th day of April A. D. Mr. and Mrs, Len MoCollum had] 1931, .. - urt le while at Olendive, hav-~ ~y the Co : ear trbub " = | {Seal nf ~.'ourt) A. E KASTIEN, ing to leave their car there zor re-, -' -'Judge-~)f the County Court. pairS. (April 9-16, 1931) tlon Thirty-three (33) l:q Town- DECORATING ship One Hundred Thirty- seven (137) North of Range One Hundred Five (105) West, LOW ~ and of the Fifth Principal Merld- W01"~ tan In Golden Valley County, North Dakota. E D S And that I shall on bhe 27th day C.J. 1 E & ON of April A. D. 1931 at the hour of ten o'clock tn the forenoon of the said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Beach, County of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota, proceed to sell '-:~------ ' ,,,' the right, title and interest of the above named A. M. Davidsen in and ,. Ide V Iley to the above described property to C satisfy said Judgment and costs 0 n~ a upon which there is now due on this date a balance of Fourteen Hotel fif Hundred Thlrty-three and 44-100 ($1,433.44) Dollars, and interest on said sum from the 24th day of March A. D. 1931 at the rate of 7 percent per annum, together with ,,__ ~. all accruing costs of sale, at public~ auction to tl~e highest bidder for cash. LL Dated this 2 th day of March Room With D 1931. Oold Water ~ svary lxmma, ' CURTIS SILL, Sheriff of Golden VaIley CountF, Try 0U~ ~ roo~ ~'VIO~. North Dakota. We know it will ple~e lt~l. KEOHANE & KUHFELD, Attorneys for Plaintiff, t~eaeh. North Dakota. (March 26--Apr. 2-9-15-23)