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Beach, North Dakota
April 1, 2021     Golden Valley News
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April 1, 2021
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Page 4 Golden Valley NeWs Aprii1, 2021 ’ PUBLIC NOTICES ~NEWS Bids Call for Bids The Golden Valley County Weed Board is calling for bids on the following chemicals and surfactants, in normal usage size containers, quart, 1 gallon, 2.5 gallon: Gly Star 5; Vista; Dye Packets; Plateau; LV-6; 2-4D Amine (Platoon can be used with well water.); Milestone Quarts; Milestone Gallons; Spret; MSO; Tordon 22K; Ally Bids are to be submitted to: Golden Valley County Weed Board; PO. Box 605; Beach, ND 58621; or in person by April 9 at the Golden Valley County Ex- tension Office. (March 18, 25 and April 1) Notice to Creditors STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BILLINGS SOUTH- WEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DARLENE A. FRITZ, a/k/a CHUNKS FRITZ, DECEASED PROBATE NO. 04-2021-PR-00005 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above- named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Curt Schaff, personal representative of the estate, at PO Box 268, Hatton, ND 58240, or filed with the Court. Dated this 11th of March 2021. Sean 0. Smith I.D. 03741 Tschider Smith 2005 N. Kavaney Dr., Ste.‘ 100 Curt Schaff PO Box 754 Personal Representative Bismarck, ND 58502 PO Box 268 Attorney for Estate Hatton, ND 58240 First publication on the 18th day of March 2021. (March 18, 25 and April 1) Hearing Notice MACKOFF, KELLOGG LAW FIRM Office Address: 38 Second Ave E, Suite A Dickinson ND 58601 Telephone Number: (701) 456—3210 By: Olivia L. Krebs, Attorney #08743 Email: Attorneys for Personal Representa- tives > Probate No. 17—2021-PR-00005 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT In the Matter of the Estate of Bernice A. Kreitinger, Deceased. . NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND AP- POINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRE- SENTATIVES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mary Weinreis and Cecilia Stedman have filed herein a petition for formal probate of will and appointment of per- sonal representatives. Hearing has been set upon said pe- tition on the 22nd day of April, 2021, at 8:30 o'clock a.m. (MST), at the Court- room of the above-named Court in the City of Beach, County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any person appearing for the purpose of objecting to any matter or item con- tained within the above mentioned peti- tion for formal probate of will shall file herein and serve upon the undersigned counsel for the Petitioner their written objections to the same not later than seven (7) days prior to the above scheduled hearing. Dated this 19th day of March, 2021. Olivia L. Krebs, Attorney Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm 38 2nd Avenue East, Suite A Dickinson, ND 58601 Telephone: 701-456-3210 (March 25, April 1 and 8) Hearing Notice Variance Hearing Notice The Beach City Council will hold a Public Hearing at City Hall 153 Main Street on April 5, 2021 at 7:15 pm for comment on an Application for Building with 5’ Variance at 442 2nd Avenue SE. Kimberly Gaugler, Zoning Adminis- trator (March 25 and April 1) Hearing Notice Zoning Hearing Notice The Beach Zoning Board will hold a Public Hearing at City Hall 153 Main Street on April 19, 2021 at 8:15 am for comment on An Application for Condi- tional Use submitted by New Life Pen— tecostal Church at 18 4th Street N. The request is to conditionally allow a Church in Commercial-2 Zoning. Kimberly Gaugler, Zoning Adminis- trator (March 25 and April 1) Hearing Notice Notice of Public Hearing WSI Premium Rates and Rate Classification Manual Notice is hereby given that Work- force Safety Insurance (WSI) will con- , duct a public hearing on Monday, April 12, 2021, at the WSI Board Room, Cen- tury Center, 1600‘ East Century Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota, at 11 :00 AM at which time and place all persons will be heard regarding the proposed changes to premium rates and rate classification manual in accordance with NDCC §65- 04-01. Participation may also occur tele- phonically by calling the conference call toll-free number at 866-730-7514 — Entry Code 980453#. These changes will be on file' and may be reviewed or copied on any working day between 8:00 am. and 5:00 pm, at WSI in Bismarck. A copy may be requested by phone by calling (701) 328-3812 or by writing to: Workforce Safety & Insurance Attn Marguerite Rath 1600 East Century Avenue Ste 1 PO Box 5585 Bismarck ND 58506-5585 (701) 328-3812 Written data, views, or arguments concerning the proposed changes or adoptions may be sent to WSI at the above address. The closing date for re- ceipt and consideration of all written or oral submissions is close of business Monday, April 19, 2021. If you plan to attend the public hear- ing and will need special facilities or as— sistance relating to a disability, please contact WSI at the above telephone number or address at least five days prior to the public hearing. Dated this 22nd day of March 2021 Sarah Feist . Director of Policyholder Services (April 1) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 am. Wednesday, April 21, 2021, at the ND. Oil 8. Gas Division, 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will receive testimony and exhibits. Persons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Thurs- day, April 8, 2021. . STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 28735: Application of Petro- Hunt, L.L.C. for an order pursuant to NDAC § 43-02-03-881 pooling all in- terests in a spacing unit described as Sections 4 and 9, T.144N., R.98W., Lit- tle Knife-Bakken Pool, Billings County, ND, as provided by NDCC § 38-0808, and such other relief as is appropriate. Signed by, Doug Burgum, Governor Chairman, NDIC (April 1) Meeting Notice NOTICE OF ZONING MEETING “NOTE” This meeting will take place in person with social distancing and will also have a remote login. Login details will be posted online at We will make every effort for attending re- motely easy and feasible, but please be aware that technically difficulties may occur with sound system constraints. The Billings County Planning Zon- ing Commission will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 1:00 PM in the Commissioner’s Room at the county courthouse, to review the following items: Applications: None. Work Session: Review zoning reg- ulations pertaining to accessory dwelling units «and short-term rental properties. Discuss possible recom- mendations for amending the Billings County Zoning Ordinance. Old Business: None The board will also address poten- tial & pending zoning violations and rec- ommend any action needed by the Zoning Director, State’s Attorney, or Board of County Commissioners. Applications are available for review during regular office hours at the Billings County Courthouse. If special accom- modations are needed, please notify the auditor so that appropriate aids can be made available. Dated at Medora this 26th day of March, 2021. Stacey Swanson Zoning Director (April 1 and 8) Nofice MEDORA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Official Proceedings on March 16, 2021 (DRAFT) (Subject to Board review and approval) Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. by President Kinley Slauter. Mem- bers present were Jim Bridger, Doug El— lison, Frank Lukowski and Kinley Slauter. Travis Enders was not present. Mike Njos and Gary Ridenhower were also present. Minutes from the February 16 meet- ing were presented to the Board for ap— proval. Ellison presented a suggested change to clarify a point. Ellison moved to approve the minutes as modified, Bridger seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-04 NAME: Rolf Sletten LOCATION: 301 5th St PROPOSAL: Lawn Shed Ellison moved to approve the appli- cation as presented, Lukowski sec- onded. Njos commented that set-backs need to be maintained. Motion passed ' unanimously NO. 21-05 I NAME: Rolf Sletten LOCATION: East River Road South (southwest of the Elkhorn Quarters) PROPOSAL: Shop and apartment Application was withdrawn prior to the meeting. NO. 21-06 NAME: TRMF, Point to Point Park LOCATION: Parking lot north of the MCC PROPOSAL: Parking Lot Improve-- ment Design Njos recommended approval of the layout only as engineering details, etc. still need to be completed. Bridger moved to approve the layout only for the parking lot north of the MCC, Ellison seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21 -07 NAME: TRMF, Campground LOCATION: Campground west of the river PROPOSAL: Expand Campground Slauter commented that input was received from Njos and the County. Njos commented that the County has the engineering approval, he asked that future development be considered in the location of utilities, and he recom- mended that a check valve be installed at the river inlet to the system. Ellison commented that the County had rec- ommended getting a verification from Southwest District Health that the sewer system is capable of handling the addi- tional sites. . Ellison moved to approve the appli- cation with the recommendations from Njos and the County applied, Lukowski seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-08 NAME: TRMF, Campground LOCATION: Campground west of the river ' PROPOSAL: Improvements includ- ing Pavilion, Shade Structure, Wagon Bridger moved to approve the appli- cation with one wagon included, Ellison seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-09 NAME: TRMF, Elkhorn Quarters LOCATION: 400 East River Rd S PROPOSAL: Landscaping/Ameni- ties between Rows 4 5 Lukowski moved to approve the ap- plication as presented, Bridger sec— onded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-10 NAME: TRMF, Town Square LOCATION: 250 3rd Ave PROPOSAL: Fencing Improve- ments Njos recommended that the fence be moved to the right of way line. Bridger moved to approve the applica— tion with the fence moved to the right of way line, Lukowski seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-011 NAME: TRMF, Pancratz Trails LOCATION: 401 6th St PROPOSAL: Maps, Trail Markers, Erosion Control Ladder Recommendations from the County included: “TRMF should monitor the surface and condition of the trails to safeguard the public at all times”. Bridger asked if there is erosion moni— toring performed as suggested, Sitter indicated there is a maintenance agree- ment, and workers to cover this. Lukowski moved to approve the appli- cation as presented, Ellison seconded. Slauter commented that this is an effort to provide controlled climbing for visi- tors. Ellison commented that this is a good use of the area. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-012 NAME: TRMF, Rasmussen House LOCATION: 315 Broadway PROPOSAL: Add a Deck Application was withdrawn. NO. 21-013 NAME: TRMF, Teddy’s Bears LOCATION: 170 3rd Ave PROPOSAL: Update Signage Bridger moved to approve the appli- cation as presented, Lukowski sec- onded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-014 NAME: TRMF, Teddy’s Bears LOCATION: 170 3rd Ave PROPOSAL: Repaint Trim Ellison moved to approve the appli- cation as presented, Bridger seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 21-015 NAME: City of Medora LOCATION: By Post Office, By Stump along Pacific PROPOSAL: Install Historic Signs about the Post Office Tree The intent is to have the signs match the existing historic signs. City Council and Post Office owner approvals will be needed before proceeding. Lukowski moved to approve the application as presented, Ellison seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Miscellaneous Business “Open Sign” Ordinance — The City Council approved the language pro- posed by Zoning to allow Open Signs to be used all year. There was a first reading of an Ordinance change to V allow this at the March 2 meeting. Zoning Member Terms — The City Council approved the term end dates as recommended for Enders (February 2025) and Lukowski (October 2024). Sign Application Redesign — Slauter presented a draft version of the Sign Application redesign. The draft was well received and the consensus was to move forward. Ellison commented that it seems to be a clean lay out, and he complemented Slauter on the great job he did to deliver the draft. Building Permit and Zoning Applica— tion Form Redesign — Njos suggested that a Phase Number be added to the Zoning Application to allow for progres- sion on projects. Njos also suggested changing the name from Building Per— mit to Construction Approval Permit as it seems more appropriate to our process, he said the intent is to have a Construction Approval Permit for every non-sign Permit so there is a consistent method to document the project, have a document on site, and assure identi— fied items are complied with. Slauter suggested we look at the final design of the forms at the next meeting. Extraterritorial Zoning and Joint Powers Agreement information — San— dra Kuntz provided written documents and gave explanations via phone. Kuntz said the objective is to treat the Extra Territorial area consistently and utilize the good County and City processes and documents in place. Kuntz is work- ing with Pat Weir on the Joint Powers Agreement which will enable a struc- tured collaboration between County and City authorities via a Joint Committee to assure developers have a consistent process to access Zoning direction in the ETZ area. The County and City Zoning Boards will still have the re- sponsibility for final approvals. Slauter suggested that there needs to be clarity on where developers go first, and meet- ings. scheduled in a manner that flows for the applicants. Kuntz stated we don’t want to lose the Historic aspects of the City Ordinances but we do need to blend the County and City aspects in the ETZ and have consistency with De- velopment Agreements, fees, etc. Sitter asked what the timeline for completion of the Joint Powers Agreement might be, Kuntz said they want to have it ready for an April agenda item. Slauter and Kuntz requested input from every- one to help make the process as com- plete and clear as possible. Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Li- brary — Ellison advised that there will be an opportunity for the community to meet with the Library Team on Thurs— day starting at 4:30pm at the Chateau followed by a Mixand Mingle at the Lit- tle Missouri Saloon at 6:00pm. Every- one is encouraged to attend. Announcements: - Deadline for Zoning Applications — April 9 - Zoning Meeting — Tuesday, April 20 @ 6:00 ‘ Ellison moved the meeting be-ad- journed, Bridger seconded. Meeting ad- journed at 6:58 pm. A'I'I'EST: Kinley Slauter, President ATTEST: Gary Ridenhower, City Auditor (April 1) Belfield School Board REGULAR MEETING, SCHOOL BOARD, BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 February 4th, 2021 Zoom Meeting The meeting was called to order by Board President Dan Obrigewitch at 6:38 PM. Present: Board Members Keith Buckman, Wesley Krebs, and Terry Johnson. Supt. Kurle, H.S Prin. Meier, Elementary Prin. Olson and Bus. Mgr. Anna Ross. M/S T. Johnson/K. Buckman to ap- prove the Jan 14, 2021 regular board meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. M/S W. Krebs/C. Buckman to ap- prove the agenda with the addition of Election Location and Time under Other. Motion carried unanimously. The Elementary Principal Report: 1. Current Enrollment for 2020 — 21: 125 Students K 6 K—18,1st-16,2nd -18, 3rd- 23, 4th 12, 5th -23, 61h ~15, PK 21 2. Assessments We have com- pleted two of our three winter assess- ments. We are working on scheduling make-up tests for NWEA tests: STAR Reading 8. Math — Mrs. Cornell and Mrs. McDowell have been administer- ing theseassessments to qualify stu- dents for the Title Math and Remedial Reading services. Student Engagement Survey — Mrs. Cornell, Mrs. Kessel, and classroom teachers will be administer- ing these surveys, online, next week. This is a state mandated survey to ful- fill some ESSA requirements. NWEA — Mrs. Kessel, Mrs. Henson, Mr. McDow- ell, the classroom teachers and I ad- minister these assessments for grades K — 12. 3. North Dakota State Assessment — Mrs. Henson and I will be joining a vir- tual training sponsored by DPI on Tues day, February 9, to get updates and training on the NDSA. The window to administer these state mandated as- sessments is March 15 — May 7. This assessment was cancelled last spring due to COVID, so we are missing the data from the 2019-2020 school year. The state has reported that it will not be cancelled again this year. 4. Spelling Bee Congratulations to o u r champion, 5th grader, Traetyn Rubke, son of Jodi and Miles Gerbig and Pete Rubke. 5. NDMTSS — North Dakota Multi- tiered System of Support — Mrs. Meier and I met with Sarah McFadden, RESP’s Professional Development Co- ordinator, to learn more about the MTSS process. We both feel it would be beneficial to our district if we form a team and begin the 3-year process starting with training this sum- mer (June 7 — 9). The program will cost approximately $3,000 a year. However, it will stream-line many of the program we are already doing and make them more efficient and effective, if imple- mented correctly. We are willing to put in the time and effort to make this a suc- cessful transformation and I’m positive we can find teachers who will too. 6. Observations Evaluations I continue to observe and meet with the teachers. Mrs. Meier and l have devel- oped an evaluation form for the Parae- ducators. So, we will be observing and evaluating them with input from the teachers they work with. Teacher eval- uations must be completed by April 15. 7. Title I School-wide — We are on track to transition from a targeted pro- gram to a school-wide program. We will need to submit our Strategic Map in June to complete our application. Our School Improvement team is working on the map now. MTSS will encompass Title and School Improvement require- ments. We won’t have to keep re- peated the same work for different mandates. It will be all included and systematic. 8. Upcoming events: February 5, 2021 Teacher ln-service 8 12. Febru- ary 9, 2021 NDSA training. February 15, 2021 NO SCHOOL. February 18, 2021 Pep Rally @ 1:30. School Cele- bration -March 10, 2021'100th Day of School (in—person). March 11, 2021 School Board Meeting. The Secondary Principal Report: 1. Updated paraprofessional evalu- ation form 2. Dates: NWEA testing — February 8 and 9 for grades 9 and 10. FFA Dodgeball tournament on February 11 at 6:30 pm in the gym. No school on February 15 — President’s Day. Spirit Week: February 16-18 * South Heart is not having a pep rally. FFA week: Feb- ruary 23-25. March 2 ACT testing for juniors. Mid—semester is March 12. PT Conferences - March 16 3:30-7:30 pm “‘3. Business Manager Report: The Business Manager presented the financial reports for January 2021. M/S K. Buckman/C. Buckman to move $11,000.00» from the General fund ($3,000.00: 01-471, $8,000.00: 01-474) to the Student Activity fund 06-770- 099 to cover the medical spending and dependent care flex account. [Mo- tion carried unanimously. Supt. Report: 1. Superintendent Evaluation due March 15 2. Met with SEH last Friday. Finaliz- ing bUilding & site plans 3. NDSBA Negotiations Seminar 4. Return to 5-day instructional week Thoughts 5. Slow leak developing in old boiler. 6. Title Monitoring uploaded 7. Coop Report - 75% capacity at events. Masks recommended. Con- cessions available. Committee reports: 1. RESP- No report. 2. RACTC- Report presented. High- lights: The Primary Health Teacher is re- signing. The RACTC has 2 new programs, Dental Assistant Fire Fight- ing. 3. WEST RIVER- No report. 4. COOP- No report. Old Business: None New Business: Approval of Bills: M/S D. ObrigewitchNV. Krebs to ap- prove payment of the bills. Motion car— ried unanimously. GENERAL FUND 37332 ACT 117.00 37333 ACTIVITY FUND BHS11000.00 37334 ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS 1602.68 37335 BELFIELD AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY 147.43 37336 BELFIELD PLUMBING HTG. 332.00 37337 THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE 64.00 37338 CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING 2099.53 37339 CITY OF BELFIELD 975.00 37340 CONTROL TECHNOLOGY 81 SOLUTIONS LLC 17932.00 37341 DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 514.10 37342 ECKROTH MUSIC 88.77 37343 GEIGER, ALAN 172.48 37344 HARLOWS BUS SALES INC 644.97 37345 HARLOW'S SCHOOL BUS SERVICE, INC 10116.00 37346 JW PEPPER SON INC 134.98 37347 KDXN-FM 50.00 37348 KEMPS LLC, DBA CASS CLAY CREAMERY 1425.03 37349 MAYBE MARS LLC 110.00 37350 MENARDS ' 393.61 37351 MGM RURAL SANITATION, LLC 650.00 37352 MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES 2182.94 37353 ND CENTER FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION 149.00 37354 RUDY'S LOCK KEY 30.00 37355 SMART COMPUTER AND CONSULTING 9557.13 37356 SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES 623.02 37357 TOOLEY, RHONDA 211.94 37358 US FOODSERVICE, Inc.29.22 37359 WARD'S SCIENCE 31.99 37369 CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING 3564.76 37370 CENTURY LINK 277.00 37371 CHASE CARD SERVICES 2486.85 37372 CREATIVE ENERGY 1208.41 37373 DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1075.94 37374 JOHNSON PLASTIC PLUS 622.04 37375 KEMPS LLC, DBA CASS CLAY CREAMERY 845.62 37376 KEVIN'S AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 71.00 37377 KREBS, ANDREA 106.97 37378 MIDAMERICA BOOKS 840.51 37379 MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL 1335.76 37380 PRAXAIR 529.67 37381 QUILL CORPORATION 579.80 37382 RADIO TIME BILLING 282.00 37383 ROUGHRIDER AREA CAREER & TECH CENTER 500.00 37384 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC 639.34 37385 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC 11450.00 37386 US FOODSERVICE, inc 1266.17 37387 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/RFCSLLC 213.90 37388 WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES 9863.27 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND 8524 COCA-COLA BOTTLING 91.80 8525 FOUR SEASONS TROPHIES 8526 LIVESTOCKJUDGING.COM 200.00 8527 ND ROUGHRIDER NFL 175.00 8528 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING296.60 8529 ND SCIENCE OLYMPIAD170.00 8530 BOWMAN COUNTY 4-H 37.00 8531 MERCER CO. 58.81 4-H COUNCIL 110.00 8532 BELFIELD BOOSTER CLUB 182.00 8533 CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING70.32 8534 CHASE CARD SERVICES 375.21 8535 GEIGER, ALAN 45.00 8536 KILLDEER FFAALUMNI 180.00 8537 NAT FFA ORGANIZATION 743.00 8538 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING 45.79 8539 REIS, EMMET 20.00 8540 WAL—MART COMMUNITY/RFCSLLC 289.55 8541 ND ROUGHRIDER NFL 75.00 4-Day School Week: Discussion. It was decided to not pursue the 4-day school week for the 2021-22 school year. Policy Updates: M/S W. Krebs/K. Buckman to amend policy ACEA. Roll call vote: W. Krebs- Yes, T. Johnson — Yes, K. Buckman — Yes, D. Obrigewitch Yes. Motion car- ried unanimously. M/S W. Krebs/K. Buckman to amend policy GABDB. Roll call vote: W. Krebs- Yes, T. Johnson Yes, K. Buckman — Yes, D. Obrigewitch Yes. Motion car- ried unanimously. Other: M/S T. Johnson/K. Buckman to set the time/date/Iocation of the 2021 Elec- tions to Tuesday June 8th, 2020 from 8:00am to 7:00pm in the Belfield Public School Library. Motion carried unani- mously. Next Meeting: The next regular meeting is sched- uled for March 11, 2021 — 7:00PM. The meeting was adjourned at 7:56PM. Anna Ross, Business Manager Dan Obrigewitch, School Board President (April 1) Wildfire potential high in- spring ' Outdoor enthusiasts need to be aware of ground conditions while enjoying spring activities. ‘ As outdoor activity increases in spring, so does the risk of wildfires. An increase in human outdoor activ- ity, combined with dead ground veg— etation and high winds, make this time of year highly susceptible to wildfires. Because of highly variable weather patterns, North Dakota ex- periences a distinct spring fire sea— son every year. With that in mind, it’s important to pay attention to the fire danger index, and to follow the appropriate measures. Hunters and anglers are urged to keep up with the daily rural fire dan— ger index, issued by the National Weather Service, to alert the public to conditions that may be conducive to accidental starting or spread of fires. In addition, county governments have the authority to adopt penalties for violations of county restrictions related to burning bans. These re- strictions apply regardless of the daily fire danger index and remain in place until each county’s commis— , sionrgescinds the ban. The fire,danger‘index can change daily depending Bn‘ temperature, wind and precipitation forecasts. If the index reaches the extreme cate- gory, open buming is prohibited; off- road travel with a motorized vehicle is prohibited, except for people en— gaged in a trade, business or occu- pation where it is required; and smoking is restricted to inside of ve- hicles, homes or in approved build- ings and on hard surfaces. Information on current fire dan- ger indexes is available at Food assistance program available BISMARCK — State School Su- perintendent Kirsten Baesler and Department of Human Services Ex— ecutive Director Chris Jones have announced a new food assistance program for families whose chil- dren have been eligible for free or reduced-price school meals during the current school year. The Pandemic Electronic Bene- fits Transfer (P-EBT) program pro- vides Electronic Benefits Transfer cards to eligible families. The cards may be used to buy food. Families of children who were eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school during the current school year will be eligible. Families will receive benefits for days that stu- dents in the household are distance learning at home, rather than being in the school building. Families do not need to apply for the benefit. Schools are presently gathering information about which students qualify for free or reduced—price school meals. Eligible households will be receiv— ing letters to notify them about the P-EBT benefit, and they will be mailed EBT cards in the coming weeks. . The benefit will equal $6.82 for each day a student has been learn— ing through distance instruction. The amount is the current daily fed- eral reimbursement that schools re- ceive per student for providing a free breakfast, lunch, and after— school snack.