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Zany Lynn
FALLON, Mont. Zane Lynn
Shumway went to be with his Heav-
enly Father on March 23, 2021 , after
a long battle with multiple health is—
' Zane’s Funeral Service was at 11
am, Thursday, April 1, 2021 , at Fal-
lon Evangelical Church, Fallon,
Mont. with Pastor Tim Therrien offi-
ciating. Inurnment followed at
Prairie County Cemetery, Terry,
Mont. Military honors were pro-
vided by American Legion Prairie
Post 32.
Zane was born in Wolf Point,
Mont., on March 28, 1955, to Frank
and Vera (Marmon) Shumway. He
grew-up farming and went through
school at Wolf Point before leaving
to become a truck driver and perform
other handyman jobs until he joined
the United States Army in August
1975. While serving he was a crew
chief and stationed throughout Col—
orado, Georgia and Germany. He re-
ceived his honorary discharge in
After the military, Zane was a
truck driver throughout the U.S. and
eventually opened his own truck
driving business in the mid—to—late
19805. Some of his favorite activities
were hunting, riding horses, drinking
coffee, and spending time with
friends and family. Zane married
Tessa Babcock on March 29, 1986,
and his truck driving had them living
in multiple places across eastern,
Montana and the Midwest. To this
union they had two children: Josh
Charles John Scherman
GOLVA - Charles John Scher-
man, 96, formerly of Sentinel Butte,
passed away on Monday, March 22,
2021, at Hill Top Home of Comfort
in Killdeer.
Visitation was held from 3-5 pm.
on Monday, March 29, at Silha Fu—
neral Home in, Beach with (a vigil
serviceat 7:30 pm. (at St, Mary’s
Catholic Churchvin Golva. Mass of U
ChristianBurial was heldat‘l 1am.
on ,Tuesday, March 30, at’St. Mary’s
with the Rev. Dan Berg officiating.
Rite of Comrrrittal was at St. Mary’s
Catholic Cemetery. Silha Funeral
Home of Beach was entrusted with
the arrangements. ’
Charles was born on May 24,
1924, on the farm in Alpha to Mamie
(Otremba) and Edward Scherman.
He was the oldest of seven children:
Alice, Eddie, Marvin, Eileen, May-
nard and Louise. After Charles grad-
uated from Beach High School, he
joined the U.S. Navy in WWII. He
served for two years in Chicago, 111.,
and then returned home and farmed
with his dad. In 1948, Charles started
to farm on his own. He also raised
pigs and cattle, and helped Holger
Johnson with potato harvests. He
farmed and raised livestock for over
50 years.
Charles met Mary Gamroth and
they were united in marriage on June
14, 1949, at St. Mary’s Catholic
Church in Golva. Charlie and Mary
made their home in Sentinel Butte.
Charles was a member of several
service organizations such as the
Golden Valley Hospital Board, 10
years on the Bullion School District,
14 years as treasurer of Bullion
Township, 10 years on the Commu-
nity Committee, and 10 years as
trustee for Most Holy Redeemer. He
was on the building committee of St.
Mary’s and served 11 years as trustee
for St. Mary’s as well as a rosary
leader, reader, Mass server and
greeter. Charles was a charter mem-
ber of Knights of Columbus and held
many offices during his membership:
outside guard, warden, recorder,
deputy grand knight and grand
knight. He was awarded Knight of
the Year in 1984 and Knights of
Columbus Family of the Year in
1974. In addition, he was special
deputy sheriff for Golden Valley
County for over 30 years and policed
dances in Alpha, Golva and Sentinel
Butte. He was also a fieldman for the
Golden Valley ASCS Office; meas-
uring fields and grain bins.
Charlie is survived by his four
children, Linda (Glenn) Gietzen of
tfit mamm
- M
Farmers Union Oil Co.
Interstate Cenex
. 701-872-3590
001' STUFF
Hot Stuff Pizza
and Katrina. They found their home
in March 2000 in Terry, Mont.,
where they raised their children until
2010. In June 2010 they moved to
'Sentinel Butte, where they continued
to raise their daughter until she grad-
uated. They retired to Terry in 2013.
Zane was a proud father and
grandfather of his children. He is sur-
vived by his wife Tessa, his three
children Josh, Katrina and Matt, and
their spouses, Melissa, Nathan and
Sabrina. He is also survived by his
four grandchildren Hunter, Weston,
Kasia and Bradyn.
Arrangements are with Ladbury
Funeral Service, Dickinson,
www.1adburyfuneralservice .com;
1133 1-94 Business Loop East; Dick—
inson, ND 58601.
Halliday; Lorraine Scherrnan of
Beach; Terrance Scherrnan of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa; and Dale (Denise)
Scherrnan of Ottertail, Minn.; eight
grandchildren: Christopher
(LeAnne) Gietzen; Michael (Ashley)
Gietzen; Matthew Gietzen; Donna
(J .D). Mathis; Rachael (Dan)
Dolechek; Veronica (Erick) Tijerina;
Jason (Carmen) Scherrnan; and Ryan
(Jill) S‘cherman; 18 great-grandchil-
dren: Justice, Dante, Sirena, Jaxen,
Tré, Terric, Sheridan, Isabelle, Char~
lie ROSe, Alaina, Josephine, Destin,
Taryn, Wyatt, Annah, Selah, Adiah;
and his sisters Eileen (Jim) Goroski
and Louise Paul.
‘ Charlie is preceded in death by
his wife of 64 years, Mary; his par-
ents Edward and Marnie; his sister
Alice; his brothers Eddie, Marvin
and Maynard; one great—great grand—
son, Hayden; .and brother-in-law,
Jerry Paul. ._ I
Live streaming‘of the service is
available with pre-approval on the
Tri-Parish Beach-Golva-Medora
Facebook page: Tri-Parish Catholic
(Facebookcom) .
Memorials are suggested to go to
the Golden Valley Manor: 260 5th
Street SW, Beach, ND 58621 or Hill
Top Home of Comfort: 95 Hilltop
Drive, Killdeer, ND 58640.
Remembrances and condolences
may be shared with the family at:
' S
Golden Valley News
Marilyn Frances (Noll)
GOLVA Marilyn Frances (Noll)
Rising/Carlson, 84, passed away
from her earthly life on March 23,
2021, at the Wibaux County Nursing
Visitation was held from 5-7 pm.
on Friday, March 26, with a vigil
service at 7 pm. at St. Mary's
Catholic Church in Golva. Mass of
Christian Burial was held at 11 am.
on Saturday, March 27, at St. Mary's
Catholic Church with the Rev. Dan
Berg officiating. Rite of Committal
took place at St. Mary's Catholic
Cemetery. Silha Funeral Home of
Beach was entrusted with the
Marilyn was born to Fred and
Teckla (Nistler) Noll on Aug. 26,
1936, the oldest of seven children.
Marilyn attended school in Golva,
graduating with the class of 1954.
That fall, she was off to college at
Dickinson State. It was a short stay,
as in November, Marilyn’s brother
Rick was born, and Marilyn’s mother
' passed away in childbirth. The next
day, Marilyn moved home from col-
lege to care for her siblings, Jerry,
Judy, Janet,-Kathy and baby Rick.
Marilyn dated Edwin Rising
while in high school. Eddie worked
for the Northern Pacific Railway
until March 1952, when he was in-
ducted into the armed services for
two years. In 1955, Eddie returned
from Korea and as they had al-
waysplanned, were married on May
26, 1955. Marilyn and Edwin lived
in Golva where they ran their busi-
ness, Eddie’s Oil Company. Eventu-
ally Ed and Marilyn started their own
family. While supporting their first
family, six more children were wel—
comed to this union. Her first son
(baby brother) Rick Noll married
Elaine Barthel. They have four chil-
dren: Heidi (Patrick) Currie, Sarah
McCaskey, Tyler (Denise), and Brit-
tany (Brett) Collins. Robert was
born in August 1956. He married
Deborah Peters. They have three
sons: Brent, Dustin and Jordan. In
September 1957, Cheryl was born.
She is married to Mike Bostyan.
They have two children: Becky
(Tim) Lilly and Lucas (Jennifer)
Bostyan. In July 1958, Rodney was
born. He married Kathleen Ausmun-
stad. Kathy had two children: Corey
and Holly (Bob) Steier. Holly and
Bob have two children: Shelby and
Kamryn. In May 1959, Steven was
born. He is married to Renata Fisher.
They have two daughters: Rachel
and Brandi. Gary was bornin No-
vember 1961. He is married to Lori
Binstock. They have three daughters:
Jill, Paige and Megan. Mary Kay
was born in November 1962. She
married Ron Barthel. They have
Billings County
School District
Honor Roll
For third quarter:
Highest Honors:
Prairie School: Shay Burian,
Shyenna Burian, Christine Palahniuk,
Samantha Romanyshyn
DeMores School: Hadley Talking-
ton, Eli Bock '
High Honors:
Prairie School: Cash Kuck, Wyatt ’
Reis, Sam'Simnioniw
Demores School: Garett
Bargmann, Clay Richard, Stetson
Bargmann, Sutton Johnson
Prairie School: Morgan Vesey
DeMores School: Rubi Johnson
Mostly Sunny
Precip Chance: 5%
Pmcip Chance: 0'4 .
three children: Joshua, Lacey and
Edwin passed away suddenly at
home on_Dec. 10, 2002. Years later,
Marilyn was reacquainted with life—
long friend Charley Carlson. They
were united in marriage on June 16, p
2006. Marilyn was blessed with a
stepdaughter, Gayle (Gerry) Barthel,
and two stepsons, Gregg (Virginia)
Carlson and Gary “Pete” (Amanda)
Carlson. Together they made their
home in Beach, until the time of his
death in September 2013.
Marilyn enjoyed family. She had
many extras in her house over the
years, and always made room for
more. Marilyn was an excellent
homemaker. She cleaned, cooked,
baked, ironed and proudly kept an
immaculate home. Marilyn’s hobbies
were living her faith, crocheting,
making rosaries and being the best
mother and grandmother around. Her
grandchildren and great-grandchil—
dren were her life. Marilyn was
blessed with 19 grandchildren and 32
Marilyn was a member of St.
Anne’s Altar Society and served on
the Golva City Council for many
years. She worked for Charley Bush
doing housekeeping and office du-
ties ,- and‘worked with her twin sisters
at Page Two, a resale store in Beach.
Marilyn moved to the Golden
Valley Manor in February 2016. Her
last earthly home was the Wibaux ’
County Nursing Home.
Marilyn was preceded in death by
her parents, Fred and Teckla; hus-
bands, Edwin and Charley; and sis—
ters, infant Margaret Ann, and
Kathleen Leom.
Live streaming of the service is
available with pre-approval on- the
Tri-Parish Beach—Golva—Medora
Facebook Page: Tri-Parish Catholic
(facebookcom). Remembrances and
condolences may be shared with the
family at:
Golden Valley News
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621
(U.S.P.S. Pub.
No. 221-280)
The Golden Valley News is pub-
lished each Thursday, 22 Central
Ave., Suite 4, Beach, ND 58621 by
Nordmark Publishing. Periodicals
postage paid at Beach, ND and addi—
tional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to: Golden Valley News,
PO. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621.
Please allow two to three weeks for
new subscriptions, renewal of ex-
pired subscriptions and for address
Contact Information
Phone: 701-872-3755
- Fax: 701-872-3756
Email: ‘
- 1 year: 538 Golden Valley County
- 1 year: $40 elsewhere in
North Dakota
- 1 year: $44 out-of-state and
- 9 months: $27 ln-state college rate
The Golden Valley News is a proud
member of the North Dakota
Newspaper Association.
All content is copyrighted.
Established Oct. 8 1936.
This \Vcck's Local Fore ‘ast
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Scattered Rain
Precip C hancc: 5%
Precip Chance: 5%
l’rcci p Chance: 0%
April 1, 2021
Agency has not accepted
unaccompanied ,
undocumented children
BISMARCK — The North
Dakota Department of Human Serv-
ices said on March 30 that while it
works to support the resettlement of
refugees and other individuals who
are legally authorized to enter the
country, the state has not accepted
unaccompanied undocumented chil—
dren from the United States’ south-
ern border.
Recent news stories had included
speculation about federal plans for
sheltering unaccompanied undocu—
mented children and youth who en-
tered the U.S. unlawfully and were
detained at the southern border.
“The state has not accepted unac-
companied undocumented youth
from the southern border and does
not have the facilities or capacity to
serve more children than the North
Dakota children already being cared
for in qualified residential treatment
programs,” said DHS Executive Di-
rector Chris Jones.
Jones said, North Dakota was one
of the first states to implement the
federal Family First Prevention Serv-
ices Act, which refocused the state’s
child welfare system on serving chil-
dren safely in their communities in
family homes. Over the past eight
years, North Dakota has reduced the
number of licensed beds for children
and youth by 212 beds by shifting
services away from institutional set-
tings toward community-based treat-
ment and support services for
children and youth.
As a result, the state currently has
76 licensed qualified residential
treatment program beds to serve eli-
gible North Dakota children and
youth and has no residential child
care facility beds, which were elimi—
nated in 2019.
Jones acknowledged he’s been
receiving calls because of confusion
about the differences between
refugees and asylees who are legally
approved to live in the country, and
undocumented individuals who are
not in the U.S. legally.
Refugees enter the U.S. legally
with U.S. State Department ap-
proval, after completing a rigorous
background check and sometimes
after living for years in United Na—
tions-sanctioned refugee camps.
Refugees are unable to live in their
own countries due to persecution be-
cause of their race, religion, nation-
ality, political opinion, or
membership in a particular social
group. Through international hu—
manitarian efforts, refugees are re-
settled to the U.S. and other
countries. \
After Lutheran Social Services of
North Dakota ceased operations in
January 2021, DHS assumed admin-
istration of some federally funded
refugee resettlement services.
DHS works with partner agencies
to provide an array of temporary re—
settlement support services promot-
ing economic self-sufficiency and
community integration, such as em-
ployment services, English language
learning services, case management
and more. DHS also administers the
unaccompanied refugee minor pro-
gram, which is foster care for quali~
fying refugees under age 18, and 18+
services for qualifying young adults.
The federal government has au-
thorized Lutheran Immigration and
Refugee Services’ office in North
Dakota to resettle refugees approved
by the U.S. State Department.
Wathrd City woman crash;
WILLISTON A crash 6 miles
south of Williston injured a young
woman Wednesday, March 17, at
about 9:36 pm.
The N.D. Highway Patrol said
that Sierra Vaughn, 23, of Watford
City was traveling from Watford City
to Williston northbound on Highway
85 in a 1996 Geo Prism, with a pas—
senger, Makayla Pacheco, 19, of
Watford City.
A 2001 Peterbilt pump truck,
pulling a full trailer, driven by Pay-
den Dansie, 33, of Williston, was
traveling northbound from Alexan—
der to Williston on Highway 85. The
semi and trailer slowed to around 45
mph on the four-lane highway for
deer in the ditch and another vehicle
on the shoulder with hazard lights
on. The Geo Prism was traveling at
Few Snow
70/37 69/38
Prccip (’hnncefill‘ft
Free, Free
Announcements of births,
or announcements of
anniversaries or
engagements that aren't
event invitations, and of
weddings after they have
occurred can be
published free of charge! E-mail your
announcements, plus an optional photo,
to, or
send via U.S. mail to Golden Valley
News/Billings County Pioneer;4P.O. Box-
156; Beach, ND 58621. (Photo prints will
not be returned.)
Prccip Chance: 50%
urr-xt ;
highway speeds when it rearvended
the trailer.
Vaughn was flown to Minot for
her injuries sustained in the crash.
Passenger Pacheco was transported
to Williston for her injuries sustained
in the crash. Dansie was uninjured.
Road conditions were good and
dry, and the weather was clear.
Vaughn was charged with care re-
quired and driving without liability
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your local
Weather Trivia
What is the earliest an
Atlantic hurricane has 1
formed? .
'3 her no pauuoj
dumping t: ‘ggm \Ij 'uaMSlrv