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April 7, 20t I
Notice to Creditors
State of North Dakota; in District
Court; County of Golden Valley;
Southwest Judicial District:
Probate No. 17-11-P-004
In the Matter of the Estate of
Maphalda Irons, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
Personal Representative of the above
estate. All persons having claims
against, the said deceased are
required to present their claims within
three months after the date of the first
publication of this notice or said claims
will be forever barred. Claims must
either be presented to Gary D. Irons,
Personal Representative of the estate,
at 137 First Avenue West, Dickinson,
North Dakota, or filed with the court.
Dated this 21st day of March, 2011
Gary D. Irons
Personal Representative
Michael J. Maus
Maes & Nordsven, P.C.
137 1 st Avenue West, P.O. Box 570
Dickinson, ND 58602
Telephone No. 701-483-4500
Attorneys for Personal
(March 31, April 7 and 14)
The Board of University and School
Lands will conduct an oil and gas
lease auction on Wednesday, May 4,
2011, at 9:00 AM, CT at the Airport
International Inn. Highway 2 and 85
North, Williston, ND. For a list of tracts
being offered, visit ",
or call (701) 328-2800 or write to the
State Land Dept., Box 5523,
Bismarck, ND 58506-5523. Anyone
needing auxiliary aids and services,
call. Judy at (701) 328-1920 by
4/27/11. /s/Lance D. Gaebe
3/18/11 State Land Commissioner
(April 7 and 14)
Notice is hereby given that the following
persons, their heirs, executors,
administrators, successors or assigns,
may be entitled to property (not real
estate) which has been presumed
abandoned under the Unclaimed
Property Act (NDCC Chapter 47-30.1).
The Act requires all businesses to file
annual reports of unclaimed property.
These names are from the most current
annual reports. Previously reported
properties which have not been claimed
can be viewed at
A Team Transport 2441 161st Ave *
Allen Margaret PO Box 845 Beach
Anderson Ashton 11563 High Rd Golva
Berg Jay 104 8405 St SW Golva
Birkenfeld Sheila 31601 15th St Beach
Booth Roseling E None Beach
Booth William T None Beach
Campbell Betty 579 SE 1st St Beach
Cadson Sallee 6548 98th Ave *
Durham Brian 15261 30th St *
Durham Debby 15261 30th St *
Gilman Donald E 176 First St NE Beach
Hendry H Robert Box 23 *
Long Alex 16351 194 *
Melvin Richard PO Box 985 Beach
Moe Andy 15900 35th St *
Olson Casey 16351 194 *
Rafferty Leanne K 304 5th Ave Beach
Rafferty Patrick E 304 5th Ave Beach
Ross Shannon 304 Lovell St Golva
South Side Ladies Aid 561 Smith Creek
Rd Beach
Steces Jr Nick Unknown Beach
Ueckert Alfred W % Viola Ueckert 12
1st St Beach
Ueckert Viola 12 1st St SE Beach
Weninger Debb 3900 164 Ave *
Wirtzfeld Carmella 260 5th St Beach
Wojahn Douglas D PO Box 775 Beach
Wojahn Evelyn L PO Box 775 Beach
For information concerning this
property, or for ADA auxiliary aids,
contact the Unclaimed Property
Administrator via e-mail on the Intemet
at, or at 1707 N 9th
St, PO Box 5523, Bismarck ND 58506-
5523. (701-328-2800).
(3/1/201 t) Isl Lance D. Gaebe
Land Commissioner
(April 7)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial
Commission wilt hold a public hearing
at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 27,
20tl, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division,
1016 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N.
D At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits.
Persons with any interest in the cases
listed below, take notice.
If at the hearing you need special facil-
ities or assistance, contact the Oil and mitted to North Dakota Workforce
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Safety & Insurance, Harvey Hanel,
Thursday, April 14, 2011. Pharm.D., R.Ph., Pharmacy Director,
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA P.O. Box 5585, Bismarck, ND 58506-
TO:Case No. 14491: Application of 5585, until the close of business, May
Petro-Hunt, L.L.C. for an order estab- 11,2011. If you plan to attend the pub-
lishing a 1280-acre drilling unit con- lic hearing and require special accom-
sisting of Sections 15 and 22, T.142N., modations relating to a disability,
RA00W., Billings County, ND, and please contact North Dakota
allowing a horizontal well to be drilled Workforce Safety & Insurance at the
in the Bakken Pool at -any location above telephone number or address at
thereon not closer than 500 feet to the least five days prior to hearing.
boundary or 200 feet for the toe and Dated this 31st day of-March, 2011
heel, and such other relief as is appro- Harvey, Hanel, Pharm.D, R.Ph."
priate. Pharmac~ Director
Case No. 14512: Application of (April7)
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. for an order
pursuant to NDAC § 43 02-03-88.1Billi
pooling all interests in a spacing unit ngsCounty
for the Roosevelt-Bakken Pool Public School
described as Sections 19 and 30, T
143N, R.102W., Billings County, N.D., BILLINGS COUNTY'PUBLIC
as provided by NDCC § 38-08-08, and SCHOOL DISTRICT #1
such other relief as is appropriate. Unofficial Minutes
Signed by, of Special Meeting
Jack Dalrymple, Governor Subject to Review and
Chairman, ND Industrial Revision by the Board
(April 7) March 25, 2011
Notice is hereby given thatthe following
persons, their heirs, executors,
administrators, successors or assigns,
may be entitled to property (not real
estate) which has been presumed
abandoned under the Unclaimed
Property Act (NDCC Chapter 47-30.1).
The Act requires all businesses to file
annual reports of unclaimed property.
These names are from the most current
annual reports. Previously reported
properties which have not been claimed
can be viewed at
Bentley Donald 2485 Bentley Ln *
Koester Douglas PO Box 164 *
Malkowski Qwain 1608 128th Ave
US Natl Park Service Theodore
Roosevelt Natl Park Bx 7 315 2n° St *
For information concerning this
property, or for ADA auxiliary aids,
contact the Unclaimed Property
Administrator via e-maU on the Intemet
at, or at 1707 N 9th
St, PO Box 5523, Bismarck ND'58506-
5523. (701-328-2800).
(3/1/2011) Lance D. Gaebe
Land Commissioner
(April 7)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial
Commission will hold a public hearing
at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 28, 2011.
at the N.D.'Oil & Gas Division, 1016
East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D.
At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits.
Persons with any interest in the cases
listed below, take notice.
If at the hearing you need special facil-
ities or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 6y
Friday, April 15, 2011.
TO:Case No. 14543: Temporary spac-
ing to develop an oil and/or gas pool
discovered by the
Continental Resources, Inc. #1X-
21H Haag, SESW Section 21,
T.144N., R.99W., Billings County, ND,
define the field limits and enact such
special field rules as may be neces-
Case No. 14545: Application of
Continental Resources, Inc. for an
order creating a 1280-a;cre drilling unit
comprised of Sections 24 and 25,
T.141N., R.101W., Billings County,
ND, authorizing the drilling of a hori-
zontal well within said drilling unit and
such other relief as is appropriate.
Signed by,
Jack Dalrymple, Governor
Chairman, ND Industrial
(April 7)
relating to the medication formulary
Boar(J Room
Century Center
1600 East Century Ave.
Bismarck ND
Wed., May 4,2011 1:00 p.m. CT
(and will be teleconferenced to the
conference room of the WSI Fargo
office located 2601 12 Ave., SW,
Fargo, ND)
A copy of the proposed amend-
ments may be obtained by writing to
North Dakota Workforce Safety &
Insurance, Attn: Harvey Hanel,
Pharm.D., R.Ph, PO Box 5585,
Bismarck, ND 58506-5585 or calling
(701) 328-3800 or TYY (701) 328-
3786. Written comments may be sub-
Put Your/Honey I
Where Your Hous;z Is~
DuChesses are~ ~ ~ommunlty
your best value ~ ~nd our ec:~no~y
A special meeting of the Billings
County School Board for the purpose
of making decisions in regard to the
sale of Fryburg School, and acting on
a resignation, was called to order at
4:28 PM with members Darren
Baranko, Dean Rodne, Stacey Kessel,
and Tina Downing present. Also pres-
ent was Richard Volesky from the
Billings County Pioneer.
The Board reviewed the legal opin-
ion from Attorney Gary Thune in
regard to whether or not they could
accept the high bid of $200,000 on
Fryburg School from the March 9 auc-
tion since it is lower than the appraised
value of $450.000. The opinion was
that the Board could justify either
acceptance or rejection of the bid.
Pifer Auction & Realty had reported
they had four inquiries after the auc-
tion expressing interest in the school.
Baranko moved to reject the bid and
Kessel seconded the motion. The
rnotion carried with all four members
present in favor.
After discussion of the realty agree-
ment from Pifer, and some minor
changes agreed upon with them via
telephone, Baranko moved. Downing
seconded, to approve the agreement
with Pifer Auction and Realty to list the
s(:hool through December 2011 The
motio'n carried unanimously.
A letter- of restgnation #ore
Maintenance Superwsor Kasey
Malkowski was read. Baranko movec
Rodne seconded, to accept the resig-
nation with regret.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:52
Darren Baranko. President
Darlene Mitchell, Business
(April 7)
Election Notice
Notice is hereby given that the
annual election of Belfield Public
School District #13. Belfieid. ND is set
for Tuesday, June 14. 2011 for the pur-
pose of electing one rural board mem-
ber and one at-large board member
and to decide whether or not to publish
minutes. The polls will be open 11:00
am to 7:00 pm and the election will be
located in the school library.
Any person who is a qualified elec-
tor of this district is qualified to be a
member of the school board.
Candidates must file a Statement of
Candidacy and a Statement of Interest
with the business manager's office
prior to 4:00 pm on April 15. 2010.
These forms may be picked up in the
business manager's office-located
within the elementary school building.
By order of the Board of Education
Belfield Public School
Belfielci, ND 58622
Alice Berger, Business Manager
(March 24 and April 7)
1 ") ~ )
Jolm Hoeven, R-N,D., participated
in a news conference last week to
unveil a new bill that would create a
Balanced Budget Amendment to the
United States Constitution.
The new legislation is built on an
earlier bill that Hoeven and 17 other
U.S. senators cospdnsored in
January, and has now garnered 47
Republican ' supporters in the
"This is a sensible approach to
balancing the nation's budget, simi-
lar to the requirements of most
states," Hoeven said. "It allows an
appropriate exception for times of
war: and at the same time, provides
a transitional pathway to implement
the law and protect programs like
Social Security and Medicare for
our seniors and future generations."
The proposed amendment
would require Congress to pass a
balanced budget and requires a two-
thirds maiority of both Houses for
any bill that would i~crease the
stamtor~ mx rate. The measure
makes an exception durine a time of
war to protect national security and
provides a clear pathwa~ to imple-
Sen. John HoeVen, R-N.D., speaks at the press conference.
(Courtesy Photo)
N.D. unemployment at 4.5 percent
.lob Service North Dakota for Job Service said. "'Historically 0.8 percentage points below
reports that labor staustics show January and February unemploy-February of last year (9.7 percent).
North Dakota's Februar3 nm sea- ment rates in the state have been The seasonal adjustment process
sonally adjusted unemployment rate quite similar, each averaging utilizes a statistical adjustment to
was 4.5 percent, around 5.0 percent. The current rate accommodate predictable fluctua-
Fhe rate is unchanged from prior isone-halfa percentage point below tions between months, such as
month, a]~d 0.4 percentage points that level." length of daylight and typical
belm\ February of prior year. ~4.9 The nations seasonally adjusted weather.
percent~ The nationalratein unemployment rate was 8.9 percent Seasonal adjustment allows for
February was 9.5 percent, for the month, a decrease of 0.1 per- comparison between all months of
Michael Ziesch. research anal3 st centage point from prior month, and the year.
Tax Department extends filing deadlin
Cc, mmissioner Cory Fong says
North Dakota's individuaJ income
taxpayers have three extra days to
file and pay their state income tax
and still be considered on time.
"The IP, S a)mOLinced earlier that it
w as exLendmg the dae date fl'om April
15 to Aprtt 18 2{.)11 t\~r federal
income tax returns or payments." said
Fong. "'North Dakota will match the
April 18 extended filing date lor the vance of April 15 as Emancipation
state income tax retur~ls and payments Day provtdes all taxpayers with
that arc usually {hie on April 15.'" three extra davs to file this year.
The extended due date ix in Taxpayers requesting an extension
recognition of the Emancipation wil] have until October 17 to file
Day holiday in the District of their 2010 income tax returns,o
Coldmbia. whict:V"is"'6b~'erved 'oh': "B'eVaxl*e Apl'il.15 is not a-'holi-
April 15 this year. By federal law,:'>day "in North D, akotaY" saRl,'F~g,
the Dislrict of Columbia holiday "'The Tax Department will be open
mapacls tax deadlines in the same and staff will be available to help
way as federal holidays. The obser- taxpayers with their questions."
Company rises to fourth in nation
Pifer's Auction and Realty office in Moorhead, Minn. TheyNorth Dakota and with my grandfa-
Company Js now fourth in the have sold 350_l)00 acres since the ther serving as governor for eight
United States for real estate auc- company was founded in 2001. years, it somehow seemed natural
turns with sales of $55.1 million. The company's broker, 34-year for me to move back here.'"
The ranking was recently report- old Steve Link. might appear as an "Land is not only a great place to
ed in The 1,and Report, a publica- unlikely broker of a Midwest land store weal{h. It is ylesterday's small
tion thai monitors and ranks company, yet his roots are firmly cap stock without the risk." said
American land sales, planted here, "M;, family is from company president Kevin Pifer.
The company, has been in busi-
ness for 10 years with its corporate
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