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Golden Valley News
April 4, 2013
Above par donation
Steve Schwan, Schwan Buick GMC Cadillac, presents Jay Johnson, Home On The Range ex-
ecutive director, with a check for $10,000. This was the proceeds from the Randy Treasure Me-
morial Golf Tournament held March 16 in Chandler, Ariz. The tournament had 93 participants
from North Dakota, Arizona and Canada. The donation will help fund Home On The Range's
kitchen remodeling project. The third annual Randy Treasure Memorial Golf Tournament will
be March 15, 2014. (Courtesy Photo)
Flickertail Girls State is a mythi- at Grand Forks, June 9-14. If you are American Legion Auxiliary. Your
cal 51 st state where the citizens learn currently a junior girl at Beach High local Girls State chairman is Dawn
about city, county, and state govern- School, you are eligible to apply to Egan. If you are interested in attend-
ment. They will have the opportunity attend, ing, call Dawn at 872-4260. Check
to campaign, run for office, give Cost of attending will be covered out the Web site at www.nd-
speeches, hold office and conduct if you are selected. If you attend there Apply to attend by
government business, will be college scholarships that you writing a short paragraph on "Why I
The 2013 session of Girls State will be able to apply for also. would like to attend Girls State" and
will be held on the campus of UND Girls State is sponsored by the return to Mrs. Benes by April 15.
Beach, tinel
pply for loan
The North Dakota Opportunity
Fund is accepting applications for
small business loans to assist with
start-ups and expansions.
A consortium of 38 municipali-
ties, including Beach and Sentinel
Butte, were approved in late 2012
for a $9.7 million allocation from
the U.S. Treasury Small Business
Credit Initiative for the loan partic-
ipation program.
Since loan documents were ap-
proved in November, the N.D. Op-
portunity Fund loan committee has
approved financing for six busi-
nesses. More loan applications are
Business projects need to be lo-
cated in or provide benefit to a par-
ticipating city or tribe to be eligible
for the loan program.
Participating municipalities are
selton, Crosby, Dickinson, Dodge, and fills the gap between what a
Dunn Center, Fargo, Garrison, Glen bank will lend and what the entre-
Ullin, Halliday, Hazelton, Hazen, preneur has available.
Hebron, Hettinger, Killdeer, Lin- "The program will help launch
coin, Linton, Mandan, McClusky, new businesses and grow existing
Minot, Mott, New England, New ones that otherwise might not hap
Salem, Regent, Sentinel Butte, pen because the business may not
Steele, Turtle Lake, Underwood, have enough funds to invest in the
Watford City, West Fargo, Williston project," said Ekstrom.
and Wilton, as well as the Standing As dollars are loaned to busi-
Rock Sioux Tribe. nesses, repayments from recipients
The Lewis and Clark Regional are intended to replenish the pro-
Development Council serves as the gram fund, allowing it to revolve
loan program administrator, and continue to provide assistance
LCRDC Director of Commercial for years to come.
Lending Brent Ekstrom said the To apply for more information,
new loan program complements tra- contact the Lewis and Clark Re-
ditional commercial lending serv- gional Development Council at
ices and helps businesses by (701) 667-7620 or send an e-mail to
reducing owner equity require-
ments. Where banks may require 20 Lenders in participating communi-
or 30 percent cash upfront for be- ties may also request training ses-
the cities of Almont, Beach, Beulah, ginning businesses, this program re- sions to become certified to
Bismarck, Bowman, Carson, Cas- quires a minimum 10 percent down participate in the program.
Bighorn uchon license bre ks cord
North Dakota's 2013 bighorn tion fee for all auction licenses gen- tion license proceeds are used to en-
sheep auction license sold for a erated an additional $3,750 from the hance bighom sheep management in
record $75,000 at the Midwest Chap- sale of the North Dakota's license. North Dakota. Since 1986, more than
ter of the Wild Sheep Foundation an- North Dakota's auction license al- $1 million has been raised for wild
nual meeting last month in lows the winning bidder the rare sheep conservation through the sale
Bloomington, Minn. The previous privilege of pursuing a North Dakota of the license.
high bid of $50,000 was set in 2007. bighom on a self-guided hunt.
In addition, a 5 percent conserva- One hundred percent of the auc-
equates to $143,000, said Andes.
Included in the budget decrease is
funding for about five seasonal posi-
tions for TRNP as a whole, said
Andes. Also included in the budget-
cutting decision is not filling some
permanent positions, less staffing and
changes in the hours of operation at
the park's other visitor centers, and
fewer interpretive programs.
Andes pointed out that 95 percent
of the park's funding is still intact.
"We're still committed to providing
great visitor services," she said.
While the overlook isn't officially
open, and a locked gate acrossan ac-
cess road prevents entry, visitors still
from Page 1)
can access the view any time of the
year. A small access gate allows
pedestrian traffic through the road
gate. However, parking is very lim-
ited on the short road between the In-
terstate 94 exit and the overlook's
Call Us Now!
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On Monday, March 18, Carl
Granat had a heart valve replaced
at St. Alexius Medical Center in
Bismarck. He was able to return
home on Monday, March 25, and is
doing well. He can be seen taking
short walks, and says he is feeling
better now than he has been for
quite some time.
At 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 27, the Golva School stu-
dents and their music teacher, Jill
Tescher, presented a variety show
titled "Tiger Tunes." Parents and
friends gathered in the lunchroom
to hear all of the students sing, and
some of the fourth-seventh graders
performed skits. Mackenzie Plum-
mer, and Isabelle Northrop played
a duet on the piano entitled "Heart
and Soul." Kaylee Bosserman ac-
companied them on the bells. Cay-
den Sarsland and Casey Fischer
sang a duet. One parent remarked
that Golva School has some very
talented students; everyone agreed.
Earlier in the day on Wednes-
This Manor News covers the
past three weeks because I've been
out of town, so I apologize for all the
late news.
On Thursdays, Mass began at 9
a.m. followed by exercises with
Lorna at 9:45.a.m. Shopping in town
was at 10:30 a,m. On Thursday the
7th, we played cards and games at 2
p.m. Thursday, March 14, we had a
St. Patrick's Day party and on the
21st we played bingo. Grandson
Marc Kress and family, Robin, Tyler,
and Taylor, visited with Francis
Fridays of March 8, 15, and 22
began with Judy Vincent and Judy
Ridenhower, our wonderful hair
ladies, washing, setting, and combing
out our hair. On the 8th after we were
all beautified, we had our annual
group pictures taken at 10:30 a.m.
Reese and Kailey Stephan visited
from the Church Calvary Temple.
Linda Ciliento visited. Devotions
were held on Friday the 8th at 4 p,m.
with Linda Tvedt leading. On the
15th Pastor J.T. Burk led Devotions
with RuthAnn Zielsdorf at the piano,
also at 4 p.m. Then on the 22nd, De-
votions were held in the chapel with
Pastor Warren and Bey Maxted at 7
p.m. LaRae Tschetter visited Helen
Saturday morning exercises began
at 10 a.m. each week. We do pretty
well doing them with our own col-
lective memories. Coffee and treats
are served in the dining room at 3
p.m. We take that time to socialize
with each other. In the evening many
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Casey Fischer has qualified
for the State Geographic Bee
in Bismarck, which will be held
on April 5.
day, Tom Gibson from the Golden
Valley Soil Conservation District
spoke to the students at the Golva
School about the "Weasel Story."
He emphasized the importance of
taking care of, and respecting our
environment. He was an interest-
ing speaker, and had a captive au-
On Thursday, Ben Baker came
to the school and spoke about re-
spect. He encouraged respect for
others' feelings, and respect for the
property others as well as our own,
emphasizing the cost of vandalism
both in dollars and in cost to our
own reputations as responsible and
respected citizens, and spoke of the
harm caused to others when you
bully them, and cause them to lose
some of their self respect.
Baker has been a substitute
teacher, and a sports coach for 12
years, both in Glendive, Mont., and
since he moved to Beach this past
year. His talk fit right into the
Golva School's five-year plan on
the science of respect, and the
elimination of bullying in our
of us play cards or other games like Brengle led Bible study on Monday
Rummikub to keep our minds active the 25th.
and alert. On the 9th, Duane and We began each Tuesday exercis-
Karen Davis visited Helen Lindbo. ing at 9:45 a.m. with Lorna
Tia and Jo Vaira visited with Sis Holzwarth.Adoration followed in the
Rojic. Steven Funk from Bismarck chapel. Bingo time was held at 2 p.m.
visited the Funks. On the 16th, Mar- each Tuesday except for on the 19th
ilyn Moe visited Orville Moe and when we made cute button covered
Florence Finneman. Easter eggs. Devotions were held
Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. is time each Tuesday evening. On the 12th
for cards and games followed by cof- and the 26th Pastor Ben Baker led,
fee and goodies at 3 p.m. in the din- and on the 19th Pastor Hojnacki led.
ing room. The Community Church Matthew Gerving visited on the 12th
holds services in the chapel at 6:30 and brought flowers to three Manor
p.m. each Sunday evening. On Sun- ladies which brightened their day.
day the 24th, Orville Moe celebrated Ethel Kipley and Alice Kunick vig-
his birthday. Janice Stedman and ited Sis Rojic. Edie Abraham had
Greyson visited Donna Sygulla. pizza party with Taylor and ParKer
Chuck and Lois Miske, Kara John- Abraham, her grandkids - what fun!
son, and Rob Lund visited Florence During craft time on the 13th we
Miske. Ardyn Mattson visited. On painted plaster Easter ornaments with
the 10th, Wiene Barthel visited with Marlene and Bethine. Audre Barthel
Florence Finneman and Maurice visited Sis Rojic. On Wednesday, the
Hager. 20th, the public health nurse came to
On Monday the 1 lth, B.J. Ander- the Manor. We played pinochle and
son celebrated her birthday. Verana rummikub at 2 p.m. Massage Day
Lecker and daughter, Pam, from Bis- was Wednesday the 27th with lots of
marck visited Francis Kress and socializing over coffee and goodies, i
Dorothy Stolberg. Mike and Belle Hope everyone had a gloriously
Schinickling from California visited wonderful Easter celebrating the
Donna Sygulla. Resident Council Resurrection of Christ and remem-
was held on Monday, the 18th. Don bering all He has done for us.
eautiful 4 BR, 2 bath home on 220 feet frontage on
Devils Lake in The Cliff's subdivision. New metal roof
& septic 2011. On 1.2 acres & includes private lake &
marina access nearby. Central air & propane heat.
2nd kitchen and lots of storage. =239,500.
Call Tom Gosnell, owner, 859-653-7175
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