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~), W~tern Newspaper Union,
threats of war, though coupled
with protestations of peaceful inten-
tion, are having their effect In almost
every nation on earth.
In his own land the
result is probably one
of his main objectives,
for the Germans, in
their loud rejoicings
over the military re-
birth of the reich a~qd
regaining of its old
position, are losing
sight of the grave eco-
nomic prohlems which
the relchsfuehrer has
Anthony Eden not yet been able to
France, having decreed the enlarg-
Ing of its army and the increase In
the term of conscription, began mov-
ing fully half of the troops heretofore
placed along the Italian frontier to the
Rhine area. Premier Mussolini of
Italy, as minister of war, ordered the
reeall of the entire military class of
]911, estimated at 220,000 men. These
additions bring the strength of the
army up to approximately 675,000, and
when the more than 400,000 Fascist
militia are Included, the Italian forces
number more than a million. The class
of 1913, due to be dismissed soon, is
being kept under arms. Mussolini
made a hot speech to the nation In
which he said Italy was ready "for
any threat of war" and that "our
desire for peace and European col-
laboration Is based upon some mil-
lions of bayonets."
According to a Rome paper that usu-
ally speaks with authority, there will
soon be held an Anglo-Franco-Italian
conference to discuss the re-armament
of Austria, Bulgaria. and Hnngary.
Tills has heretofore been Olrposed by
the countries of the little entente, but
it is supposed their views have been
altered hy recent developments.
Even in the United States the sentl-
meat for at least adeqnate defense
has been spurred. The senate and
house conferees reached an agreement
on the $400,000,000 War department
appropristion bill. The house confer-
ees receded from a proposal to give
tide Pcesldent discretionary authority
as to the rate of increasing the army's
strength to 165,000 men. The senate
plan providing that the increase shall
begin at once was adopted. The pro-
posed increase, recommended by the
War department as necessary to bring
the army up to the "least allowable
minimum" was the major new pro-
vision of the bill but it represented a
gain In total appropriations of more
thnn $70.000,000 above last year.
AS a preliminary to this meeting
there was an important conference in
Paris particjpated In by Capt. Anthony
Eden. Brittsh lord privy seal; Fulvlo
Suvieit. ltallan under-secretary of for-
eign affairs; and Foreign Minister
Lanai of France. Lanai sought to
stiffen the British attitude toward Hit-
ler. but Eden tried to turn him from
bls determination not to deal with
[:ermany until the l.eague of Nations
has passed on France's pretest of Ger-
man violation of the Versailles treaty.
It is understood France proposed to
impose severe economic penalties to
Germany but that Eden persuaded
Lanai that such measures should be
delayed until they had been debated
at tide coming meeting of the powers
at Corot. Italy. This conference was
postponed for some da~s to give Edeu
time to go to Moscow.
R ESTRICTIONS on planting spring
wheat have been removed by Sec-
retary of Agriculture Wallace, who
fears the effect of another widespread
drouth. The y e a r's
first crop report show-
ing that farmers In-
tend to plant 17,847,-
000 acres of spring
wheat is said to be ro-
spansible for Wallace's
about face. Last year
the acreage was 18.-
521,000 acres. The ad-
mlnlsl ration Is con-
vlnced that the gov-
ermnent and farmers
have a duty to protect Sec'y Wallace
consumers against a wheat sht~rtage,
he said. Farmers will plan an addi-
tional t~lO,O00 to 2J~0.tYJ0 acres as a
result of tile new order, and will her.
vest between ten and thirty million
bushels more. Wallace estinmtes.
~prlng wheat normally constitates
about one-fourth of the nation's crop.
He denied that tile European situa-
tion poiattng to a possibility of in-
creased sales had .~Jlything to do with
the new decision. F~,-mers nnder con-
tract who plant their full spring
wheat acreage will reee~ve full I~,ne-
fit payments" but in return will he
required to agree to reduce produc-
tion in I~16 by the amount asged in
next year's contract plus the m~.~mt
they would have reduced this year.
There is no indication tlmt the cor~.
acreage eotitrol program for 1935 will
be altered.
~['~tIE Belcher ease, regarded as the
lgovernment'a strongeag test of
NRA'S eomBtitutlonallty, will be
dropped, according to rvl~rts from
WashinBtolL It will be recalled that
William E. Belcher, Alabama lumber
mill owner, was alleged to have paid
employees less than the lumber code
minimum wage, and to have kept them
employed eight hours a week more
than the code maximum. Belcher did
not deny the charges, but attacked the
constitutionality of NRA legislation.
He was sustained in a demurrer by
Judge William Grubb. whose recent
ruling that TVA may not sell power
in competition with private utilities
gave scant comfort to the admlnistra-
tlon. The Supreme court's decision in
the Belcher case has been regarded
as very important since It would go
directly to the questlou of NRA's
validity, and would make or brea~
government control of industry.
JAPAN steps out of the l.eague ot
Nations and flanked by her single
avowed ally. Manchukuo, she faces the
world as the self-chosen preserver of
peace in the Orient. Japan's action is
the culmination of a series of events
started February 24, 1933, when
Yosuke MatSuaka led the entire Jap-
anese delegation in a walkout from
the league assembly. Shortly after,
Japan gave formal notice of Iter with-
drawal from the league because the as-
semhly had censured Japanese aggres-
sion in Manchuria. She has advised
other powers that she considers her-
self guardian of peace in eastern
Asia, and that outside assistance is
neither desired nor invited. In addi-
tion, Japan has embarked on an arma-
ment policy marked by denunciation
of the Washington naval treaty, de-
mands for naval parity with Great
Britain and the United States, and
armed forces "snfficient to defend, but
inadequate to attack."
H ERBEItT HOOVER suddenly proj-
ected himself into the political
picture, and set wagging the tongues
of countless politicians and observers.
In a letter addressed
to the California Re-
publican assembly,
meeting In Sacramen-
to, tile former Presi-
dent spoke hls mind
with utmost freedom
concerning the doings
of the Roosevelt ad-
ministration w h o s e
theories, he &~serted
"are no longer a propa-
gandized milennium ;
they are self-exposed."
Hoover The Republican party,
sald Mr. Hoover, has today tile great-
est responsibility that has come to It
since the days of Abraham Lincoln--to
raise the standard in defense of funda-
mental American principles: and he
called for a rejuvenated and vigorous
Republican organization.
Here are some of the tl~ings Mr. Hoo-
ver said in arraigning the present ad-
ministration :
"The most solemn government obli-
gations have been repudiated,
"The nation is faced with the great-
est debt ever known to our country.
"The currency has been rendered un-
"The government has been central-
ized under an enormous bureaueracy
in Washington . small business
men have been disabled and crushed.
Cla~ conflicts have been created and
"The cost of living ls steadily ad-
"'More people are dependent upon the
government for relief than ever before.
"Recovery is still delayed."
Leaders of the regular Reubltcans in
Washington were quick to declare their
approval of Mr. Hoover's attack on
the New Deal. Most of them scouted
the idea that be was tentatively look-
ing toward another nomination, but
the general impression was that he was
in the way of becoming the leader of
his party In fact as well as in name.
CONSIDERABLY mutilated, tbe ad-
ministration's $4.880.000,000 work
relief bill finally got through the senate
by a vote of 68 to 16. and was returned
to the house later, to be adjusted in
conference. Tile senators accepted an
amendment by Senator Thomas of Okla.
homa for a currency expansion of $375,-
000,000 through the issuance of sliver
certificates at the $1.',>'.) an ounce mone-
tary value of the treasury's silver
stocks Instead of the present practice
of using the purchase, value of the sil-
ver. However. it was confidently ex-
pected this wouhl be stricken out in
the conference. I'reviously the senate
rejected Senator's VCheeler's amend-
ment for $4.000.~3.000 of new currency
to finance the works program.
Another amendment which was
adopted was that offered hy McCarran
of Nevada requiring senate conflrma-
tlon of all officials receiving $5,tX)0 or
more who would ilave charge of ex-
t, anditure of the fund.
One of the efforts to specify tlle use
of part of the huge work fund was
given tim approval of the flood control
committee of the house. It is a bill to
earmark $600,000,000 of the money for
flood projects in all parts of the coun-
try, and under It about 400 projects
which have been recommended by
army ~nglneers would be started.
The committee was tohl the list of
projects called for expenditure of ap-
proximately $100.000,000 in the lower
Mississippi river valley and that ex-
penditure of $181,000,000 would "pre-
vent the devastating floods" In that
BY A vote of 20"2 to 191, the house
voted to substitute the Patman
currency expansion bill for payment
o,J the soldiers' bonus for the "sound
money" plan of Representative VIn-
ann. A ~')lsterous house thus defied
President Roosevelt's warning that be
wltl veto immedlatm payment of the
adjusted eompemmtlon certifies tes~
The admlnistrstlon is eountlng on the
senate sustatnlng the veto.
ing ahead to 1936. Authoritative
word has reached the Capitol that he
wants all controversial administration
legislation cleared away at this ses-
~on, so that congress can meet for a
short and harmonious session prior to
the 1936 Presidential campaign. Besides
the relief bill. Mr. Roosevelt is said
to he specially anxious to have con.
gress pass his social security program ;
utility hohling compm~y legislation; a
bill continuing NRA for two years;
transportation regulation co-ordina-
tion; banking legislation; ship sub-
sidy and increase in the capital of the
Home Owners Loan corporation. If
this can be cleared from the calendar,
it may prevent any serious party
squabbles that might interfere with
plans to bring about Roosevelt's re-
election. The White House is much
concerned over rumors that congress
may scrap a good part of the admin-
istration's controversial legislation.
SI'RIN(I ?frlved in the West with
a stitlin~ dust storm which shroud-
ed the country from eastern New Mex.
ice to the Great Lakes. Powdered
soil whipped up from the drouth-
scourged prairies hid the san, and beat
relentlessly upon the senses. A dozen
dealhs were reported, due to suffoca-
tions, dust-lndneed pneumonia and
traffic accidents. Freight trains were
rolled to sidings" and passenger trains
crept along on slow orders. Schools
were closed in a numher of communi-
ties in western states. Wheat prices
Jumped from 2 to 3% cents a bushel as
winds cut into the dry Southwest. and
Governor Landon of Kansas appealed
to Preshlent Roosevelt for aid.
THE government is ready to sell
gold to foreign nations that eau
offer an attractive proposition, Secre-
tary Morgcnthau announces. Recent
sales to the Bank of Mexico and to
Guatemala, Morgenthau points out,
have cleared the way to similar nego-
tiations with other countries, although
he emphasized that no other transac-
tions are being considered at this
time. No conditions were attached
to the transactions already consum-
mated. In the dealings with Mexico
vlrtaally all her silver sales have
been made to this country.
"We've got all the gold we can pos-
sibly use," Morgenthau added, indi-
cating that the government would
make no farther nndue efforts to as.
cumulate tile metal.
WITH considerable ceremony the
Soviet government transferred to
Japan full ownership of the Chinese
Eastern miilway and thus ceased to be
an opposing factor in the Japanese
occupation of Manchuria. In the offi-
cial residence of Foreign Minister
Kokl Hirota in Tokyo the sale agree-
ment and general protocol were signed
and the bargain was clinched by the
payment hy Japan of 23,333,000 yen to
the Soviet ambassador.
M USSOIJNI'S answer to the latest
note on the Abyssinian situation
postpones approval of the proposal
that differences be decided by an inter-
national commission
on conciliations "at
least until the futility
of direct negotiations
has been proved." II
Duce made a counter-
proposal suggesting
tlmt the Italian minis-
ter to Abyssinia and
the Ethiopian foreign
minister get together
for a series of per-
sonal conferences" go
Premier over all the data, and
Mussolini attempt to settle the
dispute without the necessity of con-
clliation umler the direction of the
League of Nations. Dh'ect negotia-
tions are sald to Imve the approval
of both the French and British.
and author of the famous report
which attacked NRA more than a
year ago, assailed the administration's
economic theories, including the na-
tional recovery act, In his testimony be-
fore the senate finance committee. The
famous lawyer whose sharp speech and
fiery courtroom tactics have made him
famous, denounced NRA as playing
into the hands of big business to the
destruction of tim "little fellow." He
argued that NItA attacked the prob-
lem from the wrong angle and that the
real trouble lay In faulty distribution.
thus assallin~ the theory of scarcity.
Darrow swept aside statements that
NRA had helped organized labor, re-
duced unemtdoyment and abolished
child labor, with an assertion that It
would have happened anyway. "Tim
panic lint an end to child labor," he
said. "There wasn't any room for it
while fathers and mothers were out
of work."
The suffering due to continued con-
eentration of wealth would have gone
on anyhow, he said, but added that
NRA accelerated it.
"I am not an optimist," he added.
"I may he an idiot, but not a cheer.
fui hliot."
THE federal tree planting project
will get under way in North Da-
kota on April 15. Tile project has al-
ready been started in other states,
but the major development of the pro-
gram will he centered in North Da-
kota this year. The state has been
assigned a quota of 600.00O trees for
a belt 35 miles long. This is only a
part of tbe operations which envisage
a 100-mile wide belt of trees extend-
lag from near the Canadian border to
the Gulf of Mexico. The work started
March 1 in Texas and Oklahoma, and
March 15 In Kaasa~ Nebraska and
Bouth Dakoto p~aJects will be started
at the same time as that In North
.??.. ,o..
B" ck. -- Closing the state
capitol to the general public after
6 p. m., was ordered by the state
board of administration. The board
also ordered that no employees be
allowed in the buildin:~ after 9 p. m.
Minot.--Bids were received in
Washington, D. C., for construction
of a $40,000 community day school
and a nurses home which the fed-
eral government will build at EI-
Lidgerwood. -- Plans are under
way here for Lidgerwood to cele-
brate July 4. The event will be
sponsored by the Bullis post of the
American Legion with the co-opera-
tion of the Lidgerwood Business
Men's association.
Northwood. -- Trustees of the
Northwood hospital here have def-
Initely vetoed a proposal that in-
curable patients from tho state
hospital for tuberculosis sufferers
be quartered here to relieve conges-
tion at the San Haven institution.
Wahpeton. ~ Antelope township
was awarded the Rlchland County
Farmer trophy for first place with
their entry in the countywide one.
act play contest. The contest was
sponsored by the county council
of parent-teacher associations.
Farpo.--Charles G. Burke, for the
last six years commercial manager
for WDAY, Inc., and prior to that
a member of The Fargo Forum
staff, recently become associated
with the "high fidelity" station
W9XBY at Kansas City as com-
mercial manager.
Bowdon.--Crushed beneath sev-
eral hundred pounds of crated
oranges, the body of Art. Seibei,
26. Bowdon. was found in the box
of a truck at Wadsworth, Nev. The
driver of the truck said Setbel
boarded the truck at Lodi, intend-
ing to ride ta his home in Bowdou.
Carrin~ton.--With national lead-
ers of the church in attendance,
North Dakota pastors of the Meth-
odist church, held their midyear
gathering here. About ~0 pastors
were registered at the session.
Among the speakers were Bishop
Ralph McGee of St. Paul and John
R Edwards of New York City.
Farflo.--From all walks of life,
but with at least one common un-
derstanding, 23 of North Dakota's
some 200 amateur radio operators
go through daily routine drill in
sending and receiving U. S. army
signals. North Dakota's "com-
mander" is James Clarke, Fargo.
The call letters of Clarke's station
are V¢9ttJC.
Valley City.--An old time fiddlers
contest, sponsored hy the United
Commercial Travelers. will be held
here soon. Valuable prizes will be
awarded to the winning contestants,
the awards to be boil cash and
merchandise. To compete, send in
your application for entry to A. C.
Anderson, Valley City.
Ru~by.--Plerce county now en-
joys the distinction of having a
hi~:~hway which is paved with gold.
At lea.-t that is what mining engi-
neers l';':)n~ Colorado claim, who
have been "prospecting" in that sec-
tion nnd have discovered traces of
the precious mural in a gravel pit
along highway No. 19 west of Es-
Grand Forks.--Donn Hart, Grand
Forks, cadet lieutenant colonol of
the University of North Dakota
regiment nf the R.O.T.C., was
recommended for permanent ap-
pointment as aa office- of the Unit-
ed States marines, beginning with
the rank of second Heutenant. The
university regiment was asked to
supply the North Dakota man.
Nome.--The first North Dakota
bank holdup was at Nome recently
when the bandits, three in number,
escaped with $1,276.40. Two men,
dressed in working clothes, entered
the bank at 3:30 P. M., half hour
before closing and ordered Cashier
A. F. Fir and Asst. Cashier Roy
Gillund to lie on the floor. The
other man kept the bank's entrance
Fargo.--The Harlem Globe Trot-
ters, clever Negro basketball team,
halted the two-year winning streak
of the Fargo-Moorhead all-stars, a
quintet recruited from the three
local colleges, on the N.D.A.C.
coart here 41 to 36. The contest,
a charity affair sponsored by the
Fargo Cosmopolitan club for the
benefit of the Good Samaritan
school for crippled children, drew
between 2,300 and 2,500 fans.
Dickinson. ~ Harry McGill, 28,
walked into the Manion school in
the badlands northwest of Medora,
shooting and killing Emily Hartl,
24-year-old school teacher, and then
committing suicide. Seven school
children were i~ the room and wit-
nessed the tragedy which occurred
at 3:30 P. M. His act was prompt-
ed when he apparently had been
rejected as a suitor.
Jamestown. -- MarJory Joyce, 3-
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Debuck of Montpelier, died at a
local hospital as a re~ult of burns
received when her clothing caught
fire while her parents were out of
the house. When they returned they
found tke child on the floor wlth
its night clothing and body hadly
burned. It is thought abe may
have found some matche~ on the
An irate enthusiast, who had watched
his home team go down in defeat,
stopped the umpire as he was leaving
the field.
"'Where's your dog?" he commanded.
"Dog?" ejaculated the umpire. "I
have no dog."
"Well," said the grouchy one, "you're
the first blind man I ever saw who
didn't have a dog.'--Sporting and Dra.
"Pa, what is a comfortable income?'
"One that sits easy on the eta,
Too Late, Grandpa
Jackie (at dinner table)--Grandpa--
Grandpa (reprovingly) ~ Cblldrel/
should be seen, not heard!
Jaekie--But, grandpa~
Grandpa--Tut. tut ! EnoughI
Jackie---But grandpa, you--
Grandpa--Well, well--what Is it?
Jackie--It isn't anything now.
There was a caterpillar in your salad,
but you've eaten it !--Washington Post,
Out of Sympathy
"If there are any dumbbells in this
class, please stand up now," said the
professor severely. After a long pause,
a lone fresl~man got up.
"In what respect de you consider
yourself a dumbbell?" asked the pro-
"I don't," replied the freshman, "but
I hate to see you standing all alone."--
Capper's Weekly.
That's That
Charwoman--What's the matfer with
your husbin', Mrs. Miggles? I saw 'Ira
going to the doctor's last night.
Mrs. Miggles~The veins in 'is legs
are too near each other or something.
Charwomen--I've never 'eard of tbal
Mrs. Miggies--Well, dearie, the doc-
tor said as 'ow 'e'd got very eloss
No Need to Worry
After some excitement the Smith~
had at last managed to catc]a the train.
Mrs. Smith gave a shriek.
"Oh, Itarry," she said, "I forgot to
turn off the electric iron,"
"Don't worry, darling," he replied.
"Nothing will burn. I forgot to turn
off the shower bath.'~Gazette (Mont,
"Oh, well, everybody has his np~
and downs."
"Dot's right. Just at present rm
pretty low down, because rm hard up."
"What do you Intend to say iu your
aext speech?"
"I shall not try to be very expllclt
in my remarks," answered Senator
Sorghum. "I shall be proud to dem-
9nstrate that I still have enough po-
litical importance to command "e~
pensive radio time."
Wrong Job
Helen--Your boy friend got fired for
inefficieney? What did he de?
Judith--He was aa effic}ency ex.
A wealthy westerner, financial anO
octal leader In his locality, was asked
ay a visitor:
"Why do you remain in such a one-
torse town'/"
"Perhaps'" was the modest answer,
'It Is because I happen to be ths
ANaw Model
Visltor~What make is your nepl~
~w'~ Bew ear?
Old Lady--I thlnk I heard hlm say it
• as a Wow.--Humorist K~gszh~e.
• s
• •
Q ~
When a busy housewife finds
lrock as pretty and as
make up as the one
she'll make several of them in
ferent colors--that is, she will
she's very clever. There are
three pieces to the body of
dress, the back, the yoke--cut
one wlth the sleeves--and the
Cut them out, sew them up,
the sllmming half belt which
into a perky little bow at the
and the smart patch pockets,
frills onto the sleeves and the
ets or omit them altogether--and
less than the time it takes to
about it you'll have one of the
tiest house frocks you've seen la
long, long time!
Pattern 2083 is available in
I4, 16, 18, .'20, 32, 34, 36, 3S, 40,
and 44. Size 16 takes 3% yards
inch fabric. Illustrated ste
sewing instructions Included.
coins or stamps (colns
for this pattern. Write plainly
address, and style number.
Address orders to Sewing
Pattern Department, 243 West
enteenth street, New York CRy.
"What is Crimson Gulch going ~
do about the crime wave?"
"Plenty," answered Cactus
"We've put a deputy sheriff
gas filling s~ation. Is
to pass without being
end fingerprinted to see whether
can he traced to Chicago's
Deeper and Deeper
Its---Take my seat, madam.
She---Oh, thank you.
He--A gentleman should
stand for a lady. Some men onlY!
so for young and handsome
but I believe in serving all
Berlin Die Gruene Post.
End of It
Diner (examining
~roquettes, eh? What part of
en is the crequette?
Friend--It's the part that
the tab|e last.--London Answer~