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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 7, 2016     Golden Valley News
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April 7, 2016
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Page 4 Golden Valley News April 7, 2016 Hearing Notice PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Beach Zoning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 8:25 am at City Hall 153 Main Street for comment on an Application for Building with Conditional Use sub- mitted by Beach Cooperative Grain Company and Too Far Farms, LLC to allow a commercial grain elevator and accessory structures on the SE 1/4 LESS TR.A-72 & TRACTS, SEC 25- 140-106. Kimberly Nunberg City Zoning Administrator March 31 & April 7, 2016 (March 31 and April 7) Hearing Notice PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Beach Zoning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 8:15 am at City Hall 153 Main Street for comment on a Request for Conditional Use submitted by Dee Ann Baertsch to allow a daycare at 83 West Main Street. Kimberly Nunberg City Zoning Administrator March 31 &April 7, 2016 (March 31 and April 7) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION !, The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 27, 2016, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will re- ceive testimony and exhibits. Persons with any interest in the cases listed below,take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Thurs- day, April 14, 2016. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 24960: Application of NP Re- sources, LLC for an order extending the boundaries and amending the applica- ble orders for the Roosevelt-Bakken Pool (i) to include all of Section 33, T.142N., R.102W., Billings County, ND, within the field; (ii) to terminate the ex- isting 1280-acre spacing unit consisting of Sections 21 and 28, T.142N., R.102W., Billings County, ND; (iii) to establish four 1280-acre spacing units consisting of-Secti0ns 8 and 17; Sec- tions 16 and 21; Sections 28 and 33, T.142N., R 102W.; and Sections 28 and 33, T.143N., R.102W., all in Billings County, ND, with up to four horizontal wells authorized to be drilled on such spacing units; (iv) to create one 2560- acre spacing unit consisting of Sections 3 and 10, T.142N., R.102W. and Sec- tions 27 and 34, T.143N., R.102W., with up to seven horizontal wells authorized to be drilled on such spacing unit; and (v) granting such other relief as is ap- propriate. Signed by, Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chairman, ND Industrial Commis- sion (April 7) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 28, 2016, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will receive testimony and exhibits. Persons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Fri- day, April 15, 20t6. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 24988: Application of ETI for an order allowing a boiler to be located closer than 150 feet to oil tanks as an exception to the requirements of NDAC § 43-02-03-28, and such other relief as is appropriate. Signed by, Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chairman, ND Industrial (April 7) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 28, 2016, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will receive testimony and exhibits. Persons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 70t-328-8038 by Fri- day, April 15, 2016. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 24988: Application of ETI for an order allowing a boiler to be located closer than 150 feetto oil tanks as an exception to the requirements of NDAC § 43-02-03-28, and such other relief as is appropriate. Signed by, Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chairman, ND Industrial (April 7) Bids ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SECTION 00100 0OIB-0427(052) PCN 21291 123RD AVE SW CMC 0427 BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA Sealed bids will be received by the Billings County Commission, at the of- rice of the Billings County Auditor, 495 4th Street, PO Box 168, Medora, North Dakota, 58645, until 11:00 AM MST, May 3, 2016, at which time they will be publically opened and read aloud for the furnishing of materials, labor, equipment and skill required for the construction of Grading, Aggregate Surfacing, & Fenc- ing and incidental items in and for said Billings County, as is more fully de- scribed and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which are now on file in the office of the Billings County Auditor. Bids shall be upon cash payment on the following estimated quantities and types of work: 1 LSUM CONTRACT BOND; 214 LF REMOVAL OF PIPE ALL TYPES AND SIZES; 12,t15 LF REMOVE EX- ISTING FENCE; 21,745 CY COMMON EXCAVATION-TYPE C; 8,997 CY TOP- SOIL; 617 CY TOPSOIL-WETLAND; 1,000 CY COMMON EXCAVATION- SUBCUT; 207 CY FOUNDATION FILL; 343 MGAL WATER; 1.4 MILE SEED- ING CLASS III; 0.8 ACRE WETLAND SEED; 1.4 MILE STRAW MULCH; 50 CY RIPRAP GRADE II; 2,080 LF SILT FENCE SUPPORTED; 2,080 LF RE- MOVE SILT FENCE SUPPORTED; 3,370 LF FIBER ROLLS 121N; 1,040 LF REMOVE FIBER ROLLS 121N; 135 LF FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN; 135 LF REMOVE FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN; 4,660 CY AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE; 1 LSUM MOBILIZATION; 688 UNIT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS; 8 EA TYPE III BARRICADE; 15 EA VERTICAL PANELS-BACK TO BACK; 135 SY GEOSYNTHETIC MATERIAL TYPE RR; 170 LF PIPE CONDUIT 181N-APPROACH; 274 LF PIPE CON- DUIT 241N; 252 LF PIPE CONDUIT 301N-APPROACH; 11,878 LF FENCE BARBED WIRE 4 STRAND; 6,605 LF TEMPORARY FENCE; 5 EA VEHICLE GATE; 1 EA RESET VEHICLE GATE; 21 EA CORNER ,NSSEMBLY BARBED WIRE-WOO~,. P~-8 EA DOUBLE BRACE ASSE~MI~Y BARBED WIRE- WOOD POST; 24.5 SF FLAT SHEET FOR SIGNS-TYPE XI REFL SHEET- ING; 9.8 SF FLAT SHEET FOR SIGNS- TYPE IV REFL SHEETING; 62.9 LF STEEL GALV POSTS-TELESCOPING PERFORATED TUBE; The contract documents are on file and may be examined at the following: Billings County Auditor, 495 4th St, Medora, NorthDakota KLJ, 1463 1-94 Business Loop East, Dickinson, North Dakota Complete digital project bidding doc- uments are available at "Projects for Bid" or You may download the digital plan documents for $21.00 by inputting Quest project # 4404002 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN at (952) 233- 1632 or for assis- tance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this dig- ital project information. Please contact us at (701) 483-1284 if you have any questions. All bids are to be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work and materials, and each bid shall be ac- companied by a separate envelope containing the contractor's license and bid security. The bid security must be in a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the full amount of the bid and must be in the form of a bidder's bond. A bidder's bond must be executed by the bidder as prin- cipal and by a surety company author- ized to do business in this state, conditioned that if the principal's bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten (10) days after notice of award, will ex- ecute and effect a contract in accor- dance with the terms of his bid and the bid bond as required by the laws of the State of North Dakota and the regula- tions and determinations of the govern- ing body. If a successful bidder does not execute a contract within ten (10) days allowed, the bidder's bond must be for- feited to the governing body and the project awarded to the next lowest re- sponsible bidder. All bidders must be Ilcensed for the full amount of the bid as required by Section 43-07-05 and 43-07-12 of the North Dakota Century Code. The successful Bidder will be re- quired to furnish Contract Performance PRIL NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH Thursday, April 14, 2016 Family Fun Night Location: Lincoln Elementary School Time: 5-7 p.m. Community Businesses coming together to provide games and activities for kids and their parents! Free supped Come join the fun! and Payment Bonds in the full amount of the contract. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the low bid submitted by a re- sponsible and responsive bidder for the aggregate Sum of all bid items. A single contract will be awarded for the work. All bids will be contained in a sealed envelope, as above provided; plainly marked showing that such envelope contains a bid for the above project. In addition, the bidder shall place upon the exterior of such envelope the following information: 1. The work covered by the bid- der 2. The name of the bidder 3. Separate envelope containing bid bond and a copy of North Dakota Contractor's License or certificate of re- newal. 4. Acknowledgement of the Ad- denda. No Bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to Bond and li- censes and any deficient Bid submitted will be resealed and returned to the Bid- der immediately. The work on the improvement will be substantially completed by October 7, 2016, and completed and ready for final payment on October 7, 2016. The Owner reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids, to waive any infor- mality in any bid, to hold aU bids for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of opening bids, and to accept the bid deemed most favorable to the inter- est of the Owner. Should the Contractor fail to com- plete the work within the time required herein or within such extra time as may have been granted by formal exten- sions of time approved by the Owner, there will be deducted from any amount due the Contractor the sum of $900 per day and every day that the completion of the work is delayed. The Contractor and his surety will be liable for any ex- cess. Such payment will be as and for liquidated damages. Dated this 31 st day of March, 2016 BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA s/MARCIA LAMB BILLINGS COUNTY AUDITOR (April 7, 14 and 21) Bids COIB-0434(057) PCN 21544 38TH STREET SW CMC 0434 BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA Sealed bids will be received by the Billings County Commission, at the of- rice of the Billings County Auditor, 495 4th Street, PO Box 168, Medora, North Dakota, 58645, until 11:00 AM MT, May 3, 2016, at which time they will be pub- lically opened and read aloud for the furnishing of materials, labor, equipment and skill required for the construction of Grading, Aggregate Surfacing and inci- dental items in and for said Billings County, as is more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which are now on file in the office of the Billings CoUnty Auditor. Bid~ll. be ~P~C;a~b payment on the fol4ewing.e~te~ ~antities and types of work: 1 LSUM CONTRACT BOND; 1 LSUM CLEARING & GRUBBING; 7,059 CY REMOVAL & SALVAGE OF AGGREGATE SURFACING; 563 LF REMOVAL OF PIPE ALL TYPES AND SIZES; 50,942 CY COMMON EXCA- VATION-TYPE C; 12,236 CY TOPSOIL; 1,000 CY COMMON EXCAVATION- SUBCUT; 590 CY FOUNDATION FILL; 747 MGAL WATER; 2.2 MILE SEED- ING CLASS III; 2.2 MILE STRAW MULCH; 3,420 LF FIBER ROLLS 121N; 1,680 LF REMOVE FIBER ROLLS 121N; 2,000 CY TRAFFIC SERVICE AGGREGATE; 7,287 CY AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE; 1 LSUM MOBI- LIZATION; 518 UNIT TRAFFIC CON- TROL SIGNS; 6 EA TYPE III BARRICADE; 16 EA VERTICAL PAN- ELS-BACK TO BACK; 214 LF PIPE CONDUIT 181N-APPROACH; 452 LF PIPE CONDUIT 241N; 170 LF PIPE CONDUIT 241N-APPROACH; 284 LF PIPE CONDUIT 30IN; 66 SF FLAT SHEET FOR SIGNS-TYPE XI REFL SHEETING; 3 SF FLAT SHEET FOR SIGNS-TYPE IV REFL SHEETING; 174.9 LF STEEL GALV POSTS-TELE- SCOPING PERFORATED TUBE; 8 EA REMOVE & RESET SIGN; 1 EA RESET SIGN PANEL; 4 EA OBJECT MARKERS - TYPE II; 1 EA CATTLE GUARD RESET; 1 EA REMOVE CAT- TLE GUARD; The contract documents are on file and may be examined at the following: Billings County Auditor, 495 4th St, Medora, North Dakota KLJ, 1463 1-94 Business Loop East, Dickinson, North Dakota Complete digital project bidding doc- uments are available at "Projects for Bid" or You may download the digital plan documents for $24.00 by inputting Quest project # 4403725 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN at (952) 233- t632 or for assis- tance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this dig- ital project information. Please contact us at 701-483-1284 if you have any questions. All bids are to be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work and materials, and each bid shall be ac- companied by a separate envelope containing the contractor's license and bid security. The bid security must be in a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the full amount of the bid and must be in the form of a bidder's bond. A bidder's bond must be executed by the bidder as prin- cipal and by a surety company author- ized to do business in this state, conditioned that if the principal's bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten (10) days after notice of award, will ex- ecute and effect a contract in accor- dance with the terms of his bid and the bid bond as required by the laws of the State of North Dakota and the regula- tions and determinations of the govern- ing body. If a successful bidder does not execute a contract within ten (10) days allowed, the bidder's bond must be for- feited to the governing body and the project awarded to the next lowest re- sponsible bidder. All bidders must be licensed for the full amount of the bid as required by Section 43-07-05 and 43-07-12 of the North Dakota Century Code. The successful Bidder will be re- quired to furnish Contract Performance and Payment Bonds in the full amount of the contract. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the low bid submitted by a re- sponsible and responsive bidder for the aggregate sum of all bid items. A single contract will be awarded for the work. All bids will be contained in a sealed envelope, as above provided; plainly marked showing that such envelope contains a bid for the above project. In addition, the bidder shall place upon the exterior of such envelope the following information: 1. The work covered by the bid- der 2. The name of the bidder 3. Separate envelope containing bid bond and a copy of North Dakota Contractor's License or certificate of re- newal. 4. Acknowledgement of the Ad- denda. No Bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to Bond and li- censes and any deficient Bid submitted will be resealed and returned to the Bid- der immediately. The work on the improvement will be completed by October 14, 2016, and completed and ready for final payment on October 14, 2016. The Owner reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids, to waive any infor- mality in any bid, to hold all bids for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of opening bids, and to accept the bid deemed most favorable to the inter- est of the Owner. Should the Contractor fail to com- plete the work within the time required herein or within such extra time as may have been granted by formal exten- sions of time approved by the Owner, there will be deducted from any amount due the Contractor the sum of $1,100 per day and every day that the comple- tion of the work is delayed. The Con- tractor and his surety will be liable for any excess. Such payment will be as and for liquidated damages. Dated this 31st day of March, 2016 BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA slMARCIA LAMB BILLINGS COUTNY AUDITOR (April 7, 14 and 21) Bids ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SECTION 00100 161ST AVE SW CNOC-1711(056) PCN 21488 GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA Sealed bids will be received by the Golden Valley County Commission, at the office of the Golden Valley County Auditor, 150 1st Ave SE, Beach, North Dakota, 58621, until 1:00 PM MDT, May 3, 2016, at which time they will be pub- lically opened and read aloud for the furnishing of materials, labor, equipment and skill required for the construction of Grading, Aggregate Surfacing and inci- dental items in and for said Golden Val- ley County, as is more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifica- tions therefore, which are now on file in the office of the Golden Valley County Auditor. Bids shall be upon cash payment on the following estimated quantities and types of work: 1 LSUM CONTRACT BOND; 136 LF REMOVAL OF PIPE ALL TYPES AND SIZES; 1t3,931 CY COMMON EXCAVATION-TYPE C; 10,961 CY TOPSOIL; :~186 CY TOPSOIL-WET- LAND; 1,500 CY COMMON EXCAVA- TION-SUBCUT; 1,299 LF ROADWAY OBLITERATION; 276 CY FOUNDA- TION FILL; 1,254 MGAL WATER; 1.1 MILE SEEDING CLASS II; 0.22 ACRE WETLAND SEED; 2,548 SY ECB TYPE 3; 8 CY RIPRAP GRADE II; 560 LF ROCK DITCH CHECK; 162 LF SILT FENCE SUPPORTED; 162 LF RE- MOVE SILT FENCE SUPPORTED; 1,740 LF FIBER ROLLS 121N; 660 LF REMOVE FIBER ROLLS 121N; 3,725 CY AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE; 1 LSUM MOBILIZATION; 518 UNIT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS; 6 EA TYPE tll BARRICADE; 14 EA VERTICAL PANELS-BACK TO BACK; 1,421 SY GEOSYNTHETIC MATERIAL TYPE Rt; 25 SY GEOSYNTHETtC MATERIAL TYPE RR; 176 LF PIPE CONDUIT 241N-APPROACH; 110 LF PIPE CONDUIT 30IN; 52 LF PIPE CONDUIT 361N; 120 LF PIPE CON- Beach, ND 2 Bedrooms Available * All Utilities Paid * Laundry Hookups * Income Based Call Wade • 701-690-7552 Professionally Managed by Prairie Homes Management 1-888-893-9501 TTY 1-800-366-6888 New Business Buffalo Gap Guest Ranch re- quest a Conditional use permit for the construction/operation of an entertain- ment facilities in an area zoned agricul- tural. The permit is for the $1/2 (LESS Tract) SEC 2-140-103 parcel # 8-0- 01694500 Northern Improvement Com- pany Request a Temporary/Conditional use permit to emplace a temporary con- struction plant for the purpose of 194 construction located in NWl/4, SE1/4 SEC 17-140-104 parcel #8-0-01920500 (April 7 and 14) Hearing notice DUIT 421N; The contract documents are on file and may be examined at the following: Golden Valley County Auditor, 150 1st Ave SE, Beach, North Dakota KLJ, 1463 1-94 Business Loop East, Dickinson, North Dakota Complete digital project bidding doc- uments are available at "Projects for Bid" or You may download the digital plan documents for $21.00 by inputting Quest project # 4357473 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN at (952) 233- 1632 or for assis- tance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this dig- ital project information. Please contact us at 701-483-1284 if you have any questions. All bids are to be submitted on the The Billings County Planning & Zon- basis of cash payment for the work and ing Commission will hold a public hear- materials, and each bid shall be ac- ing on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 1:00 companied by a separate envelope PM in the Courtroom at the county containing the contractor's license and courthouse, Medora, ND to consider bid security. The bid security must be in recommending to the Board of County a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the Commissioners the approval or denial full amount of the bid and must be in the of the following items: form of a bidder's bond. A bidder's bond Jeff & Rhonda King: Application for must be executed by the bidder as prin- a Conditional Use Permit for Tract 3, cipal and by a surety company author- Merrifield Creek Ranch Estates subdi- ized to do business in this state, vision 27-139-100 (14625 Plumley conditioned that if the principal's bid be Draw Rd). Requested is a change of accepted and the contract awarded to use from a single family residence to a the principal, the principal, within ten residence with lodging or a bed and (10) days after notice of award, will ex- breakfast inn. A Variance has also been ecute and effect a contract in accor- requested to allow one rv as a seasonal dance with the terms of his bid and the lodging facility, subject to permitting by bid bond as required by the laws of the the health departments. Property is State of North Dakota and the regula- zoned agricultural. tions and determinations of the govern- Steven Klym: Application for a minor ing body. If a successful bidder does not subdivision in the N1/2NE1/4 22-140- execute a contract within ten (10) days 100 (3309 134th Ave SW). Tract will be allowed, the bidder's bond must be for- approximately 2 acres. Request to re- feited to the governing body and the zone the proposed tract from agricul- project awarded to the next lowest re- tural to residential. A Variance has also sponsible bidder, been requested for the size of the lot. All bidders must be licensed for the Application to construct a residence and full amount of the bid as required by garage on proposed tract. Property is Section 430705 and 43-07-12 of the currently owned by Steven Klym & North Dakota Century Code. Jonathan Klym. The successful Bidder will be re- Scott & Angella Cymbaluk: Applica- quired to furnish Contract Performance tion for a minor subdivision in the and Payment Bonds in the full amount SEI/4NE1/4 36-t41-99 (2993 126th of the contract. Ave SW). Tract is approximately 11 Contracts shall be awarded on the acres. Property is zoned agricultural basis of the low bid submitted by a re- and currently owned by Ronald Ro- sponsible and responsive bidder for the dakowski, etaL aggregate sum of all bid items. A single Meridian Energy Group, Inc: Appli- contract will be awarded for the work. cation to rezone 717.06 acres in sec- All bids will be contained in a sealed tions 1,2, and 12 139-100 to Industrial. envelope, as above provided; plainly Current Zoning varies from Agricultural marked showing that such envelope and Residential. Conditional Use Per- contains a bid for the above project. In mit requested for the Davis Refinery, an addition, the bidder shall place upon the approximately 55,000 barrel per day pe- exterior of such envelope the following troleum refinery. The proposed refinery information: and associated structures will be con- 1. The work covered by the bidder structed in two phases, with the initial 2. The name of the bidder design capacity of 27,500 bpd capacity. 3. Separate envelope containing bid Description of parcels included in the bond and a copy of North Dakota Con- request: 1. 1 acre residence in the NE1/4 tractor's License or certificate of re- newal. 1-139-100 (3634 132nd V2 Ave SW), 4. Acknowledgement of the Ad- Residential zoning. Property iscurrently denda, owned by Bonnie L. Heiser; No Bid will be read or considered 2. 61.30 acres in the NE1/4 1-139- which does not fully comply with the 100 (3636 132nd V2 Ave SW), Agricut- above provisions as to Bond and li- tural zoning. Property is currently censes and any deficient Bid submitted owned by Bonnie L. Heiser; will be resealed and returned to the Bid- 3. 24.4 acre parcel in the NWl/4 1- der immediately. 139-100, Ag w/1 acre Residential spot The work on the improvement will be zoning. Donald Heiser; completed by October 7, 2016, and 4. 176.2 acre parcel in the Wl/2 1- completed and ready for final payment 139-100 (13261 37th St SW), Ag w/10 on October 7, 2016. acres Residential spot zoning. Property The Owner reserves the right to re- is currently owned by Greg & Stacey ject any and all bids, to waive any infor- Kessel; mality in any bid, to hold all bids for a 5. SEl/4 S OF BNRR LESS RR period not to exceed 30 days from the ARW 2-139-100, 104.36 acres, Agricul- date of opening bids, and to accept the tural zoning. Property is currently bid deemed most favorable to the inter- owned by Greg Kessel; est of the Owner. 6. N1/2SE1/4 N OF BNRR LESS Should the Contractor fail to com- RR ARW 2-139-100, 29.8 acres, Agri- cultural zoning. Property is currently plete the work within the time required herein or within such extra time as may owned by Greg Kessel; have been granted by formal exten- 7. N1/2 12-139-100, 320 acres, sions of time approved by the Owner, Agricultural zoning. Property is cur- there will be deducted from any amount rently owned by Greg Kessel. due the Contractor the sum of $1,100 Other Business: per day and every day that the comple- The board will also address poten- tion of the work is delayed. The Con- tial & pending zoning violations and rec- tractor and his surety will be liable for ommend any action needed by the any excess. Such payment will be as Zoning Director, State's Attorney, or and for liquidated damages. Board of County Commissioners. Dated this 31st day of March, 2016 Applications are available for review GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, during regular office hours at the Billings NORTH DAKOTA County Courthouse. If special accom- s/TAMRA SPERRY modations are needed, please notify GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY AUDI- the auditor so that appropriate aids can TOR be made available. (April 7, 14 and 21) Dated at Medora this 1st day April, 2016. Stacey Swanson Zoning Director (April 7 and 14) Zoning Hearing Notice Hearing notice NOTICE OF ZONING HEARING The Golden Valley County Zoning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 18, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room at the court- house for the following business (7~m~2ress simH aJ)vidgin,,2 tltc t'rc¢ d~mt Don't let your freedom slip away. Protect it as if you were Theodore Roosevelt. | through a free. press, | is a necessity in any II country where people are I themselves free/" --- Theodore Roosevelt 1918 North Dakota, since statehood, has been well-served with strong and effective open meetings and open records laws. Tell the people who represent you in the legislature that you, and Theodore Roosevelt. like it that way.