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April 7, 2016
Golden Valley News
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Now that is Easter has ended,
calving is rolling along, farmer's
are currying the ground, and Shirley
is watering her tulips, I call offi-
cially declare that spring is dang
sure here. And rain is just over the
ridge and headed this way. I hope.
It's pretty dang dry in our neck
of the woods. Farmers, ranchers,
mallard hens, and catfish are hop-
ing things turn around and we get
some needed moisture in the up-
coming weeks.
And that got me to thinking
about water.
And when you think of water,
one of the first places that comes to
most peoples minds is the Little
Missouri River, The Little Mo starts
in Wyoming near Devils Tower. It
comes cuts across the corner of
Montana by Alzada and bends into
South Dakota and runs through
Camp Crook.
In its early stages you can step
across it. Often in spring run offs it
jams up with ice and can become
The story I heard takes place in
the middle of summer when the
river is flowing gently through this
beautiful country.
There was a traveling minister
that was preaching the gospel in an
Beef Talk
By Kris Ringwall
Beef Specialist,
NDSU Extension
Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
There was a trav-
eling minister that
was preaching the
gospel in an area
that really needs it.
Harding County.
And he decided he
would hold a bap-
tism in the Little
Missouri River at
Camp Crook.
area that really needs it. Harding
County. And he decided he would
hold a baptism in the Little Mis-
souri River at Camp Crook.
The ranchers all came into town
to witness this wondrous event.
Well, actually many of the ranchers
were still in town, because there
was a prime rib supper at the "'Over
the Edge" bar and grill on Saturday
Night. And friends don't let
Anyway the minister had Matt
ers ,ng
and Eric and Ivan and several oth-
ers down at the river washing away
their sins.
People were Amening and AI-
leluiaing and so forth when one old
cowboy that was still a little full
woke up behind the Comer Bar and
wandered down to the river.
The minister saw this poor devil,
grabbed him by the arm and led him
into the water. He took him by the
back of the neck, forced his head
under water, and lifted him back up.
"'Have you found the Lord?"
The cowboy spit out some water
and said, "No."
The minister forced his head
under water, held him down for
two minutes, and brought him back
"Have you found the Lord?"
The cowboy spit out a bunch of
muddy water, stammered a little,
and said, "Nope."
The minister forced his head
under water, held him under for
four minutes!
"Now have you found the
The cowboy spit out about a
quart of silty Little Missouri water,
looked at the minister, and drunk-
enly replied, "No, are you sure this
is where he went down!"
Later, Dean
Southwest District Court cases sions, 46, Sheridan, Wyo.: Evgheni nalia: Randy C. Stutts, 57, Beach
closedin Golden Valley Countyin V. Sestacov, 55, Tacoma, Wash.; Driving/operating a vehicle
March: Scan M. Slutsky, 28, Homewood,under the influence of liquor or
Licenses to be carried on per- Ill.; Travis I. Sormaz, 28, (no city drugs: Gabriel A. Castro, 22,
son - shown to officers on de- given): Deanna N. Wasylik, 22,Beach; Randy C. Stutts, 57, Beach
mand: Alex Madrigal, 16,Bowman New Hope, Minn.; Russell W. Possession of a controlled sub-
Violated posted restriction: Woodworth, 27, Spokane Valley,stance, marijuana: Randy C.
Bryant W. Watson, 28, Dickinson Wash. Smtts, 57, Beach
Maintaining a public nuisance: Disregarded traffic control de- Open receptacle: Gabriel A.
4 Boots Investments LLC, Medora vice: Ralph E. Steiner, 36, Thorp, Castro, 22, Beach: Trey E. Paul, 21,
Disregarded stop sign: TravisWis. Bismarck
Bakken, 48, Wibaux, Mont.; Kriss Changed lanes without regard Care required in operating a
W. Enzi, 71, Beach; Randy C. for other traffic: Robert A. Parish, vehicle: Gabriel A. Castro, 22,
Stutts, 57, Beach 53, Rexburg, Idaho Beach
Speeding: Nancy Goodate, 79, Operator failed to wear seat Failure to register motor vehi-
Beach; Larry Heiser, 63, Dickinson: belt: Damon V. Parker, 45, Beach cle: Christine D. Conaway, 33,
Ann M. Peterson, 56, Beach; Jere- Vehicle with tinted or driver Beach
miah M. Rhines, 20, Sidney, Mont.: compartment window not to be Driving without liability insur-
Elijah R. _Rick, 19, Browerville, used: Trevor J. Sime, 22, Beach ante: Christine D. Conaway. 33,
Minn.: Justin D. Ward, 20, Dickin- Commercial motor vehicle vio- Beach: Brenna E. Miller, 18, Beach
son; Matthew L. Wolski, 261 Bis- lations- Ralph E. Steiner, 36,Thorp, Drove or in actual physical
marck; Jereniy K. Antokt~, 22, "WIN." = ~' .......... ~" .... control of mof0~Vehicle: Trey E.
Dickinson; Hana Y. Boudlali, 21, Possession of drug parapher- Paul, 21, Bismarck
Elk River, Minn.; Theodore Habel,
25, La Crosse, Wis.: Jordan B.
Kemmerer, 23, Hager, Wis.; Susan
M. Petropoulos, 72. Naples, Fla.;
Travis E. Rademacher, 24,
Roundup, Mont.; Steven S. Ses-
Family Fun
Night to be held
April is Prevent Child Abuse
Month so a Family Fun Night will be
held Thursday, April 14, at Lincoln
Elementary in Beach from 5-7 p.m.
The program, sponsored by Pre-
vent Child Abuse in ND and Golden
Valley/Billings Multi-County Social
Services, will have a variety of
games, fun activities, and a free sup-
per for kids and their parents.
Parents must attend with their
children to allow for a special bond-
ing time with their kids.
your local
When: April 20th and April 27th
Where: Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary will be conducting the Dial-4
screening for children who will turn 4 prior to August 1st,
2016. This will help the school to determine your child's
abilil7 with concepts, language, and motor skills. The
screening will take approximately 30 minutes. Preschool is
not mandatory, but it is a free service that is highly
recommended. The screening is also offered to those who
have children of preschool age, but may not enroll.
Call to schedule your child's
appointment: 701-872-4253
40 HRS A MONTH: $13.84/HR & $0.54/MILE, MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN,
If you need
The U.S. Department of Commerce is An Equal Opportunity Employer.
This agency provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities.
reasonable accommodations for any part of the application process, please notify the agency.
Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Underconditioned, lackluster bulls need to be dealt with now
Sometimes beef producers over-
look the obvious: bulls.
If the bulls are not in a separate
pen, now is the time to separate them
fi'om the cow herd and take a good
look at their condition.
Bulls actually enjoy a solitary life,
absent from all the comings and go-
ings in the cow herd. Bulls in a
bullpen are much easier to monitor
and watch while feeding, lest one of
them decides to challenge you at the
feed bunk.
Bull docility often is mentioned as
a critical talking point when bulls are
bought, but it's often simply accepted
once they are unloaded at home.
Never trust a bull! That is a story in
itself, but the point today is the cur-
rent bull inventory and the condition
of the bulls.
Are the bulls in shape for breed-
ing? Once the bulls are turned out to
pasture, you have no opportunity to
fix a problem. Every time a bull fails
to settle a cow, more than 50 pounds
of production is lost, never to reach
the pocketbook. Simply put, if a cow
does not get bred when she expresses
estrus the first time and conceives to
the next ovulation 21 days later, and
the benchmark for summer average
daily gain is 2.5 pounds per day, then
those 21 days of lost gain are a toss
of more than 50 pounds.
Bulls that are underconditioned,
overconditioned, underweight and
lackluster need to be dealt with now.
The penalty is low fertility and open
Bull functionality is best gauged
by simply monitoring body condi-
tion. Bull conditioning is a fine line
between improving body condition
without adding fat, in other words
"'getting in shape," which is a balance
of activity and proper nutrition.
The challenge is preparing bulls to
go from a relatively docile, frisky life
of sitting in a pen, eating, to breeding
several cows upon turnout with no
warmup period. The key to meeting
the nutritional requirements of bulls
is to know their mature weight be-
cause bulls continue to grow
throughout their breeding yem's, most
likely up to 5 years of age.
Essentially, the bulls need to con-
sume just less than 2 percent of their
body weight to hold even while con-
Bulls that are un-
underweight and
lackluster need to
be dealt with now.
The penalty is low
fertility and open
suming good hay that is at least
green. Just to maintain weight, a:
• 1.700-pound bull needs a daily
intake of 33 pounds of dry matter that
is 7 percent protein and 46 percent
total digestible nutrients (TDN)
• 2,000-pound mature bull needs
a daily intake of 37 pounds of dry
matter that is 7 percent protein and
46 percent TDN
• 2,300-pound mature bull needs
a daily intake of 45 pounds of dry
matter that is 7 percent protein and
46 percent TDN
If the bull's body condition has
slipped, improving the forage quality
to 50 percent TDN and increasing the
intake by 3 pounds for the lighter
bulls and 2 pounds for the 2,300-
pound bulls should put on 0.5 pound
of gain per day.
The key is adequate forage intake.
By feeding better-quality hay, bulls
should pick up in condition.
The Dickinson Research Exten-
sion Center overwinters bulls. His-
torically, the 2 I/2-year-old bulls
have averaged 1,650 to 1,850 pounds
in the fall. The 1 1/2-year-old bulls
have weighed in at around 1,350
pounds, all with a good condition
score of 5 to 7.
Reviewing the center bulls
through the years - and I must admit
to some fudging - the bulls at the cen-
ter have gained approximately 300
pounds per year of life. A 1,300-
pound yearling bull would be ex-
pected to weigh 1,600 pounds as a
2-year-old, 1,900 pounds as a 3-year-
old, 2,200 pounds as a 4-year-old and
2 500 pounds as a 5-year-old.
The center focuses nutritional in-
puts for bulls with a mature weight of
2,000 to 2,300 pounds. Experience
would say that bulls should be gain-
ing muscle throughout the year,
which means between 0.5 and 1
pound a day of gain in body weight
to maintain good shape without ex-
cessive condition.
For many, bulls are not weighed.
Bulls are hard on equipment and, in
some cases, will not even fit on the
scale. Width, neck muscle and shear
strength are good indicators that per-
haps the bulls should just be left in
the pen. So from a practical aspect,
body condition and general luster
will tell a lot as well.
Although the exact body weight
may not be known, bulls all should
be condition score 5 or better. So
project a reasonable weight and feed
accordingly. Good grass hay ,,oes a
long way, but remember, nutrition is
more than energy and protein. Con-
sult your nutritionist for input on a
complete supplelnent to ensure max-
imum bull fertility.
Money invested in a good bull
does little tor the operation if the bull
cannot keep up with the cows. And
while one looks at the bulls, do not
forget the cows because they, too,
should be in that 5 to 6 condition
score and have some brightness to
them as they await the bull.
May you find all your ear tags.
The deadline for
submitted copy and
stories and all ad
orders is noon on
Fridays. Call 872-3755
or e-mail
April is Prevent Child
Abu M0ntla;,
National Wear Blue
Day is 4/8/16
Offering $10
Transfer Fees Thru
ih~e-~ month '0f:April
We specialize in
Firearms, Ammo,
& Accessories
Contact: Dale @ (701)260-2485.
Brenda @ (701)260-2705o
680 5th Ave NW. Beach, ND
mzl m ml m ul~
North Dakota farmers
ranchers read their
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