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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 6, 1944     Golden Valley News
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April 6, 1944
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, April 6, 1944 r Monday Dance- in :teach.April lOth m m Sponsored by Sodality of B. V.M. Good Music and Good Time for Everybody. COME! III { III I I I II II i I Carl Halvorson of Beach went to Fargo on Saturday. Roy Halstead was a Miles City visitor on Saturday. Miss Agnes Podolski was a Be~ch ahopper on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Leo 'Haigh was a Glendive Visitor on Friday. Miss Alice Sherman of Alpha was a Beach visitor on Saturday. A baby son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy, Jr. March 31st. Mrs. E. B. Lievens returned last week from a visit in Bismarck. Mrs. Math Tescher of Sentinel Butte was a caller in Beach on Monday. "His Ozark Cousin" at the Beach High School Auditorium on April 21st. Don't Miss It! 2~-ltc Mrs. Ernest Noble of South Heart has spent the past week in: Beach visiting friends and relatives. ~2~e Misses Mary and Carrie Hufleeek of Wibaux and Livingston were Beach visitors on Monday. Mrs, T. B. Lasalle was called to Dickinson Friday by the death of her brother, Sterling Montgomery. A group of young people from ISent~nel Butte and Oolva attended the show in Beach Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Heft of Wl- baux were sun&ay guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Will. Miss Cora Grunewald of Trotters has spent the past week in Beach receiving medical care. 1 E. A. Kautzmann of Mandan is] relieving the third trick operator,I R. K. Malcolm, who submitted tot an operation at ~he N. P. Hospital In Glendive. • el i i i i I Q Mrs. G. Wassmann was a Sen- tinel Butte visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Wyckoff was a Dickinson caller on Tuesday. "HIS Ozark Cousin" at the Beach High School Auditorium on April 21st. Don't Miss Itl 28-1tc Mrs. Ed Sherman of Wlbaux was a guest of Mrs. Robert Jones on Monday. Rev. D. J. MacTavish will preach the Golva high school Baccalaure- ate sermon on May 31st. Mrs. Clarence Overstad left this week for Plentywood, Mont., where she will visit with relatives. Mrs. Geo. E. Oech and children were business visitors in Olendive on Saturday. A group of young people from ~entinel Butte were Beach shop- pers on Saturday. Alden Bogen of Lindsey, Mont. was a Beach business visitor on Friday and Saturday. "His Ozark Cousin" at the Beach High School Auditorium on April 21st. Don't Miss It! 28-Itc The Mesdames ~Mlnnic Smith, W. D. Adamson and John Kalkman were. Dickinson visitors Thursday. Mrs. Prank Coney of South Heart was in Beach on Thursday receiving medical care. Mrs. H. W. Blair went to Medina Thursday to spend a few days visiting relatives. Earl W. Baker left Sunday mor- ning for Washington, D. C., where he will transact business. The Ladies WSCS will hold their meeting on Thursday at 2:30 P. M. Supper 25 cents to all. Mrs. Thomas Hudson and small son Scott, and Mrs. Norman Hud- son of Glendlve were Sunday guests of Mrs. Robert Jones. [ BeCause of flood waters over-] flowing the underpass in Mandan .J passengers riding the buses had to be transferred to the train. Mr. and Mrs. Sofus Holthe re- turned on Saturday from Oregon, where they had spent the past month visiting with friends and relatives. i tt Dr. Salsbury's II It POULTRY REMEDIES lI | i A NC 'Vm isa Whole Spring Wardrobe, 16"sO Services Held For Life-long Resident of Golva, March 28 Funeral services for John Fischer of Oolva were held there on Tues- day, March 28th, Father Hake of Beach officiating. John Fischer was born in Spring- field, Minnesota on June 26, 1893, moving to Golva with his parents in 1907. He was married to Miss Alice Koch of Golva November 20, 1917. God blessed this union with three children, Adeline, Theresa and Bethel, Bethel preceding him in death in 1931. Pallbearers were: Frank Kreit- inger, Tony Kreitinger, John Tschida, Leonard Streitz and Fred Noll. Burial was made in the Golva cemetery. ---V-- Mrs. Olga Lardy of Sentinel Butte was a Beach visitor on Thursday. Miss Eloise Kut of Dickinson has been a Beach visitor for the past three days. Miss Margaret Morton of Golva spent the weekend with her par- ents in Bismarck. 4 Andrew Lorenz left Friday for Tacoma, Wash. after spending, a month visiting friends and relatives. Miss Cecilia Schteffer of Bismarck spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schieffer. The Misses Betty Lunder and Audrey Fredricks of Wibaux were Beach shoppers on Saturday. Mrs. Reinhardt Fischer of Golva has been a Visitor in Beach for the past two days. Andy Lorenz of Golva was a din- ner guest at the T. L. Dickinson home on Thursday. Mrs. John De Vrees of Glendive has been visiting it, rural Beach for the past three days< She re- turned to her home Tuesday. LaVerne Hfldebrandt of Sentinel Butte was a Beach visitor on Tues- day. While In Beach he also sub- :~cribed to the Golden Valley News. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fakler and daughter Sylvia, and Kermlt were Glendive callers on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Herman Dietz was a Beach business shopper on Saturday. While in town she also subscribed to the Golden Valley News. Miss Diana Moore of Glasgow, Mont. spent the weekend in Beach with friends and attended the fun- eral of Mrs. E. M. Enderle. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Muggli moved into their new home, which they recently purchased from Rose Kukowskt, on Monday. Miss Helen Blair was an over- night guest at the home of her sister. Mrs. Kenneth Abraham of the Bonnie View community. Leonard Carlson and family re- turned Saturday evening from Los Angeles, Calif., where they spent the winter. Mrs. Frank Kukowski left Mon- day for Bellingham, Wash., where she will spend some time visiting her parents and friends. Mrs. John Fischer and Miss Adeline Fischer of Golva were Beach visitors on Thursdsy of last week. Mrs. W. H. Heilboluner and Mrs. W. Koch returned to their home in Chicago after attending the funeral of their brother-in-law, John Fischer. Politicians galn many VOteS by a cordial manner and shaking hands. The same cordial manner wins friends in business, and it makes the home town seem attractive. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wolf, and Mr. Campbell, of Glasgow, Mont. spent last Thursday and Friday In Beach as guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Leverson and other friends. Glenn, as he is better known to his many Beach friends, former manager of the Penney store in Beach and now manager of a Penney store at Glasgow, has been called for military service and re° ports that he has passed all the necessary examinations and will report for service within the next few weeks. Mrs. Wolf and the children Will continue to make their home in Glasgow. SENTINEL B~rrE mGH TO PIL~F.NT TH][k~E-AC~E PLAY Under direction of Miss Ethel M. ]k~kelson, a flu'De=act ~, "Chintz Cottage," will be presented by a cast from the Sentinel Butte high school, Friday, April 14, at tl~e high school auditorium at 8 o'clock. A dance will follow the play. In the cast are Mary Lou Armo strong, who has the lead role Of Minty; Lorraine Pendleton as l~nny, Minty's maid; Marlyn Cook as Miss Tl//lngtop, who has trouble managing Mlnty, her niece; Joan Tescher as Grace, sister of Peter, the poet, played by Kenneth Golds- berry; Ted Boh~ as ~' Mr. Kent, absent-minded golf player, suspect- ed of murder; and Betty Armstrong as Mrs. Dean, Mr. Kent's slster-in- l~w and housekeeper. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Beach, North Dakot~ Easter Week 1944: Good Friday services April 7th. Baptisms, reception of new mem- bers, and Lord's Supper. Members are urged to attend. Easter Services: Sunrise service at 7 A. M. Church School at 10 A. M. Easter service with special music at 11 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship at 7 A. M. Choir practice Wedne,~lay at 7:30 P. M. Sentinel Butte: Easter service at 2 P. M. C. E. meeting Monday at 7:30 P. M. Medora: Easter service at 4:00 P. M. at the hall. Baptisms, reception of new members and Lord's Supper. Special Easter Pageant will given. - --V METHODIST CHURCH Rev. D. J. MacTavish, pastor Beach, North Dakota, Easter Sunday, April 9: Sunrise service at 7 A. M. Senior and Junior choirs will render musi- cal selections. Three minute talks will be given by five church or- ganization le~ders. Special instru- mental music will be rendered, and the pastor will deliver a brief message. Breakfast at 8 A. M. No charge. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. A solo will .be given by Miss Beulah Keith, director of music at the Wibaux High School. Baptism and reception of members. Special Easter offering. Friday night communion service at 7:30 P. M. You are cordially invited to all of these services. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, pastor Beach: Easter service at 11 A. M. Easter program including Can- tara, "The First Easter" by the choir at the city hall at 8 P. M. Holy Thursday, services with Communion at 8 P. M. Good Friday, the ladies Aid meets at the Carl Davis home with Mrs. Clifford Stecker as assistant hostess. Sentinel Butte: Good Friday, services with Com- munion at 11 A. M. Easter Sunday, services at 9:30 A. M. Garner: An Easter service at 3 P. M. Carlyle: The Easter service will be held on April 16 at 2:30 P. M. --V- UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Beach, North Dakota Friday, April 7, at 8 P. M.: Candlelight Communion service. An inspirational service of music, Scripture and fellowship at the Lord's table. Easter Sunday, April 9: Sunrise service. Meeting at the parsonage at 5:45. Breakfast will be served at the parsonage follow- Lug the service. 10:15, special Easter worshlp service. 11:15, Sunday School class period. At the close of the class period, an Easter program will be presented by the Sunday School. There will be no evening service In our church this Sunday. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dlssen, pastor Beach, North Dakota Divine service I0 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Divine services Good Friday, with Holy communion at 2 and 8 P. M. Ladies Aid Wednesday, April 12 at 2:30 P. M. ~V ST. MATTHEW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Beach, North Dakota Easter services will be conducted by Rev. Ellsworth of Bismarck on Easter Sunday at 8 P. M. ~V " : BAPTISM~ AT SENTINEL BUTTE ~ONGO. CHURCH ON SUNDAY On Easter Sunday sorvices are ~-ranged for BaptiSms, reception of new members and the Lord's Supper at 2:00 P. M. at the Sen- t~nel Butte Congregational Church. ~V ~EVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School 11:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon. Praysr meeting Wednesday at ':30 P. M. It i~ often complained that men dlow their hats to get out of shape. Perhaps they. neglected to pick out the best one at the last party they attended. CARD OF THANKS May we express our heartfelt thanks to th~ many kind friends and neighbors for their helpfulness and sympathy extended us during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. E. M. Enderle and family. Theo. Becket of the north coun- try was a business Visiter in Beach the latter part of last week. While the Becker mall goes by the way of the Gorham postofflce, Beach is their trading point and more accessible by road. The Becker ranch is located on the Little Mis- souri and is one of the old time landmarks. ~-V.~ Buy WAR BONDS now! IHII ,I VITAL STATISTICS Births for Month of March, 19~ Mr. and Mrs. Carlot I~ Nellermoe, Beach, son. Mr. and Mrs. Bertil Waldal, Sen- tinel Butte, son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Muggll, Beach, son, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brophy, Wibaux, son. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bow~, Carlyle, son. Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Vincent Beach, daughter. Deaths for Month of March, 1944 John AdOlph Bruski Margaret Ann Woods John Albert Fischer Mrs. Florence Enderle Check the New. FANCY CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS N~V~L 0RANGES 4s = DOZ.¢ HEAD LETTUCE heads ,CE ERG 23¢ CABBAGEMEDIUM SIZR. SOLID HRADS ] lb. 6¢ CARROTS YOUNG. SWEET EATING 2 bChS. 15¢ CALIFORNIA GREEN TOP~ RADISHES bchs 9¢ ........ SCARLET RED SUGAR WHITE |.-LB. 73(~ CRYSTAL BAG ~RANULATED EGGS FOR COLORING- THEY'RE FRESH . . . FROM" ' DOZ. OUR FARMER CUSTOMERS BUTTER LIB. GROUND TO YOUR ORDER BAG NUT MEATS PECANS OR WALNUTS P IS EGO DYE 3 RED OWL 10 points | Jr. OOR wax QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED CAN [