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April 9, 1931 Golden Valley News | |
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April 9, 1931 |
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.o _ ,_
Noon Today
54 Above
Weather' at
Noo~ Today
~---~ i,~, ...... T~D-N~ MTrSI Beach as It appeared in 1906, See story of Yesterdays at Beach J -- --
}TS CLEARED OF JUNK, ~,,E oF UU't'~TA. 1~ t~ • ~ - " . , _-- .
~q/NSANITARY THINGS CAL ORGANIZATIONS OF .- , , ,, ,~ .. , . , ................ ~ ........ I " Eeacn's system of clean up, fix NEARLY ALL WORH HAS B~¢F.~
REMOVED [ NORTH DAKOTA up campaign is attracting outside DONE BY VOLUNTEER
' -- SltRIN[RS ENJOY WON-(W it [ R [ D 0 DEAl FRS RUNAWAY TEAM PUTS .o.oo morningL,aiJSOR
e weather continues as all One of .the outstanding event.~ , I , clubSecretarYreceivedHalv°rS°na wire Offromthea LiOnSman T ~ ~ .
it iS p obable the official i of the muszcal season m Beach w~I1 I . ( _n _ ~hort time Salzman POSt.
~ti~ethe°nSe°a~°~le clet~n ~ui~i benthret aoPrP:~iaf;: ~f t~h~e D[R[U[ [~T[~ [[A~I ~[[K MOST 0[ T~AD[? BILL MU[W [N H0~- cMaildn~'?:i~kio~t~eaytr~smap:le::°:!ri~ taAhnmeerm:~Ssi iLncegaml!nrtt~bw~ h:hVt~e o~
ed Thursday April 16 when Teachers Co. ege 'c : . ] ~o,~,~;~. t..~.~.^~ . ,,~. ........ y p ' y f his size
[II,'Officials committee backed health it This will is board hoped be~in will~ ' and not its'This by" ~ ' SChOOl gym. will ' appear splendid under on Aprll the at group 10. th~ auspices ~ H of . i ghmUsiciansi AT ofs c ho the o 1 : NOB[[ G[0 .0[:CH ' S[N TOWN COUNT Y91 t p[[A[ BROK[N BON[S ............ have the been ..... work sent ......... , no6 t on ,g ° under these tm erodit o, t te, h the and, be gh o 'g to
• considerable satis ae i e as come about, mo~tlygenerally
' " ~,~,,~ ..... ' hrough the personal wor~ of tho
~'ks campaign but a con-I The College Concert Orchestra.. -- I / , Bu~ ~h~ ,,u~sti,,." ~rio^~ ~.^...~,.~ members.
~ u ~ u ~11 ~ o~ ltuw ttZt4 F
; performance it is expected ' is one of the outstanding musical: , or some time back the Post has
~.: ...... ' ..... ' i ................ ~. ........~ I FIVE-COURSE TURKEY BAN- ] NATIONAL ADVERTISERS WANT ] HORSES, FRIGHTENED, KNOCK 1 the man hear of the campaign and be~n -l~or~-~ i~.~ h.Hm.~ +.~. ¢~
~n resmen~s can pom~ wz~n ~ ~zu~,~u~ ,, ~,,~ o~,~ "'~' ' / " " " o ...... ° ........ "~' ~"" ""~'"
, ................... QUET IS PLEASANT MEMORY I THEII~ ADS ON PAGES DE- . BILL DOWN AND SMASHED Chow did he know wiio ~o write to ..... h .....s ................
one of the cleanest and rantcs iavoramy wl~n o~ner organ- ~ TA ,r,~ p~w~-~ ] rn,r~n ~r~ =~ .~ i ~,~ m [ ~ ,~,,o ~f +~o T~,.,o ~,~^ t.....,,, .UZ~ UZ .~v,~ uzn~ ~vzz~pze. ~*ar~ ox
;cltles of the state, wlth" the} izattlons and orchestral effectspre-i, . ~ .............. ] ........ .............. ( __ I such ............................. a man. It is true a copy of the old shed back of the buil~
~e more homey with sented by this group of splendid I I has been torn down and the I%t~.-
TEN SCOTTISH RITE AND htf 1 a HE WAS UNLOADING ASHES the Advance goes to Miss Clara
~lruhs lawns and flowers, t musicians ~s .attra.ct!ng much at- ~,o, '~ ~,~ ,~r, ~., ' A thoug~ m dvertiser the.oth~WHEN TEA nr . ~ Schillo of Golva who is now at b,er ~ in ma~ng over the on, e-
' nV na win aouo~mss rove a .... **~,**- ,,~,*~--,-~ ....... ~ er any as~ea us Why ~r,e na~,onaz _~__B...TED, SU..- ...... , ......... stor snea ~mmeala~et nex~ ~ ~,ne
~. a few days the CampI te lon a -, • P ! GET TOGETHER I ........ - ................. , TAINED MANY BRUISES I Melro.~e, ~o it is supposed the xxxa** r.~f h,,|ldi,~, ~r",~ Y.~I~4,~. ~.~
'~rls will be=in their hart of/compm;e success in ~ms commun-t | ~,uvt~rt, l~ing aJ.WVty~ app,~r~.~ on[ [~e afth~ .~o¢~da.t ..~ =...~.~.+a~...~e' ............. "~" -*-~ r- ......... .*~-
• ° ". :=tv ~ -- what some call the "inSide" pages ......... v ........... y ....... ~ "' tween the main room and the sh~
Palgn, probably, making a ,.• I = h a r "Bill" Mullln the well known a Lions or other servxce club at ,
~1 Call at every home in the ] Under the careful and competent Las,. Sunday afternoon a bunch/ofte P pe ,and was rather sur- . ....... , ....... /M^lr .....,~ ~o,÷~ ~,~n ,, ~1 has been taken out ~o make on~
.... ~ S i rised at the answer whic is" The vea~r~er ox ~eacn, is a~ ~ne loca~v ~=, .....~ ..... ,~ ....... ~ ~ la bo 24x85 fe
~d ,vin the folks a o d~recUon and leadership o~ MIS. of hr hers, Temphr, and Scot- p . . , h . . rge room a ut el, or Pero
g g n p- • ' "for i '" aver is n hospital suffering from an accident copy of the last Advance, saw the
try to join in the generallCatherine Burns the College Con-Ush R~te Masons drove out to the[ egn a ~ er wants to reac I ............. ~,~ ~,,~, .......... ts~ .... f~h ......, .... ~ m.o,.;o~4 haps more, with maple floor, which
Up and beautification cam-[cert Orchestra has grown to be a George Oech farm and enjoyed a[the country ~aaers as well as'~:=o~'":~::~ :'"~ ~'~.~ ~'~^~.~t~le"st"orJ'o~f ~t'l~e~i~ "~'~='°~i can be used for many purposes,
]~ach gxrl will wear a badge I ~plend~d organizatmn presentmg a feast fit for a dozen kings as the ] y p p , ey o t gre.a I ntb~ m~,~,~ w,,,,~ ~ ~, ...... ~, / Bolfi~ld ,,h~,~ ~,,o ~ .... , .... pecially dances and other enter ,
g tha~ she is a helper in [ pleasing variety of the old classics guests of Noble George Oech, who | bul~ of a country newspaper's cxr- | -':--'- _.--:":.- .'-~":"~.."o :"~__'~,°~"7 } Halvors- ,:"::'.~,~ ~ ........... ~ ] tainments needing a clear floor
BeaCh cleaner and brighter ~ ,r.d the modern compositions for (with the aid of his ,,estimable [ culation ,ies in the country and I ~Y~on~da~naDry BrYdle~ :eamonTd I An ~";" rate~'i't=~ an evidence of ]space. The plastering has
is hoped that all will sign~ ~h~ orchestra. M~ss Burns is a wife) was host to the nobility, |not in the towns, so specify that I r~, u~'~.. ~.~.... r~.;Y.. ..... .~ ,u^ I t~ wide s-roo,~ ,~,,v:.-o-* +~ ~'~.- ] completed and the painters are
fie pledge card for one or[woman of wide experience in con- the event being supplementary to]their advertising must go on pages[~:£ ~'"~":~' "~"~:~'~":~ ~'~ :~'=l::~,n ~'~,v:,~,"~'^:;,~,:~",~'~"~:=~'~:~ ]n°w at work decorating the big
)f the undertakin s rinted lucting student musical organiza- the observance of Maunday Whurs-[ containing the country correspon-[ ~=~'~,~¢'~'=='*~*~" "*:"~,~'f..~," I, :~,~'~:':,,~v t::; ................ ]room. A doorway has been cu%
and hang uu the ~e:nr star [lions and is a very fine violinist, day in town. |deuce or news, knowing full well iT;;,:,,~"'~,:,~jo'~¢-.~i:~.y ~.:'~"~;l"~; .~'~ .... , ,~,, ]from .the main hall into the la~d-
...... tha it is to those a oun ,,,~ .... . .~,o~,,~ ,,,,,,v,,~.~, u.~ w,,, ................. v o=,,~ ~,,~ i h "w o t s
a window to l-t the world As a member of the college facu~- Before the meal the vmltors in-t . . _ p ges most C . .- • t r ng of t .e stair ay t he ~o~
they are ins muath with }cY, teaching violin, cello and other speared George's fine farm and/try reaaers ~urn first to see wna~ ~s l be°ut of comm,ssion for some/~letg~ea%ei[ro~Und,,~t~° be, president I story par~ of the ~uildlng, so tllat
movement This system ~triug instruments, 'Miss Bums has told him what to plant this year [goin~ on in their neighborho.oa., t T£ "o,, .... ~,,,,~ ........ ~,,o,~;,~ [ .............,,. [the first and second stories are
~uragin~ ew~v r~sident of been very successful, having held and how to do it, had their pictures [ It is a frailty of most local ac[- ~ =~,, ,~v~:.~-~-:*-~::., --~ ~,;,ff~-:~ | HELP~ OUT ROan ~,v~r, t articulated and ready access is had
to-be~come'~t part of tl~e 'this post since 1928. Her popular- taken in graceful attitudes and |vertisers to th!nk, in terms of town ]We'lch'~'n~d ~o~ h"o~:en" th"~2°hors~q / ......... [from one to the other.
.......... ) hit ~ - ~'-~' .....
lent movemen~ proved val- ~tY as an instructor is manifested ~nmgs ixke that, ~t reqmring two [fo.ks omy ann aemand that.t e ]to ~,,~o~ ~h ..... ho, +ho,, b~a | The Vehicle Registration depart~[ The rooms of the upper story
Wo _ b the fact that her teachmg hours camears to absorb all theyouth advert~smo shall go on what are . . ' ' • •
ears a~o as it was ~en , Y | . . I t-h.... ~.b,rn ~-r, ~h,~ ~rn~nd ~nd t~ [ ment at Bismarck will send the [ have been fxxed up in race shal~
~erYved thai'in all its Wars[ are always completely filled, and beauty of the gathering. [known as "local" page~, out, ac-1:~"~"~7o,:-'::,,~'~" ~'-h~a~"'~,~ county treasurer the tidy sum of[so that the Post now has a hon~
~ever-Dresented a "finera-I~- The school is to be congratulated The table was decorated with a cording to the big outside adver- I ..... t "?.~ ~.-'~."'~ ?': ,.-~"~ _-':" I $2 986 88 if he has not already done I it can be proud of secured at ai-
de. " upon its enterprise in bringing the large rose in full bloom, the gift of I risers, they are overlooking a bet. c~u~g ~wne:rac~e,:o~ ~p~s~noeve~ so' as" this county's share of the li-]most .the only expense of a bit Of
rbedy knows that monev is I College Concert Orchestra to this the guests to the fair hostess and Happily the town and country I -. H ~' " k .... I cerise money on cars licensed in t carpenter work on windows a~d
- ' " ' i him. e was pieea up ann ~aKen . .
-~tiful but money is not ] commumty, places were set for ten, each fred- I news in t!~e Advance .is so distr - [ to the hos-ital with resul~as 1 this county. This coin will patch I doors and the pamtmg, for all tl~
to u mg h~s Iocatmn at the heavily lad buted tha~ all pages nave ma~er - " u u alterm has been done b the bo
P't power to a rake a[ " ' " " I . I s~u~,~ ~ [ p a n tuber of bad roads in ear-[ " g Y ne
'I en board throu h the medium of of interest to both town ann court- "~ ..... - " / a si w f th husk and
a shovel, and but little for Reports from the hospital this . g ...... tooz[ Mulhn' has been most unfortun- mus sections of the bailiwick, nd he. o e y en-
Packets of flower or vinelmorning are to the effect that Bill an approprzate place card. It was a try. But, as ~ne.mwn peopse . ~c~ ........ _~t t~i,~ o~ |thuslastm members at odd ti~.,
• ' 1 aO ............~, _h_ ..--..o bUt _n~
ld many kinds of shrubs ] Mullin is not so well and that his magnificent banquet of at least i first for news of. ocal things, so . ne ~,,~r~] s-oh accidents hut this [ Mr. and Mrs. VerI Dory are re- lit has been ra~er a slow job, bu~ ,
es can b'e secured by just a injuries are proving very serious five courses leading off with r the country peopm, and, as .most.ox, ~ £h''~u~n'~ t'~:f t.~ r~c~rd - " ~ J joicing this morning over the birth I now that comptetion is at hand the
if one's means will not lbut the old timers frleri~ hope he draughts of the blood of the pro- the buyers are m the country, ~ ]of an eight-pound baby girl, this | boys feeI mighty good and are en-
a Purchase. ~ will pull out of this hurt as he has phet and the table dominated by a [ pages containing the country news WHY~ SAD ] being the second girl in the family. ~tltled to be proud over their effort.
• . great gobler and other delicacies should be the most valuable in
THE COMMITTEE others . , ...... , ~ , ~, ~ ,
[ as well as substantmis, leading to l selling goods by advertisement. At G .....M--~I-1' -- ~d~ us a/ ° ' " ..... " ' "
a happy conclusion with ice cream least the big fellows thi~k so. _~u~s~_ 2"" ?.'~t~. ~ ..... I -::=:: ....-=- - =-- ....- ....-- - ....... -==- .....-~
.................... - ...... "_'~ ~ , picture oz t~enl~o M~lnl, aa~eal ] !
V~.~',.~.~s~,..~,o A ~' J~.,~.r~Is~'~ i w thwero sa f TB:dlfae ian flII FNW[I INC' I i:TLwn r:the'r sad, whi0h i;II ne :vew m, asnzng on !
~;~ ~ ~ V O ~ ~ ~-~g~*~• ~ 1o ha*, ~I -,hich m'*a"" i- t*~ue UULVLII l|gl[gF|||~J Vl~'laccounted by the remark of Georget ] , |
• that his looks indicate hoW-he fe t o o
-- v ...... l cowboy fashion, so the nobility has r~%h | Ten ~%. |,h | ||~}0..o... e-. ..... boa +,qd hir" a i By P. D. Nm-tom. Farmer Member f C n.ess I
~RyW. A. Young, Park rower, t a delightful thing to look forward I'RMfllrH MY IWIf flNHIf'? 7%h'i' :,s he--ou h'{ o kno-w-s'o'to t ( |
North Dakota t to m the merry month of une.LUI ILV DJ I'!!|. rlllWl~.eak Geor-e sa"s he has re-~ ........................................
! The host, vi.g_been giyen a .... .., ,-,,,-.---,. ained in the climates long-i Since I first looked upon the I c pitol grounds and
couole of packs oI ~nrine playzng
.... " ........ n ~ U ~ |! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~a er than he planned because reperts l noble and inSpiring dome of the] around the capitol, the Library of
cards Dy me .guests lnSls~ea upo
Young, ~h" ~as the fi~s~ Christmas drillin~ a dee- ~ell fo~ ~h~ir bein: tested so the balance |~|~- ~- ~. L~L|~|0 of very cold weather in northern lNatlon,'sCapita[in 1909 from Wash- Congress and the House and Sen-
. ~,, "'~ " " ~" ~ ~" ' ." ~ ~ ~ ' . ._. ~ Europe are not calculated to hurry lingtons famou~ Union Station I ate office buildings" on Pellr~yl-
_a Beach p_a2er, sends us ri~e railroad company and the next of the evening was .~evotea ~o ry- __ him up there. He says he has had thave been deeply and lastingly im- vania avenue, a mile to the west
~ory on old times in this year the large tank was Dm!t. ing out t.he symvo~c, pas~e~oaro~.. ................ D S~'N ...... a wondetful trip and goes to Vien- t pressed by many things in and and north, the White House, and
accompanies the story withI believe it was no~untilthe All in an i~ was a oengn~zuz even~ na,~n~. ~*~.*~ _~ ..~z,~.,~ ,.,-, ~.A,~ "~r,~,.,~oo ~,,o,~ [about Washington Its broad near it the State Wa~ and Nal~
r cordialhos ltaht of BUTTE COUPLE OICE
of the town as it looked vp_mg of 1906 that the depot was and the P Y streets and avenues: its majestic and the Treasury buildings" tl~
Which we reproduce below, erected and the Cooper brothers George and Mrs. Oed'fi will long be IN ANNIVE~,SARY WANTED
will be of interest to placed there as agents. Their remembered by the visitors.
timers who still re- names, especially F. D. Cooper will Mrs. James Donaldson assisted
The Sentinel Butte Review had
Mr. Young has kind- feature some of the programs and Mrs. Oech with the dinner and. of the following account of a very in-
to write a series of social functions ] will give from course, Jim and Fred felt it neees- teresting affair in its last issue:
Wednesday, April Ist, marked the
stories for which we are I time ~o time. Both were musicians, sary to "come early" to take her
fiftieth /anniversary o ~the wed-
'ul, as all such tend te i Mrs. Lydia W. Richards and son home. but not ~efore they had been ' " ' f
history of the city and ~ resided on their homestead on the 'forced" to test themerits Of neck. ding day for Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
second story, telling of ~ north border of the townSite and pope's nose, drumsticks and wings Everts of Sentinel Buttte. In corn-
in 1905, follows: i she was the local representative of of the merry monarch who once memoration of the happy and ruth-
1905 I disposed of the i the Hunter Land Company of ruled George's turkey roost. And er unique event, a surprise recep-
at Taylor, Wisconsin. Minneapolis, owners of the town- they were lucky to get anything lion was planned at the home of
with A. L. Arnold site. Mrs. Richardg was also the but the feathers! Mrs. Fred Smith, niece of Mrs.
to the old Badger state I first county superintendent of Everts, on Tuesday evening. Al-
to Beach, North Dakota. I schools in Billings county with her THE ROMkNCE OF AN AD though rainy weather prevent
s were issued to Wibaux I office at her home in Beach, in~ ' . -- many of those invited from attend-
as the trains were not I stead of at Medora, the county ISometimes a little advertisement ing, there was sufficient of a gath-
to stop at Beach, but we seat. contains a queer kink, as, for in- ering to make memorable the happy
engineer at Dickinson! Beach also had a one-roomlstance, that lost ad of Dan Car- occasion for the honor guests o~
,ed him to slow down lschool house built by the earlier ifert~, for which, by the way, Dan the evening. Mrs. Smith presented
Jump off at Beach. I lsetflers and Miss Mac Caldwell, of ihas got back his two bits expendl- Mr. and Mrs. Everts with a beau-
sure that the train iOsnabrock, N. D., was the teacher, ture and both he and P. J. Ed- tiful rpotted plant of rambler rose,
very much. because I!in 1905, if not the first teacher in kins are happy. Dan lost a tire and Mr. and Mrs. Everts were mar-
down the grade when lBeaeh, rim and P. J. had a rim and tirerisd on April ist, 1881, at Stevens
• from the train. I In August 1905 Dr. W. H. Melvin, stolen. Dan's little two bit ad Point, Wisconsin. The couple re-
then about a year old; of Taylor. WIS.. came out to Beach brought both back. One raan mained childless, but they reared
had built the State and established a practice with his found Dan's outfit and another from early childhood three chin
store and post office, first office in a room of the State found "the Edkins tire in a vacant dren, Mrs. F. W. Smith and Mrs.
this grand old ma~n of Line hoteJ, (a year or two later he ! 1~, and thinking it was Dan's, R. D. Shaffer, nieces of Mrs. Everts
later devote a story and our esteemable school ma'am having read Dan's ad. took it to who had been left motherless at
we made our home. were united in the holy bonds of him. The Advance story last week an early age, and Miss Mae Everts,
office building housed matrimony.) caused Edkins ~o look over the sur- who is still making her home with
of the newly established Others among those first busi- ulus tire and found it to be his. but the couple while attending school
State .bank. F. E. hess people of Beach were F. H minus the inner tube, the thief here.
~elsor and Karl O1- Zanzak, carpenter and real esta~e;!evide~atly needing a tube andThe couple made their home in
President, vice president J. E. Reed, contractor; A. J. Reich- throwing the rim and tire away. Wisconsin for many ~,ears ~f~r
:r respectively as named, enecker, painter; J. S Morris, soft :. Edkins paid and everybody is their marriage, coming to Sentinel
ranick had a shed for~ drinks; A. L. Arnold, real estate;ihappy except the'thieL' who ought~ Butte on March 18th, 1918. Since
~l cement and sold build- Near & Harper real estate" The !to have a blowout and a brokenI then they have ma.dedthaei~ home
~ment tore and lumber SunSet Land &' Stock Co. of La-ihead because of the stolen tube. here, and have gum os~ o~
Crosse, Wis., of which J. P. Reeve'Thus we see the advantage of ad- friends who ext.end tOn them their
UnderSv~ay of construe- was president and local representa- vertising in ~f paper that every-lheartiest congratumt o s ann me
~e Beach Mercantile Co. live, and the Golden Valley .Land body reads for, if we hadn't told hope that they may enjoy their
[enry Sunder~ and Simon & Cattle Co. of Minneapolis, with the story of Dan's two tires, P. J. i mutual companionship over many
Were in charge. J.R. Smith at Sentinel Butte, were would not have located his rim and more annlversarms.
a~ld Will Zabel had their all very active in bring in new set- tire• and there you are.]
which housed a tlers to the valley. NO SILENCER
a congenial old cow-
states between Texas
broncos and Lhey were The Golden Valely Chronicle was
a livery business in fuI1 established in November 1905 in a
new cement block building built for
it by Thos Kranick & Son.
The 1905-1906 winter was open
was the proprietor
Place" where the land
COwboys were .able to
To this typical
I want to later
short sketch.
a ,coal dock and
was all that mark-
as a station of the
with one of the
Jo~s Davidsor~ ks
before stated
not scheduled to stop
because of good wa-
and mild, making building opera-
lions possible and all about the
town new buildings were under way
of construction. It was that win-
ter that the new two-story cement
block home ...was como1eted for the
Golden Valley State Bank with of-
rices on the second floor, and soon
after occupied by Lawyer John
In the original building of the
Beach Mercantile Co's, store the
second story was used as a hall and
Beach folk in that very early date
trains stop-[were not wit~hgut their social times.
Two ~zmeapOiis | It required some planning and
and Up ~to~: (Contlnu~ to page 4)
& trip down the alleys 0~ the city
brings ~o sight a vast quantity of
delapidated and worn ou~ old farm
machinery, automobile sections, tin
cans, and a vast amount of junk
that to our knowledge has repos-
ed there for the past ten or twelve
years, slowly rusting away. It
would wonderfully improve the ap-
Pearance of those back yards if
this stuff was removed .to the gar-
bage dumps, as its value is nil and
its presence no great advertisement
to the folks who allow It to remain
where it is.
The city has secured the use of
the county grader and has-been
doing some much needed grading
of the highways and byways,
A cautious young man took a
sporting old uncle to meet the
woman vo whom the younger man
proposed to propose. She proved
to be~ charming but loquacious.
When they were coming away
together the uncl~ observed
thoughtfully to his nephew:
"She has nice headlaa~ps and a
charming chassis; I like her color
scheme; she's lively without being
too fast, but lor', laddie, her silen-
cer is totally lnadequate."--London
"Oh. Herman, do you realize it%
almost a year since our honey-
moon, and that glorious day we
spent on the sands! I wonder how
we'll spend this one?" "On the
Information as to the best place
to get young cherry and other na-
tive blooming fruit trees as well as
trees for shade. The draws of the
Badlands contain many of these.
which, if transplanLed to the homes
of the city or farm, would greatly
l improve appearances, but the best
~ locations are not known. Lots of
folks want to join a bee for getting
these trees and shrubs from the
waste places• If there b~ anybody
who next Sunday afternoon will
donate the use of a truck, there are peculiar charms, their inspirations
many who would like to accompany and their lasting impressions,
them to get some ~f these additions The march of marshaled thous-
to home places, now being the best ands; the tremendous mobilization
time to dig such things. Word can of fi'~en and materials; the turmoil
be left at the Advance office, of hurried preparation to send out
-- soldiers and sailors across the
MINNESO---TA-A NORTHERN broad ALlantic to the aid of our
POWER BUYS MINOT GAS allies; the almost unbelievable
changes in the social, civic and
Will Convert Plant For Natural
Gas; 110 Miles of Pipe Line
To Be Laid
The purchase by the Minnesota
Northern Power Co. of one-half
interest in the Minot Gas companyi
is announced by R. M. Heskett, I
vice president of the company. TheI
interest In the~ Minor Gas company
which supplies "the City of Minot.
N. D.. with manufactured gas for
industria! and domestic uses. was
purchased from Continental Public
Utilities Corporation.
The newly acquired company will
be operated by the Montana-Dako-
ta Power company, a large subsid-
iary of Minneosta Northern Power
Co. system. Immediate steps will
be taken to convert the manufac-
tured gas plant and equipment for
natural gas which will be piped
from Wllliston, N. D., the present
northern point of Minnesota North-
ern Power Co's. gas lines in ~North
There was a lot of rejoicing
around those diggings yesterday
when the news came that Cermak
had beaten "Big Bill" Thompson
for mayor of Chicago. The pros-
pect the election result indicates
of a thorough cleaning up of ~he
big city is pl~,~hag news to those
wh0 have grown to think of Chl-
cago as the wickedest and most
criminal city in the world.
Mrs. w~is on the1
sick list.
C~pitol; its beautiful ,Library of undeveloped mall and. towerl~
Congress: the attractive White over all. the Washington Monu-
House. the home of the Presidents merit. Scattered abou~ the eity~
with its spacious grounds: the and following no system or plan
Washington Monument: the Lin- wh~tever for an orderly and ar,
coin Memorial; the National Cem- tistic development of the~cata~l,
e~ery a~ Arlington with its count- were a large number of .Bulldinp,
less heroes .,s~eep'm~o beside.' the some ~)rlvately. " owned and ~ne
stately columned southern home of, owned by the government, used for
General Robert E. Lee and in the housing the various departments Of
shadows of the new Memorial Am- [ the federal government.
phltheatre; Alexandria; Mount Many now living here recall ~hat
' Vernon; the fine highways extend- aslate as the close of the civil war,
ing north and south; the winding tl~o C~pital was a wretchedly
majestic Potomac--all have thelr thrown together city, wltb streets
commercial life of Washington
that occurred in 1917 and 1918 can
never be forgotten b# uzs~ wao was
in Washington during the War
War drums no longer beat in or
ou~ of the city. A quietness now
broods over all. marking the change
from war days. Our soldiers and
saiIor heroes are again at home. in
office, in mine, in field and in
I factory. Peace here too has her
victories no less renowed tha~
The outstanding thing that has
impressed me mo~ in viewing
Washington during a visit here this
year is the tremendous Federal
building and improvemen~ pro-
gram that is under way to make
Washington the most beautiful ,cap-
ital city in the world, Those who
saw Washington as I did In the
decade from 1909 to 1919 could not
believe then that there could or
would take place in Washington in
this generation the changes and
improvements that are being made
While the nation's capital was
most fortunately grandly and nob-
ly planned by Washington, Jeffer-
son and L'Enfant their plans, uP
to this generation, were carried out
only in a general way. The out-
standing fulfillments under these
plans up to the time of my service
in Congress in 1919 were substant-
ially the following: wide streets
and broad avenues radiating from
the capitol to all sect]or~ of the
city and to all parts of the District
of Columbia; the capitol and the
mostly unpaved, with its main
thoroughfare lined wi~h a motJey
array of buildings of everyerm.
ceivable design; its streets llght~
by off lamps and its parks over-
grown and much neglected.
Washington, as I recall it at the
close of the World War, had ma~kv
beautiful sections but theffe wa~ a
crying need for its fuller, larger
and finer development under a d~,
finite and systematic p~an of mo-
dern city building. Then Penr~sFl,
vania avenue, the most famous and
most generally talked of thorough-
fare of the continent, leading
the capitol to and beyond" the
White House and along wiMch the
great triumphal processions of 0ttr
overnment passed, wss border~~
on bo~h sides for man7 block~
from the c~oitol by sm~ll sholm,
c,heap restaurants, grocery st~m,
~a~ markets, fish stalls and Chin~
c~ laundries. This section of our
national triumphal way near the
capitol was long an eyesore to resi-
dents and visitors of Washington.
Now all is being changed, A new
Washington is being built. ~erm.
sylvania avenue bordered ,Ay
beautiful public buildings of~.,-
form and pleaslng design will
be a trumphal way worthy
American people. The dreams O~
President Washington, of ~Ma~ktr
Pierre Charles E L'Enfant, the dt~
tinguished French army en$1n~r,
and of Thomas Jefferson for a
great Captal city are being real/z-
ed and surpassed in magnitude and
Since the close of ~he Wo~Id
War it-is recognized more full~
than ever before that Washington
is not only the nationa capital but,
in a lar~er senae, it is a symbol ~f
America. The dignity and magnif*
icence of Washington initiates and
stimulates a pride in our country
and elevates and inspires the
thought and spirit of our Pemple.
With this in mind, Co~gresa in
(Oonflnued to ~e ~our)