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April 6, 2017     Golden Valley News
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April 6, 2017
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Page 6 Golden Valley News April 6, 2017 Weekly Rodriguez 1. ASTRONOMY: What is the com- mon name of the constellation Monoc- eros? 2. GEOGRAPHY: What is the west- emmost territory of Canada? 3. MYTHOLOGY: Who was the Roman equivalent of the Greek hero Odysseus? 4. ARCHITECTURE: What are the blades of a windmill called? 5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What natural attraction would you be viewing if you were on a boat called "Maid of the Mist"? 6. MUSIC: What rock band's debut album was titled "Kill 'Em All"? 7. TELEVISION: What are the names of Marge's sisters in "The Simpsons"? 8. HISTORY: What company owned the ill-fated Titanic? 9. GOVERNMENT: Which amend- ment to the U.S. Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment? 10. LITERATURE: What kind of creature is Bagheera In the "The Jun- gle Book"? Answers 1. The Unicorn 2. Yukon 3. Ulysses 4. Sails 5. Niagara Falls, N.Y. 6. Metallica orts DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: • by CtLdS Ridzcmek 1. Pitcher Wandy Rodriguez set a Texas Rangers record in 2015 for con- secutive batters retired (34). Who had held the team mark? 2. How many times did Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan lead a league in shutouts? 3. When was the last time the Uni- versity of Indiana football team won a bowl game? 4. In the 2014-15 NBA season, John Wall became the second Washington Wizards player to average 10 assists in a season. Who was the first? 5. When was the last time before the 2016-17 NHL season that the Phil- adelphia Flyers won 10 consecutive games? 6. When was the last time before .2016 that Mexico's men's soccer team won a World Cup qualifying match in the U.S.? 7. Boxer Vinny Paz won titles in three weight classes during a 60-fight pro career (1983-2004). Name the weight classes. •Answers: 1. Ken Hill retired 31 consecutive batters in 1996. 2. Three times: 1972 (nine), 1976 (seven) and 1979 (five). 3. It was 1991. 4. Rod Strickland averaged 10.5 assists per game during the 1997-98 season. 5. It was the 1985-86 season, when Philadelphia won 13 in a row. 6. It was 1972. . 1 7 4 6 7 by Linda Thistle 1 7 4 8 1 1 7 4 Solution below Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. • Moderate 00 Challenging • • • HOO BOY This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 Just Cats 8, I'M SO DEPRESSED, FOOTBALL SEASON AND MARCH MADNESS ARE OVER. SO LONG TO ALL THE THINGS THAT MAKES ME HAPPY DeMores student among finalists in spelling bee The State Spelling Bee competi- ever, this year there was a tie for ner was Anastasia Swiontek, an tion consisted of two parts - a written 25th place, so there were 26 com- eighth grader at Edgeley School, test and an oral spelldown, petitors for the afternoon spelldown representing LaMoure County• In the morning, the participants session• - Third place winner was Amelie took a two-part written test consist- The winning contestant for the Johnson, a seventh grader from Bis- ing of 50 spelling words and a 20- title of the 2017 state champion was marck-Mandan Area Home Educa- question multiple choice vocabulary Rayne Korsmo, a seventh-grade tion, representing Burleigh County. test. The top test scores proceed to home school student from North- Emma Bock, fifth grader from the oral spelldown in the afternoon, wood. Korsmo represented Grand DeMores Elementary School in Normally, there are 25 finalists who Forks County. Medora, represented Billings County proceed to the oral spelldown. How- - Second place - Runner up win- and was among the 26 finalists• Chateau de Mores Easter Egg Hunt set for April 15 MEDORA ---- The annual Harry 12 and under• All children must be came west in 1883 and made his Roberts Memorial Easter Egg Hunt accompanied by an adult• The home at what is now Chateau de will be held on Saturday, April 15, at Easter egg hunt will be postponed Mores State Historic Site. Featured 11 a.m. at Chimney Park in Medora. one week in case of inclement are an interpretive center with ex- This event, sponsored by the weather, hibits, a museu/n store, the original State Historical Society of North The French nobleman and entre-chateau and out-buildings, and Dakota, is free and open to children preneur, the Marquis de Mores,tours• Trying to manage Hello, Hat Tips By Dean Meyer I'm here to talk about a problem I've had. No, not thatone. My weight. I've always had a problem My next prol lem was bronc rid- with my weight, ing. Really. I used to ride saddle It goes back to when I was a Drones. Not very well mind you. But jockey. Really. I was a jockey. We I entered. Girls liked saddle Drone used to racehorses at Kenmare. It riders. By now I was 155 pounds and was a little three=eights mile dirt still six-two. Not an athletic 155 track. I race our saddle horsds and pounds. Just a skinny kid with very Dad or Grandpa would race charirts, little coordination. There were heav- I was pretty young so I was desig- ier Drone riders, but they could move nated jockey- for a neighbors horses their feet. I still hold the record in and ours. But I was growing. It was a Killdeer for the lowest scored ride in problem, history. Twenty-eight. It did win My next problem was I was un- fourth though in the amateur bronc derweight. I was a lineman for the riding at the Killdeer Mountain Bombers. At six-two and a hundred Roundup Rodeo. and forty-five pounds I was too light Then I got married. I have to to be a lineman• Even in nine-man show you our wedding pictures• Six- football• I made up for my lack of two, or maybe a touch better, and weight with a real lack of speed• I 156! I was awesome! was the slowest 145-pound guard in I immediately started to gain the conference• The offense never weight• For several months, I thought ran the ball behind me. But the line- I was pregnant• I was kind of a slow backers knew the ball was coming kid. Really• I was thirty years old be- over me when we were on defense. my changing weight fore "I found out pickles came from cucumbers! Really• I gained weight for years. I read everything I could find about diet programs• Most of them involved cutting back on food and increasing exercise! Why, I'd sooner be a tad heavy! Then I saw where cutting back on soft drinks could help. I switched from Jack and Coke, to Jack and water! Lost ten pounds the first week !' Really ! So, the past couple years I've been weighing myself once in awlxile. Then this morning I noticed I had gained a bunch of weight the past month. I was devastated• I couldn't figure out what the problem was. Then I noticed I had weighed my- self with both my glasses and my hearing aids on! Really! I took them off and just estimated they weighed about 18 pounds• I never got back on the scale• Really! Later, Skinny Dean Fin DICKINSON - The Dickinson driver• State University Theodore Roosevelt Good has been featured on na- Honors Leadership Program tional television shows such as CNN (TRHLP) will sponsor the third an- and Oprah sharing her powerful mes' nual texting and driving awareness sage. Since Good's miraculous re- campaign "Stop the texts• Stop the covery from her 2008 crash, caused wrecks," during the second week of by a distracted driver that claimed April to honor fellow student, Janae the lives of both her parents and left Moore, who was killed while texting her partially paralyzed, she and her and driving in 2013. husband have worked tirelessly to "Each year we are trying to en- educate the country about the dan- gage and educate more people and gers of cellphone use behind the offer more awareness material on the wheel• matter of texting and driving," said Good and Johnson will speak to Jalyn Klauzer, TRHLP student assis- nearly 100 area high school students .2 tant director. "Four years ago, the at 10 a.m. and will give an additional Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leader-presentation at 4 p.m., both in Beck © ship Program lost Janae Moore, a Auditorium. The public is invited to wonderful scholar and friend, to tex- attend either presentation. ~" ting and driving• It is a campaign In addition to Wednesday s pre- that's very close to home for us." sentations, the TRHLP will also fea- R Students, staff, faculty and com- ture a Distracted Driving Simulator 8 munity members are invited to attend for DSU students Monday, April 10, one of two keynote presentations provided by Community Action Part- > Wednesday, April 12. This year, the nership. Students are encouraged to = TRHLP has scheduled nationally visit Weinbergen Gymnasium be- known speaker and advocate, Jacy tween the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. to Good and her husband Steve John- personally demonstrate the simula- son, whose lives were forever tor. g changed as a result of a distracted The Distracted Driving Simula- tor will take students through a cone course in a small car that will simu- late the 'response time of distracted drivlii' , i ,ing them a sense of the real reaction time that occurs during an accident. "When we decided that texting and driving was an issue that we wanted to create awareness for three years ago, I'm not sure we really knew the extent to which we were going to be able to impact people," said Klauzer. "We've met people from all over the country that have complimented us on what we are doing, and countless people that said it changed the way they viewed tex- ting and driving and the impact it can have in our lives. We are so excited to bring in Jacy to continue bringing impactful testimony to this cause and hopefully to make people think about the decisions they make when they are behind the wheel." The keynote events are free and open to the public. No registration is required. For more information, con- tact Dr. Holly McBee at holly:mcbee @ or (701) 483-2291. • "Use an old, fine-tip paintbrush or makeup brush (natural bristles. not plastic) to remove mistakes in nail painting. Dip brush in remover, and paint around the edges of fresh- ly painted nails to remove overpainl with precision. Make sure to rinse brush immediately, and mark it so thai you don't accidentally use it to apply makeup or anything•"-- E.I. in Ohio • To "hang" a sturdy file sorter inside a low cabinet, use stick-on hooks. You can use it to store cutting boards or pol lids. Also, when hung in a mid-level cabinet, you can create a wrap dis- pensing station with aluminum foil. waxed paper and plastic wrap. • A dryer sheet can be used to safely clean dust from your TV screens. • N.B. in Tennessee writes in response to using toothpaste to cam- ouflage a nail hole in the wall: "I have HOCUS-FOCUS 9 I. It £ 6 8 £ Z 6 £ L 9 £ 9 t £ L 8 9 L g £ # 6 • I. L 8 £ 9 g 6 £ 6 9 ~ t t~ £ L 9 £ £ £ 9 6 ~ Z # 8 t. L I- 6 £ 9 9 £ lz 9 £ Z t 6 £ 8 9 £ £ 6 17 t Z 9 JaMsuv -- n~oans/~INOOM -- BY HENRY BOLTINOFF Find at least six differences in details between panels. "l~l~lW $1 ell:u~ ~ "9 "BulSSlW 61 IIOG "g "~ll~US sl eanto~ "I~ "6ul~-~p,' ;I qoltt~k~ "It "~)lleU.; ;! ~d~l.~if~l "d "lUe~l~p sl KL "I, :s*o~Je~lO 24 HOCUS FOCUS puzzles $3.50.24 Volumes • Order at: by Dave T. Phipps IT HAS BEEN A LONG ) WILL FIRE UP THE AND STAY UP ALL I CANT WAIT TILL ITS WARM AND WE CAN EAT BURGERS GOING TO THE DRIVE INN EATING ENOUf TO 60 SWIll. AND SHOOT Off FIREWORk5. JUNKFOOD WITH SODAS .... \ I 51" HAV[ WE BOTHKNOW WE'RE IN FOR MANY HOURS OF YARb WORK. \ o .3 m & o= g :zr Out on a Limb by Gary Kopervas I ~oU ~, o "FKI KY WOKD5 TO RECAP. FUN WO DS TO SAY. :