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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 4, 2013     Golden Valley News
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April 4, 2013
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April 4, 201 t 3 Golden Valley News Page 3 I Workers in area. (Photo A Piece of the Past this photo from around 1965 install what appears to be bison Courtesy of the Golden Valley County Historical Society) sign in the Medora ,q under way , The North Dakota Department of site• We want everyone to take their ride home if alcohol consumption is ~Fransportation (NDDOT) is reach- picture with TODD as they travel included in their plans. ing out to individuals statewide to re- safely statewide. When you upload Sign up for the contest by visiting inind them just how important it is to your photo with TODD to his web-, printing always designate a driver before site. you'll be entered into the con- out the photo of TODD and filling ~oing out. To. do so, NDDOT is test and have a chance of winning out the submissions form. Winning hosting a photo contest, some great prizes. Voters willphotos will be selected and an- Individuals 21 and older are in- choose which photo is best starting nounced the week of July 15. ~ited to take TODD. who is a char- July 1 going through the 15th". said Walmart, Schools, Old Chicago, hcter featured in several "To Mark Nelson. director. Safety Divi- Texas Roadhouse, M&H and Cenex Designate a Driver (TODD)" cam- sion. of Fargo have donated prizes for the paigns, with them on outings and up- For the last three years, the North "Get Tagged With Todd" photo con- load pictures to show where he's Dakota Department of Transporta- test. ,,,,, been. tion's TODD. "Don't Forget To Des- For more information on the iT- "We're doing this as a contestignate a Driver," campaign has been portance of designating a driver, and ,.. through June 30 we'll put a print- reminding and encouraging people signing up for text or email alerts. fable picture of TODD on his web- to be responsible and arrange a safe visit ::Parents invited to try early entrance for kids : Schools in southwestern North signed as a measure to meet indi= ~)akotaannounce the availability of vidual differences in school readi~ an early entrance evaluation to de- hess. termine whether those children Generally, however, most chil- ixhose sixth birthday falls between dren will have the best chance for a ~ug. 1 and Dec. 1 may enter first successful school experience if they grade this upcoming school year or begin school with children of their Whether those children whose fifth own age group at the normal time of birthday falls between Aug. 1 and entrance. The evaluation includes an Dec. 1 may enter kindergarten this assessment of each child's mental upcoming school year. maturity, social and emotional TO- The evaluation is not compulsory turity, communication skills and for all children and any necessary physical development. The evalua- costs must be borne by the parent or tion has been approved by the North legal guardian. It is established to Dakota Department of Public In- accommodate the requests of par- struction. ents having children who can Interested parents should contact demonstrate academic, social, and the principal of the elementary emotional readiness as compared to . school in their district of residency their proposed peer group. It is de= for an application. This may be fol- lowed by a parent interview and screening and/or assessment of the child. A written notification or par- ent conference will follow the as- sessment. Agreement is necessary on the part of all parties involved before the child will be admitted to the first grade or kindergarten as an early entrant in the upcoming school year. "Insurance Inc. 110 • Term Life Insurance • Universal Life Insurance Fixed Annuities • Index Annuities IRAs • Long-Term Care Iqs. Bruce Ross Central Ave. South, Beach, ND (701) 872-4461 (office) (Across from Bank of the West) " (701) 872-3075 (home) 281 E MAIN LeptON CLVB Q - BEACH ND 701-872-4362 x, Pull Bingo Black Tabs garge Farstveet, $50 Jack 3-22-13 .... Friday & Saturday Hours: Mon-Fri. 3pm-lam Sat. lpm-lam Happy Hour: Mon.-Thurs. 5:30-6:30pm Prom Dress Sale To 40% Off All In-Stock Prom Dresses During the Month of April ',t Locatedin Convenient Downtown Dickinsg. i 24 Sims 701-483-0576 wvtw.specialoccasionsdickin$on,com in To the editor: During the Week of April 8-12, Beach will join other cities across North Dakota in celebrating City Government Week. This week has been set aside to recognize the city's contribution to a better quality of life in N.D. and also the many services local governments provide citizens. City government is truly gove'm- ment of, by and for the people. Indi- viduals who make the decisions about our communities are Your neighbors, business owners and community leaders. City government is administered for and by its citizens and is dependent upon public com- mitment to carry out its responsibili- ties. During this week, we want to rec- ognize the role city government pla2is in our lives: from historic preservation to trash collection to public safety to promoting the area's culture and recreation. We hope you will join us in this celebration and learn more about our city of Beach and how it operates. *" Below is a schedule of events: - Monday we will announce the winners of the 1 lth and 12th grade "government classes essay "Mayor for a Day.", -_Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. we will award the winners cash prizes of $75, $50, $25 for lst-2nd-3rd places, we will have pictures of the wirmers with Mayor Losinski. - Wednesday is free pet license day. Just bring in a copy of your pets' current rabies vaccination record. - Thursday, Losinski will speak to elementary school students and hand out coloring/activity sheets. - Friday webinars will be set up in the Community Center. headed by Deb Walworth. Jill Schatz. Beach deputy city au- ditor. offers tax filing tips As taxpayers work to prepare their income tax returns, N.D. Tax Commissioner Cory Fong offers fil- ing tips to help taxpayers avoid a few common errors. "There are some simple steps that taxpayers can take to avoid a few of the common errors we find on income tax returns," said Fong. "Most of these errors are found on paper filed returns." 1. Paper tilers need to be sure they mail the paper return to the cor- rect agency. Each year a number of taxpayers mail their North Dakota return to the wrong agency. Taxpay- .ors can find th'e Tax Department's mailing address on the income tax form. 2. Remember to sign the return. An unsigned return is considered an incomplete return and will be sent back to the taxpayer. And, if it is a joint return, both spouses must sign the return. 3. Paper filers need to attach a copy of their federal return and all W-2s, 1099's or other forms show- ing North Dakota withholding. If a return does not include a copy of the federal return, the Tax Department will consider it an incomplete return and will send it back to the taxpayer. 4. Double-check your entries. This includes checking to be sure that all W-2 information and social security numbers are entered cor- rectly, and that the math calculations Help Wanted Hitching Post, Medora, is hiring for a summer, seasonal gift shop clerk at 40 hours per week. For more information or an application, call (701) 623-4488. are accurate. Errors slow down the processing and will cause delays in receiving a refund. 5. Taxpayers should check their return to be sure they provide a cor- rect and valid mailing address on the return. The address taxpayers enter on their income tax return is the ad- dress that the Tax Department uses to correspond with taxpayers, in- cluding the mailing of refunds. Each year refund checks with incomplete or invalid addresses come back to the Tax Department as undeliver- able. "These errors coul'd result in late charges if the return is received back by the Tax Department after the due date." said Fong. "Taxpayers who use e-file can easily avoid these sim- ple errors. E-file reduces the chance for math errors, it includes the fed- eral return information and taxpay- ers' signature, and it sends the return to the correct agency." " For more information about e-file and free e-file, visit the Tax Depart- ment's web site at or connect with the Tax Department on Facebook and YouTube. Van or Bus Service Billings County Golden Valley County Distance of 160 Miles CALL 701-872-3836 Jase Benson Ben and Katie Zachmann of Sen- tinel Butte announce the birth Of a son, Jose Bens0n, born on March 19, 2013 at Glendive Medical Center. Jose weighed 8 pounds, 12.4 ounces. He joins siblings Blaze, 4. and Colt, 2. His grandparents are Dan and Sheila Zachmann of Golva and Marty and Christy Davis of Wibaux. Great-grandparents are Elaine Zach= mann of Beach and Jim and Veron- ica Witkowski of Wibaux. er - Steve and Annette (Schmitz) Schindler of Glasgow. Mont.. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah S chindler, to Mike Wombolt. son of Leonard and KiT Wombolt of Laurel. Mont. The wedding vows wi!l take place on May 25 in Billings. Mont. A public notice is information infoming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives• Public notices have been printed in local newspapers, the trusted sources for community information, for more than 200 years. BEACH St. John the Baptist CatholicSt. Peter's Church Rev. Scott Hojnacki Rev. Dan Berg Worship Service: Sunday - 8 a Mass: Saturday 4 p.m. St. Bernard's Cathq Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Rev. Bill Reulle Golden Valley Manor Chapel Saturday: Confessions 3-3 Pastor Ron Hudson of Calvary Mass: 4 p.m. Chapel Sunday: Confessions 7:30-8:] Sundays: 6:30, Communion, first Mass: 8:.30 a.m. Sunday in each month St. John Ukrainian St. Paul's Lutheran Church, LCMS Rev. Rev. Scott Hojnacki Divine Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m. Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. l0 a.m. on First Lutheran Church - ELCA Pastor J.T. Burk Belfield Lu Sunday School: 8:10 a.m. Rev. Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Beach Evangelical Church Sunda~ Pastor Ben Baker Daglum Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. United Community Church Pastor Warren Maxted Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. These schedules month Belfield Baptist Church Rev. Robert Hlibichuk Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Bible Study: l0 a.m. FAIRFIELD etrius Ukrainian Catholic Church Rev. Taros Miles 8 a.m. on fourth Sundays, third dnd fifth Is !Mary's ( z Church Sunday m - ELCA ~ie'rterle 8:30 a.m. ~.m., Wed. Rev. gust only (Located 25 miles southeast eP,-~,'~ ....... .Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Belfield) .............. ........ ~'Mary'S Catholic Church Sunday Worship: 11:45~&~.~.N~,from November through first and third Sund~dr~ ..................................... April Silvernale-Silha Funeral 'Home are 221 N. Meade Ave. 201 South Wibaux St. 53 1st Avenue S.E. broughtto Glendive, MT 59330, Wibaux, MT 59353 Beach, NO 58621 406-377-2622 or 406-796-2421 701-872-3232 or you by: 1-800-368-2690 1-800-892-6424 SENTINEL BUTTE Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor J.T, Burk Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. SO UTH HEAR T St. Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Bill Reulle Confessions befoi'e Mass Saturday Mass: 4 p.m. TROTTERS Trotters Church 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month WIBA~UX United Methodist C hhrch Pastor Ruth McKenzie Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Calvary Temple, Assembly of God Pastor Reese Stephans Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church - ELCA Pastor J.T. Burk Sunday Worship: 11 : 15 a.m. Christian Fundamental Church Pastor Jeremy Stradley • Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. JAMES J..WOSEPKA, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Licensed In North Dakota and Montana I 41 Central Ave. South • P.O. Box 970 Beach, North Dakota 58621 701-872-4321 } . k I