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Page 2 April 1, 2010
Doris Fahlstrom
BEACH - Doris Fahlstrom. 94.
of Dickinson. formerly of Beach.
passed away on Saturday, March
27. 2010. at St. Benedict's Health
Center in Dickinson.
Visitation will be held from 1-5
p.m.. Thursday, April I. at the
Chapel of the Silvernale-Silha
Funeral Home in Beach. Funeral
-services will be held at 10:30 a.m..
Friday, April 2. at the First Lutheran
Church in Beach with the Rev.
Roger Dietede officiating.
Interment will follow in the
Lutheran Cemetery. Silvernale-
Silha Funeral Home of Beach is
entrusted with arrangements.
Doris Montana McGee was born
on Feb.-8, 1916, in Geraldine.
Mont.. the.second child of Melvin
and lEssie (Saundersl McGee. Doris
attended schools in Geraldine and
Burke. Idaho. where she graduated
at tile age of I fi. She attended busi-
ness siol ]mPortland. Ore. While
in P3rtland. sfie ),'as employed as a
stenographer with Russell. Hoppe,
Stewart & Balfour Stock and Bond
Brokers, Pacific Fruil Express and
Bonneville Power.
Doris met her true love. Leonard
Fahlstrom. while in Portland. She
and Leonard were married on. Jan.
12. 1944. in New York City.
Following Leonard's discharge
from the United States Navy, the
couple returned to the family farm
-in Golden Valley County, in an
army truck that Leonard had pur-
chased. They farmed with
Leonard's father. Gunnar. They also
operatedFahlstromGrain Company
in Beach. , ' •
Doris and Leonard were
blessed with three children: Joan.
Linda and Craig. Doris and
Leonard lived on the family farm
until 1984. at which time they
bought a home in Beach. When the
children were older. Doris was
employed as a teacher's aide at
Lincoln Elementary School in
Beach. She also worked as a secre-
tary for First Lutheran Church.
Later in her life. she wrote special
interest-articles for the Golden
Valley News and provided photo-
graphs for the articles. After the
retirement of Leonard's long-term
secretary at the elevator. Doris
took on the position of bookke@-
er at the Fahlstrom Grain
Doris was a member of First
Lutheran Church and participated in
the church circle. She served as a
member of the church council and
as a Sunday School teacher. She
was also active m supporting the
Badlands Bible Camp She was a 4-
H leader and a member of the
Thelen Homemaker's Club.
As Doris' children left the nest.
she decided to take up photogra-
phy. and she enrolled in a corre-
spondence photography course.
. . ..<
Her photos were featured on the
covers of Horizons and REC
magazines. A Horizons calendar
was dedicated to her talented pho-
tography. One of her photo-
graphs. "The Gnarled Hands of
the Farmer." was featured in a
New York gallery. One of her
series of articles nd photographs
in the Golden Valley News fea-
tured those who had turned 80
years old in Golden Valley
Doris and her husband both
enjoyed traveling and took trips to
Russia. Australia. ,New Zealand.
Europe. Hawaii and Mexico. They
shared their lofle of travel with their
children and grandchildren, taking
several trips to Disney World. Doris
shared her photos of travels to other
countries via slide shows to various
groups in the community.
Doris had a delightful sense of
humor that endeared her to her faln-
ily and friends. She could find
humor in everyday happenings and
often had a story to share. Her
hearty laughter is a memory her
family will cherish. Writing letters
was something she enjoyed, and she
faithfully kept up correspondences
with distant friends and family over
the years.
Doris was preceded in death by
her parents, Melvin and Essie
McGee: her husband. Leonard
Fahlstrom: her daughter. Linda
Fahlstrom: and her brother. Don
Doris will be remembered by
her family: daughter, Joan (Pat)
Mins of Maple Grove. Minn.: son,
Craig (Merrill) ,ahlstro, f
DiCkinson: grandchildren. Kelly
(Jason Williams of Shoreview,
Minn.: Danya Fahlstrom of
Bloomington. Minn.: Kyra
Fahlstrom of Denver, Colo.: and
Savannah Fahlstrom of
Minneapolis: and great-grand-
child, Winston Williams of
Memorial contributions may be
directed to Badlands Ministries,
RO. Box 305. Medora. ND 58645.
Remembrances and condolences
may be shared with the family at
home .com.
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Farmers Union Oil Co.
Interstate Cenex
HOT STUFF I,Hot Stuff Pizza
Roger D. Meidinger
Meidinger. 71, of Beach, died on
Tuesday. March 23. 2010. at the
Eastern Montana Veterans Home in
Glendive, Mont.
Visitation was held from 3-5
p.m. and from 6-8 p.m. on Sunday,
March 28, in the Silvernale-Silha
Funeral Home of Glendive. Per
Roger's request, a graveside service
with military honors was held at 11
a.m. on Monday, March 29. in the
Prairie County Cemetery in Terry,
Mont., with the Rev. David Richter
officiating. Silvernale-Silha Funeral
Home of Glendive was entrusted
with the arrangements.
Roger was born on July 17. 1938,
in Terry, Mont.. the son of Emanuel
and Martha (Freier) Meidinger. He
was raised and educated in the
Fallon-Terry, Mont.. area. graduat-
ing fi'bm Terry High School with the
class of 1956. Roger was intelligent,
witty and talented. As a junior in
high school, having been selected to
attend Boys State, he performed a
musical solo for the Montana state
governor. Roger married Nancy
Scheitlin on Feb. 14. 1958, in
Glendive. The couple separated in
1982 and were later divorced.
On April'28. 1967, Roger was
called to active duty with the United
States Army. He served in Vietnam.
where he was awarded the Bronze
Star medal for meritorious service.
During Roger's military career he
was stationed at various military
bases throughout the southern
United States, and as a National
Guard liaison officer for many years
in Bend, Ore. Roger was honorably
discharged from military service on
July 17, 1998, with the rank of cap
Roger made his home in
Fruitland, Idaho, as well as Terry,
before moving to Beach in 1995.
where he was named as the city of
Beach public works supervisor in
October 1996, a position that he
held until his retirement. Roger
married Marlene (Johnson) Chaska
on March 31.1997. Roger had con-
tinued his residence in Beach until
recently moving nto the Eastern i
Montana Veterans Home m )
Glendive. Ib, -
Roger was a longnme member':
of many service organizations
including the Jaycees and the Elks
Lodge and had served as the exalted
ruler of the Bend. Oregon lodge.
Roger was always very athletic and
was an accomplished outdoorsman.
who enjoyed fishing and water and
snow skiing. He had an ear for
music and was a talented musician,
who could play piano, organ and a
variety of stringed instruments and
enjoyed entertaining with folk and
gospel music, as well as his own
compositions. He was most com-
fortable in front of an audience, a
master teller of tall tales and per-
formed at many local and charity
events everywhere he called home.
Roger was preceded in death by
his parents, his stepmother. Lydia
(Opp-Gaub); two children. Vicki Jo
and Roger: one brother. Arnold: an
infant sister. Evelyn; and a sister-in-
law. Lois (Lynnl Meidinger.
Survivors include a daughter.
Kathryn Larson and her husband
David of Miles City, Mont.: an
adopted daughter. Tami Morey;
four grandchildren. Stephanie and
Darren Morey and Calder and Ciera
Larson: two great-granddattghters.
Kylie and Mila: one sister. Violet
Scammon and her husband Sammy
of Wibaux. Mont.: one brother.
Harvey Meidinger and his wife
Darlene of Glendive: and numerous
nieces and nephews.
Remembrances and condolences
may be shared with the family at:
home .com.
Armella Chruszch
BELFIELD - Armella Chruszch.
80. Bellield. died Thursday, March
25. 2010. at St. Benedict's Health
Center. Dickinson.
Armella's Parastas was held at
10 a.m.. Monday, March 29. at St.
John the Baptist Ukrainian
Catholic Church. Belfield. with the
Rev.Taras Miles as, celebrant and
assisted by Deacon Leonard
Kordonowv. Interment was sched-
uled at St. John's Ukrainian
Cemetery. Visitation was from 2
p.m. to 4 p.m.. Sunday, at Ladbury
Funeral Service. Dickinson. with a
rosary and time of sharing at 3
p.m. Visitation continued one hour
prior to services at the church on
Armella Gregory was born on
Feb. 7. 1930. in Belfield. the
daughter of John A. and Anna Armella was a loving and caring
(AnhelukGregory. She was raised wife. mother and grandma to her
and educated in the Gotham area husband. Paul: their three children.
and also attended Model High in Connie (Andy) Huschka. Cypress.
Dickinson. Calif.: Cheryl (Frank) Petvkowski.
Armella married Paul Ostego, Minn.: and Bob Corinnel
Chruszch on June 5. 1947. at St. Chruszch. Beltield: live _randchil-
Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic dren. Melissa (Markl Pcterson.
• Church at Ukraina. Together they Clinton (Amy) Nameniuk, Caleb.
farmed north of Belfield in Lane and Dokia Chruszch: five
Billings County, and in 1965 great-grandchildren. Hannah.
moved into Belfield where they Collin and Hailer Nameniuk.
continued to farm and also oper- Maisey and Marshall Pcterson: and
ate an electrical contracting busi- her sister-in-law. JoAnn Gregory,
ness. Due to health reasons. Chandler. Ariz. She was preceded
Armella became a resident of St in death by her parents, and two
Benedict's Health Center in brothers and one sister-in-law.
August 2000• LaVerne and Raymond lJoAnn)
Armella and Paul were founding Gregory. In lieu of llowers, memo-
members of St. John the Baptist rials are preferred to St. Mar's
Ukrainian Catholic Church. She Ladies Society at St. John the
was a member of the St. Mary's Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church.
Ladies Society and had also been a Arrangements are with Ladbury
leader in the 4-H Funeral Service. Dickinson.
www.ladbury funeralservice.cotn.
Golden Valley News
P.O. Box 156, Beach• ND 58621
(U.S.P.S. Pub.
No. 221-280)
Staff: Richard Volesky,
editor, reporter, advertising
and office manager; Jane
Cook, office and news assis-
The Golden .Valley News is
published each Thursday, 22
Central Ave., Suite 1, Beach,
ND 58621 by Nordmark
Publishing,. Rolla, ND.
Periodicals postage paid at
Beach, ND and additional mail-
ing offices. $
address changes to: Golden
Valley News, P.O. Box 156,
Beach, ND 58621.
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• Phone: 701-872-3755
• Fax: 701-872-3756
• 1 year: $31 Golden Valley
and Wibaux counties
• 1 year: $34 elsewhere in
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• 1 year: $37 out-of-state
• 9 months: $19 In-state
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The Golden Valley News is a proud
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Newspaper Association.
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I've been
elected seven times." -or. Wayne Sanstead
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Rain/Snow Mostly Cloudy Mostly Sunny
48/33 47/33 50/32
Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 20% Precip Chance: 5%
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