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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 6, 1944     Golden Valley News
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April 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE April 6, 1944 .................. ,,, ...... , , ,, ,,,~ ~j STER GREETINGS! MILDRELLA SHOPPE Merchandise. and Suits for Easter $19.95 and up. Select yours from our collection of personally Sprino's Prettiest Hats. We Cordially Invite Your Visits Here. WANT ADS Viking seed flax. O. Fahlstrom. LOST~Sunday In Beach, good car chain. Reward, Finder return to Curt Sill. 28-1tp FOR SALE--32" Hero fanning mill. Edwin Buidhaupt, Beach, N.D. 28-4tp FOR SALE--12 x 14 building, 8 feet . l~h, shingled roof, Jas. Raft- ~ry, 28-~tp IPOR ~ALE--Registered Duroc Jer- l~y male pig for $30.00. EdWin Buldhaupt, Beach. 27-3tc ~R SALF_e--Certlfled Koto seed flax. Robert Clarin, Beach, N.D. 28-1tp ~LT~ED UPmEwe, branded O on LOCALS I track, I on both sides with red Daint. C~li at hospital. 28-lte FOR 6~1931 Chevrolet coupe, in good condition. Paul Thoemke, Beach. 27r2tp SALE--300 chick kerosene brooder and 6-inch Letz feed mill. (leo. L. Raisler. 27-2tp I~'~R sALF_e-W3iIte bloom golden Seed flax. Rust resistant, clean- ~d, $4.75 per bushel. Frank Dy- klns, Sentinel Butte. 27-3tp ~D---Pasture for thirty head of yearling heifers for 5 months starting the first of June. H.A. ~ury, Alpha. 27-3tp ~----ONE knowing whereabouts Of Inale Scotch Collie dog, call or see Theo Tobias, Beach. $5.00 reward. 28- ltp ~R SALE---McCormick - Deering l~rmall 20. Completely rebuilt and ready to go. Arthur I-Iaijs- ~_~_Beach. 28- lip DR S~-~--U. S. approved, pul- lor rum tested chick~. Order early. Leading breeds. V~rlte for folder and prices. Hoflman Hatchery, Washburn, N.D. 22-11tp ~'~ SALE---Two dark roan reg- Istered yearling shorthorn bulls. Also a few fresh milch cows. Frank Dykins, Sentinel Butte, N.D. 27-3tp ~-~TED--Two waitresses. Ex- I)erience unnecessary, but top Wages to experienced persons. ~rey's Sweet Shop, Olendive, ~[ont. 27-2tc OR SALE--6-room house, loe~ted ~ext to Davis S~rvice Station; also 6-room house known as] 7~ook house. See Ernest Moore, J Reach. 26-5tp I ! IFOI~ SALE--Reasonably, one 9-footI d~ckfoot. Power lift, 2 sets of ~hOvels. Also, one broken bay] ~are, 4 years old. LaVerne Hil- debrant, Sentinel Butte. 28-1tp ° ~O---For rheumatism and neur- Itis. Most ~ing and effective r~naedy in existence. Three weeks treatment $1.00, Rumo Remedy O0., 5047 Lincoln AVe., ChiCagO, _,.~0~. 28-z~tp ~i~NT wAvE, ~: Do ,~ own Pezmanent wlth Charm-Kufl •, F~It. Complete equipment, includ- curlers and shampoo. Easy absolutely barreled. Frais- by thousands including Fay glamorous movie star. refunded if not satls- Woodward ~ Raspberry by New York Agricul- Station. Es- for extreme states. Is very hardy, has a long picking season. will take orders from this notify when time for 50 plants $1.75, ~.00. A. E, Scheffer, Car- , *Mont. ~-2tp Square Deal, North- Minn. 13 and Wichman $4.00 bu. up. Early 700 & 701 $6.00 bu. Walsh, Buda, Golden and Royal Flax, Sweet Clo- Field Peas, Soy Bea~s, Mil- Cane, Sudan, etc. Plant Plains Pasture Mixture or with Flax, earn $2.00 Conservation Payment. Free and information. Grimm Assoclatton, ~10 I~¢,5, St. N. D. 500 Cooperating 2~-4tp The American Legion Auxiliary Will meet Wednesday evening, April 12 in the Red Cross rooms at the courthouse. Dr. Florence Reisiand of Mis- soula, Mont. is spending a week in Beach after a visit to the Twin Cities and Fargo. Mrs. Katherine Bellmont and Mrs. Sc~.~'oeder were Glendive call- ers on Tuesday. They also visited Miss Marcelia Belhnont. A correction: A baby boy was born to Pfc. and Mrs. Gerald Gil- man instead of a girl as previously stated. Rev. Ellsworth of Bismarck will preach an Easter sermon at 8:00 P. M. sunday at the Episcopal Church. The Be~ch Homemakers Club will meet at the home of _Mrs. Henry Feldhusen on Wednesday, April 12th, The interior of Doerner's Cafe is being a given a new ceat of paint. A great improvement is being shown. Sgt. Harold Bellmont returned Thursday to Camp Sill, okla., after spending several days in Beach visiting friends and relatives. Miss Adeline Fischer of Seattle, Wash. has returned to Oolva to at- tend the funeral of her father, John Fischer. William Hollar went to Detroit Lakes, Minn. on Tuesday of last week to take ~ carload of horses down. He returned Sunday evening. George Kautzman left sunday evening for Spokane, Wash. and various parts of the west coast to transact business. Rose Kukowskl left Sunday night for California to spend some time visiting friends and relatiws. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Wagner. Miss Joyce Noyes returned to Livingston, Mont. Sunday after spending the past three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Noyes, Miss Agnes Jones of Miles City, Mont. visited with friends in Beach several days last week enroute to Chicago, Ill., where she will be employed. Mrs. Anna Moyer returned to Dickinson Wednesday to resume her work. She was accompanied by her daughter, Lena Reedinger, who retprned Sunday. Herbert Lehman went to Minne- apolis Tuesday. On his return he will be accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Rutz, who has spent the winter months there. Malcolm WirZt of Mandan has spent the past two weeks visiting his daughter, Mrs. Leo Nistler and Mrs. Harold Hollar. returning to his home Sunday evening. Earl Gilman returned Tuesday morning from Sidney, Neb., where he has been working in an ord- ance depot. He plans to stay in- definitely. Sgt. Albert Gilman arrived on Tuesday morning from San Berna- dino, Calif. to spend a ~wo weeks furlough, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gilman. A large number of employees from the maintenance department of the N. P. Railway attended the funeral services held for Mrs. E. M. Enderle Sunday. Mrs. Ir~atherine Bellmont and daughter Katherine returned sun- daY from various points of the west coast, where they l~ve been visiting Franklin Beilmont and other rela- fives and friends. Mrs. John Myers of WibauX was a Beach caller on Tuesday. Her son, Donald, arrived the latter part of the week from South St. Paul, Minn. to spend a two week Easter vacation with his mother. Mrs. ClOt Brossard and Miss Enderle Of Watklns, Minn. returned to their home on Tues- day attex visiting for the past sev- e~~ at tim E. M. Enderie home. Jc~mo~ of Sentinel Butte w~" a/-Btach caller on w[onday. While in town he called at the News office and subscribed for theI Golden valley~ News for a forme~] neighbor, Merrlt Paddock, now o [ Cle E1um, Wash. . [ Joe L. Popiel of Oolva was a] business visitor in Beach MondaY• Mr, and Mrs. Popiel recently pur- chased the Madison Store in Golva. Attention is called to the an- nouncement of their new enter- prise in this issue of the Golden Valley News. Mr. Popiel also sub- scribed for the News. II III I II III II IIIIIIII I A birthday party was held forI Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Vincent are Miss Adeline Fischer on Thursday. I the proud parents of a baby girl, Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt F~scherlborn to them at the J~mstone and family, Mr. and Mrs, Reinhardt [ Memorial Hospital March 31. Mrs. Fischer and family and Miss Dor-[Vincent is the former Charlotte othy Fischer were guests. I Stuart. II I IIIII [ II II I I I IIII M apply. ~ to ~ m t~tm t~ ~. em~4Lee, r~ ~ t~- SLEIGHT'S CITY DRUG Beach, N. D. CARLYLE NEWS Gwendolyn Fulton spent the weekend at her parental home. Harold Fulton and Jean Hartse 'spent Sunday at Glendive at the Frank Fulton home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin HRrtse were Sunday afternoon callers at the L. R. Moline home in Baker. School election was held Satur- day at the Carlyle school. Mr. Neary was elected the new trustee. Bob Matin and Miss Charlotte Dalthorpe attended the junior class play in Wibaux Friday night. The Red Cross Home 'Nursing Class held their fourth meeting last week with a nice crowd attending. Mrs. Fisher of Wibaux accompanied Miss Frantz to Carlyle to visit her class. Mrs. Tom Fulton and ~_rs. Earl Higby entertained the Red Cross meeting Tuesday. A lovely dinner was served. A nice crowd was in attendance. Three sewing ma- chines were kept busy, besides v lot of hand sewing and work taken home. V- APRIL FOOL JOKE Saturday evening Dick and Max Kerr entertained the Leo Neilsen and Jess Houck families at an oys- ter supper. In the midst of the supper, Dlck Kerr was very for- tunate indeed to find in the bot- tom of his soup bowl, two large pearls the size of crow's eggs, put* there accidentally on purpose by some April fool Joker. --V. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who was so kind to us at the passing of our dear husband and father. We wish especially to thank the choir for the beautiful music and the many friends for their floral offerings, and to all who assisted in other ways. Mrs. John Fischer, Adeline and Theresa. GOLVA NEWS Frank Sehrum spent part of last week visiting in Minnesota. WAR BONDS will buy the bombs to blast the axis! Alvin Schmitz has been on the sick list the past week. Doctor Bush was a caller at the Joe Hartse home on Saturday. Many of the people of this com- munity attended the funeral of John Fischer on Tuesday of last week. Florence Fischer returned to Het- tinger Wednesday after spending a few days at her home in Golva. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fischer enter- ;ained a number of guests at their home on Sunday. Ernie M,aus has been employed at the Homer Madison off station the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Szudera were guests at the Chris Johnson home on Sunday. B. J. Majerus returned home from Bismarck on Sunday, where he left Mrs. Majerus in the care of a physician. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Orstad left Friday night for Seattle, Wash., called there by the sickness of Mr, Orstad's brother. Mrs. Ruemmele left Thursday to return to her home in Carson after spending a few days at the John Fischer home. Joe Poplel opened up the new store in Golva on Saturday. The store is located in what was form- erly the drug store. Ed Wosepka left Tuesday for Kentucky after spending a short furlough at the home of his parents. Those from out of town who at- tended funeral services for John Fischer included Adeline and Doro- thy Fischer of Seattle, Wash., Flor- ence Fischer of Hettinger, Mrs. Page from Barnesvflle, Minn, Mrs. Heitbohmer and Mrs. Kack of Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Raider of Dris- Icoll and Mrs. Ruemmele of Carson. AUCTION SALE I will offer the following farming equipment at Public Auction, 3 miles West, 1 mile South and V~ mile East of Beach, known as the Attletweet farm, on Wed., April 12th Sale will start at 10 o'clock A. M., and Lunch will be served at noon by the First Lfftheran Ladies Aid. Please bring your own cups. ONE McCORMICK-DEERING 22-36 TRACTOR ONE MODEL "L" CASE TRACTOR ONE MODEL "CC" CASE TRACTOR WITH 4-ROW CULTIVATOR ATTACHMENT TWO 1935 V-8 TRUCKS ONE 1934 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK ONE 1933 INTERNATIONAL 2.TON TRUCK ONE WHEATLAND PLOW ONE TRACTOR PLOW AND ~PACKER TWO DUCKFOOTS ONE TANDEM DISC ONE 10.FOOT GRAIN DRILL ONE 14.FOOT FURROV¢ DRILL TWO 20.FOOT RUMLEY COMBINES .ONE GRAIN ELEVATOR 1000.GALLON BUTANE GAS TANK BARRELS, TOOLS AND MANY MISCELLANEOUS FARM ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST ALSO SOME HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES TERMS @ASH Mrs. Thelma Anderson Owner Trollope & Howard, Auctioneers p.J. Edkins, Clerk ANNOUNCEMENT -- Having purchased and taken over the Madi- son Store at Golva, I wish to announce to the public that I will continue to handle a com- plete line of Groceries, and in addition, will also carry a stock of fresh and prepared meats as soon as possible. I extend an invitation to the people of the Golva *community to call on us and get acquainted. It will be our earnest endeavor to serve you in a manner that will merit your trade. JOE'S FOOD MARKET Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Popiel GOLVA, NORTH DAKOTA II PAINT Paint Preserves and Protects Your Farm Buildings Put your farm buildings in top condition for a record produc-' tion in 1944. Protect your farm against the ravages of weather and time. And eliminate future unnecessary repairs. The secret of this kind of protection is high grade, easily applied paint. We will. be glad to help you. in, se- lecting the paint best suited*to your Part!cular needs. .... :See How Bright and New Paint Will Make Your Farm BARN PAINT per gallon .............................. HOUSE PAINT per gallon .............................. FLAT PAINT per gallon ................................. KEN-TONE S2 98 per gallon ................................. = Sensational all-purpose watermix paint $1.49 s2.38 $2.18 A. OVERSTAD & SON • BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA