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Beach, North Dakota
April 1, 2010     Golden Valley News
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April 1, 2010
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April 1, 2010 Page 3 Nice guys don't always finish last To the editor: I recently encountered coach Bob Waldal unwinding from a suc- cessful but arduous and stressful season guiding the Beach girls bas- ketball team to the state champi- onship. Anyone who knows Bob knows he's the soul of modesty, which is, or should be, the first mark of any- one who excels at what they do. I congratulated Bob for winning the state title, which he graciously accepted, but when I went on to compliment him for his role, he demurred and said unequivocally it was the determination, skill and tal- ent of the girls that carried the day. Taking another tack did not work either. When I implied that the atti- tude, decorum and courtesy exhibit- ed by the girls was attributable to him and assistant coaches Gary Hardy and Kari Bossennan, he was emphatic in giving all the credit to the parents. Granting that the process begins in the home, the fact is that as coach his influence on impressionable young minds is undeniable. Bob's demeanor and aura of proper behav- ior have undoubtedly been trans- ferred to the team. Not only has this probably contributed to their suc- cess on the basketball court, but more importantly it's a factor in preparing them for the biggest game of all - the game of life. We've all heard the cynical expression "nice guys finish last." Not all the time and definitely not this time. Congratulations to all the mem- bers of the team, and let's not forget the nice people standing at the back of the team picture. Dick Kukowski Beach Some helpful information My weekly column is going to be quite different this week. I usual- ly try to write an upbeat column. Give you something to smile about as you go out to feed cows, drive truck, wait on tables, or get the kids ready tbr school. But today, I am going to give you a little information that, I hope, may someday help you. This week I received a letter fiom Mutual of Omaha attempting to sell me cancer insurance. Now, I've recently lost friends to cancer. I don't know, but I sincerely hope they had adequate insurance. I also sincerely hope, that if they had insurance, it was not with Mutual of Omaha. My mother has nursing home insurance with Mutual of Omaha. Morn is in her mid eighties. She and Dad came down last summer tbr my sixtieth birthday. They came down to have a beer and supper with us. There are not a lot of peo- ple whose parents can help cele- brate their sixtieth birthday. I'm lucky. A few weeks after that, Morn had to enter a home in Minot. That was in the end of August. One thing that was a relief So her, and I might add, to Dad, was that she had paid into a nursing home policy from Mutual of Omaha for years. A lot of years. I guess maybe I was brought up different. Maybe it is just a cowboy thing. But there are sayings like "You ride for the brand". Or "If you take a man's wages, you give him a day's work". Or, "You get what you pay for". Sometimes that is. Since Mom went in the home, Hat Tips By Dean Meyer I was in the legis- lature. Morn was in the legislature. My wife is in the legis- lature. My niece is a states attorney. So you understand that we know a little bit, about what works and what doesn't. we have learned a lot. You don't' always get what you pay for. At least when it comes to nursing home insurance. You can go to ahnost any coffee shop in the morning, and start up a conversation about nursing home insurance. You can go to "happy hour" at the bar and strike up a con- versation about nursing home insur- ance. You can walk down the hall at the nursing home, or sit in on break- fast and find disillusioned cus- tomers. I don't know if the new health care bill fixes this. I hope so. I know a ldt bf'peopl6 need something fixed. I know there are families that don't have the "'con- nections" that we do. I was in the legislature. Mom was in the legisla- ture. My wife is in the legislature. My 'niece is a states attorney. So you understand that we know a little bit about what works and what doesn't. We have worked through the insur- ance commissioner. Through the agent that sold the rest rance. We ve called and written and protested. Still nothing. After seven months. And now Mutual of Omaha will sell me cancer insurance, even if I've had cancer! And the headline reads... "APPLY NOW! And this time next month, you can breathe a little easi- er." Yeah, right. I want to make sure this doesn't happen to you. Here are three things you should find out if you have long term care insurance. Find out if it covers assisted liv- ing. Many old policies were pur- chased befbre this came into being. Find out if you must spend nine- ty consecutive days before coverage begins. Find out what the criteria is on "denlentia". Mutual of Omaha thinks assisted living is like choosing to go to the spa. It'll make me rest easier to know that we are doing some good with this. Man I'mglad I got that off my mind! And next week, :I,'ll tell. you . r • .about the largest sisal t,wine hall in the world! And I bet you enjoy that more ! Later, Dean Calving Time - so far, so good The calving season this year is far better than last yeaPs misery. Perhaps a regretful reminder is in order. A year ago, the Dickinson Research Extension Center started calving with very mixed results. The season started with a dead calf and went downhill from there. The second heifer was a calf abuser and was taken away. Out of the first 26 heifers that calved last year, difficult pulls, cesarean sections and numer- ous general assists were the norm. There were three dead calves but the rest survived. The four heifers that had natural, but difficult assistauce when giving birth, had calves that averaged 98 pounds at birth. Of the 21 heifers that had no birthing problems last year, their calves averaged 82 pounds at birth. Memories are not always golden and, in fact, easily could be left to someone else. However, it is impor- tant to write down the bad and the good. With this year's calving sea- son well under way, the initial reports are coming with smiles because there have been no real problems. In fact, at last count, the center has 35 mommas and 36 happy, bouncing babies. Of the initial 35 heifers that calved, the average birth weight of the calves was 73.2 pounds. There were two light birthing assists and one heifer had a calf with a front leg back that required some delivery assistance. Compared with last year, the calving results are night and day different. And the lesson is very real as we continue to learn from what we do, along with all the other les- sons in life. Last year's calves were all sired by a bull that is listed in the top 15 percent of the Angus breed expect- ed progeny difference (EPD) for calving ease (EPD 9) and has a birth weight EPD of 2. The birth weight EPD was just above average for the Angus breed and the bull also is a high- growth bull. The bull is in the upper 20 percent of the breed for weaning weight (EPD 51) and upper 20 percent of the breed for Beef Talk By Kris Ringwall Compared with last year, the calv- ing results are night and day dif- ferent. And the les- son is very real as we continue to learn from what we do, along with all the other lessons in life. yearling weight (EPD 95). The artificially inseminated (AI) calves this year are sired by a bull that is listed in the top 3 percent of the Angus breed for calving ease (EPD 12) and has a birth weight EPD of minus 2.2. The birth weight EPD ranks the bull in the top 2 per- cent of Angus bulls for birth weight. Interestingly, this bull also is a good-growth bull because it is in the upper 15 percent of the breed for weaning weight (EPD 54) and upper 25 percent of the breed for yearling weight (EPD 92). In addition, those calves not sired by the AI Angus sire were sired by Red Angus bulls with an average birth weight EPD of minus 3.4 and an average calving ease EPD of just less than 13. Not all producers are sold on the ability to manipulate cattle based on EPD numbers. Some would rather lowball the actual birth weight and select a smaller-framed heifer bull. However, it is interesting to look back to review the results based on the printed values of the bulls, par- ticularly higher accuracy bulls such as those available through artificial insemination companies. Granted. we do not have the same heifers from one year to the next. However, by pushing the calv- ing ease EPD up from 9 to 12 and the birth .weight EPD down from 2 to minus 2.2, the difference makes for a much happier calving crew. Also, later growth has not been sacrificed and the calves will do well. In closing, the same process could be utilized for any of the breeds. The secret is to encourage producers to look for solutions. The solutions are out there in the form of good bulls that also have good data. What is even more interesting is the hidden problems when a pro- ducer pushes birth weight. The center has not seen any of the long list of problems in the heifers this year compared with last year. Last year, we had weak calves and cows, poor mothering, ornery cows and ornery help. You name it, the center had it. The bottom line is that a calf born naturally without the need for interference starts life so much bet- ter and that is good. May you find all your ear tags. (Kris Ringwall is the director of the Dickinson Research Extension Center and is a be!f specialist with the North Dakota State University Extension Service.) 281 E MAIN - BEAClt ND 701-872-4362 Pull Bingo Black Tabs Maureen Remillong Jack $500 Live Friday & Saturday Hours: Mon-Fri. 3pm-lam Sat. lpm-lam Happy Hour: Mon.-Thurs. 5:30,6:30pm Be sure that you're counted To the editor: This month, every household across North Dakota and the nation will receive a census form. Required once every I 0 years by the U.S. Constitution, the 2010 Census will count every man, woman and child living in the United States. Participation in the census is required by law, and just as impor- tant, an accurate count helps ensure our communities and state receive our appropriate share of federal funding and access to important services and resources. Such fund- ing for roads, bridges, services for seniors, and other programs is vital to the future of North Dakota. In addition, businesses and local gov- ernments often use the population data to determine where to invest and build hospitals, shopping malls, housing developments, and other infrastructure. Every year the feder- al government distributes more than $400 billion to tribal, state and local governments based on census data• Census data also are used to reap- portion seats in Congress and assure proper district representation in state and local governments. An accurate count will help ensure the people in North Dakota are fairly represented in all levels of government. During Census 2000, 72 percent of households in North Dakota returned their census forms by mail. I believe we can do even better in 2010. That's why today, I am chal- lenging every North Dakotan to take 10 minutes to participate in th4 census by answering the 10:ques- tion census form. Nationally, every 1 percent of the population that does not return their census form will cost the federal government $90 million in follow-up costs. Please do your part to help get an accurate count at the lowest cost; mail your census form back today. Rod Backman, Chairman N.D. Complete Count Committee Bismarck Now open in Belfieid RODNEY EVONtUK COMPUTER f SALES i SERVICE I REPAIR 25 Years Experience 208 N Main Street, Rear Entrance Belfield, ND 58622 701-559-2222. • Open 8 AM to 5 PM M-F, Sat 9 AM to 1 PM \\; The kind of bank that says, "Please:' "Thank you" 0nd "Here's Sl00." OPEN A PERSONAL OR BUSINESS CHECKING ACCOUNTAND GET slO0" At Bank of the West, we're devoted to making banking better for you -- from a warm "Hello" to our award-winning customer service. Which is why when you open a new personal checking account and set up direct deposit of at least $ a5o or pay io bills online, we'll give you $ioo. 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Bonus will be credited to your account within 60 days after satisfaction of conditions. Offer valid fur new perso .rim or mness c.necrang acctmn openen n'om 3/8-4/16/10 with $100 or more from a financial institution other than Bank of the West. Offer subject to change wtthout prior notice and may ue terminated or extended based on response. Offer does not apply to second or multiple checking accounts of the same type (penmnal or Innine.s. ). Limit of one $100 bonus per personal household or business entity per calendar year.: To the extent required by law, Bank of the Writ wi_'ll L _n _ _t_,e value of the offer to the IRS on Form 1099. Any applicable taxes are the responstbihty ot the account holder. All accounts are suaject to me hang s standard terms and conditions and fee schedule. @2010 Bank of the West. Member FDIC.