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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
April 1, 2021     Golden Valley News
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April 1, 2021
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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April 1, 2021 Golden Valley News News/Pioneer Classified Ads: 1A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Deadline for all ads: Noon Friday preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 - Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED AUTO WANTED Western View Apartments, Beach. Two bedrooms available, all utilities paid, laun- dry hookups, income based. Call Barbara, 701-872-4102. Non-smoking. Profession- ally managed by Prairie Homes Manage- ment, 1-888-893-9501, TTY 1-800-366-6888. $200 Walmart Card (with 12 month lease). tfn HELP WANTED Here you will find homes, land and com- mercial properties to fit your needs and budget. Call Sue Finneman, Realtor, 701- 527-8159, Home and Land Company, 269 16th St W, Dickinson, ND, 701-483-6789 www.homeandlandcompanycom. All of these properties are in Beach unless othenivise noted. NEW LISTING $72,500 3-bed, 2-bath home at a pocket pleasing price! Move-in ready and detached garage. 267 1st St SE. $74,900 Versatile home in a quiet neigh- borhood. 466 2nd Ave SE. $75,000 Lovely lot and 3-bed, 2-bath home, partially fenced yard, family room 576 4th Ave SE. NEW LISTING $81,000 Create your own dream place. Authentic 1920 features, new shingles. recent exterior paint. Take a look! 105 3rd Ave SW. PRICE REDUCED $128,000 New base- ment and like-new main floor, 3-bed, 2- bath, 476 1st ST SE. SOLD $130,000 No steps in this well-built home, large garage, 553 3rd Ave SE. UNDER CONTRACT $169,000 Large home, updated and hot tub in rec room, 506 2nd Ave SE. PRICE REDUCED $185,000 Contempo- rary refinished home, 3-bed, sunroom, double garage, fenced, 620 1st Ave NE. COMMERCIAL UNDER CONTACT $89,900 4-Plex, 2- bed, 1 bath units, 221 1st St SE. $89,900 4-Plex renovated in 2010, good rental history, 14 3rd Ave SE. UNDER CONTRACT $595,000 Beach Food Center, turnkey operating business: building, fixtures & inventory, 181 N Central Ave. AGRICULTURE--WIBAUX COUNTY, MT, FARM AND RANCH LAND $297,000 This 240-acre tract, rolling ter— rain on Lamesteer and Liberty Rds, dam, Ieasable farm ground, grazing and building site, good hunting, call Sue at 701-527- 8159 g $1,500,000 test: for sale, 1,360 acres, 843 acres farm ground, all adjoining tracts, Lamesteer Creek runs through it, dams and berms, Historic prairie barn, south of Wibuax between Liberty and Edgehill E Rds, Call Sue at 701-527-8159 The Pierre Wibaux Museum Complex is seeking a part-time maintenance per- son.This job will be from May through Sep- tember, 20-30 hours per week. Must be a self starter. Knowledge of yard and building maintenance necessary. Willingness to paint and scrape a plus. Applications may be picked up from the Clerk and Recorder's Office at the Wibaux County Courthouse. Must be returned by April 15. Applications may be returned to the Clerk and Recorder‘s Office or mailed to: Pierre Wibaux Museum; PO. Box 772; Wibaux, MT 59353. The Golden Valley County Weed Board is seeking to hire a qualified, full time bene- fitted, Weed and Pest Control Officer. Screening of Applicants will begin on April 5th, and will remain open until filled. Ade- scription of the qualifications, duties of the job, base salary and benefits, as well as an application can be obtained by contacting the Golden Valley County Auditor at 701- 872-4331. The Beach Public School District is seek- ing applicants for a head girls volleyball coach. Pay will be based on experience. No other benefits. Practice will begin mid- August and season ends in November. The deadline is April 12 or until filled. Coach will be subject to a background check. Applications may be picked up at the Beach High School office. Contact Mike Zier, Athletic Director, with any ques- tions at 872-4161 Ext. 1116. SUMMER INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE at North Dakota newspapers. If you’re a high school or college student interested in jour- nalism, tremendous experience is avail- able at' a North Dakota newspaper. Deadline: April 2, 2021. Contact Sarah Elmquist Squires, NDNA Executive Direc- tor: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: STEELE, ND, Police Chief, Salary DOE, Retirement plan available, for application details contact Norm Fries, Steele City Au- ditor, 701-475-2805, cityofsteele@bek- CUSTODIAN: LAKE REGION STATE COLLEGE — Devils Lake. Day shift work- ing Monday - Friday 7:45am to 4:45pm with rotating weekends. Responsibilities in- clude cleaning, floor care including strip- ping & waxing and carpet extraction, upkeep and general maintenance. For more information go to ANYONE CAN RUN STATEWIDE with HELP WANTED ads in all the newspapers of ND. with the NorthSCAN program! $160 /25 words all ND papers. NDNA, 701-223-6397. HIRING COMPANY CRUDE Oil Drivers: Stanley, Bottineau and Tioga. Industry leading pay, competitive benefits. To Apply For more info contact 800-262-1643. Local field man- agement. Regional Office/mechanics in Watford City. SERVICES BATH SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No pay- ments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty professional installs. Senior & Military Dis- counts available. Call: 877—482—4836. BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY. ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 833-946-2482. SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind pay- ing your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening fore- closure? CALL Homeowner’s Relief Line! FREE CONSULTATION! 855-399-8165. , TRAINING TRAIN AT HOME TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Pro- fessional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certi- fied & ready to work in months! Call 701-929-9679. (M-F 8am-6pm ET) ATTENTION ACTIVE DUTY & MILITARY VETERANS! Begin a new career and earn your Degree at CTI! Online Computer & Medical training available for Veterans Families! To learn more, call 701-929- 9679. (M-F 7am-5pm CT). REAL ESTATE US POST OFFICE Building for sale in Richardton, ND by Online Auction Ending April 21, 2021. Long Term USPS lease in place. Go to for details. Steve Link, Broker, 701.361.9985, Pifer's Auction Realty. 877.700.4099. ND FARM LAND Values surge upward. Are you selling or renting? Pifer’s Auction and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer 701-371-8538. Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810. Free valuation. LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing of ND Media? Get the ND Media Guide for Only $25! Call 701-223-6397, ND News- paper Association. Business And Professional Directory Ase-Icy All Risk Crop Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 1 -800-784-2106 houglum@loretel. net www. federalcrop. net John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider mmg‘ - 3i: inWfifirrr-téivt “I ... . . Your local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte Medora areas For service please call 1 -800-523-5436 FELDMANN ON STRUCTION since 1936 701-872—33 17 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations! Beach, ND 58621 Sue Finneman Licensed Real Estate Agent in ND. and MT (701) 483-6789, (701) 527-8159 cell or suefinneman ‘ Manor, IIIC. Vicki Braden, Administrator - Flexible Meal Plans 0 Assisted Living 0 Night Security 0 Activities 7g4232 or TTY 800-366—6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. IIIIIIS II 'I'IIIIIQS III: 305 N Merrill Ave. Glendive, MT Guns Bought, Sold, Repaired, and Traded FFH Licensed Ernie Huether, Pres. 377-3969 Firearms Gun Safes Smart Wool Ammunition Reloading Equipment Travis. H‘auck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701 -872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 CTE/ectn' Licensed in ND. and MT Tvedt Trucking, Inc. 0 Custom Hauling 0 Grain or Feed 0 Livestock 0 Local & Long Distance Roger Tvedt Wibaux, MT ' 406-796-2968 CASEEHECTRK: LLC (701) 690—7145 cascy3 1269111 gmailcom PO Box 803 Beach. ND 5862] Residential. Commercial. Agricultural. Industrial. and Oil Field DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Re- ceive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions ac- cepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 701- 809-7415. ' HEALTH YOU MAY QUALIFY for disability benefits if you have are under a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 888- 306-5936. ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Concen- trator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxy- gen Concentrator Store: 701-404-5994. (24/7) ATTENTION: If you or a loved one worked around ROUNDUP WEED KILLER (glyphoSate) for at least two years and have been diagnosed with lymphoma, you may be entitled to compensation. To see if you quality, call now: 701-425-0904. NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Pub- lishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 866-331-7577. BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Mcintosh County will receive bids for a road project that involves three sites in Township 130, Range 67 on 63rd Avenue. Contact Chris Opsahl, Highway Superintendent, at 701- 709-0832 for the scope of work to be com- pleted. Bids must be submitted by April 9, 2021 and should be mailed to McIntosh County Auditor, PO Box 39, Ashley, ND 58413. McIntosh County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. AERIAL FARM PHOTOS 2021. $ave when we are in your vicinity. We are planning now for this summer. www.vernwhitten- / whittenaerials@ca- / (701) 261 -7658. WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one or all the North Dakota-newspapers; One order, one bill, one check. We provide the ad design and tear sheets. Call the North Dakota Newspaper Association, 701-223- 6397. - Do you store plastic wrap in the refrigeratbr? Many home experts will tell you that storing plastic wrap in your fridge or freezer can help with the stickiness factor the plastic is easier to manipulate and get into place when cold, but still stays put. Try it and see! - Keep soap scum at bay on your glass shower doors with a layer of car wax. But do NOT let the wax get on your shower floors. That could be unsafe. - Want delicious fried chicken crust but not the dripping oil? Baste chicken 'pieces with mayonnaise, then dredge in crushed cracker crumbs mixed with a bit of flour. Bake and enjoy. - From L.D.W. in Illinois: “When I have a recipe, I put all the ingredients on the counter, and as I use each one, I put it away. My daughter and daughter- in-law like the idea, as they at one time or another, have forgotten an item.” I like that one, too, L.D.W. A well-pre- pared cook makes a delicious meal. - Laundry soap —— liquids, powder and pacs — should be added to the water before clothing. This allows the soap to disperse correctly throughout the water and also can avoid “grease spotting” that sometimes occurs when detergents land on dry fabric. - “Many people have freezers in a garage or storage space that is not tem- perature or moisture controlled. To keep rust at bay, how about waxing the outside of your standing freezer peri- odically. Hey, it works for the car!” — G.C. in North Carolina Send your tips to Now Here's a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. DEADLINES The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or e-mail goldenandbillings Weekly UDOKU by Linda Thistle IEIEIIIIE Ell-HIE.- IIflIIEIEI lull-Ella Illa-IBI- flllIflIlflI Ila-“III” IHIHIIIHI flIIIIflflII Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: .90 9 Moderate 09 Challenging 9.0 H00 BOY! 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. This weekly puzzle is bmught to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (r01) 872-3248 Hfllflflflflflfl Hflflflflfllflfl flflfllflflflflfl flflflflflflflflfl fllflflflflflflfl Eflflfllflflflfl JSMSUV nxoons AlxaaM, Rent this (Space for only a few dollars a " week. Call 872-3755 for more details today! Grain Seed LLC. “A Farmers Seed Compan Seed Available Spring 2021 Barley - Certified Tradition Certified AAC Synergy - Ccrtificd ND-(icnesis 0 Certified CDC Austenson feed - Certified Haymakcr forage H RSW - Certified LCS Rebel 0 Certified LCS Cannon - Certified SY Ingmar ' Certified SY Rockford - Certified SY Valda - Certified SY Longmirc Certified SY McCloud - Certified AP Murdock - (‘crtificd \VB9479 ' Certified WB9590 0 Certified W89653 (Terrified WB97I9 0 (fortified W89606 . ('crtificd Lanning 0 Certified TCG-Spitfirc Soybean Lentil ' Registered ND-Eagle small green ' Certified Avondalc medium green Flax - Common York ' Common CDC Glass 0 Certified ND-Hammond Durum 0 Certified Divide ' Certified VT Peak 0 Certified TCG-Bright ' Certified Joppa ' Certified Carpio - Certified ND-Grano Certified ND-Rivcland Yellow Peas ' Certified AAC Profit 0 Certified CDC Inca ' Certified Hylinc Oat Certified Hayden o (‘crtiticd NDSU NDI 7009GT Glyphosatc Tolerant NorthStar Genetics 0 Champion Inlcgra o l’rosccd Ask About Other Varieties Call and Book Today Cash Discounts Available Office; (701) 453-3300 Blake Cell: (701) 240-8748 Mark Cell: (701) 240-9507 Dave Cell: (701) 833-2448 Tyler Cell: (701) 720-2963 Your Full-Service Agronomy Center Bulk & Bagged Seed Sales Seed Cleaning / Color Sorter, Fertilizer & NH3 Crop Protection Custom Application: Crop Scouting