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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 7, 2016     Golden Valley News
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April 7, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"" ., April 7, 2016 Golden Valley News Page 7 Backhoe m l I -= • Fencing Bill L. Seerup-I I 211WestMainP:reet | I Oil & Gas Properties | I News/Pioneer Classified Ads: o | I Services Buying Oil, Gas, / I . . _ 16201 Old Highway 10 I~ I .. . Minerals & royalties | Lane & Mellisa Lowman Owners/Operators I A mmimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words s . ne s,J .te. [ I ° Certified Quickbooks Repair of existing fences Producing and 1 I and 10 cents per word thereafter. 1-sOO.TS4-2 06 It I ProAdvisor and building new stock Non-Producing in|[ I Card of Thanks: Minimum charge of I..-. " B°°kk.e.eep'ng ,. water pipelines MD, ND, WY l . .... i ayroil e, uuarter,es Office: $7 00 for 75 words and 10 cents per word J,n, Germei • . DEVELOPMENT I " I Notary Publ,c & More 406-652-4101 ltqt' ll I thereafter, wayne Le~' ~ I Cory McCaskey, Owner OF SPRINGS Business Phone: 701-575-4793 or Cell i: ~11 ' ......... -- MorJ$o Colt!scud~ i Phone: 701-290-9006 i: ~ ill I Deadline for Class,tieds u,sp,ay Ads: ,., ~n = ram " [ ! Website:www.bizbuddynd.comCellPhone: 701-218-0005 406-671-0559 I Trd~ ..-:.~y ~n ~.m m~ty 12:00 p.m. Friday preceding publication " " . I date. I Phone: 701-872-3755 IfrJ-,rI 14r: Tl-lO! II m/m AnthonyMedina .zJ[ l Fax: 701-872-3756 IL'11,'/ MasterPlumber#1192 I Email: g°ldenandbillings@gmail'c°m -- ----"---! I II1~ .' Sewer camera &locatiOnsewerrod . _ I I FOR ALL OF YOUR ! • All new plumbing services - ' '' ' ' I __ TravisHauck I REAl. ESTATE NEEDS! ti . New & old construction • Residential, commercial RE/~L E~;T~TE WITH I 7th & eth Grade Elementary teacher (full- CENTRAL ND DIRT contractor has open- IMaste_r_el_ect_r!c!an I HORN~T~E,~IT~T[~~H~N~) i l . If it has to do with plumbing, wecanhelp time; 9 TO.) 2016 - 2017 school year. ing for a dependable full-time employee. ICell 701-8/2-15063 I I I (701) 301-7465 Base salary $34,000- DOE. Benefits avail- Prefer experience but would train the right IOffi££' 701 -;q7?-4flg3 I Patti Davis. 1 I able. Send cover letter, resume, transcripts person. Mechanical aptitude a must. Call I ................ I .......... ' !,1 PO Box 966, Beach, ND and copy of ND Teaching Certificate to: 701-341-0454. I .............. I Broker, ALC, GRI For all your plumbing needs! Golva School, Janine Olson, Principal, PC I"+ ' "~ I , oe[n ~ve. bvv I 701-690-7763 | We have coupons on website for sen/ice Box 170 Golva ND 58632 or CLASS A OTR DRIVER WANTED " I ~,-,..,-~ i~ln~.3.1 • .............. II ' . " I ............... • NDPEDE@GMAIL.COM t I calls and new customers. Call 701-872- Reefeddnve in. Home weekly. Starting .38 I ............... • ~'-- -'=" - ~ ...... - ..... | i Visit our webs/te and tell us what you • ne area s only 3674 for further inquiries. The Lone Tree to .40/mile, DOE. Benefits: Health Insur- I ~t.=tec[ II I ne area s only ~i School Distnct does not discnminate on the ance, Sign-On Bonus, Paid Vacation. Bill I ucense~ m ,v.u. ann M t I Accredited Land Cons sultanfl f, thinkf basis of race, color, national origin, sex, dis- (701) 527-7215. ~-. ..... ~. _ _ ._-:-_ -'~, ability, age, or other protected status in its programs and activities. For information re- . _ _ . garding our non-discrimination policies, con- - v ~ I ~ -I tact us. Veteran's ereference does not apply ~ I ~ . I I IP-III?X]I31IVlI? ~&l]l?~[ ~ Sally Aberenthy to teaching positions (NDCC 37-19.1-02 AG FENCING LLC is currently taking nil "l'v~dt Ill I "'"""~'='' ~"~L"~'-'I I ,= Licensed Real (4)). 29-32 bookings for iencin; projects in 2016. III ..... III ~r)n~n ,mT~,~ / Please call today for an estimate. Ryan701- III "r .... I,-:.,..,. ,__ ,,, , • I tic Estate Agent in The Golden Valley News is accepting appli- 47%3521; Cody605-850-9532..|11 • III I , .... .e. / I cations for a sports reporter to assist with III - III I .................. / I 305 NMerrill Ave. N.D. and M.T. coverage of the Beach High School varsity Remar " I _ _ III ....... III I ket ng track and field team. Call (701) 872-3755 or t=l=J ] I ¢ Ill* Uus ;om rtatmnE Ill I .......... / I Glendive, MT 17 years of experience! • wnotesate 6: l~etatt send an e-mail to III. ,,,. p,,oa - IIII / I Guns Bought, Sold, (701) 260-5087 or goldenandbillings@gmail.comforanappli- NEW 55+ COMMUNITY! The Meadow- III. T:..TZIS,5 -- III / I Repaired, and Traded (701 ) 872-4674 cation. 30-32 lands in Mandan - 2016. Many residential III1" Ill I / I options offered, close to healthcare and re- llle LnPM ,.% i.r,.= III I I The Billings County Pioneer is accepting tail; future plans include community center, III ,_,y,,,.y2 .... III GARY BRENGLE / I FFH Licensed applications for a sports reporter to assist pool. Call 701-712-1353. Ill i ~,,~a,,t;e III I / I ErnieehTmm@mcn.netHUether, Pres. ... with coverage of Heart River varsity track , Ill .... III I / I and field team. Call (701) 872-3755 or send _ . . III l} rPr 1 VP lt IIII ............. I I 377-3969 an e-mail to goldenandbillings@grnail.corn • - - " III -- --':-2"" -- : -------" IIII eL Nor¢ , MT59330 I I for an application 30 32 ~ "r~cw,r.t • ' • - III WlbaUx. MT III I PHONE:406-355-4407| IFirearms Gun Safes e @_La~a 1st Month FREE Starting $900/mth! Silver III III I / ,,,? Waters 55+ Retirement Community, GF. 1 III .......... III I ....... .... / I Smart Wool Ammunition ................ ......... Hi I :TOLLFREE:I-800:726-6763. / I ng.E- 'Lp-rne.n-{ ..... Ht/wtdunderground parking in'duded. 70i- II," "lI I ........... " ,:/ ................ 1 and 2 bedroom apartments; washer and 757-0926. dryer included; call 701-729-9967. fin House for rent - Two bedroom house and KEYJ it il FELDMANN , basement, attached garage. NO pets. 2 an or a bedroom apartment near Beach High LANDOWNERS: DESPITE DOWNTURN ONSTRUCTION ,. School, partially furnished, no pets. Call North Dakota farm land values continue to Service i 701-690-8172 or 701-872-4973. tfn be strong. Call Kevin Pifer for free valuation since ]936 ,. at Pifer's Auctioneers 701-238-5810 701-872-3317 Wibaux 1 bed furnished apt., Utilities in- or * Carpet andUpho{stery cluded - even cable TV, $450/mo., avail C eaning Licensed Contractor Your local 4/i/16, 406-253-0451. 29-30 Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, telephone company • 5"trip anaf~a~ CF[oors Design, Building and Supply, • ~isaster C{eanup A public notice is information Concrete, Stone & Brick, Serving the Beach, BUYING USED VALMAR and Gandy appli- incoming citizens of government caters. Call Paul at Daily Bread Farms. 763- * ResiaCentia anaCC°mmercia[ activities that may affect the Roofing Golva, Interest in Life Estate on 489 S Central Ave.; 286-2037. Furnace installation Sentinel Butte & Medora Block 2, Lots 7 & 8, Hunters 4th Addition; Ken & Virginia Young citizens' everday lives. New or remodeling Beach, ND; 260-0280 28-31. Public notices have been printed areas Owners in local newspapers, the Building your dreams 2 YEAR OLD Black Angus and Sim Angus Glendive, MT trusted sources for community through 4 generations! For service please call Bulls. Quiet dispositions, good feet and fed Call 406-377-3597 information, for more than Beach, ND 58621 1-800-523-5436 NDSU EXTENSION PARENT Educa- a growing ration. Semen tested, poured and 200 years. tor/Cass County/Region 5, Fargo, ND. foot rot shots prior to delivery. Call Lawler Open until filled. Apply at: Angus Ranch for complete EPD's and pedi- NDSU gree info. 701-782-4280. is an EEOIAA-MIFNETIDisability Employer. DEADLINES SERVICE MANAGER ELGIN ND. Dakota The deadline for Farm Equipment, your John Deere dealer- ship is now hinng a Service Manager for the LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing SUbmitted copy and , Elgin ND location. Person will effectively of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25! manage service operations by optimizing Call (701) 223-6397, ND NewspaperAsso- stories and all ad service department processes ensuring in- ciation, orders is noon on temal and external customer satisfaction. Previous management experience in a re- GET COMPLETE COVERAGE in every Fridays. Call 872-3755 lated field preferred. Generous employer North Dakota newspaper with your 25-word paid benefit package. To apply call John classified ad for only $150. Contact this or e-mail Huizinga at 701-225-8123 or email your re- newspaper for details, goldenandbillings sume to john- E.O.E @ g m all. co m. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN. SMALL town dealership, solid reputation. Training avail- HAVE a news release or other information able. Oil changes, chassis repair, wheel that needs to reach all ND newspapers? ND North Dakota Statew~de (..lassSfied Ad~ertastng Network alignment, engine/transmission replace- Newspaper Association can help! One call . . . ..... ., "s ~' Tent. Pay DOE. Benefits. Hatton Ford does it all. (701) 223-6397. 701-543-3636 ! Have something that may be newsworthy that you'd like to share or submit to the Golden Valley News or the Billings County Pioneer? We won't know about it unless you tell us, and we welcome sub- mitted news items! It's easy. Just give us a call, e- mail your item and a phone num- ber, or mail a photo and the text that goes along with it. Golden Valley News/Billings For only $150, your classified ad will appear in County Pioneer: every North Dakota daily and weekly newspaper! P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (701) 872-3755; 1 Contact this newspaper for details. • l ' i