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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 9, 1931     Golden Valley News
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April 9, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(C0m~iamt~ l~lmona Psge one) ~rk to pull off a dance as it was ~m~mry to take a full day prior #~ the dance to send rigs and sad- dle horses out to gather in the ~lrlS and then ~11 the following day tO take them to their homes, but this was done seveTal times and Wry enjoyable dances were had. ]M[r, and Mrs, WIN. MCKibbin of the zectlon house and Mr. Frank Em- Qr~n, a young homesteader and violinist, were royal entertainers and furnished the mur~c at those first entertainments. I might attempt mentioning some of the young folks of that time: Three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barber. Frances. Helen ,ed and experienced engineer and one who has supervised and direct- ed large business and ~onstruction projects at home and abroad. President Hoover, tl~orugh his great ability as an engineer, al- ready has many outstanding ach- levemetns to his credit. His active~ part in giving encouragement, as- sistance and direction to the plans and work of the rebuilding of the National Capital will alone serve to preserve his name in history. The crowning achievement of his life and career as a great engineer, a great builder and a great executive will be the new Washington, the most beautiful and magnificlent Capital of ancient or modern times. NO U TURN RULE Notice is hereby given that all and Clara; A. C. Townlev and parties failing to observe the signs Corn; C. W. Elllott, N. B. Stith. C. and making U turns at certain Zabel. Rube Clark. Fred and Flor- places in the city are warned that once Ha~ste-xd, Chas. and Ole John- hereafter such infractions of the son, Ben Green. four Kellogg sis- city ordinance will cause arrest and tars and two Gilbert sisters of Sen- fine. For t~,~ safety of all this reg- tinel Butte, Editor and Mrs. W. A. ulation MUST be observed. 8hear of Sentinel Butte. "Little 49-2t ~J. G. JEALL, Mayor. Oust" a rancher, Simon Ulcott, Misses Joanna and Agnes McCar- thy, Minnie Heath and Mae Cald- well. Space will not permit the mention of others from their ¢lalnts that I might include in this BRIEF NEWS ] on Some of the 412 students of Wasidngton nnd Jeffers,n eolh-ge at Washington, Pa., who walked out of the chapel exercises immediately following the address ~f President Simon S. Baker. whose resignation they have demanded. The students allege the college head :ms discriminaled against varsity athletes. 1905 list of names. Noble H. L. HaMday of Beach Also in concluding I w~ll say, we has been appointed ambassador to} "You had known your wife for a were not without church services the Illustrious potentate of E1 Za- Iong time before you married her. 'and Sunday school. We held these gal Shrine, and all nobles will tilt I believe." "1 believe so, too, but I their fezzes accordingly. services in the school house. The families of J. H. Halstead, C.E. Barber, F. E. Near, A. L. Arnold. ,0has. Eriekson. Mrs. Wm. McKib- bin, Mrs. L. W. Richards. Misses Ceoelia Olson, Mac Caldwell, Mrs. Reinecher. Mrs. Posten. N. B. Stith. Chas. Johnson and yours truly were among the fold. Others that I will include in church activities will be mentioned in items for 1906, next week. Rev. C. S. Thorp, a young student from Minneapolis was there also. teaching a paroch- ial school and became pastor of the first Lutheran church of Beach. The city authorities have been doing a good act in cleaning the mud off the paved streets. Mrs. Lydia Richards has return- ed from her winter visit to the Pacific coast and reports having a fine time. Gilbert~ Oilbertson has hung out an artistic sign to advertise his optical office. If the Trotters correspondent runs long to baby talk hereafter she must be excused as she has just presented her husband with a fine 10-pound baby boy and that is enough [o make anybody talk that way. ]]t[N WASI]iNGTON assure you it's not true." The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zook is quite sick. "Madam, will you please get off my foot? .... Put your foot where it belongs." "Don't tempt me, madam. don't tempt me." Frank Wagner returned Tuesday from an Easter visit to his old home at Mandan. "I told Tom that the average woman's clothing weighs only eight ounces." "And what did he say? .... He thought it was a shame they had to wear such heavy shoes." Clay McCoy is laid up with ill- ness. (Continue(] from page one) 1925 made definite provision for the gr.e~ter development of Wash- ington now under way. Congress in 1926 provided that the entire federal public building program for Washington should be under the direction of the Se- cretary of the Treasury and the and improvement of Washington will involve total expehditures by the Federal government within the next six or eight years of three hundred millions of dollars. This stupendous sum would pay for the construction of a capitol Jn each state in the Union similar .to the Minnesota state capitol at Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Hawkins ar- rived by car from Reedsburg, Wis., last Friday and are glad to be in "Darling, I have a question I've the Golden Valley again, they say. wanted to ask you for weeks." "Go They settled on a home, stead 12 ahead I've had an answer ready miles north of Beach in the eariy~for months." days and resided on it far a num- ber of years and then ,went back If everybody bought what they to the old home. which they have needed from their neighbor instead general supervision of the Public now left to again take up thelr/°f sending away for it, what a lot Buildine Commission. Plans that residence here, but not on the farm,~°f money would be in circulation hava already been fully outlined we understand, that being rented, i here, instead of building up some and approved for the rebuilding Their many old friends are glad to other community:. This suggestion have them back again, applies very strongly to both town and country people. It is the main- "One can play on the soul just spring of prosperity for both. Price as one would on a violin." "The really cuts little figure in this married soul ia more like a uke-matter, for if you buy of your lele." "Heh? .... Some tiring for a neighbor he will have money to wife to pick on." buy from you. but if you send away • neither has the money. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Slominski and, St. FauL It w:ould pay for the daughter came up from St. Cloud~ Howell: "So you are married?" building of three federal buildings 'Daesday by car and returned there Powelh "Yes, but it was contribu- in every county in North Dakota today. Leo has hired about 150 tory negligence on my part: I kept each casting as much as has been acres of his land seeded and will call!n~ on the girl all through leap prQvtded ~r the building of the summer fallow the rest this sca-iyearY he@..~itfffji~Bismarck. If distri- ~on. hu~d amdng bI~d~pUlatlon of As usual; when we have nice ~or~h ~o~a':it wol~id~provide five A great many farmers got into weather Montana gets jealous. This hundred dollars ~dr every man, the fields Monday and more on time her bad manners took shape woman and child in the state. • Tuesday with the balance stringing yesterday in a dust storm which Included tn the improvement of along since. It is reported the put the farmers out of commission Washington and now completed or ground is in excellent shape for and made.everybody that could under way are the following, which do ~ot include all the improve° meats to be made, with estimated co~ts in millions: Botanical gar- dens, one n~llion; National Ar- boretum, half million; Congres- sional LibrarY new site. one millo ion; Walter Reed Hospital new bulldlngs, one mililon; New Army seek co~r. plowing and seeding, the unpreee- deled warm weather of the past None. are so rich, none so Poor four days making the season's work that they cannot take part in this ideal, betterment movement, and if all join hands, we will have a fine "'Just think! While I was out town in every way, sanitary and with some of the fellows the other more attractive than ever before. night, a burglar broke into our house." "Did he get anything?" George E. Hammond, breeder of "I'll say he did---my wife thought purebred Holstein-Friesian cattle it was me coming home: !at Golva, is one of eight in North Dakota, and of ~/34 in the nation The Black Hawk has a new red that have been nominated by fen neon sign in its window to attract low breeders as candidate for elec- attention, tion as delegates to represent the ...... Black-and-White breed at the "wn,az aia you thinz of the 46th annual convention of the Hol- bride? asked,,one of the guests ~i~ stein-Frieslan association of Amer- the wedding. After looking at her ica at syrac~me, New York, on June I decided it Will be Just too bad if 13rd - the groom doesn't know how to " cook and sew on buttons," replied 'the catty one.~ The Camp-Fire Girls' benefit performances at the Bijou theater Monday and 'Tuesday were well patronized and the girls' treasury is much better off as a result. The play was a good one and of course the singing of John McCormick was a real treat. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dickin- son went Monday to Fargo by car, he to serve on the U. S. jury and she to continue on to Staples to visit the old home, picking Ted up on the way back. Husband (after a tiff) "I suppose field, one million; Government printing office addition, one mill- ion; Arlington National Cemetery, one million; Arlington Memorial Bridge, fifteen million; Mount Ver- non Memorial Highway, six mill- ions; Addtlon House Office build- ing, ten millions; Enlargement capitol-grounds, six millions; Su- preme Court site and building, twelve millions; Purchase land and ~lldings along Pennsylvania ave- ~ue for site for new federal build- ~1~, forty millions; Department of Agricultural buildings, ten mill- ions; Department of Commerce building, eighteen millions; Inter- ~tl Revenue building, ten millions, The apl~ropriations for the new federal buildings in Washington ire made in lump sum. The .Pffb- llc Butltltngs Commission deter- ~nes UP~ the size. location and limit of cost of each building and the order in which they are to be built. The Secretary of the Treas- t~ry makes the contracts for con- struction of the buildings on the best terms he may be able to se- cuer from bidders. When the program for rebuilding BRIEF NEWS rT and waiters :nade the banquet a thing of delicacy and a joy for ever. After the feast, work in the second degree was put on and an important business meeting held. Mr. Oloyd Bm:y was a Beach caller Sunday. Milton Ziebarth was a Beach visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Overstad were Glendive callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Williams were Easter Sunday guests at the John Fosjard home. A lot of people not waiting %o be" urged and taking advantage of the fine weather, have cleaned up their garbage piles, used grass seed and done other patriotic work on the home place, all of which shows public spirit and community p:'ide. The city is working on the low ground in the street lea.din~ to the High school building to make t[ safe in rainy weather. A number of s~udents have volunteered to haul in scoria to help the ~ood work after school has closed, which shows the right spirit in the boy, s that is appreciated by everybody. In the Easter egg hunt coates[ as shown in Rice drug store win- dow for a week or two before East- er the followiPg winners were an- nounced, the prizes being for the bes~ guessers a suitab:e Easter m'e~- ent: First Joe Niece: second Betty Miller; third. Neil do!~nson. In North Dakota in 1929 it took 167 cows of the 100 pound class to re~urn $I.000 over feed cost. figur- ing butterfat at 40 cenis a pound. Fifteen cows of the 300 pound class produced the same income over feed cost. But the 167 cows produced 16.700 pounds of butter- fat. and the 1,5 cows only 4.500. This extra 12,200 pounds of butterfat produced b," ,h~ ,~r .*~-~d,wincr cows is probably to blame £or some} of the surplus. Jack Ltndt is numbered on the sick list. Mrs. V. O. Morris returned last week from an extended visit to the east. Gordon Abel, John Rice and Vic- tor Thompson drove up from the Agricultural eolteoe in regal style last Friday, the conveyance being of the vintage of cars so popular with farmers many years ago, and with due encouragemen~ got through safely and probably took the boys back after the Easter va- catmn in like style. George and Mrs. Osterhout were up from Medora Sunday, the form- er to attend the Shrine feast ~.~ Oech's and the latter to visit u-~th Nil's, ~t olie. The bays and girls home ira.:;: college last week to enjoy the !,;as-- er vac:uio:: days have returnco', ro the:..' >:'-hao! work after a very ~ladsome time in the old town. ~ti~J5ef lodge of 52qsons t,eld q s,',l'J')cr Pleet:nkt I oesday lli,¢;]lt "~L the ten, pie whit'h wa~ well attend- ed Tile fea.-.c was headed by a turkey 9ob]er su.rc~:'ded by all the concern!cants o! a re?.l feast and the ~ " " [ .,a,axb of deft cooas cookees ! Oscar and Mrs. Samsel are so- journing on one of their periodical visits to Missouri to visit the son. Sunday was a great day for the new Easter finery and all of the ladies looked as handsome as the~ lillies of the field. I "Are you quite sure you can cutI your meat?" asked Mrs. Hoosis of the neighbor's little boy who was[ being cared for by her during thei temuorary absence of his parents Right ~ Way Z*O. ~ % t4.5~ Speed ZI.4% On "Sure," was the bright answer, "we H often have meat just as tough as OW D this at home." E. D. Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Delo Logan and family motored ~ CAUSED ACC I down to the son and brother's place O~ Road east of Medora and enjoyed an Ckart. Ba~ed on Easter dinner. Later the former Traveler~ |n~ura~ee enjoyed another famous least with the Shriners ou~ a~ the ~eorge Oech farm, which "double shoot- ing" is very reprehensible. Mrs. Allen Paul. wife of Allen Paul, foreman of the Bell Tele- phone conszruction crew, left on Tuesday noon for Bismarck, where she will occupy apartment for the time they will be there. Mrs. Buel Richards and Mrs Lewis Odland drove to Bismarck on Saturday morning to see their daughters. Stella Richards and Lois Odland. The two returned to Beach Sunday evening, reporting the girls getting along fine as stu- dent nurses. Honor Roll for spelling for Chandler school. Mrs. Clifford Wag- ner. teacher: Frank Dykins, jr., 100; Cora Feldmann, 100. Gass Coal pel Phone 10-F-20 THE gOLLEGE CONC[RT O CHESTRA i i R eac OF ~,,.x,z.,~.O.,. 2.CRTH DAKOTA Will appear in a varied and well selected program of orches- tral numbers, solos, duets and other features of modern and classic music. A group of splendid musicians making up a semble of string and wind instruments. By the end of 1931 it is that there will be nearly 500 makers clubs in North Dakota a total membership of' over women. In 1930 there were" clubs with a membership of TONIGHT WITH DOUGLAS FAIR" BANKS' JR., AND ANITA PAGE DON'T MISS THIS UNIVERSAL NEWS REEL Third Eposide of "THE INDIANS ARE COM* ING" Frldav-Saturday "Night Work" A Flashin~ Drama that holds ~.. : spellb:;u:?fl PARA?4OUNT NEWS REEI~ And A C~medy SUNDAY NIGHT MATINEE Monday-Tuesday With EL and splendid east of ians A successor to up" UNIVERSAL And A C TRY OUR REAL ADMISSION 40c AND 25c 8 O'CLOCK P; M. Under the auspices of Beach Public Scho01s In Another wonderful story wltl~ this famous dog hero UNIVERSAL NEWS REEL Fourth Episode of "THE INDIANS ARE ING" SAT. AFRIL II TO FRI. ' ' APriL 17, INC. I G A TEAS , Blend 33C Japan ............ Or o 4 lc Pekoe .............. "A" Blend Japan ............. Under New Management at Beach Washington is completed one pro- you are now going home ~o your ceding down Pennsylvania avenue mother? .... I'm not; I'm going to from the Treasury building to- the most expensive hotel I can IGA Baking Powder 21 c wards the CaPitol will view on the find and let them send the bill to Lb. Can ............ south side a succession of marvel- you"' OtlSly beautiful and harmonious " [GA Ginger Ale We beg to announce that G. A. FRITZE has been pt~lic buildings all of a classic de- ~ ~ "----"= 2 12-oz. bottles .... sign in keeping Wiut2 tofh~icY~Pu~(~l., ,- ........ - ....... -==-'~ IGA Cake Flour t.,e senate and Ho o • 'on" o. ,OR ,S ,/ Package .......... / 23C appointed our agent in this territory for the sale / trigs and Library of Congress. l | 7 | Ivory Soap / 25c ; our well known . d t and for/ / noah side vistas .,ill be open- - 3Bars ......... 7 o: .ro...uc s we yespea,. " 4 iei al Office phone 40 ed up sO that groups of mnu P | ..... L [ | l-¢,eslaen~ pnone butl~ SUCh as the beautiful Dis- [ e'[ / Gelatine, IOA /19c " " -- a share of your patronage, assurln you --'- o se on Beach Nd a Dakot Jh~ .trtCto of MarC°lumbiaShall pC°Urt H Ulace . will. be. l| ....... ' - .... -|" Crakers.Dessert Powder,, for[ ' fair treatment ands good product. / brOUght into the general plan O, .... ........ ,, 2lb. Cad ...... [ .... 25C Pel~sylvanta avenue._.-e " nntal '::- ................... '[ Grape Ju , VA A , ~le WaShington l:l,-IJ nte , " " Pints ..... Nt .....25c FICE It CREA1 ~[ ST OP ~:xlxMttion is to be held here in I m. s'~ . .~r 1 Spices, IGA ~ 25C 1932, ManY of the improvements ~ Ii!* 14 & I~l~#mmn J aii[i~orll~d and. now under way will , --aeL......-,----u | Allkind~,3fOi" .... LE C RPOI T]:( be completed by that time. Every ~ " ~ ' • Dates, IOA, unpitied citizen of our country who can I CmROPRAC~5OR | 210oz ....... 29C ~o~ibly do so should then visit ~ ..L. | Apricots, Grapes. 18k / Washington. Those who have seen [ .... Offio~ HO~: | 55C 2 No. 2~ cans .... ntarvelthe WashingtOnat the Ofnewearlterwashington.days will [[ ~ to *Z a. Phon~t~m" "~k ][t~ s p. m. || Beans, 18k, green or 42c Thoze W~o see Washingtonworld.Zor the i[ M { 2 9-oz.Wax' 2 No. 2 cans .. Phone u-- p' first time will took upon the mos, Located over Farm. & | Mince Meat, IOA 25C one 9K.M beautiful capital in the Mei~imat~ ~,~ ~ pk, s ........ ~.~ ,~es,,enc It l~ ~ortunate tl~t in this time ~ | Soap, White King of the :,reconstruction of the No- , m,,~h_ ~ n,.. • 45C tion's Capital we have as our chief ~ | Granulated, lge. pkg. /