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Beach, North Dakota
April 1, 2021     Golden Valley News
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April 1, 2021
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COVlD-19 response longest in Guar BISMARCK Last month the North Dakota National Guard marked its one-year anniversary of COVID—l9 response operations in support of state and community health agencies. The first North Dakota Guard members were activated for COVID— 19 duty on March 16, 2020. The ongoing COVID—l9 support mission is the largest and longest state mobilization in North Dakota history. On Nov. 19, 2020, the North Dakota National Guard logged 67,495 personnel—days surpassing the previous record of 67 ,264 personnel- days recorded during response eff01ts in support of 2011 statewide flood- ing. As of March 15, the North Guard National Guard has logged 97,914 personnel—days of support in this mission. “We are deeply grateful for the in— credible contributions of the men and women of the North Dakota National Guard who have risen to the chal— lenges presented by this historic pan— demic,” said Gov. Doug Burgum. “Their dedicated service and support has been critical in our whole-of- il‘he official nenspuper 01‘ Bench and (it‘ltit‘ll \tiiit‘) t‘mint). \orth Dakota 581321 "x. FFA awards Above: The Golden Valley County FFA Chapter was repre- sented at the recent Hettinger FFA Contest. Shown, from left, are Adam Trask, Kade Manhart and Andrew Trask, who com- peted in the Agriculture Sales and Service Career Development Event. The contest consisted of a test and individual sales pre- sentations. All three received bronze awards. Left: The Golden Valley County chapter was also represented at the recent Killdeer Contest. Evaluation: Results: Livestock Chance Manhart, fourth-place high individual, and he received a gold award. Dillon Manhart received a high bronze, (and in Agriculture Sales and Service, Kade Manhart received a high bronze. Shown are Chance Manhart, left, and Dillon Manhart (Courtesy Photos) ,5 m, _, Sgt. Chase Bode, left, and Spc. Isaac Bolton, both assigned to the 816th Military Police Company, work as data collectors at the COVlD-19 mobile testing site inside the Bismarck Event Center. (Courtesy File Photo) government response to this unparal— leled threat to public health, and our entire state is thankful.” Members of the North Dakota Na- tional Guard have supported the North Dakota Department of Health and local municipal health agencies during this response. Soldiers and airmen have planned, conducted and . Guard. (Continued on Page 8) Housekills Senate seat belt bill By Dylan Sherman NDNA Education Foundation BISMARCK —— Despite passing in the Senate, a bill to allow primary enforcement of seat belts and require all passengers to be buckled failed in the House by a vote of 45 to 49 on March 23. Senate Bill 2121 had over two hours of testimony in support of the bill during the House Committee hearing on March 18. Support for the bill came from law enforcement, health agencies and seat belt ad-vo- cates. ‘ “A person’s choice to buckle up does not only affect that individual and their loved ones,” said Andy Schneider, sheriff of Grand Forks County, during the hearing. Schneider provided testimony on the numerous crashes he has re— sponded to where a person was ejected from their vehicle and killed Experience Is A Great. Teacher Especially in agriculture. Over the years, we’ve learned a lot by working with the farm families of this area. If you’re looking for an experienced ag bank, come see us. Put our experience to work for you. because they were not wearing a seat belt. There is also a mental toll for of- ficers having to deal with identifying , bodies that have been ejected from vehicles, Schneider said. “If you are in a critical incident like that, we give you administrative days off,” he said. Seat Belt (Continued on Page 8) l r d's history tie-Abnorth m « Moderate Draught DZ Severe Waugh: D3 ’ Extreme Drought EM hum! mange: INI’S " ’l-Zh‘tl \ul.9l.\o.30 3": \prill.3"‘!ll Drought conditions in ND continueto »_ ~worry producers By Dylan Sherman NDNA Education Foundation BISMARCK —— Lower snowfall and rain this year has brought about drought conditions in North Dakota, which could be an issue for farmers in the spring. North Dakota Agriculture Com- missioner Doug Goehring said there are varying degrees of drought throughout the state. “Central—west toward the northern part of the state is probably the most severe,” he said. According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor Index, 84.5% of North Dakota is dealing with a se- vere drought, up from 80.1% a week ago. Severe drought includes poor crop conditions, low soil moisture and low hay yields. , Extreme drought covers 27.5% of the state, according to the index, up from 16.9%. That level of drought can cause crops to stop growing and pastures to go dormant, and it can mean a high chance of wildfires. Maps by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show drought is an issue for many western states. Goehring said it isn’t completely unusual for there to be less precipi— tation during this time of year and when the state is still during the dor— mant season. “Rain can heal a lot of things,” he said. “It is amazing what could happen in April when you start getting rain during the growing sea- son.” Goehring said livestock are most at risk during a drought as they need water and there is no supplement for it. “It is an animal humane issue,” he said. “You have to get water and feed to them, and water is the most cru— cial.” There are 11,000 to 13,000 live- stock producers in North Dakota, ac- cording to Goehring, but he said it is not uncommon for most farmers to have some animals. In order for some farmers to get access to water they might have to drill a new well, which could cost as SO". much as $140,000, or pay to have water hauled in. If drought conditions persist, Goehring said his department would seek assistance from federal pro- grams. “What we do at this point is we start to engage USDA and FSA about conditions and issues,” he said. “Our engagement is to address the possibility of having access to (the Emergency Livestock Assistance Program).” Rep. Dennis Johnson, R-Devils Lake, chairman of the House Agri— culture Committee and a farmer by trade, said the risk of drought comes with the territory of farming. “It is always a gamble,” he said. “You pray for rain and see that crop grow, and if it doesn’t rain you sit back and pray for the day it will.” Johnson said the drought is af— fecting everyone, and he has heard from farmers who are concerned about getting a crop out of the ground. “It has been dry for the last three or four years, but we’ve caught a few showers to pull a crop off,” he said. “But we have not had extra sub- soil moisture to get a crop going .” Johnson said he is seeing com— modity prices rise this winter, but farmers are reluctant to forward sell as there is no guarantee they will be able to grow enough crop to fill the sales. “You’d like to sell enough to cover your operating expenses, but you also have to make sure you have the bushels,” he said. Johnson said he hasn’t seen a real crop failure in his lifetime. “Even on dry years we’ve gotten enough showers to pull a crop off,” he said. Golva Medora Beach 872-3656 623-5000 872-4444 Member 'FDIC www.fsbofgo| “Rain can heal a lot of things. It is'amaz- ing what could happen in April when you Start getting rain during the growing sea- Doug Goehring, North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner First State Bank ATM in Beach Medora lobby There are protections farmers in which can invest, like crop insur- ance, to help cover the losses, but Johnson said it is never the same as getting a crop. Devan Leo, McKenzie County Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent, said it has been very different for the county com- pared to how wet it was in 2019. “McKenzie County is the driest it has been ever,” she said. According to the drought map, a majority of McKenzie County is in the extreme drought category. Leo said there are concerns about getting crops into the ground, and even more about getting them to ger- minate. There isn’t enough moisture in the ground now to sustain a seedling, she said. “We need about 17 inches of total (precipitation) to make up for our deficits,” she said. “That is an awful lot to accumulate in a short period of time because we need it by mid- April.” Leo added that while low water in wells and ponds will affect livestock, ranchers and farmers are being told to test the water for toxins that can be found in the water during a drought. “Evaporation of water causes salts to hang around, and those salts can accumulate in toxic numbers and kill livestock off,” she said. Rep. Keith Kempenich, R—Bow- man, a rancher and crop adjuster, said this drought is shaping out to be one of the worst in his lifetime. “This is concerning,” he said. “I got two dugouts right now that you Drought (Continued on Page 8) ¢