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By Nancy Schafer
Thursday morning began with
Mass in the chapel. We exercised
with Lorna in the activity room and
some of us took the bus downtown
for errands and shopping.
We tried to coax spring into
arriving with a "Come on Spring"
party in the afternoon. Loma shared
some readings about spring; we all
dressed in bright, colorful clothes
and talked about how we couldn't
wait to get outside in the spring
when we were ygunger to play
games like kick the can and anti I
over! We had real flowers for our
tables and drew numbers to take
them back to our rooms. The lucky
winners were Gertrude Jacobs,
Frances Kress, Jowayne Nunberg
and Vivian Murphy. Carol and Val
Obrigewitch and Penny Tescher
were visitors of Lorraine Tescher's.
Alan and Linda Helchus were also
visitors at the Manor.
Our Friday morning hair ladies
were Gloria Hendry, Judy
Ridenhower and Marlene Muruato.
There are lots of us who are so
appreciative of these faithful ladies
who come to do our hair each week.
Kay Jones' daughter and son in law
were visitors. Jeff Dobrowski was
here in the afternoon to take our
annual group picture.
Loretta Wyckoff led our Saturday
morning exercises. We had our
Sunday morning Catholic service in
the chapel. Carol and Steve Miske
from Washington state, and Charles
Miske of Wibaux visited Florence
Miske. Ted and Jowayne's visitors
were Marijan and A1 Nunberg and
Cindy and Dan Sullivan from
Glendive, Mont.
Don Brengle led our Monday
morning Bible Study.
Tuesday morning, we exercised
with Nancy followed by Word and
Communion in the chapel. Cheryl
Planert came for a Visit on Tuesday
afternoon; we sang along with her to
hymns and a couple of love songs in
recognition of two of our couples'
special wedding anniversaries! We
celebrated with John and Thelma
Stull on their 70th wedding anniver-
sary and with Lester and Ruby Tisor
for their 72nd wedding anniversary
with nuts, mints and cake and cof-
fee. How very special it is to have
these two couples celebrating such
milestone anniversaries!
Judy Ridenh0wer and Jill
Tescher from the Beach Evangelical
Church came for our Tuesday
evening devotions.
Wednesday afternoon we
enjoyed bingo with Eldora Dahl in
the activity room. Richard Lynn
from Wibaux visited with Kay
Our newest friend who lives at
the Manor is Grace Johnson, who
was born in Regina. Sask.. on Jan. 6,
1923. Both of her parents came from
England. Her dad was a streetcar
conductor and her mom was a stay
at home mom. Grace attended grade
school, high school and business
school in Regina. She married
Leonard Johnson in Regina. He was
a crew foreman for an oil field
drilling company and because of
that they moved around a lot. He
was a part of the first oil wells
drilled in both Alaska and North
They had four daughters: Lois
Smith who lives in Winnipeg,
Canada; Merle Gratz and Barbara
Froelich, both of Dickinson, and
Audrey Kuntz of Belfield. Grace has
17 grandchildren, 36 great-grand-
children and one great-great-grand-
She enjoys knitting, playing
pool, reading and playing games and
cards. They moved to Belfield in the
1960s, then to Dickinson and back
to Belfield. They spent 15 years in
Texas. Leonard passed away in
March 2010. Grace moved into the
Manor in February.
She likes living at the Manor.
There is always someone there if she
needs help and everyone is so nice,
she said.
We are already enjoying her
friendliness, teasing mannerism, and
sense of humor, and welcome her to
our Manor family.
Round Ball Fever
By Bob Waldal
Jack Cook and his mom, Mary
Cook, left Friday to travel to
Glendive to visit Mary's sister, Rose
Schreiber. The two stayed the week-
end with Rose, visiting with her and
some of her children.
Keith Farstveet and Darrell
Feldmann were visitors at the Don
and Rella Abernethy home on
Dan Cash returned home
Saturday from Oklahoma City after
saying good-bye to an army buddy.
Dan was able to visit with his friend
before the gentleman passed away,
then attended the funeral before
coming home.
Sunday, Billie Van Horn, Bob
and Sally Abernethy, Barry and
Nancy Schafer, and Jodey Bragg
were visitors at the home of Don and
Rella Abernethy. Sally and Billie
also brought supper out with them.
Rella Abernethy underwent
shoulder surgery in Bismarck on
Tuesday for a torn rotor cuff. They
stayed with daughter LaDonna
Fallgatter that week, then left for
home on Friday.
Grace Cash has been helping
take care of her aunt, Ida Schaeffer,
in Dickinson. Ida has been living at
Evergreen. but will temporarily be
at St. Benedict's to recover from an
Wednesday, Jane Cook traveled
to Dickinson on business, and then
had lunch with her friend, Coleen
Hanes, at the Country Rose Cafr.
producers regarding the need and
value of a new, updated study.
Hoeven has been working with her
and the North Dakota Geological
Survey office to bring estimates
up to date in order to attract new
investments in development and
infrastructure for both the state
and North Dakota's reservations.
The 2008 USGS study identi-
fied more than 2 billion recover-
able barrels of oil in the Bakken
formation with far more than that
in place. Many companies operat-
(Continued from Page 1)
ing in North Dakota have
expressed to Hoeven their belief
that there are significantly more
recoverable reserves. In order to
warrant a revised study, the USGS
needs current data from oil com-
panies operating in the Williston
Basin regarding their production
curves, recovery rates, the new
technologies they are employing
and any new geological analyses
"Timely updates are an impor-
tant part of attracting investments
not only in new oil development.
but also in the associated develop-
ment needed to support growing
communities," Hoeven said. "It
will help bring oil resource devel-
opment to oil companies, but it
will also help bring infrastructure,
housing, restaurants, and other
service businesses to communities
both on and off the reservation."
Questions regarding the meet-
ing should be addressed to Julie
Fedorchak in Senator Hoeven's
Bismarck office. (701) 250-4483.
April 7, 2011
Donna Sygulla had medical
appointments on Monday. She said
they made it to Dickinson, but
there were a lot of vehicles in the
ditch, and the roads were very icy
on the trip down. I had ~/medical
appointment in Bismarck that day
also, but turned around and
returned home. When I called to
reschedule they were not surprised
since several patients had called in
ahead of,me, saying that by
Belfield and Glen Ullen the roads
were nearly impassable because of
the snow and ice.
Joe and Arlys Kreitinger are
grandparents for the fifth time.
Scott and Jamie Kreitinger became
parents for the first time on
Saturday, March 26, when 9 pound,
7 ounce Elijah Paul was born in St.
Joseph's Hospital in Dickinson.
Bernice Kreitinger of Golva is the
Duane and Bobble Maus spent
a week in Fort Myers, Fla., taking
in some of the sights, and watching
the Minnesota Twins during spring
training. They said they hated to
return to our cold weather after
basking in the warm Florida sun-
Mike and Becky Kreitinger and
family spent Mike's 30th birthday
at his parent's home in Golva. His
mother Arlys invited his grand-
mother Bernice Kreitinger, and his
godmother Mary Weinreis, her hus-
band Jerry and family to join them
for a delicious meal.
Friends in the area will be
pleased to hear that Raymond
Barthel is home and doing well.
His son Tim took him to Billings
for a check-up last week. His lung
is healing, and his doctor tells him
that no chemotherapy will be nec-
essary. He is anxious to get back
to mowing grass and etc., but
maybe not for a few more weeks.
Duane and Lynn (Finneman)
Keller of New Salem have a new
grandson. He was born to Andrea
(Keller) and Jason Suthimier.
Though the little lad has not been
named at this writing, grandpa
Duane calls both of his little grand-
sons "his Little Charlie's." The
KeUers are now proud to have two
grandsons and two granddaughters.
Great-grandmother Christine
Finneman jokes that she can't
count the number of great-grand-
children she has, even if she uses
both her fingers and her toes.
Mike and Doris Berger went to
Bismarck to visit Doris' mother Liz
Finneman and consult with Doris'
eye specialist. They appreciate the
hospitality of John and Jo
Finneman, who always have a
"Bed and Breakfast"' ready for
them when they visit.
Katie Schmeling has toured
some universities and i~ excited
about deciding to enroll at NDSU
this fall to pursue a career in nurs-
Golva H II again the 'Tiger Den'
It seems like in today's world
that "guccess" ]s measured by how
much money is made in our daily
lives or events. About a week ago,
our Booster Club ran an invitational
basketball tournament tO raise
money for the club only to donate
the money earned back to our stu-
dents who participate in extracurric-
ular activities.
For all monetary purposes, it
sure looked like a success with the
number of teams that played in
Golva and Beach and the number of
parents and fans who supported the
tournament. The roots of its suc-
cess really came from the people in
the trenches who prepared the
gyms, and then there are the gather-
ing of teams, officials and workers.
And don't forget about concessions
and the list goes on and on. It's
exhausting and we can only say
"high five" to all of you who put in
that kind of an effort.
Another "high five" are to the
folks who pitched in and without
that almighty dollar factor. To me
that was the measurement of suc-
cess for the tournament and watch-
ing the kids play was the bonus.
This is just one more example of the
strength of our communities and the
rewards of working together.
The little things that the Booster
Club and our parents do for our
children are very special. You are
the ones who have brought back
some community pride and spirit
that we so desperately needed. You
are all about team and the sacrifices
that go with it. Isn't it rewarding
when everyone works together and
that the game itself is really
insignificant? That goes back when
I would tell our players that they
won't remember so much about our
games but they will remember the
person next to you and the times
well spent together. Someday, they
will want to do the same thing for
their children that you did for them.
Oh, and by the way, our kids had the
time of their life and they weren't
even at their PlayStations or sitting
in front of the TV.
(The "Tiger Den" that was nick-
named 40 years ago was jumping
with enthusiasm once again. Lori
Howard commented that it was so
nic~ to see all the people back in the
gym. Many of us would "ditto" that
statement. Wasn't that fun!)
big trac~s there.
He rode a horse to a fourth-place
finish a few days ago at the Bay
Meadows track in Oakdale, Calif.
He is 24 years old, and is married to
a local girl, the former Grace
Hellickson. Jerry and his brother
(Continued from Page 1)
operated a Carter filling stallion in
Glendive for a year or two, after
moving from Sentinel Butte.
Junior play set for April 21
The junior class of Sentinel
Butte High School will present its
play, "It's In The Bag," a comedy
in three acts, on Friday, April 21.
The cast consists of Shirley
Brown, Judy Dietz, Linda Maus,
Judy Ridenhower, Dick Roberts.
Robert Stare, Dennis Lardy, Bob
Dietz, Wayne Wyckoff and Don
Game and Fish sponsoring Earth Day Project
The North Dakota Game and
Fish Department is once again cel-
ebrating Earth Day by sponsoring
youth clean-up days on public-
owned or managed lands in April
and May.
Each member of a school~ Girl
Scout, Boy Scout, 4-H club or
youth organization who partici-
pates in cleaning up public lands
during April and May will receive a
specifically designed conservation
Groups participating in the Earth
Day project are encouraged to take
the following precautions to ensure
safety: keep young people away
from highways, lakes and rivers;
and only allow older participants to
pick up broken glass.
Interested participants are asked
to contact Pat Lothspeich at 328-
6332 to receive a reporting form for
their project.
The exhibit, The Missouri River:
A Historical Overview, is on display
at the Dickinson Museum Center
until April 29.
This panel exhibit explains the
Missouri River's impact on and
importance to North Dakota's histo-
ry and development through photo-
graphs and interpretive text.
Information included in the exhibit
bit on displ
includes the history of the Native
American people who lived in vil-
lages along the Missouri River, the
river's scenic beauty and impor-
tance in agriculture, economic
activities and recreation. Also dis-
cussed are the various methods of
navigation historically used on the
river, the destructive floods and
construction of the Garrison Dam.
Wheat stocks decrease in N.D;
was down 9 percent from last year.
On-farm stocks were estimated
at 96 million bushels, down 23 per-
cent, while off-farm stocks were
pegged at 71.5 million bushels, up
21 percent.
Put Your .M, oney
Whet Your Mouse Zsl
local independent ,~ strerrg(~n our
b~,~r~s are ~ cornmum~
your best v~ue and our economy
The Agriculture Department in
its latest estimate says wheat stocks
are down in North Dakota.
Stocks of spring wheat, durum
wheat and winter wheat on March 1
totaled 167 million bushels. That
. In the March 24 edition, a Beach
basketball player was incorrectly
identified. Kiffin Howard was fea-
tured in both pictures.
The exhibit is part of the State
Historical Society of North
Dakota's Traveling Interpretative
Exhibit Service and is On loan to the
Dickinson Museum Center.
The Dickinson Museum Center's
winter hours are Monday - Friday,
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., or by appointment.
Copies of the
Golden Valley
are available at:
Sip N Sew/Beach Floral • (22
Central Ave., Beach)
- LaPlaya Mexican Restaurant •
(27 Central Ave., Beach)
- Doubloons • (18 4th St. NW,
- Flying J Travel Plaza •
(Junction of Interstate 94,
- Golva Grocery • (408 Term,
Ave., Golva)
- News and Pioneer Office •
(22 Central Ave., Beach)
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Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer;
P.O. Box 156; Beach, ND 58621-0156;
(701) 872-3755;